The Energy of the Month for November is BENEVOLENCE

This is a month to really open up your energy to the whole environment and tune in to every single being and creature in it so you can extend your inner care and kindness. This personal  benevolence to express and reach out is truly beneficial to you – as it spreads your energy – helping you bring out your inner warmth and outflow your invaluable wisdom. What an opportunity to show how much you have to give and gift the world.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Everything you have received from the generous universe we live in is but an intermittent pass-through. It is ultimately meant to continue on as you share it with others enriched with your own inner signature and touch. If you instead want to hold on to it only for yourself, it will not do you any good at all. It is like damming up the river from more of the flow that could come your way. Release and allow it to be free by letting it go so you can move forward. All benevolence, although on the surface it seems to be oriented toward others or done on their account, is doing you more good than to those you open up to. This is because you cannot give to others what you do not have within yourself. Before you can enrich anyone else, you need to be full of all of your accrued inner wealth and wisdom inside. Although you can be helpful or concerned with something outside of yourself, you really need to be responsible and able to rely on your own self first. If you do not know what it means to take care of yourself, how can you truly care for others or be an example of what they can do to be just like you – loyal to yourself first? For this reason, it is even more important than ever this whole month to closely attend to and help yourself. Be practical by making everything work in your favor and self-reliant to see that all things bring you fulfillment and make you be the best you can be. Then and only then, everyone around you can see your self-loyalty in action and working great so they can get inspired and use what you have gathered for yourself through lifetimes as a pattern to follow.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
How much is your business equally good for both you and others? If it is more good for you than your customers, then you may be taking advantage of situations this is creating and it is leaving your clients feeling short of what they were expecting from your service. Although it may seem you are gaining a lot more from this, the truth is that it will not work for you as well as it could because you are really robbing yourself of the invaluable benevolence missing from the equation. In other words, if you are not giving of yourself properly, you may feel lacking inside and are not sharing enough with others. The more greedy you become, the more you are impoverished from the real gifts you could be giving out and are working more from your intellect rather than your true feelings. If, on the other hand, your service is tipped the other way and it is better for your recipients than it is for you, you are leaving yourself behind by being a do-gooder and instead of working from real feelings – you act purely from your emotions (feelings we have been taught to feel). This will create unbalanced anger and resentment and an overly-concerned energy to the point of even blaming your customers – and you may begin to feel overused and tired. Nothing works as well as the balanced 50-50, in other words, 50% good for them and 50% good for you – all at the same time. In order to accomplish this, all you need to do is look for an equal energy exchange in your business which builds solid and ever-lasting relationships and keeps everyone’s inflow and outflow on the straight and narrow all the time.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
You may really love those around you, but this is not enough when you may not know how to support them in what they have come here to do. Your greatest care and concern can be expressed through allowing them to just be themselves while backing them spiritually and physically in whichever way they choose to freely be and what they want to do for themselves. Otherwise, if you come down hard and heavy with stern advice, your motives are off and you want to control them for your own convenience. By requiring them to follow your personal belief system, you are actually building a golden prison for them – thinking this is the best and safest environment for them to live in. But there is no better place to live in than freedom in whatever form it may look like to them. Even if they are in a situation where they are not being provided for at the optimum level, as long as their spirit is allowed to flow unbound and free, they will still have an opportunity to be tuned in and pick up priceless inspiration to get themselves in the right place at the right time. This way, they can use their own sensitivity to do their own thing as they are meant to. Therefore, anyone is usually better off without a golden chain around their neck even though they are being provided for with a lot of abundance. Set them free to find themselves, unless they are truly in danger. Give those around you the benevolence to be as they wish and the real them will appreciate your own free spirit letting theirs soar on their own path to self-fulfillment. Only then will everything truly click into place and the right fit in your relationship will become obvious with time and be given a reasonable chance to work. Remember, there is no such thing as a generation gap – just a communication gap!

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Weekly Energy of the Day for October 27-November 2, 2014

Every single day and hour of this week will be AMAZING because you will be appreciating the invaluable opportunity you have to change everything in your life and your environment for the better.

Monday, October 27, 2014: Tutor
Learning more as you grow spiritually comes with mentoring and today you are going to meet your real tutor unexpectedly. You will recognize them because you will want to hang on every single word they say as if no one else knows whatever it is that they know –  even if they are repeating things you have been told all along by many other people – but have never paid attention to it until now. Have a great experience and send us a picture or a note to share your joy.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014: Frivolous

Be forewarned not to take anything that happens today lightly or in a frivolous way. The day will possibly hold the most important discovery for you in the last decade and if you tune out, even for a minute, you may not pick up something rather important which is meant to give you extra energy to help you roll down your own lane.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014: Penetrate
You can and do understand exactly how to clarify the most complex unresolved questions  right in front of you now. Do it simply by going deep into it to penetrate with your own sensitivity through the layers of what seems difficult and why. Ask yourself: If you were to break it down into compact units, what would be the first thing you want to happen to help you accomplish each one? Go with exactly what comes to your mind and put forth an effort to make it happen, then move on to the next. You will not believe how much easier it will get when you look at the parts of the whole separately and then one after the other. It is like taking mental steps to seeing it all happen in reality.

Thursday, October 30, 2014: Sail
A smooth sail on calm water is what you want to experience today with every single move you make. Be above any mingling with negativity so you do not disturb the promising to be most peaceful and serene day you have experienced for a long time.

Friday, October 31, 2014: Wow!
With restored restfulness you can wow! the world around you with your natural swiftness and touch, being quick on your feet to respond to the ever-changing situations – one after the other. By being sensitive and delicate with all of the developing matters in your day, you can bring the best out in yourself and inspire the same in all those around you.

Saturday, November 1, 2014: Rest
Catch up on some long overdue and much needed rest so you can restore the strength and agility you need to employ the actions you will undertake to get closer to the completion of the many important tasks and chores you are committed to.

Sunday, November 2, 2014: Remember

Never cease to remember the beginning you have started from and how far you have come on your way to pursue your desires. If you have been able to come this far, just imagine how much farther you can go and stream toward what you want to accomplish with double the amazing speed at which you are already traveling.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Be your own tutor to avoid frivolous and unserious behavior and instead penetrate down to the real deal in everything you do to sail through smoothly and wow! everyone in the process who will not be able to rest before they can remember your great example.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Remember to rest so you can wow! the world and sail smoothly as you penetrate through any frivolous put downs and establish a tutor-like mentality in order to share all of your well-earned wisdom.

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Energy of the Week for October 27-November 2, 2014: Amazing

Mix your own recipe of amazing experiences and success when you use your highest inspiration and apply your greatest motivation to achieving your goals or at the very least make serious progress. Nothing is as difficult as you may think once you are already heading for it. This is because, once your energy is in motion, it is far more dynamic and driven – making it easier to steer where it needs to go while adjusting your flow along the way. Just get out of any stagnant water you might have gotten stuck in and shake it off. You will then be ready to tackle anything and advance like nobody’s business.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

You know that every shadow looks much bigger than the object casting it. This same illusion sometimes creates whatever barriers you may think you are facing at any particular time in your life. In reality, they are at least 10, 20 or even 50 times smaller than you make them out to be even though they may feel insurmountable as if you are advancing into unknown territory. How many times have you gone through something like this just to find yourself saying: Oh, this was easier than I imagined it would be!? In fact, if you really scale down all of those roadblocks, they will turn into mere dust in front of you – the giant. Not only will you get over them, but you will not even know you are doing it. It will be that easy. If you are not sure this will work just imagine, for practice purposes, you are overcoming a scaled down and smaller version of what you believe is ahead of you. The same way you approached and defeated the treacherous similar but smaller blockages, now steer right through the real ones. You have now become somewhat of an expert with your own experience, so do the same thing over and over again by seeing them smaller than they really are. You will establish, each and every time you do this, you have indeed overrated how difficult it is to do what you have now done so easily. As we said, you are the chef. Make something delicious out of each challenge you see in front of you. Yes, it is true. You are amazing!

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
How do you picture an amazing business week for yourself? Do not avoid imagining it, because this time it is not going to remain a dream. The energy flowing through planet Earth this week will allow you to scout out all of your inspirations so you can transform them into a reality. Something magical will happen when you chart in your mind the exact developments and outcomes you want. This desired blueprint is now ready to be created to exist in the real world. This puts you one step ahead of the game. It is like laying a foundation so you can build the first story next. This will bring you much closer to your dream. All you need to do now is to keep moving forward as if you have already achieved it. You are doing the most natural thing you can do by making a total contribution to the world. The more you outflow and give of yourself, the more the universe will send you goodies to fill up this newly freed up space in your energy. It really is true. You can never stay on empty for too long. You are leaving behind what you have already shared so you can replace it with something much more upgraded and improved. Spare no effort to fill yourself up again with a fresh and new approach to accomplishing the next big thing. Your take away is to give the most and receive ultimate satisfaction while, at the same time, enjoying the most rewarding, fulfilled and gratifying time you could ever have. But wait! It only gets better from here on out.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
By sharing your story, you will be able to pass on amazing inspiration to others as an example of what you have personally lived through. The more you spread it around, it magnifies its magnetic power to uplift and serve as a quick tip for others in the process. The more you enrich them, the more you feel enriched. There is nothing better than reaching out to both ends of planet Earth with your energy, stretching it far and wide. This will expand your spirit and elevate your soul. You can share who you really are, what has moved you and how certain important things matter a lot. If you notice, every touching story contains a personal element and experience which is charged with real heart and essence. You may also feel the presence of whoever inspired you as an unceasing and never ending motivation. Let those who you align with enough to be in the same environment in this day and time experience the real you, your depth and core. Chances are you recognize each other from past lifetimes when you first began to build the rapport you have now. Recognize the people who are your own special proponents and spend more time amazing them with the wit and wisdom you have gathered up along the way.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for October 20-26, 2014

Bring out your PIZAZZ! to stand out and make happen everything you want to do this week. This will attract those who have come to help you and allow yourself to release the rest who do not resonate with your message while making your most powerful move toward all of your goals and aspirations.

Monday, October 20, 2014: Upbeat
This will be an upbeat day like never before and it is likely you could not prevent it from happening even if you tried to sleep all day. It will exhilarate you to just be alive, alert, awake and enthusiastic. Harvest this artillery of powerful energy and put it to work for you for the rest of the week as well.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014:
It is time to be sincere and look in the mirror at the real face staring back at you. There is nothing you can hide from yourself for too long. Everything you need to learn will surely come up over and over again until you finally pay attention to it. Make this be today and you will miraculously advance ahead with your own projections.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014: Collaborate
What makes you collaborate with anyone on an idea? Is it their savvy which you believe will contribute to the common cause or is it your own need to link what you do with something else to make it even bigger than it already is? Pay closer attention at the real motives for this mutual engagement and you can distinguish between what is really good and can work for you and what you might need to do to take a second look before you go further along with it.

Thursday, October 23, 2014: Sensational
This should be a great day with everything going just right and being in the right place at the right time so you will surely feel sensational and uplifted. Realize there is so much more good in store for you than all of the things that could go wrong. Adopt this pattern of thinking going forward and this will be exactly how it will continue to be for you.

Friday, October 24, 2014: Unique
How grateful are you for just being yourself? You may look up to the things experienced by others thinking they may be better off than you, but despite this, you would never really want to switch with them, even if you may say you do. Your own unique identity belongs to you and your only challenge is to unfold your full potential. Bring yourself up to the task and a lot more will happen for the better than you may have otherwise thought possible.

Saturday, October 25, 2014: Purpose
Go for what you want head on and with a stellar purpose. All doors will open up for you  and you will enter them with ease today.

Sunday, October 26, 2014: Understanding

With the understanding you have about where you fit to become successful in your own way, it is important to keep the overall concept of all of your endeavors together so the whole is in one cohesive piece.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Have an upbeat and sincere clarity to collaborate in a sensational and unique way with a purpose of mutual understanding while achieving all of your desired results.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Any understanding you have of your own purpose is unique and sensational in its own way and will give you the ability to collaborate with a sincere and upbeat rhythm.

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Energy of the Week for October 20-26, 2014: Pizazz!

Turn up the music and get ready to bring down the house with your natural pizazz! and abundant power. Let it flow out of you vigorously and in rhythm. Speak out loud about the things that excite and ignite you and let the world hear your determination just to be and get where you want to end up by the end of the week.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Be strong and bold this week and bring out your pizazz! Clarify the reality of getting your true plans underway now. For this purpose, you need to know exactly what you are going to do and move forward to make it happen. This week, if you forget, overlook or deny yourself, it may set you back a year. This is how important it is not to leave yourself behind in your own big picture. The energy wants to back you by speeding you up as if you were on a flat escalator at the airport which moves you ahead while you walking on it – doubling your speed and getting you there in half the time. So, when you look at all your options: getting there that much sooner or being delayed by a year, how difficult could it be to chose the right way? Do not even blink an eye. There is nothing to think about. Just go ahead and do it and you will never have felt better in your entire life.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
at work? Is this a rare occurrence? How often do you get really excited about the prospect of what you can do and what it offers others? Does it seem like a daily routine of chores or a big headache with all the little things that come up and need handling over and over again? This week, you need to bring yourself out of the small picture you have yourself locked into. Stand to the side and look from an outsider’s point-of-view at the big huge canvas of how what you do plays an important role – both in your life and in the lives of others. If you stand back far enough, you will see how crucial and irreplaceable what you bring to others is. How different everything would be if you were not there. With a much bigger perspective, you can truly evaluate the incredible impact you are making for yourself and others. This will help you feel a whole notch above the ordinary and taller while putting more meaning into everything you do while realizing how much more it yields to everyone else in the process.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Accept yourself for who you truly are. It is time you feel comfortable in your own shoes and show those around you who really care for you how much you care for them. Let your own pizazz!, glam and glory come out from the dungeon and into the world so everyone can finally meet and greet the true you and accept you as an equal friend, partner and fellow human being. Your true heart inside is the most priceless asset you have above and beyond education, knowledge and even experience. Let all of your warm feelings lead the way as you walk with those who are important to you. You can never disappoint anyone when you are just being your genuine self.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for October 13-19, 2014

The FRUITION of your desires may be closer than you think. Do not waver from your plan and stay firm on your decision to get there so you can make it a reality.

Monday, October 13, 2014: Facts
When you tally all of your facts today, do not forget to sum up the whole picture they are describing. It may take a closer analysis to discover you are equipped with whatever you need to make things work for yourself, even if it is not as obvious right off. Take an inspired second look into the totality of your situation and realize you have more going for you than you have given yourself credit for and even more prosperous potential than you have imagined so far.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014: Charge
yourself with beautiful energy from the great prospectus you have put in place this week to bring whatever you are working on to fruition and use this elevated inspiration to come up with the best this may hold for you. Do not underplay the extra power of feeling good and enthusiastic. It can and will do more for you today than you thought possible.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014: Live
Today is a reminder you create the life you want to live and are never stuck with the one you do not want to have. Never feel powerless to change around the things that do not work for you. You can do this easier than it is to make the decision to will switch things around for the better. Then, doing it will be even sweeter than you could have expected and more delicious than your ordinary triumphs.

Thursday, October 16, 2014: Dynamic
As you move through this week, you will notice an unusual phenomenon. Not only will you not get worn out and tired toward the end of the week, but to the contrary, it will be more exhilarating and exciting experiencing the fruition of your projects in the making day by day. Your dynamic self will be pumped up by the challenges and encouraged by the glimpses of light showing you are getting closer to the end of the tunnel.

Friday, October 17, 2014: Restriction
Staying clear from distractions is your only restriction to keep you on the straight and narrow to fulfilling your journey and arriving at your destination. It may be easier said than done today with a lot of outside influences pouring in, but you can always set parameters to deal with all the non-essential matters later on and stay on target with your top clear priorities.

Saturday, October 18, 2014: Wonderment  
Another day that will make room for pure wonderment with unexpected good things happening in your life. It will indeed feel surreal as if someone who is watching you is giving you the hand you need to be more steady and keep going in a more solid way toward your personal fruition. Let us know about your most interesting experiences today.

Sunday, October 19, 2014: Exercise

Has it been a while you have not had a chance to exercise more and be proactive physically? Open the windows wide and let your being give out its strength in an agile and lively way for just a couple of minutes. This will get you more limber and alert to employ the rest of your abilities in an even more tangible and conscious way to the tasks at hand.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Use irrevocable facts to stay in charge as you live in a dynamic way with controlled restriction to a wonderment of power and exercise to become enthusiastic and renewed.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Find a way to exercise with wonderment and have no restriction to the dynamic way to live and be in charge of all facts and circumstances that relate to you.

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Energy of the Week for October 13-19, 2014: Fruition

You can indeed seize the moment this week and bring things to fruition only if you remain organized and do not let the last lap before the finish line feel like it is too much for you to handle. Yes, you have carried the weight for awhile and it may be getting a bit heavy. But you can pace and energize yourself by taking a big deep breath and stay determined to finish the job no matter what.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

It is a well known secret that everything ends up feeling the hardest to do just before it actually opens up and works. This is why it is important not to drop the ball under any circumstances, even if it seems as if you cannot make it. Stay on track and keep on going. The perspective can change every moment to the next and you will get a break sooner than you think if you stay with it and remain focused to see it through. Whatever it is for you, you have already been giving it your best because it is important to you. Usually, what happens when you are trying to accomplish something is you are simply being tested as to how worthy you are of its fruition. Since you have undertaken it to begin with, you must have already clearly seen yourself carrying it to completion and this has been the pinnacle of your tireless efforts all along. No one else has the same picture about this, but you. Do not use anything else as guidance other than your own desire to keep moving. Listen to yourself and ask: Which way would I choose simply because it feels right? Of course, if it feels right inside against all odds and the opinions of others, you will be clear about what you need to do and where you need to be as long as it is what you truly want. Stick to it and this will become your armor to succeed in the end.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
All business plans and projections are meant to lead you to a better place and advance you ahead. Their full fruition is possible as long as you do not give up. In time, with any new developments, everything always ends up working for the better – even when it may not seem so at first. If you keep at it, the energy will refine and fine tune itself to comprise an even better fit for what you are trying to accomplish in the big picture. Bigger plans may have a longer gestation, but they will produce results greater than you originally envisioned. Since you are learning as you go, you can always come up with even more efficient ways and nuances of achieving the same thing in a whole new fashion. This is why it is key to not get locked into a picture, but remain fluid and flexible to harbor fresh inspiration as it comes to you. You can make everything fit that comes from pure motivation and drive. Wanting to make it work really well is never too much to ask. It is exactly what you strive for and dream about. You are only wasting your time if you are trying to do something someone else has already done. Pushing the envelope positions you ahead of the curve of an expanding service which knows no limits. You are not getting ahead of yourself when you start to think big. You are simply projecting yourself a month or two ahead. You will be able to catch up with yourself in the future as you flow with the overall energy. This way, you will always stay on your own track following in your own footsteps.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Allow your closest relationships to flourish to their natural fruition. The real things in life are the simplest. If your heart is directing you somewhere, you will never get angry following it, because you know there is a really good reason for doing it. Make sure you are sharing your true feelings with those around you and are not hiding anything your soul is saying inside. Since no one owes you anything, do not expect, assume or demand of anyone. If you picture yourself doing something as if you were in their shoes, this is your own imagination and does not need to be imposed on them. Allow the people around you to just be themselves and do as much as they are inspired to do for themselves. This is the only real way you can have a true relationship with them and find out if there is a deeper connection to work with. You really do not want anyone doing anything they do not want to do to begin with, but ended up doing it not for themselves, but for you. This will never end up in a good place as it warps their behavior away from their own sensitivity and creates resentment toward you. Allow for a natural overlap of sincere actions between the two of you and you will have an experience you can both enjoy together and rely on to last for a long time to come.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for October 6-12, 2014

Let yourself ZOOM! into seeing the depth of others around you so you can ZOOM! more down the line to achieve your greatest success along with them.  

Monday, October 6, 2014: Love
Start with unconditional love, which does not choose a narrow path with limited resources, but is expansive and unbounded. This is imbedded somewhere in every one of us. The key is to connect within where it thrives so you can bring it out to help it shine and warm your environment like a morning sun.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014: Wild

Reaching out to others could be a wild and unpredictable experience, but is worth it! It allows you to find out where people are so you can help them go even further in their own life path.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014: Organize
By now, you must be entertaining the thought to organize a get-together with some other like-minded friends and focus on your ability to zoom! in and zoom! toward all the things that keep you moving ahead.

Thursday, October 9, 2014: Uplifting
Enhance your day with uplifting energy by taking part in any gathering you resonate with which gives you a chance to thoroughly express yourself.

Friday, October 10, 2014: Direction
Clarify your direction by staying firm and unwavering on important matters, especially with the opportunities you choose to delve into as you go.

Saturday, October 11, 2014: Celebrate  
There is nothing better to do today than celebrate the great things you are gifted with and you have been reminding yourself of all week long. Smile and enjoy the fine moments you will experience both inside and out. For once, forget there is anything that bothers you whatsoever. Be in total bliss and use your passion to stay on the top of the world with the blessed opportunities you are given to soar with.

Sunday, October 12, 2014: Uncover

This could be the most appropriate time to uncover the exact route to follow in the coming week from the first day to the last. Make a detailed plan so you can march on without a second lost in wondering what you need to do. Keep on rolling straight toward an uncanny success of enormous proportions – which will create momentum for you to stream ahead for a long time to come.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Love yourself and others with the wild power to plan and organize an uplifting switch in your direction to celebrate and uncover the real you.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Take a second to uncover and celebrate your direction to uplifting proportions so you can organize yourself and others with your wild love of life and warm affection.

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Energy of the Week for October 6-12, 2014: Zoom!

Use the mighty power of your own intuition and foresight to do something you have never done before. You can create a better outcome for yourself and others by taking a long moment to zoom! deep into the eyes of the people in front of you so your own soul reaches and touches theirs. Break through any barriers to connect beyond the normal interaction you are already having with them. If they have any confusion blocking them with the limitation of fear or complacency making them feel superior, even seeking your devotion, you can bypass this by helping them bring out their real genuine self – positive and caring.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

It is time to look beyond the outer layer of people in your environment. From a personal point-of-view, passing judgment based on what anyone has done in the past is limiting your own ability to click with the real soul you encounter. The clearer you are in your personal space to understand that all people are perfect in their imperfectness, all striving to learn and grow in their own individual way, you can put out a whole different vibe when approaching anyone for whatever reason. Look deep inside each person for the true energy which brought them here once again to refine their own wisdom and philosophy inside. You can believe in their human spirit only by believing in yours and its affirmative drive to be, create and expand. Furthermore, take every moment in context since energy flows consistently and interchanges all the time. Also, keep a fresh perspective of everything happening in your environment as you dive in to see what is always possible as you bypass the trivia. Then, you can zoom! in and recognize the inner essence of everyone who can help you along the way.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
How can you inspire those in your work environment to unfold their potential and really apply all their efforts toward the service you are offering? You can zoom! in and show them swiftly how it is done. Remind them how much you are inspired to do what you do and how much you take away from it on a daily basis. Share with them how it helps you grow and contributes to who you have become every passing hour. If you talk about the challenges that stimulate you to be more creative and improve yourself and get better at what you do, this will be great outflow and expand your influence through your thoughts, ideas and input. Give selflessly and spread your seeds of wisdom with a personal touch everyone will remember.    

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
You can speed up your energy to zoom! in and expand your boundaries with all of your experiences with others. Everything has to line up right and keep moving in a controlled way with all the people you associate with. It is like keeping the ball in the bowling lane in order to make a strike. Do not try to impose anything on anyone who does not see it as being essential or important for them as well. Instead, communicate effectively about the real impact it may have on both of you in different ways. Whoever joins you will be ready for it and those who do not – are not! Mutual timing is one of the most intricate of occurrences to achieve. If you sense someone is willing and needs a hand to come on board with you, do not waste their time. Just give it a chance right then and there. By finding out more about the people you spend the most time with, the better you can respond sincerely to their concerns and positions. Let everyone be themselves and the magic of coming together will happen perfectly on its own.

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The Energy of the Month for October is FORGE AHEAD

It is time to forge ahead wisely and strategically. You may feel excited and be tempted to take the plunge without making a thorough plan first, but it will be best if you can pace yourself just a little bit to allow the energy to flow so you can align yourself with it. The idea is to triple-check all of your steps and actions so you can move more powerfully in a very solid way and are unstoppable. Take a brief moment to breathe, hold on and when it feels right, charge ahead with all you have got.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
You need to feel as free and strong just like being on the front of the Titanic deck – soaring above the waters with the wind in your hair. Be directed and move smoothly while surging ahead as if you are cleared for takeoff – all the while making sure nothing undesired is going to happen. The biggest task you need to overcome is not worrying about anything that could possibly go wrong. In fact, be totally focused on the outcomes you have set to open up for yourself one-hundred percent. Any time you invest in trying to underplay your big success with the “what ifs” of what may not work will take away a whole lot more than you realize. It steers energy away from where it needs to be and undermines making all your desires happen. If you are keeping yourself busy thinking about anything negative, whose side are you on anyway? You must stay on yours. You can always cross over any bridges once you get to them. The best way to forge ahead is to go as if the ground in front of you is totally clear. You will make it happen by making your way forward and it could very well be the best experience you have ever had thus far.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Forge ahead
with thoughtfulness for everyone on your business team. Remember, you are one with each person who participates in delivering your final service or product to your customers. Even the person who delivers the mail has to do their share in order for anyone to receive their order. As you think about the whole system, set up your part in a way that enables and facilitates all others to do their part. When you help each other, you can maximize on the efficiency and functionality of how it all works for your customers. Leave some wiggle room within your model to handle anything unexpected and still make it happen. Tighten up everything else, including checking and re-checking the progress at every point along the way to make sure you are staying on top of it all – from beginning to end. In full control, with your meticulously planned and calculated approach, you can keep going steadily forward, forever expanding everything you are offering in a responsible and pleasantly reliable way.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
What is the value of socializing? Many people do not see the real deep meaning of sharing and exchanging with others in their circle of friends or acquaintances. They dismiss it as a waste of time for making cheap chatter that has no real bearing on your overall life. The opposite may be true. Whether you are alone, have a small or big family, mingling with your social peers shows a lot about you that even takes you by surprise many times. This is how you can hear yourself joke, convey your own thoughts and find out just how articulate you are within the casual conversations you are having. If you feel them getting somewhat shallow, you can always jump in with something more meaningful and exciting. This will uplift the overall spirits of everyone and you will be able to share some inspiring experience which has made a big difference in your life. Finding out you have more in common than you thought with most people is yet another affirmation about the pursuit each individual soul has in its expansion toward new horizons. In fact, their energy can be refreshing, just like a cool morning breeze. This will cause you to feel uplifted and deliver your absolute best no one else has seen as of yet.

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