Weekly Energy of the Day for September 29-October 5, 2014

It may sound tough, but it is important to impose a SANCTION on whatever is not functioning for yourself this week. This could be a blessed opportunity to improve every level of your life for the better.

Monday, September 29, 2014: Task
Start with the closest task at hand and get the much needed help from someone who really cares. Be upfront and approach them directly. Realize even more your connectivity with the people you are encountering on daily basis and the common ground you share. This will prove you are not alone and what you do is of utmost importance to someone close by.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014: Realize

Before you realize how well you actually have it, just to increase your awareness, it may at first look as if you do not. This will remind you to look more beneath the surface for the underlying reality of everything and what it indeed holds for you.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014: Gratitude  
More and more, you can fill yourself with gratitude on some level for the wonderful opportunities you hold within your very own hands – day in and day out. This is because it dawns on you that you could possibly make much more out of them as long as you act quickly with a lot of self-concern and a positive attitude.

Thursday, October 2, 2014: Persevere
Today, more than ever, giving up is not an option. Your ability to persevere is greater than you could ever have a reality check for. All you need to do is remain stubborn to the point you are definitely going to be hanging in there and making the best of it. After a while, even the sternest of circumstances will crumble at your own will and power of intent. Then, you will have all runways clear for takeoff, just as you have always wanted.

Friday, October 3, 2014: Contact
Someone making a contact with you unexpectedly will have you believing in synchronicity and the true support you actually have to carry out your mission to fruition despite anything else taking place around you.

Saturday, October 4, 2014: Loud  
You need to find your own peace within if the noise outside gets too loud today. Just like reading between the lines, you will need to listen between the roaring words the true reason for things happening the way they are. The quicker you discover this lesson, the easier it will be to forget how difficult it may have been for you to apply it.

Sunday, October 5, 2014: Act

Sometimes it may seem as if it will take an act of Congress to put in place the necessary conditions for you to accomplish the things you are truly meant to. You can totally speed this up if you spare no effort in discerning the various options you have in front of you and exercise your right to choose and go with the best.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

The task at hand is to realize your power with gratitude and ability to persevere as you make a contact with a loud and clear act of communication to the whole world at large.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Act loud and clear to reach and contact others who can persevere with their genuine gratitude to realize the power we all carry within and accomplish the task at hand.

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Energy of the Week for September 29-October 5, 2014: Sanction

This is a week for high self-discipline and imposing a strict sanction on all those weaknesses that turn your bold power into mushy blah! As long as you stay energized and focused, nothing will be insurmountable. Have you ever felt either defeated or crushed? We are about to find out what happens every time you drop your own pursuit of happiness and what you can do about it.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Let’s talk about the things you have not mastered for yourself as of yet. Just what happens exactly in those instances when you go away from your great sensitivity, pure intent, strong ability and real desire? Especially when you start becoming discouraged, irritated, impatient and hopeless to the point where you are giving up and do not believe in your own birth right to own and have everything you are meant to. You can definitely start by picking up and getting excited about all the things that mean a whole lot to you and the wonderful possibilities they hold. Envision how great it would be if what you are so inspired about becomes real. So, your premise is there. Get started right away with all of the factors you need to get you going. Is there a reason you would never finish all the way? If you end up feeling like a deflated balloon, something must be missing. It may have happened so fast you are not vigilant enough to stop it. Do not buy into all of the negative gibberish around you. If others think what you are doing is too outlandish, difficult and impossible or they bring up examples of all those who failed at trying similar things, do not get discouraged. If you take a closer look, you will find that these same people have never actually attempted to do these things themselves. They obviously do not understand what it is you are pursuing for yourself since they have never gone for it on their own. In doing what is right for you, there is but only one authority to listen to and this is you. Sanction for yourself what works and you will have a better chance to succeed. Once you own it, it is guaranteed to happen. Bring it to a happy ending each and every time.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Put a sanction on all the weak links in your business endeavors. You cannot afford your entire venture to go sour simply because of those who are not motivated enough to go along with you. You can accomplish more with a few stronger supporters than you could with a crowd of complacent people who are just not moved like you. You can test how much inspiration and drive everyone around you possesses and what it means to them to create together. With the others, just examine their total commitment. Since no one is indispensable, it would be good for you to raise the bar and stick with those who really care the most. You will want to have a firm and fair grip on every aspect of your entire service so you can gauge what is already working well and what could be even better. Tightening up a nut or bolt or two will surely bring a better result with the help of the people you can count with the most.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
It may be time for some tough love – even with your loved ones. Make sure everyone is taking all of your communications seriously, which allows for a full exchange and mutual consideration. You cannot advance if the others in your immediate environment are like a heavy rock tied around your neck. Everyone needs to be functioning on their own and standing solid on their own two feet. Then, every person will be independent in their own right and have the capability of being brought together as a unique blend of successful individuals with their own perspectives. This will enrich all of you with many experiences to learn from and all the wisdom of everyone spread around the table. Sanction yourself to avoid your doubts, so you can open up with your shining example of sharing and inner integrity.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for September 22-28, 2014

This week you can CONSTRUCT anything you decide to plan, design and execute for yourself. Do not question your ability to build whatever you want to have in your life. You have more than what you need to do it. You just have to discover and apply this powerful resource you hold within.

Monday, September 22, 2014: Beautiful
Unless you become weary between some circumstances, it should be another beautiful day in paradise for you. A smooth finish on some major tasks you have been working on lately should bring you huge relief and recharge you to keep going stronger and better.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014: Relevant

Everything has its time and place. The key is to address when it is the most relevant to your life. You do not need to compare yourself with others and what is going on with them. You are on your very own unique journey – unlike that of anyone else.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014: Rush
It may feel like a rush, rush and then more rush day for you as you go through the motions, but if you allow yourself to remain cool, calm and collected, you can effortlessly switch gears to being more automated and on top of things.

Thursday, September 25, 2014: Satisfy
At the end of any day, your most important goal is to satisfy the thirst and hunger you have for the projects most exciting to your very own nature. This is why, if you never decide to work with them or be a part of whatever they relate to, you will have no way of feeling fulfilled no matter how well everything else may be going for you. It simply will not count.

Friday, September 26, 2014: Launch
No more waiting and sweating around how things will open up for you and your plans. You will find the door unlocked and it will grandiosely reveal a pathway you have not even dreamed of – right in front of you. Run as fast as you can and seize this great launch moment. You may find yourself in a whole different place by the end of the day and you will absolutely love it.

Saturday, September 27, 2014: Extend
Extend all of the high energy you harvested from yesterday into all the other things in your life to make them feel as good as they can. If you have at least one good thing going on for you, it is easier to get everything else up and running in a heartbeat.

Sunday, September 28, 2014: A Situation Will Come Up That Will Make You Very, Very Happy

Not that you do not deserve it, but if you feel really nice things just do not happen to people like you, today will prove you wrong, since a situation will come up that will make you very, very happy. Wherever it pops up in your life, you are yet to find out. But whatever it is will be good. Share with us all about it so we can participate in your happiness and inner joy.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Life is always beautiful with relevant ideas to rush toward your own happiness and satisfy your great vision to launch and extend what you want to do throughout everything you have while a situation will come up that will make you very, very happy and leave you wanting more and more of the same.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Prepare for the time when a situation will come up that will make you very, very happy so you can extend with ease your resources to allow you to launch and satisfy your inspiration with a rush into most relevant and beautiful of experiences.

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Energy of the Week for September 22-28, 2014: Construct

Think of your life this week as a big pad of construction paper. You can personally cut, design and prepare anything you can think of and make from it. You have all different colors, unlimited ideas and all kinds of scenarios to work with. Anything you come up with, take the time to create for yourself whatever is right at your fingertips. It will be so easy to handle, your only real job is to enjoy the process and truly apply all you have within to its biggest potential. Of course, since you have just started a brand new spiritual year and are making plans and setting goals, you now have a special opening when nothing can stop you from designing the kind of life you want to construct for yourself first. Roll up your sleeves and make it happen!

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Many people think they are not good at sales, but the truth is, each one of us sell ourselves and everything we are experiencing all of the time. While most of you will say you are not in the construction business, in reality, you construct your very own life every passing second. You are constantly building what you have for yourself. No one else has done it, but you. If you do not like what you have created, you need to have a sincere heart-to-heart talk with your innermost being. It is very similar to what you see in the real industry – you have tools and make blueprints, you calculate budgets and rally a crew. You are there all the time and oversee how it is going, inspecting every piece as needed. You observe the progress and make assurances to speed up or slow down or even redo some parts if they do not turn out quite as expected. To make this the most successful process for yourself, there is one sure shortcut. All you have to do is answer a simple question: If you needed outside help building your own house, would you choose and hire yourself as the main contractor? Believe it or not, as much as you feel right and good about yourself most of the time, when you start looking at yourself from this point-of-view, would you become somewhat more critical and not as kind when measuring who you really are? Do you consider yourself to be the ideal strong, reliable, energetic, positive, capable person you would seek out to fit the job? If you sincerely do not think you would hire yourself, then what do you need to change to make yourself look good to yourself? What standards would you want to upgrade? If you may have somehow let yourself go and become lazy, unreliable or irresponsive (hopefully, this is not the case!), would you expect great results? The only way to find out the truth is to measure yourself with your own performance. Do you stand up and shine? Remember, if you feel good about hiring yourself, then everyone else will be competing fiercely to find someone exactly like you. It will be worth it to do this exercise. It will not take long and you will discover a lot about who you really are in the process.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
You are going to feel as if you are in a building mode in your business this whole week. What you will be able to achieve is only a part of what you desire. In other words, Rome was not built in one day. So, you might not be able to put every single piece of your plan in place in just seven days, but opening the energy will help you start the process and determine everything else you will be able to do later on. By helping yourself become more aware of what is coming ahead, the better mindset you are going to have in all of your encounters. Find and cultivate reliable business relationships around you and get even closer to these partners than before so they are available for as much support and feedback as you need. It is time to pay them back for how much they have helped you already. Be generous and construct a special initiative to reciprocate their concern for you. Even if you have not reached out to very many people up to now, there are those who will appreciate what you do and may have more of a vested interest than you may have thought of before. Nothing is self-lived or built for its own purposes only. It all extends and expands beyond the ideas and inspiration that bring them about. It can spread good to an endless number of possible recipients if you put your unique personal signature on it. This is why every opportunity is very much a priceless one.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
This is a good time to weave together and construct the kind of unity you have been dreaming about in your closest social unit. If all of you are not on the same page, your efforts may be spread in different directions and the whole will not fully benefit even if everyone’s heart is in the right place. Close communication still remains the best tool to exchange with each other on important points. Make sure you have coordinated the key elements of whatever concerns everyone has in the unit. Due to dynamics and personality differences, this is not the kind of thing you can just set up and forget about. Rather, reminders and rechecking are important to keep things on track and all of you in the loop. This way, you can ensure the whole is moving exactly where you want it to go. A great reminder is the story about the eagle, crab and salmon who tried to team up and move a big stone off the beach. Unfortunately, they missed on unifying their approach. So when they all got a hold of it, they started pulling from three different directions. The eagle was trying to lift it up high in the air while the crab was pulling it toward the sand dunes and the salmon was attempting to roll it into the water. Soon, they all discovered despite all their efforts, they were not able to move the stone and just got themselves tired. There is no need to spin your wheels for nothing. Go around to your immediate social circle and make sure everyone shares the same vision you do. Only then can you act on it together in the same way toward the same key end point. This, in fact, will magnify your efforts – much like a magnifying glass collecting and focusing lots of sun beams to a single point. The closer you are in your vision, the sharper you will be, like a knife that can cut through anything in the way of getting what you want. This may be one of the best times you have created synergy with your closest team. In other words, when you are alone, you count as one. But when you are together with those around you, you multiply to a new whole – bigger, better and larger than the sum total of what is embraced within it.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for September 15-21, 2014

Using your subtle and high-powered SUBLIME support, this week you can create as many great results as you can fit in your life. Stay clear, pace yourself and give your all to the endeavors you are being directed toward. You will have plenty of everything you need to accomplish your innermost goals in better ways than you ever thought possible.

Monday, September 15, 2014: Ecstatic
With a beginning of the week where you feel nothing short of ecstatic, it will be easy to up and go to the next step and follow your intuition about what you would like to do for yourself. Start from the top, even if you are facing a pile of things to do. Believe there is a bottom somewhere you can get to after you have uncovered everything else in it and you will have under your belt a mountain of accomplishments. Way to go!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014: Math

You always want to do the math to keep things grounded in an explosion of inspirations and hunches that will hit you overnight. Make them practical so you can manifest them as a part of your reality and not leave them in the dream world they started from.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014: Program
If you can tie in what you want to do with the situation you are in, you will be practically creating your own program to go by and achieve the results you are seeking for yourself. Those two places are connected through you and your strength to get from the one to the other. Picture this route as a rainbow. One end is where you are now and the other takes you where you want to go. But the journey in between is a colorful rise and slide of impeccable desire that does not cease and rest until it has become what you truly want it to be.

Thursday, September 18, 2014: Benevolent
There is nothing you need to do for anyone else until you have done it for yourself first. Then you can fully open up your inner craft of being benevolent and share from your own experience what certain things can bring and what you can do if you act on them persistently. Since the more you give in this regard, the more you have retained to release and the richer it will make your energy flow and be ever abundant.

Friday, September 19, 2014: Reexamine
Today is the day to clear out any snags after you have diligently decided to reexamine all of your important initiatives and their current status. Cleaning house in the arena of what you are involved in will certainly rejuvenate the total aura of your own energy making it that much better to go with.

Saturday, September 20, 2014: Prepare 
Naturally you always want to prepare for the significant things you want to do so you can give them your utmost best. In a way, for everything that happens to you, you are already prepared to handle from previous experiences and have plenty of wisdom to apply to it – passing with flying colors.

Sunday, September 21, 2014: Propel

You can propel your entire career all over again today if you just add some more spice and zest to it. Bring out your latest and greatest refined inner philosophy for what you are all about. Make a commitment to show and tell every move you make with its inspiring nature so it will amaze and win over everyone along the way.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

With ecstatic power you can do the math of having your own program by being benevolent after you reexamine your code of actions and prepare to propel your life where you want to go all over again.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Propel yourself and prepare to reexamine your benevolent ways to come up with your own program with the precision of math toward an ecstatic ending.

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Energy of the Week for September 15-21, 2014: Sublime

No matter where you are coming from in every aspect of your life, you are very close to having an elevated and glorious experience this whole week. If you stay true and loyal to yourself and your own inner senses, you will be able to accomplish everything you intend to and get more sublime inspiration throughout the day and night. Trust your intuition in every situation and you will be on the right track – for yourself.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Uncomplicate your life. Sometimes, daily routines can get to you more than you care to admit. You are here to do something bigger and more important than the little dramas that waste your time by causing complication or confusion. Stick to what you know is your own calling (what you have come here to do) and choose to go about it in a focused and undeterred way. Remember, the truth you have for yourself is always simple and the hints on how to go about what you need to do are usually subtle and sublime. You also need to be rested, refreshed, calm and clear to pick up the hunches and impressions the universe is passing on to you to avoid anything standing in your way. The best time is always now to use all the facilities it takes for you to run your own life with flying colors. Just grab on to the navigation bar and use your own inner manual for everything concerning you at this time. Also, learn to say “no” when you feel too much is going on around you and you start to become overwhelmed. You can always manage to be in a relaxed place and take full control so you are able to lead with your own inner power from this point forward.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life: 
The golden rule of thumb in business is as long as you are happy about what you do, you will inspire others to be happy as well.  This also describes the basis for the direct relationship you have with those you are offering your products and services to. This is why, time and time again, after having given them something they need or want, you have to listen to them and what they need from you. This way, you can inspire each other and you can continue to deliver to them what they want. As you know, without your clients or fellow associates, your efforts will never reach their destination. In other words, nothing will come back to enrich you in return. Focus on the top two repetitive requests you have received over and over again. Make it your top priority to satisfy these particular demands and this will manifest a lot more for you than you could possibly imagine. By having a sublime connection with your customers, clients and co-workers, you will be able to target what they are lacking and searching for. If you help make everything a really good fit, the whole equation of your relationship will be its own great and lasting solution. Go and make it happen!    

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Respect the agendas of others in your social arena. It is only right for everyone to pursue their own most important goals for themselves. If you appreciate being supported, your understanding and blessing is just as much needed on their end. Pay attention to the subtleties along the lines of what is being shared this week to fine-tune your relationships to clearly include the aspirations of all those around you. Combine these visions to be a colorful expression of rising opportunities for you and for them. Only with yielding and giving room to everyone’s desires can true and solid growth happen altogether. If you do this effectively, your energies will be weaved inseparably and become one whole of multiple facets and dimensions coming together. For this totally sublime result to take place, you will need to extend your benevolence and inner gifts toward a mutual exchange in order to complete something all of you will benefit from on a grand scale.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for September 8-14, 2014

You will have an incredibly interesting time going through to the next JUNCTION in your life with different options and possibilities. Forget about any bothersome circumstances or situations and get geared up for some brand new opportunities and experiences waiting for you right outside of your own door. Be sure to go out so you can face and embrace them with all of your energy and commitment.

Monday, September 8, 2014: Aftermath
Consider any long-lasting results from the choices you have made before and the possible aftermath of them all. If you do not have to face a similar decision for awhile, make sure you can live with the one you have made so you do not experience any regrets later on.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014: Coordinate

any major pieces of your perceived plan so nothing can deter you from accomplishing it. When you communicate what you want to do, in order to stay on track regardless of how others respond, you must have already firmly decided within what you are pursuing.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014: Loving  
Even if it appears to be a major challenge, experiment today to continue being loving at any cost and you will be amazed at the magical power this carries. No one can resist the melting warmth and smothering affection you can give, regardless of what has happened in the past. Just focus on and believe in the good-willed human nature inside each and every one of us. And, whatever you do, make sure you do not succumb to any external concepts or confusion. Talk straight to the soul and you will always win.

Thursday, September 11, 2014: Lucky
When you manage to stay on good terms with yourself, you will always have a kind of fluffy and kindred feeling you are solid and positive inside and can overcome just about anything that hits you. Consider yourself lucky and know how much you deserve it so you can always earn great fortune for yourself just by being the good old you.

Friday, September 12, 2014: Whisper
The wind or subtle sounds may whisper something in your ear today and it will be vitally important for you to pay attention to these delicate hints you are receiving. It may be just what you needed to hear in order to give you that little extra nudge to get you over the hump, so do not miss on it. Slow down if necessary to stay tuned in and listen carefully!

Saturday, September 13, 2014: Living
Living the life is one smart decision away. It is available right around the corner and you can get to it quickly if you stay very organized to complete your imperative tasks for the day in no time and make it an early night. Focus so you do not waste a moment and before you know it, you will be sipping a cup of relaxing tea in your rocking chair waiting to enjoy the sunset and unwind early for your evening.

Sunday, September 14, 2014: Terrific

Be excited! The first news in the morning will be terrific for you and, after this, everything should go as smooth as melted butter until you finish what you have on your plate for the day. There will be only one things left to do – keep the momentum going into the new week.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

You can foresee the aftermath of your decisions as long as you coordinate in a loving way so you can feel lucky and pay attention to the whisper in your mind in order to be living the terrific life you envision for yourself all the time.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Have a terrific inner peace so you will be living what the subtle whisper in your mind helps you with in order to be lucky and loving as you coordinate well with others to enjoy the aftermath of all your hard work.

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Energy of the Week for September 8-14, 2014: Junction

Some more important decisions concerning your overall direction are coming up in a junction of opportunities and possibilities you will be facing this week. Do not take this lightly, because it may steer you in a different path depending on the choice you make. It is most important to first and foremost consider yourself and what you want to do before you let anyone or anything else get to you and what you will ultimately choose.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Out of all the things you can do, the whole universe yields to your most sacred of heart desires, since this is the only way to bring out the best of yourself and wants it as much as you do. Why would you lack the confidence to pursue what fills your heart? It does not depend on anything else, but on you. If you decide you are going to be your biggest fan, you can both perform and cheer for yourself – all at the same time. This is when you will also get the biggest support from everything going on for you. There is no second best in this department and you will not get to the heights of your own personal glory in any other way. Whether you get to this special place and make it absolutely incredible or just fall into whatever you get tricked into settling for, it is up to you and which way you take at the junction you face. Do not rush. Make sure you do this intuitively right for you.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
In your line of work, you will always encounter a junction of options and this week will be like no other. Somehow the different choices posed to you will be taking you to a deeper level causing you to really think them through. The easier way of doing things should not be your cup of tea so do not simply brush this off. On the other hand, if you feel it is taking you too long to decide what to do, the facts may not be clear enough. Actually, the reason is you probably have an insatiable desire to make the right choice even if it is not the quickest or most practical. When given the freedom to select, your intuition always wants to do its thing and help steer you toward the right opportunity. Always do what is right for you and others. Although there may be different versions, each choice needs to help you and them. To explore this even more, name three things good for you and three good for those around you. See if there are any overlapping areas or similarities in order to bring those solutions closer together. Select how what you decide can be the most balanced and the most justified. When you are done, you should experience the fulfillment and the gratitude of others by being fair and thoughtful. This will count so much, you will most likely get rewarded many times over and over again in your life.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
There is no stagnant relationship as everyone you are involved with is growing and progressing. Just when you think you have reached a plateau where things are continuously going the same way, you may run into a new junction causing you to take a slightly different turn. Even with a small variation of what you were doing before you can get more experience that allows you to see a broader view of what and how it works better for all of you. There will be a new potential being revealed to you so you can get excited by imagining all of the possible outcomes. This will spice things up with a slightly different flavor of how you can communicate better. Let everyone bring a whole new set of nuances for the special connection you already have to make your most cherished relationships elevate to yet another height.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for September 1-7, 2014

Be COMPATIBLE with the highest aspirations you have for yourself and make them work for you. This way, you can benefit from and enjoy them every day of the week.

Monday, September 1, 2014: Design
Let the day follow your own design. What do you want to accomplish? What would you like to enjoy? Since you are learning as you go, make sure it is entertaining to you and you will have fun one hundred percent of the time.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014: Wonderment

Today is a big day for something terrific to take place in your life. Perhaps a milestone of sorts will happen to acknowledge your own personal growth and tenacity to stick to what you have come here to do for yourself. Just keep doing it and your results will take you by surprise and cause tremendous wonderment.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014: Go forward!  
Go forward! It is inevitable to keep moving ahead and even go out on a limb as you wish. You can harvest the abundant energy streaming toward you to strengthen and replenish yours with loads of inspiration and joy to tackle your utmost desires within.

Thursday, September 4, 2014: Lasting
Everything you do with a true heart aligned with your inner direction and sensitivity will have the most lasting and powerful effect on your entire life and beingness. Be wise and intuitive and you will do no wrong.

Friday, September 5, 2014: Convention
Assemble all of your wants and abilities into an unbeatable convention of inner power and potential. You are the best at simply being you and thus represent your own best resource to do your thing in a unique and inspiring way. Do not let yourself down, for any reason at all, so you can create wonder after wonder as long as you manage to put yourself in this pristine mode of energized excitement to let your genuine genius manifest.

Saturday, September 6, 2014: Usability  
Everything has a meaning and can be put to work if you really want to invent a way for its usability on a practical level. Before you decide to discard anything, just take a moment to see if this may be the case with whatever you are holding in your hands right now and how you can take its energy farther by making its advantages last even longer.

Sunday, September 7, 2014: Strict
Being strict and loving is the perfect combination to make things happen diligently and inspiringly today. It is like ruling with an iron fist in a velvet glove, where you bring the toughness and pleasantness to a 50-50 balance. Making it happen will work like magic.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Use your own design to put the whole world in wonderment with your ability to go forward! creating lasting results in a convention of legacy and tradition of high usability and strict enforcement.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Promote a strict usability of the convention of lasting memories to go forward! in a wonderment of design.

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Energy of the Week for September 1-7, 2014: Compatible

Since like attracts like, when you are relaxed and in your own positive energy, you will always be around those who are compatible with you. If you get under pressure, your energy will more or less become warped. Therefore, not only are you not going to be completely yourself, but you will find yourself surrounded by those you do not belong with and with whom you do not have enough in common. Read on for how to keep yourself on the straight and narrow over the coming days.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

With the beginning of this new spiritual year, you will really have to step up your game, get yourself in shape and be organized down to the T. In order to not waste resources, this is a great time to stop playing dumb about how successful you can be. If you have found yourself complaining left and right about this, that and the other, you may have considered quitting right away. Nothing happens randomly unless you attracted it or deserve it. In other words, the mode you are in is always fitting and compatible with everything going on inside and out. This may be  hard for you to imagine if you actually believe part of what is going on around you is unfair or uncalled for. However, if you really think about it, in our very orderly universe, there are no out of place occurrences. The bottom line? Whatever is happening to you is either something you have to learn from or need to see because it reflects the kind of state-of-consciousness you are in at this time. If you do not like it, ask yourself what you may have done to bring it about. If you do this diligently, you will find out something you may have never thought about before. This could be the key to changing your game to the one you actually want for yourself.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Address anything you are not contented with at your job. There is no reason for you to be dissatisfied – so you can feel free to hold your head high. Either you chose what you are doing or it chose you. Either way, there must be some connection you have with it – one way or another. Even if this is not your ultimate dream job by far, you can still perform it in a dream-like way by being really good at it. You can shine by doing your very best no matter what. And when you do, you will be gratified with your own performance even if it is something you are not particularly keen on. Doing things in such a great way will make you feel worthy because your energy will be focused and smooth. Even though you may be doing this for the current position you are in now, you are actually doing it for yourself first. Think twice about doing anything less than what you are capable of from now on. Not only will this improve everything in the workplace for you to the point it will be unrecognizable from what it was before, but you will also be excited and thrilled to get it done every single day while the people around you will notice and may offer you the exact opportunity you have been dreaming about. Make yourself compatible with achieving the finest quality possible with everything you do and you will be one happy worker.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
If only you could be totally compatible with your closest social circle, what a life this would be. If this is truly how you want it, by George, you can make it happen! Here is how. It would help to clarify how you view life and the qualities you share with them. Make sure  you bring them out at all times. Inspire others by being a great example of how you are living and breathing these unique viewpoints and great qualities. Share with them all about what you are feeling and thinking so you can find out where these particular people stand on your most important hand-picked objectives. Ask them to join you in helping you bring them to fruition. Doing this together will bring you closer and focus on the target at hand. It will not be long before things start to materialize and you will realize which of them are the pivots and most sought after goals to enhance the teamwork. During this process, you will all get to experience how well it works for everyone as you circle around your mutual aspirations. Then, all that is left is to keep it up. Let us know how great it is going – for you and yours.

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