The Energy of the Month for September is PRESENT

An opportunity of a lifetime will present itself if you are on a personal roll to improve yourself and your whole life this month. Recognize the fact you have a lot of experience you can count on and as long as you show everyone around you they can count with you, you will have it made when everything opens up for you.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
If you are really serious about amounting to something more significant for yourself first, you will need to start tuning into your inspiration all the time – not just some of the time. When you get your Personal Life Plan through the Inner Expansion program, your spiritual helpers actually give you an exact percentage of how much of the time you are listening to them! If you do not feel you are doing the really important mission you have come to fulfill for yourself, you have no time to waste. This is the only true way to really enjoy your life and give it a deeper meaning. Then, you will be on kilter with your ultimate success. You do not have to settle for anything else. When times are hard, you may trick yourself into thinking only about survival or financial security. But if you are going to make something count for you in this lifetime to spring yourself forward spiritually, it will not happen if you are missing the point. Set aside the time you need to clarify what you have come to do and pull from within the key tenets you personally have which define your entire energy as a soul – your very own wisdom. Make it count in your own way. By showing yourself and others who you truly are and being a clear example of how you live this important inner truth for yourself, you can present it to the whole world in an inspiring fashion everyone will remember for years to come.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
This is the perfect month to present your boldest ideas to those you are associated with in your work. Make the difference you are meant to with a special personal touch only you have. Start by discerning how well your inspiration relates to your service. How is it possible for you to do it bigger, better, faster, tighter and smoother? Perhaps you already have the answer since you really care about how to improve the way your product or service is perceived, not only from your point-of-view, but from your customers’ as well. If you have the desire to upgrade what you have, it will benefit everyone. Discern which areas are the most significant for you to improve on so you can focus fully on their fruition and how you want to be involved in the process. Do not spare any effort. The more you sow, the more you reap. Your harvest will be rich and prosperous depending on how much heart and passion you pour into it.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Get ready for a series of situations to start happening in your social circle and with the people you communicate with the most. Everything will seem very active and everyone will be pulling you in different directions based on where they are headed. Do not lose your own perspective so you can keep your head clear and see how this all this fits nicely with you – or not. Be respectful and sincere communicating back to these people. It is okay to turn down some of the invitations which do not interest you. Your friends will definitely understand. Since you have your own personal and business agenda, you can add only so much social to go with it. This way, the choices you make will present more real opportunities to connect you with those who really matter and are aligned with your outlook on life. Have a great time sharing about your endeavors and excite others to participate in them with you. In the eyes of the universe, you are all one big, happy family with all kinds of tendencies while intentionally pursuing your own plans. Learn to interact even more and be involved. Some of your most interesting experiences may be waiting around the corner for you in the weeks to come!

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Autumn is the Creative Season

Whatever you do, do it with gusto!

Make sure you are in the right mode to do what you are really passionate about and do not take no for an answer. This is the best time to get back to the big picture and realize you really do have something important enough to tell the whole world.

How can you do this? Since the fall season is the prophetic or purple color sense time of the year, you can use your creativity to focus on what you came here to do. Not that you do not do it all year round, but this is a very special time to refocus and get yourself back on track.

During the summer, you had a chance to put things into action and regroup during the month of August. This does not mean you were just sitting around…on the contrary. It simply means you were wrapping up the spiritual energy of last September through August so you could be ultimately prepared to start with a fresh energy – EXPAND. Because you have been BENEVOLENT during the 2013-2014 spiritual year, it is now time to buckle down and nurture all of your key contacts and spiritual protégés. These are the people you can count with the most to help you make your dreams happen.

This is also why, during the next three months, it is important to continue to COMMUNICATE (Energy of the Calendar Year of 2014) so, by the time you reach the holiday season, you have the energy set in place to launch everything you have been planning to do up to this point. In other words, hang in there! Did you know you need to communicate three times for people to really understand what you do? The first time, they get the idea or concept. The second time, they can see how it can work for others. The third time, it will finally hit home where they fit with your plan. From that point on, you have them with you.

Obviously, if a person did not come here to work with you, they will not resonate with your plan no matter what you say or do. But the ones who actually see themselves involved in what you are doing, you will not be able to keep them away. This is why it is so important to qualify the people you really came here to share with. Otherwise, you will waste your time with the people who just want to take from your energy. In other words, clarify their motives. If they are doers, work with them. If they just want to talk and get you involved in their troubles, then be kind, but let them know you have other things to do.

Whatever kinds of people you end up working with over the next few months, just realize everyone has their own agenda. If this agenda fits with yours, then you have a deal. But if their priorities go against the speed you want to travel, keep your mind on the finish line and do not give up.

This is the most crucial time of the year, because if you set your energy correctly, you will move at the right pace and everything will fall into place during the winter season of clairvoyance or the color sense of yellow, which is the time when the pieces come together into a beautiful picture and everyone knows where they fit!

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The Energy of the New Spiritual Year for September 1, 2014-August 31, 2015 is EXPAND

What a great time of the year and an incredible way to start with a completely fresh energy!

Whatever you have been doing over the last spiritual year, it is time to EXPAND. The time for making plans is over, except for clarifying all of the details of how you are going to implement what your innermost desires have created.

It is important to realize planning takes 90% of your time before you can launch a new project or plan. This takes an incredible amount of patience, but if you follow it through, then there is no such thing as giving up. Why? Because it is already created. All you need to do now is watch it unfold naturally.

It is very similar to baking a cake. First, you need a recipe. Then, you need the ingredients. Once you have put all of those ingredients together, turn the oven on and let it do its work. This means that the momentum is already created and all you need to do is energize and COMMUNICATE what you have to offer. The cake will come out of the oven in perfect shape and texture. You can just taste the success you have put together and can now share it with others.

It is up to you how many cakes you want to bake. If your plan is to reach just a few people, then you do not need a large oven. But, if your desire is to reach the masses, then you need a very large space to bring your plan into shape. If this involves mass communication, then it is important to build the right foundation first and make it simple for others to understand. If it is too complicated, no one will feel as if they have the time to figure it out.

Simplicity is the key for this year in order to EXPAND what you are doing. Let people understand how they can be involved with the least amount of effort. The momentum will carry you over the threshold. Do not push when you are about to cross the finish line, because this will break your consistency. You will feel your spiritual guidance carrying you over into the winner’s circle.

Whatever you do, do it with humility. When you are really accomplishing what you came here to do, no one can take this away from you, so you do not have to prove yourself or be too proud. Gentleness and an iron fist in a velvet glove will take you far. This means to focus on what you need to do, but simply let people know they need to get out of the way if they are not part of the plan.

Tips on how to regroup the last spiritual year of BENEVOLENCE:

  1. What did I accomplish for myself in the last spiritual year?
  2. How loyal was I to myself?
  3. What did I learn about myself?
  4. What could I have done differently?
  5. What were my highlights?
  6. How did what I learn prepare me for the new spiritual year?

Have a great NEW spiritual year!

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Weekly Energy of the Day for August 25-31, 2014

Inspire the overall good to CONCLUDE all of the not-so-good in your environment this week and awaken something new inside of yourself and everyone around you.

Monday, August 25, 2014: Successful
You are the one to make everything successful today so it will be bigger and better than ever. Not because something magnified will shock your world, but the smallest of the little important things will show you how it all counts with the right opening and setting of the stage. Do not blow it.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014: Catapult

Put your good shoes on, because you will catapult yourself upward by a whole mile as if something just torpedoed you. You will swear it is like being launched into outer space. Everything ordinary can instantly become extraordinary by your very own hand if you fill your life with surprises based on a strong love and real affection. This makes it all work.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014: Adorn
The lesson for the day is to adorn your precious life with inspiration and creativity to the fullest with every heartbeat. This opportunity expires every passing moment and will never come back in exactly the same way. If you hold it together and do what you know is best, it will all fall into place. Once you get going, you will find out how everything is going to turn out soon enough.

Thursday, August 28, 2014: Moving
You will not be able to help moving back and forth or going around in circles all day unless you keep yourself directed and clear. If this happens, ask yourself: Have I forgotten something? Chances are you have. If you have allowed yourself to get caught up in situations outside of yourself, you forgot yourself and yourself got left behind. You may have a feeling of déjà vu until you remember you really are the most important thing in your life. Because without you, it will not exist.

Friday, August 29, 2014: Revisit
Time may be running out on you, but there is still enough to revisit what you could possibly be thinking you are missing in order to make it as you wish. If you put it like this, it will soon occur to you the answer is – nothing! You have it all. What is left to do is pick yourself up and run with it. And, yes, you can!

Saturday, August 30, 2014: Contract  
The most important contract you have ever agreed to in your life is to come back and grace this world with your presence. This is why, now that you are here, you have no single better reason for living than to show others how it is done. They are counting with you to share.

Sunday, August 31, 2014: Forewarn

The time will seem to stop today as you realize more and more you have something important to do. Feel free to forewarn the world you are going to use all available resources to bring about what you have come here to do in flying colors. Nobody can stop you as long as you work with your inner guidance and do not give up.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

With a successful catapult, you will adorn your life by moving forward after you revisit your contract to stay on planet Earth as you forewarn the rest of the world you will do what you have come here to do no matter what it takes.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

If you forewarn others you have a contract to revisit everything important and keep yourself moving forward, you can adorn your life and catapult yourself to be on a very successful path.

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Energy of the Week for August 25-31, 2014: Conclude

This week will have a particularly special place in your heart since it will conclude the spiritual year of 2013-2014 for you. The energy of benevolence has carried you through now for twelve months and allowed you to bring out the best and highest of inspiration you have within to gift and share with the world. If you managed to do a few good deeds, you will feel elevated and uplifted in a way like never before. You have exactly seven more days left to strike oil by giving unconditionally and spread your deep-seated wisdom throughout your environment and beyond. Go ahead. Touch and reach others in the unbelievable way only you can. It is not too late!

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Life may get up-close and personal for you as the week progresses, because the energy is not going to let you rest until you have emptied out what you have filled up your glass of experiences with. This way, you will have fresh space in your consciousness to partake in the new spiritual energy of the year opening up next Monday – Expand. Do not fight off someone knocking on your door or people looking up to you for your word of advice and support. The wisdom you are holding within yourself does not want to stay inside of you. You may even get a sudden urge to write an article or post a blog, make a comment or send a letter. You could end up going to someone you know and stating loud and clear something you had to say, but have always held back. Pick up the phone or run wherever you have to. But say it, scream it, let it out! This may prove to be the most freeing and exhilarating thing you have done in years. Being on top of the wave of the spiritual energy is more important than anything else you may need to do for yourself right now. Do this wisely and everything you have done this year will conclude on a high note for you.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
for yourself whatever pressure you may have experienced in your job this whole spiritual year. You obviously cannot effectively express your utmost talent and skills if you have a darkness hanging over your head shadowing your inner light and spark. It is important to go and face whatever and whoever you have to in order to resolve what has been affecting you the most. If you do not vouch for yourself, you will be cutting yourself off from the opportunities you are meant to have, enjoy and own. Also, do not let your intellect get in the way. You owe this to yourself. It will not be as hard as you think. The energy backing you has set up the first step and you are invited to follow it. You will have the ear of the people you need to communicate with the most. The savvy it takes to maneuver your way to a calmer and peaceful mode comes from your very own hands. Your heart and the unceasing intuition whispering in your ear right now will show you the right moves. Only then will your service to your fellowmen be truly signed, sealed and delivered with the real you being your very own self by just doing your thing.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Are you feeling a new chapter opening up and starting for you and those around you sharing it with you? It could be because there is a lot of extra energy coming your way to encourage and back all of you. Be the first to give them a hand and offer understanding. Bypass any trivia where there may be rougher moments in any of your important relationships and take the initiative to patch it all up. Let them show the true colors of who they really are and how important they are to you as well. By starting a new incentive toward doing the right thing, it helps to strip off the concepts and confusion down to who the real person is in front of you. No one is a good or bad soul. You are just who you are and therefore can enrich and pass on to others a unique mix of magical elements only you can produce. We all hold all of the ingredients within to make this happen. Whether we bake a cake out of it or something we let spoil is based on what we decide in the moment. All it takes is to step aside of yourself, shake it off and you can be a different person while allowing others to do the same. Your role is to be inspired and inspire others so the week can conclude on its best note yet – all with your help.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for August 18-24, 2014

With the right DECISION, you can take a shortcut to accomplish your desires in a clear and concise way without doubts or worry of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Put whatever energy is necessary to get you there and enjoy the prolific results it will quickly bring your way.

Monday, August 18, 2014: Join
Whatever it is you have in common with those you are exchanging with today, in order to create successful connections, you have to join them in the overlapping mindset you both share. Use it as a starting point to unite your energies toward mutually beneficial results.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014: Act

Even the best decision will not help you if you do not act on it or put it to work for you. Do not postpone moving ahead. As long as it is clear where you are headed, put some puff and chuff behind it like a mighty steam engine and let’s go!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014: Normal
When you are well ahead of the curve because you follow this blog, it is normal for you to encounter those who are behind you. Try to gently redirect them 180 degrees the other way. You may have some words of encouragement to say to them as long as you are moving forward for yourself and making progress in the right direction. Use this leverage to pass along the inspiration that drives you onward and upward.

Thursday, August 21, 2014: Instigate
Urge and provoke the best response by others by being a great example of being loyal to yourself first. Every time you instigate something valuable and important for yourself, it goes beyond your own realm and spreads far and wide.

Friday, August 22, 2014: Excitement
Leaving your own mark on everything you get your hands on today will make it be the most pleasant experience ever. Let your excitement shine through your work and the effort you take in getting everyone to partake from it will be in the right groove as you add more to it than ever before.

Saturday, August 23, 2014: Extend  
Can you extend the best part of your day so it feels as if it will never end? Continue the trend with everything you touch and when you look back, you will see a whole chain of worthwhile memories.

Sunday, August 24, 2014: Remember
Remember this whole week with something very special leaving it totally unforgettable.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Join your positive energy with a bold act of normal encounters to instigate mutual excitement that will well extend beyond the ordinary and cause you to remember it for a long time to come.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Make everyone remember the inspiration that has lead you to extend what you are doing with excitement and instigate a normal and ordinary act so you can join the crowd with your very own well thought-out decision.

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Energy of the Week for August 18-24, 2014: Decision

Come to terms with making a decision to always follow your heart by doing what is right by you first. You are the leader of all of your own energy and you can direct others if you take charge and stay responsible for everything happening around you. The reassurance you are giving to yourself along the way will make you be more present and proactive to do whatever it takes to implement all of your plans of action. This is a genuine reminder you cannot leave yourself behind if you intend to use your resources and make something happen overall to do them proper justice.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Reaching a decision is like crossing a line beyond any doubts or uncertainty. Whenever you know what you want or would like with such clarity, you make all of the factors connected to the concerned matter stand out in a field of its own where the energy becomes concentrated with all and any available resources relevant to your intended purpose. This happens because the universe is looking out for you and, with the first sign you have aligned with your overall plan, it manifests in whatever form is possible to support all you are doing. If you understand this well, you will be the first one to help her to help you out by taking the lead and speeding up this process dramatically. The next important thing is to separate yourself from anything contrary trying to jeopardize your arrangement. Remember the field where your energy stands out above? This is where you belong as long as this achievement is prominent in your agenda. Stand up for yourself and you will stand out in the crowd causing the whole world to acknowledge your decision.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
You cannot run your business without making or rendering a decision – one after another. But what are your conclusions based on? You can be one-sided in only trying to just earn a profit or you can truly offer an experience to your customers that takes them on a journey. The people coming your way for what you are offering are very special to your enterprise. You make it happen for each and every one of them – every single time. If you realize that, you will always treat them well and with all due respect by expediting to make it right for them if there is any concern they have expressed. This way, you will enjoy the wave of genuine gratitude and recognition – and it keeps everyone happy all across the board.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Is it decision time in your immediate social circle or close environment? If so, it is only fair for everyone involved to participate in the actual process leading up to the overall conclusion. Help create an atmosphere for everyone to express themselves openly and freely. For example, have each person say: I have a concern. Then, you can express your concern. After this, both of you come up with a solution for both concerns without getting your emotions (feelings of the intellect or learned feelings – not your true feelings) involved. By clarifying the facts (what, when, where and why), this dialog becomes very substantial in steering you toward perceiving the best and most prosperous outcome. Make sure all of the facts are well covered by crossing your Ts and dotting the Is. Then, there is nothing left to chance because you have explored all of the major options on the topic. This will naturally lead to solid ground for everyone to enjoy this mutual resolution and the imbedded benefits.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for August 11-17, 2014

This week holds promise for you to SOLVE what you need to do in your life as long as you approach it diligently and with faith in making things right for yourself and your environment. Go for it full steam ahead and make good use of this wonderful opportunity.

Monday, August 11, 2014: Passion
Almost anyone will yield to your strongest desires as long as you have passion. Show the world what makes you tick today by expressing it even more in some fashion or another. This will be the best way for you to encourage and uplift yourself to be where you need to be. This will help you feel positive and optimistic so you can utilize the favorable energy this whole week to serve you the most.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014: Resolve

It will not be hard to resolve any old conflict hanging on its last thread, mainly because no one will be in the mood to argue with you today. Everyone will definitely seem to have better things to do than go against the tide. Since people will be cutting each other some slack, you could harvest your biggest win by asking those you are most disheartened with and get their attention so you can reduce any damage that has taken place in your relationship.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014: Addition
In addition to being able to solve anything that may be hanging over your head, it will also be very possible to repair what you may have considered to be a lost opportunity by simply giving it another try, even though it may be after the fact or past its timing. No matter what, this will show you to never discount anything well thought out or discarded from before.

Thursday, August 14, 2014: Contain
Today, it will be more true than ever that whatever prospect may be ahead for you, it will contain exactly what you put into it. If you feel something is not going to work and you do not give it a fair chance, you can rest assured it will not produce much and prove you right. On the other hand, if you resolve there could be a lot coming out of this for you as long as you energize and invest in it, then it will be guaranteed to pay off better than you expect – right away. Make your choices wisely and send a comment this way for how well it worked out.

Friday, August 15, 2014: Relax
You may not feel like it now, but it may become important for you to relax and watch how life can unwind on its own by putting it on autopilot. You may be so excited it is difficult to stay calm in the midst of feeling your own might. Realize that doing too much may unnecessarily mess up what is already working well for you. In brief, watch out so you do not overdo it by being too wound up. Just keep your own peace by working at your own pace.

Saturday, August 16, 2014: Forward
Be sure you are not staying in one place or, heaven forbid, going backwards so you can feel bold about being on a fast track to success. The overall motion is going forward and as long as you flow with it, you will be ahead of the game.

Sunday, August 17, 2014: Allow

If you allow yourself to be helped today, a lot will fall in place with the energy contributing to your ideas and what you are accomplishing for your cause. Let those you bump into give you their two cents. It will be worth more than appears on the surface. It is not their intent that matters, rather the message they are sharing with you. It may be just what you need so find the parts relevant to you.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

With passion, you can resolve anything, in addition to being able to contain any troubles with ease and relax so you can move forward in order to allow opportunities to work in your favor.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Allow yourself an opportunity to move forward with the greatest ideas that have ever come to you and relax while you contain them in a way that is an addition to being able to resolve with passion any discomforts coming your way.

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Energy of the Week for August 11-17, 2014: Solve

No glitch in your life is a big deal as long as you know how to solve it. First, find out what it is and how it came about. Then, figure out if you can ignore it and keep moving forward as if it never happened. If this is not the case, you need to fix something to restore the situation back to where you need it to be so you can continue to follow your own direction. Read on to find out how to do this in every area of your life.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

You caught a mishap, this is great! A lot of times people get themselves into a low energy because something is not going as perfectly as planned. But, guess what? This is traditionally the way you are being forced to improve on what would have otherwise turned out not to be as good as it will be after you are done mending the glitch. Think of it this way. You were just meant to take another look at it and give it the extra touch it needs. So, relax…you can solve this! The last thing you want is to allow any pressure to get to you. After all, this is always the first test whenever something starts to happen you do not like. Now that you have kept your composure, do not be puzzled, because you have all of the pieces. You can even write down what you need to repair the situation at hand. Then start looking at where each of these items are. Remember, you are not missing any. You just might not see where they actually are right away. As long as you stay confident and convinced you know you have it, you will find out where it is hiding. In fact, you will have the pleasure of finding out more creative ways to go about it than if you had all of what you need handed to you on a silver platter. Yes, life is good this way. When you stay clear and strong, you can resolve anything standing in your way.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Any business venture consists of an idea, people and other resources. You could be a giant with ideas, but if you do not attract the right people for the job, it will go nowhere. You could have all of the money or resources at your fingertips, but if you are empty as far as inspiration is concerned, it will not do you very much good. This is because you will not have a blueprint to go by using what you have. If you are not happy with what you do for a business, you can always change things around. But you still need to cover all of the above three to put together something sure to work for you. If you need an idea, ask around. Sometimes, just a hint is enough to unleash your imagination. Make sure it circles around something you feel strongly about so it makes your time worthwhile and it will not be a mere trend that could change overnight. Then, you have to decide who you are doing this with, or what kind of help it would take for you to get there. How are you going to attract the right people and what is in it for them? If you want to establish a stable relationship to outlast any storm, make sure you are considerate and fair. Factor in whatever you would take in exchange by imagining what you would do if you were in their shoes. Lastly, make a projection of what financial backing you need before you can put all of this into action. This could come from various sources. Think of all of the options and do not leave any out. You never know which one may turn out to be your gold mine. You can never run out of choices before you come up with your ultimate solution. As long as you stay convinced it is out there, you will get it. Remember, you are not short of anything and everything you need will appear as long as you put it to good use and your motives are clear with your spiritual guidance backing it. There is no such thing as a lack of luck. You just have to pursue it. Allow yourself an opportunity to solve whatever business concerns you have so you can enjoy a thrilling and productive activity to elevate what you have to offer to a level you truly desire.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
There is no such thing as a generation gap – just a communication gap. This week, solve any communication and exchange between you and others around you not working so everything starts flowing much smoother for all of you. Although it may be easier said than done, take the initiative and restore the broken links. But do not be too stern. What if what was said was not meant at all and what was meant instead was never said? It happens more often than you may know – mostly because of uncoordinated timing. Not to mention, it is a thousand times easier for the wrong thing to slip out of your mouth at the spur of the moment than the right thing to be said exactly as it should have been. Why leave so much to depend on a possible misconception? If the people really matter to you, then give it another chance. Do not think this will make you look any weaker or hurt your pride. Be proud of being greater than the smaller circumstances which may not represent how things really are. Keep in mind, just because the tongue may act faster than the heart or mind, it does not mean everything coming out is what you really mean. Make sure you find out what the real deal is. It may just turn out to be the best thing you could ever do to keep your relationships one-hundred percent positive and solid.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for August 4-10, 2014

It is almost hard not to be COMPASSIONATE over the next few days and it will come to you naturally. Something will just soften you up and melt you into the genuine and truly concerned being you are within and will make you feel so good. Enjoy it!  

Monday, August 4, 2014: Concern
You cannot be compassionate without having true concern for yourself first and for the well-being of those around you right along with it. Express your feelings openly and you will witness the powerful impact this will have over everyone in sight. Since news travels faster than the speed of light, you will have many others stop by to get a much needed hug or understanding. By the end of the day, you will find yourself in a pool of kindness and tenderness, so much so, you will be one with all those who connected with you and responded to your empathy.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014: Forthright

Even to have the ability to do kind and positive things, you need to be direct and clear so you do not miss on the timing and space to act on it. Especially today, it will matter to be forthright and straight in your communication even if you are talking about your highest of feelings. If you do not put it out clearly, the warm energy will not be enough to emulate how important it is for you to have a sincere bond with those of you who are like-minded.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014: Determined
We hope you stay determined to open up as a clear channel for the inspiration headed your way. There is no such thing as not having enough creative solutions for what you need to do. Just allow yourself to receive them. Stay relaxed in your heart and light on your feet. This is when you are the best conduit for the positive energy coming your way and the chockfull of good stuff it is charged with over and over again.

Thursday, August 7, 2014: Uncapitulated
Smile and get camera ready. You will have to show how you are unbeatable and remain uncapitulated under any circumstance and in anyway. It does not mean life will try to beat up on you today, but rather any subtle doubts have to be shown they do not belong to you at all. Not only are you going to manage not to be down or low – far from it. You will actually get so motivated, you will be more full of life and excitement than you have been in a long time.

Friday, August 8, 2014: Regroup
You will be so impressed by the amazing twists and turns your life is taking lately, you will be eager to regroup the exact inspirations bringing these great experiences your way. Remind yourself about the most uplifting idea you have had and how unbelievable it felt when you followed it. Always put yourself in this sensitivity mode to pick up your hunches clearly and you will continue to flow like this all the time.

Saturday, August 9, 2014: Song
Make up a song and it will be your tune to muse as you meditate and contemplate what is going on in your life today. Then, you will truly believe there is nothing to fear as something great is always so near. You can take a little time just to feel right about everything you are doing and this will take you on the ride of your life.

Sunday, August 10, 2014: Recapture

If you take a look back, you will realize there have been numerous incredible moments to relive and recapture the spirit of who you really are so you can retain and harbor the enthusiasm you need to carry your incentive all the way through to fruition.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

With true concern and being forthright, you can stay determined to be uncapitulated as you regroup the inspiring song that has kept you moving on and recapture its touching spirit.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

You can recapture the spirit of an inspiring song to regroup on how to be uncapitulated so as to stay determined and forthright surpassing any concern or doubts you have inside.

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