Energy of the Week for August 4-10, 2014: Compassionate

Since it is the season of the spiritual gift of feeling, do not end your summer before you have become warmer and softened up to be more compassionate toward the entire planet and humanity. You need to get your energy connected with the whole because this is the only way to draw bigger inspirations from the entire universe. Remind yourself of the love and kindness which brought you here to planet Earth. People everywhere are the same – they are just people. Embrace them. We are all striving to do our own thing and by doing so, we may bump into the boundaries of others. It is time to tolerate the freedom of each one of us, such as our neighbor, peer and fellowman, even more. When we can give each other a hand to help everyone help themselves first, we are all so much stronger and better – together. Then, everything we do will be bigger, mightier and far-reaching. This will bring all of us to a whole new level, one we could never fathom to reach either separate or alone.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Start by giving a hand to those around you. Do you have it in you to help without expecting to get anything back? You give because you have plenty inside seeking an outlet and simply want to bring it out. You cannot hold back the wisdom you have inside. You need to outflow it. The only way to get totally involved in life and participate in whatever initiatives and endeavors others are putting in place is to be compassionate. But you are not doing this for them. First and far most, you are doing yourself a favor by giving of yourself. The more you release and share, the more energy will flow back into you. There is always more inspiration and creativity waiting for you to free up space so it can come in. Then, you will become an open vessel connected to an unstoppable flow consistently feeding you fresh ideas – as long as you are ready to receive them. Open up, stay connected and tuned in and you will be able to do anything you desire. You have endless resources available to flow in and make available what you need in order for you to succeed – for yourself.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Usually, you are doing business to keep yourself above ground and with a roof over your own head. But there is much more than just the practical reasons driving you to offer your service to those who need it. It is the compassionate benevolence to spread your energy to many others and give them a gift of yourself by diligently refining and making yourself better every single day. It is like giving a piece of yourself with your signature on your work that will inspire, uplift, excite and strengthen the people who want to feel good about themselves and appreciate what you do for them. They cannot buy the extra touch you give them and you cannot pay for what you will receive in return either. They will keep coming back to you for more and be loyal to you forever, warmly recommending you to those they know. This human connection means everything in terms of success and the advantage it gives you above and beyond what you can achieve any other way.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
How else can you express your compassionate nature if not for the people you are closest with? Naturally, since they are the most important people to you, you are familiar with and tuned into their life story just like they are with yours. But what can you do for them they do not expect? Surprise them, so you can create and give them a moment to remember. Think of something simple, yet is reminiscent of the things they like and perhaps do not take enough time for. One idea is to give them a mini-version of what they want so they can get a small taste of it and be reminded of how they can make it happen for themselves. In short, you can help them with their own inspiration just a little bit by re-igniting it so it can be set on fire all over again. The rest will be history and you will get a lot of joy and smiles back from being so nice and thoughtful. The sun will be shining a lot brighter for all of you after this.

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The Energy of the Month for August is ORGANIZE

If you have let the summer breeze scatter things around you or perhaps have misplaced a few items simply because you have not attended to them lately, this might be the right time to start putting everything back in place and organize more the entire energy in your inner closet. The first thing to remember is that you are given everything you need to make it work as you wish, but if you find yourself missing something, it could very well be lying somewhere and you just cannot see it for all the proverbial mess. If you manage to straighten out this part of your life, you will end up having time to enjoy it more fully after you have first ensured everything is following your own grand plan.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Most of the time, the biggest reason people are not organized is the fact there is too much to put in place and they simply do not know where to start. They have given up before they begin. This does not need to be discouraging for you right now, because if you look straight at everything that needs help, most things are actually pretty small and easy to figure out. So, if you do not know any better, start here. By the time you get into the groove with whatever is really not complicated, you will gain a lot of momentum and the inertia will help you get through dealing with the more substantial ones. Also, do not try doing anything absolutely perfect. By just doing it as good as you can at the time will be much better than delaying it until some magical moment comes up out of nowhere when you can accomplish things in a super way. The reason this belongs in your personal area of life is because being ready to tackle things is a bigger battle than the actual doing. First, organize yourself. In other words, if you can put yourself in a working mode and make a decision to do whatever you can without giving up, you will have conquered the majority of the tumultuous task in front of you already. In fact, as you start feeling good about it, begin rewarding yourself with a good pat on the back and the whole thing will go easier than you thought.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Your business goals are waiting for you to make a breakthrough with more efficiency and productivity so you can complete them with a magical touch. The idea is to achieve the expression – set it and forget it. This is why you have to organize what you do like a sleek squeaky-clean machine. Once you have done this and set it in motion, you can relax and watch it work neatly and nicely for you. Think about the key components of your service you are set to offer others and the best rationale for the way to accomplish them. Save yourself and everyone else any unnecessary time and effort. Focus on the main priorities, double-check the system you are putting in place and give it some extra breathing room with a reasonable cushion. This way, you do not end up overpromising, but rather over-delivering to your patrons. Do not save your breath. The more you invest wisely upfront will come back to you many-fold after the fact. The better prepared you are, the less interruptions and surprises may turn up in the process. Take this to heart and we will pledge to you – you will enjoy reaping wonderful results.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
The one thing to be aware of while trying to organize a better social life is for it not to slip through your fingers. If this ends up happening, it will be because you did not listen to what others may be telling you. There is an old Bulgarian saying: you cannot keep track of your own bill without the bartender. Similarly, you have to take into account what those right next to you are interested in as you make mutual plans or they will feel imposed upon. No one likes to be told what to do, however nice what you are planning is for all of you. If anything, promote and leave more room for communication. After everything is all said and done, consider the best and fairest of choices and what would be in the overall best interest of everyone around you and you may have a sure winner. The people you want to include will be more apt to participating when their own ideas are imbedded in it. Your mutual interest is what unites you to begin with and can bring you closer together. Send us some examples of a time well spent, what and how it worked the best. This could give many others some extra ideas so they can have an incredible time with those who matter the most to them.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for July 28-August 3, 2014

Think of the best UPGRADE you deserve for yourself in every area of your life this week and it might just happen with a bit of healthy tenacity and consistency.

Monday, July 28, 2014: Happy

Start the week on a happy note by enjoying the opportunity this energy gives you to reach out to a much better place for yourself altogether. Map out your plans and uplift  yourself by feeling good about where things are headed over the next few days. This will bring more light into your life and you will feel extraordinarily excited and ready for everything coming your way.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014: Delegate

Find it inside to delegate to someone else who is interested in parts of what you are wanting to accomplish so there is more energy in undertaking the project. An equal energy exchange will make it easier to see the lessons and learning coming out of it. There is no need to make it complicated. Just look around you to discover who may be looking back at you and find out if they click with what you are involved with.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014: Situation  
Today may find you focused primarily on one single situation, but bringing it up for discussion is essential. The key is not to race through it too quickly just to get it off your back. Rather, clarify for yourself the relevance and importance it may have in your life right now.

Thursday, July 31, 2014: Increase
Even if the first few days of this week have started off a bit slower for you, the energy today will help speed it up nicely and increase the dynamics and pleasure it brings you. You may find yourself even more motivated and determined than usual and feeling as if everything is possible as long as you continue to believe in yourself and stay solid and on track with your own personal direction.

Friday, August 1, 2014: Warm
Out of nowhere and unexpectedly, there will be a warm breeze in the air with lots of cheerful little joys and jilts. Your pure heart will appreciate them very much as they will somehow help you be more prone to finding solutions and not take anything as a big deal, firmly and in stride, one thing at a time.

Saturday, August 2, 2014: Consider  
It is important for you to consider the newly found options emerging for you and not question their timing. When something is right, you do not need more reasons to go for it. If you simplify your life and just do it, the results will not take too long to manifest.

Sunday, August 3, 2014: Bubble

Sometimes, you just know you have to do something you will end up making happen despite anyone saying you cannot. This is exactly what will help you hold your ground and not allow anything whatsoever to burst your bubble. What you intend to do is serious to you and because others may view it as being too light or without substance does not mean you have to let it go. Show them the total sphere of your precious desires and ideals is not a soap bubble, but rather a shiny and magical crystal ball showing exactly what the future holds for you. Do this by making it happen and you will leave them all speechless!

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Being happy will open you up to delegate where you can get help in any situation so you can increase the warm energy flow your way and consider your desires emerging and floating like a colorful bubble all the way to their natural fruition.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Feel buffered with a bubble of energy when you consider the warm increase of inspiration you will receive in any given situation so you can delegate opportunities to help and be helped with a happy and sensitive exchange.

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Energy of the Week for July 28-August 3, 2014: Upgrade

NEW Version YOU.O

This is the time to get really serious about enjoying yourself, having fun and doing what you love to do. How would you like to be super-charged with exhilarated energy and uplifted enough to upgrade what you have already been pursuing for yourself – with your biggest and best efforts?

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Putting yourself in the right mode sets the energy for you to be able to think big, walk tall and be unstoppable to achieve your highest of aspirations. You hold within something invaluable no one else knows about, unless of course, you tell them. Recognizing it and bringing it out is more important than ever. Otherwise, you cannot put it to work for you. Bring out the best of yourself and expand on it. If you don’t, it will not serve you as long as you are not utilizing or acknowledging what you have. The truth is, it does not take a lot to get inspired – it is fun, easy, light and exciting. Sometimes, all you need to do is give yourself permission by realizing you are worthy for the hunches you are picking up. If anything great comes to your mind, there is a reason and any afterthought that it is impossible is just the concepts of your intellect standing in the way of your inspiration. Who else could be meant to do this great deed? After all, you are the one who received the idea. Do you think your intuition is just wasting your time by giving you impossible things to achieve just to drive you crazy? Do not dismiss what your sensitivity is giving you. Act on it. Sit down and write every single incredible hunch, impression, vision, idea or feeling you have not followed through with. Then, go back over them and see how they might fit with what you are meant to do and desire deep inside for yourself. If this elevates you, then continue on and stick to them like a butter on toast – never let go! These hunches and inspirations are your winning ticket to life. Cash it in by trusting yourself and make an energy deposit in your own personal inner bank and they will enrich you beyond any other form of resource  you could ever put your hands on. This will cause you to upgrade your potential to what it was always meant to be.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
The one thing you may want to improve on this whole week in your line of work is your customer service. How well do you respond to your client’s questions and concerns? They have already come to you for something you are offering them in order to receive it. If anything in this process is not clear enough or went wrong, it is your opportunity to address and fix it. If you really care about what you are giving to the world, never tell anyone there is nothing you can do or this is just how the system is set up. There is no business system put in place without human input. Whoever decided this is how it has to be needs to be made well aware whether it is working properly or not. There is always something you can do to account for the time and effort others took to let you know about the situation they have encountered and put their voice to it. This will really help you streamline what you are doing much more to refine and upgrade your service to the highest level. As a result, those who reached out will feel attended to and their concern taken seriously. This is half of the solution already, because you have shown them you actually care to engage in making it right. Your best reward is receiving the wave of gratefulness and appreciation, proving you are here to stay and can be trusted to become the preferred choice over all other possibilities.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Look at others this week with a refreshing glance and see them as the soul they are and for the good they possess deep inside. This will be very revealing since everyone has breathed, lived and experienced plenty in their day and have a lot to share from the wisdom they have gathered throughout lifetimes. All anyone needs is a spark of inspiration to set their energy on fire and get them flowing in the best direction. If you are not sure if this is true or not, just try it. Ask everyone you encounter what exactly it is that inspires them, gets them on their feet and up and going every morning. They might need a bit of an uplift, so tell them to imagine what they have learned in life and more. This will give them a grin on their face because of how you helped them picture in their minds what they would very much like to do for themselves. What is left is to find out what would it take and ask them if there is anything you can do to help. You can remind them whenever their enthusiasm gets a bit down again and how great it would be if they do something about it. Obviously, you cannot do it for them, but it might just prove to be the thing that inspires them to go after what they want for themselves. They may even claim you are a miracle worker since they will be ten times happier having run into you. What an upgrade to your personal environment this will be!

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Weekly Energy of the Day for July 21-27, 2014

Make your life BLESSED with your own inner joy, harmony and personal touch. The whole universe will be helping you as you do right by yourself and others along the way. It will be exciting and rewarding – more than you ever expected.

Monday, July 21, 2014: Rally
Stand up for yourself and you can rally all of the powers at your disposal to back you in what you desire to do. Your inspirations count, but you have to make them work for you by accounting for all of them and for the progress they bring to you.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014: Interrogate

Today, it will become very important to interrogate yourself so you can take more seriously exactly what is going on in your life. You cannot replace clarity with anything else and until you are clear, you will be stagnant in only one place and not be able to move forward. You will know when you have done it for yourself, because you will feel extremely light and at ease with your own beingness and what you plan to do from now on.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014: Deny
You may face making some major decisions today and it will not help to deny what matters to you and have not given proper credit for. Is there a person or an objective you really have a concern about, but have not communicated about yet?  It is important to change this and not let the sun set before you make it known.

Thursday, July 24, 2014: Loving
Something will warm your heart above and beyond the ordinary, because even hardheadedness will not get in the way of you being loving and appreciative today. Cherish this moment and harbor the feelings it gives you as it will extrapolate into a whole lot more for you. Make sure you savor the energy you experience from it.

Friday, July 25, 2014: Sanction
Since you will more likely be raising your entire personal, business and social energy this week, you may need to sanction the few left-over dysfunctional imperfections remaining on your plate. From a slightly higher point-of-view, you will be able to see much better how these challenges are not serving you any longer. The faster you drop them, the sooner your healing will become more complete and you can restore your natural harmony in the way it was designed originally for you to thrive in.

Saturday, July 26, 2014: One
If you are really in control of your own life, you will be taking on the lead energy by being the one in charge and responsible for what is really going on at all times. The experiences you have on the outside are symmetric with the state you are in on the inside. This is why you can make the things go away which you are not working for you faster than you thought possible. Stick with it and the rest will fall away, all in its rightful place.

Sunday, July 27, 2014: Healing

You might as well admit the whole chain of events that have happened throughout the week will have a totally profound healing effect on your own self-perception and ambition. You will most likely finish this week on a high note. This will make you more motivated than you have been for a long time in order to get your life even more together and directed toward all of your major goals and aspirations.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Rally all the help you need to interrogate what is not favorable to you and deny anything that is not loving so you can sanction what does not work for you and focus on the one thing that matters the most – your very own healing.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

The healing you are experiencing can be accomplished with one simple sanction of whatever is restricting you from being in a loving way so you can deny the dysfunctional and interrogate within yourself what is keeping the helpful support away so you can rally everything you need to be there for you.

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Energy of the Week for July 21-27, 2014: Blessed

Feeling totally blessed is what this whole week is going to be like. Whatever you believe is out there helping you, you will feel it side-by-side, shoulder-to-shoulder with you from day one until day seven. Prepare to get chills all week!

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

You will have the uncanny experience of having a powerful presence of inspiration shadow you and simply won’t leave your side this week. It will be there to endow you with spiritual backing, giving you a lending hand and offering you support in each and every way you might possibly need it. In short, you will not be doing anything alone and this special backing will have a strong influence over your endeavors for a reason. You will realize that every time you are doing something right by yourself, this energy will be helpful toward you. This is how very important it is to listen to your inner hunches, visions, thoughts and feelings. If you cut off your inspiration, you may go through a pinch just to see how this does not work for you. There is no need to fall into the trap of blaming this spiritual support for your troubles. It never come unsolicited and without your personal input. When your intellect causes you to bypass your own sensitivity, it is your doing. Own up and take responsibility for what is happening to you. Once you get back to your true feelings, you will learn a lot, accomplish a ton and have an unceasing amount of fun along the way. You are truly blessed!

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Put the universe to work for you so you can employ all of your inspiration and inner power toward what you are doing to apply yourself and grow spiritually and physically. It will help you even more if you intend to help others in a sincere and genuine way with everything you have put together for yourself – your own personal wisdom. This is the best win-win-win you can achieve, since the more you use your utmost abilities, you will experience the highest energy expansion for yourself while being of service to satisfy the demands of others for the service you are offering. When everything works for everyone, you will feel light and productive. You will also receive a lot of satisfaction from what you are spreading around the world and be charged up with an even more blessed power to go on and improve your service many times over. Act in accordance with taking on the responsibility of being an important part of the whole and the fulfillment you get will outweigh the work it took to get there.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
This is all about turning your environment into a pivot for yourself to flourish in. You need what surrounds you to correspond to your own ideas and energy so it gives you nourishment – much like a pot of soil – and you, the flower. It is true you need to be self-reliant and stand on your own two feet. But where you are actually standing counts, too. You cannot be in an unfavorable milieu working against you. Rather, you need to be thriving and soaring in a territory that is compatible with your energy so you belong. You need to find a blessed place you are a truly a part of, so your energy will both fit and expand, like a glove. You can create this for yourself and together with those around you who you can count with. Do not compromise on this because when you get away from your own pivot point, anything you might accomplish for yourself will be hanging in the air and not bring you stability. The solid foundation you establish for yourself among those you care for and care for you is the beginning of everything truly lasting from what you have built in your life.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for July 14-20, 2014

EXERCISE in your own way the right to be well and happy and put yourself in the best mode you can to flourish with everything you are doing with your whole life. Be inspired, have fun and share of yourself to get your juices going and uplift your spirits.   

Monday, July 14, 2014: Extravagant
Be extravagant and put your boldest, fanciest and coolest ideas into action. If you got the inspiration, don’t lose it – use it! So what if it is too big, too loud or too grand? Sometimes doing the biggest thing you can think of takes just as much time or effort as doing the same old ordinary one you are so tired of. The ride it takes you on and the result from it will be significantly different. If you have ever had something occur to you and you thought it was outrageous, today is the day to devote to it and see how it might fit with your life altogether right now and give it a colorful burst of excitement and joy. Good for you!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014: Loud

Hopefully, you did focus on your highest inspiration yesterday and this worked up a powerful steam in your funnel of all kinds of ways to go about doing it. Well, it’s time to let out all this steam in a hoot and a toot – shaking the clouds up above. Let yourself express your innermost desires with a loud roar, making the statement that you acknowledge this for yourself and you are putting the world under notice you are doing it!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014: Benevolent
You cannot accomplish anything really big or long lasting unless you are being benevolent in your effort and clear in your motives. The deep inner connectivity between you and everything else there is makes your every move affect the whole in more than one way. Making the right move for yourself has more bearing on the world than you can ever fathom. Just keeping yourself in a nice, easy and positive mood counts a thousand-fold. This is how you can spread a light and bright vibe all around you to uplift and cheer all those who surround you, even if you do not exchange on a one-on-one basis. All you need to do is simply bring out your radiant smile and energy. So, this is your opportunity to do the right thing for you and everyone.

Thursday, July 17, 2014: Aggregate
On a not-so-good day, it might seem as if there are many things going wrong for you. You can break this pattern and aggregate all the good things you have coming and going in your life this very day. Start making a list and you will find there are too many worthy causes and things that matter to you that you could be contributing toward instead of spending so much time worrying about what may not be so good. Any negative energy you have will get diluted with a nicer one and – all of a sudden – things will revert for the better as the air clears around you. Enjoy!

Friday, July 18, 2014: Stroke (of genius)
Putting yourself in a really good mode pays off very fast. For example, you can come up with a near stroke (of genius), just like that! There are lots of flickering and shining bright hints and hunches out there that can come your way as long as you are open to receive them. Think of it this way, if you were a bright idea, would you go to someone moody and grouchy or to someone light and easy who will really embrace you and get excited? Aha, the answer is clear. So, you know what to do. Let us know what exceptional ideas hit you.

Saturday, July 19, 2014: Flexible
The only difference between being pessimistic and optimistic is being flexible. The first one does not want to change anything in order to make things work. The second one is ready to do just about anything it takes to make things happen and is geared to not give up in mid-stream. Which one are you going to be today? If you choose wisely, you will simply have no time to be worried, feel bad or be complaining. You will be too busy with all of the great things you are achieving with your mighty inspiration. And, believe it or not, you can never run out of these. You will not get tired and not need to stop. Just keep moving and love your own flow of ideas.

Sunday, July 20, 2014: Win! Win!

Better than the lottery, the end of this week is going to be a real win! win! for you and yours. As you all manage to keep yourselves exhilarated and enthusiastic, all the great experiences you are having will rise and increase to their natural culmination. Something even better than you could have ever imagined will rightfully take its place to seal the deal to make yourself a true winner for yourself and the world. This will also show you how much it really matters to be loyal to yourself first.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Be extravagant and loud about your benevolent desires to aggregate all of your power and inspiration in a stroke (of genius) to find a flexible way to always win! win! and soar.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

When you win! win! with your flexible approach to use your stroke (of genius) to aggregate your inner benevolent tendency, you can announce it loud and clear in an extravagant and elegant way.

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Energy of the Week for July 14-20, 2014: Exercise

This week is all about your ability to exercise your birthright to look after yourself. You can give and be engaged with your environment only so much before you realize you forgot to do what is most important first – take good care of you. It does not mean you will withdraw yourself from whatever you are involved in, but just make absolutely sure to get calm, cool and collected, rested, strengthened and renewed to be at your best for yourself first, then for what you are doing and everyone else.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Have you been running like a high speed chase after everything you are involved with? If so, you probably have a feeling something has slipped you by, but you might not even be sure what. There is one thing you cannot afford to do and it is to lose your own balance. If you are not stable on your own two feet, there is very little, if anything, you can do that will be of any use. Nothing is worth you being beaten down, exhausted or overwhelmed. When you are depleted, you can only put lower energy into whatever you are doing. If you do not like to waste your time, you need to be involved in whatever is worth your time. But then, how is it justified to do something worthwhile with lesser energy than what you could have on a good day? To give to the maximum of what you are fully capable of, you need to be in a good place first and nothing can take precedent before this. So, this week, put yourself first and ensure you are well, excited, inspired and invigorated. Then and only then, can you exercise your wants after your needs of food, health, love, shelter and self-expression are all in place and taken care of. Doing it this way, you are sure to be at your best and it is sure to feel really good.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Are you putting your whole heart into your job? Somewhere between projects, plans, deadlines, rules and procedures, does it get too stiff for you to use pure inspiration in what you do? Most people would say they would love to do so, but they simply do not know how to make it practical so it works for them. But inspiration is your highest of skills, your utmost of talents and greatest of all the abilities you possess. It is always the best answer to everything at hand so do it in a really meaningful and invaluable way. Indeed, you cannot afford to miss out on it or work without it. You know what your schedule is and goals are. How can you do them more with greater inspiration? What would it take for you to be sizzled up and uplifted and connected with the opportunity you have to reach and touch others, leaving your mark in their day and perhaps even changing their lives? You are an essential piece of the whole and the entire planet is counting with you to do your part. The better you exercise it, the better off it leaves you and the better off we all are as a result. The difference could be staggering. All it takes is for you to get completely inspired to do it. Start right away.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
You always learn the most about others when you all do things together. This week, do some physical exercise or exercise your mind and heart by doing whatever you were going to do anyway, but do it with others. Whether you go for a walk, watch a movie, clean up your yard, bake cookies, wash the car, take the dog to the park or buy groceries, even read a book or go for a hike, find someone who would like to join you or ask them if they need company and spend this invaluable time together. You will find out more things that matter to each of you, what is important or inspiring, and everyone can share plentifully from both sides. The time will go faster, the chores will get done easier and you will all have lots of fun learning more in the process.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for July 7-13, 2014

Take this great chance to MANIFEST your innermost desires this week by actively pursuing and implementing your goals. Stay strong, be relentless in what you have to do and remain standing until the end. Remember, the pay off doesn’t come only at the end. You are gaining and enriching yourself during the entire process.  

Monday, July 7, 2014: Turn
With a lucky turn of events, you will find yourself where you have always wanted to be – in the driver’s seat – ready to navigate your life by holding the wheel firmly with both hands. Steer yourself where your intuition takes you and you will run into the junction offering you the right avenue for everything you have ever hoped for.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014: Levy
There is a cost to everything you get in life so you can respect and appreciate its value. Today, you have to own up to yet another price to pay, but in giving your levy, you need to see the success you already have which is always many times over what you feel you may need to give up for it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014: Promote
There may be something hidden you have not managed to promote as of yet and this is your invitation to do so with excitement and confidence. If you are pondering on it and it is worth your time, it surely warrants to be brought out into the daylight and shared.

Thursday, July 10, 2014: Relegate
Even if it may seem today as if you are pushed against the wall or asked to hand over your plan and relegate it to a lower place than it is now, you need to take this in stride and not buy into it. Show you cannot be puzzled by a slightly tougher momentum and you can hold your ground whenever and wherever necessary. Just do not drop what you are doing or forget your priorities. You will be over the hump just as quickly as you came upon it and left better off than before the day even started. There is a lot to be thankful for!

Friday, July 11, 2014: Understood
One more time, you will be able to show how you do not depend on being understood – even when you feel you really need it a lot. Only you know what you hold within your own self and, even if it remains invisible to others, it should not bring you down today. Take another opportunity to express what you are really about and state it loud and clear by showing you can be self-reliant at anytime.

Saturday, July 12, 2014: Proponent
Give your support to the cause you are a proponent of. Being drawn to something that builds you into what you can become and realize your potential will pay off for you many times over.

Sunday, July 13, 2014: Risk Factor

Chances are, you may give a second thought today to the things you do which have become a risk factor for you personally and taking away from your healthier and stronger self. Why do anything you have heard is not good for you? To prove you can be so strong you cannot harm yourself? Or to be smaller than what it takes to stop it? Rethink again, then change and do something about it. Becoming reasonable for yourself again and being loyal to yourself first will flow the most energy in your direction.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Turn around and pay your levy to promote how no one can relegate you to a lower position, even if you are not being understood, so you can still remain a proponent of sustaining yourself by avoiding any risk factor.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Stay away from any present risk factor and be a proponent to relying on your own strength, even if you are not being well understood so you do not let anyone relegate you to a lower position, but promote how you can pay whatever levy is due and in turn gain a whole lot.

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Energy of the Week for July 7-13, 2014: Manifest

Brace yourself for a magical week full of excitement and joy while getting the universe to help you manifest what you have been desiring for yourself and others around you.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Life will be speeding up for you over the next few days. Take it gentle and easy and be careful to not let your head spin around too much. Just because things start developing a bit faster than you may expect or what you are used to doesn’t mean it will be harder. Just the opposite. There is a natural trend in the energy to open doors and opportunities so you can take full advantage of it as long as you remain composed and clear-headed throughout it all. Never think you are not ready for what you are facing as this is the very reason it is in front of you at this particular time. Instead, embrace it fully and give it your best shot. You are never alone and your spiritual helpers are very experienced in lending a hand exactly when and where you need it. If you feel you are navigating in unchartered territory, you may sense some extra help coming your way to offer you support and comfort. Just do not give up. In other words, be steady and solid within yourself and the rest will fall into place just as it is meant to – and on time! This way, you will feel great from the inside out and manifest your dreams while enjoying every single moment.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Have you been more diligent recently in making projections in your work? This week, be sure to manifest whatever you have been working on and more. You will most likely experience favorable circumstances from one end to the other. Just believe in what you are pursuing and the real value it holds for everyone. Your inner drive and desire can transform into real results fairly quickly if you have pure motivation from the heart about what you are doing and understand its place in the world. You are an integral part of this planet and the universe and only you can make a difference like this. Rally all of your power now because this is the time to put it to its best use and make history. By creating a better service, you will fulfill the demand more than you can even imagine. Be more efficient and in no time, you will fit all of the necessary pieces in place where they belong. Just set aside any concerns you may have so you can focus on what is truly important for you and all of your customers.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
You are one decision away from starting to live a better future for yourself and those who matter the most to you – right away. Over the next few days, manifest all of the special relationships you want to have. It will take sincere sharing from the heart and coordinating to make things work better for everyone. If you unite your efforts, this gives the universe all the more reason to back you and help you achieve what you are aiming for with all of the people around you. Do not allow yourself to get discouraged. Sometimes the air clears up after a misunderstanding which opens even more opportunity to speak up. By staying positive, you can learn a great lesson from it all. There is no limit to how deep your relationships can go as long as you are willing to open up and are consistent in sharing your true feelings.

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