Energy of the Week for May 5-11, 2014: Exhilaration

Starting the first thing Monday morning, your heart will begin beating faster in anticipation of something exciting and uplifting that could happen…and it will – all week long! You will not be able to contain the exhilaration even if you are the most level-headed skeptic. Your concepts may try to make you give up and fall into a negative state, but there will be a powerful undercurrent in the energy pulling you back to your feet. Shake off the dysfunctional so you can get back on track easily and share your joy.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Prepare a wish list and go for it because this is the time for all of it to happen. Whatever you can do to be at your best will work miracles for you. Get into your best mood and groove so you feel as if you are standing on the top of the world – and you will see the most dramatic and fulfilling unfoldment of your dreams play itself out right in front of you. You will be filled with exhilaration and enjoy it so much you will not want it to end. It does not have to, as long as you are on your own side and do not take the opposite position. Do not be too invested in anything outside of yourself. You is just about all that matters at this point. If you catch yourself drifting off the main path or get scattered by going in circles trying to get back, stop dead in your tracks and do not make a move unless you know exactly where you are going and it feels right. This time, it is about shooting once and hitting the bulls eye.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
You will most likely end up having a business party as there will simply be too many good things to appreciate and celebrate. They need to be acknowledged as they are your milestones to where you are heading for yourself. This will also help others see your achievements for what they are and respect even more all of the strength, tenacity and will power you are putting into it. They will realize how much is done with them in mind and will bring more of their loyalty back to you on account of it. What this results in, although a lot, does not even compare to the built up exhilaration which is the best pay off you could have ever asked for in the process. The major difference that sets the bar in how you will both excel and propel yourself forward is whether you are doing what you came here to do or not. Your energy is always magnified and expanded when you are doing the right thing for yourself first – and then for others.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Have you ever experienced quiet exhilaration? It is subtle and happens without even saying anything, but you will be touched by a deeper joy in total bliss with someone you care about who is also considerate of you in return. Sometimes you just need to cherish those moments when you align so well with the people next to you as if time stops and real magic happens. You will be reminded to forgive and forget as you look into the eyes of special friends. This will make your heart feel uplifted with relief and realize you have all harmonized your rhythms – at least for the time being. You can exchange mutual support in order to spread warmth and backing for everyone. However less-than-perfect we all are, we still need each other to bounce off of and thrive in what only we can achieve together.

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The Energy of the Month for May is EXPOUND

May promises to be a paramount month in your life and career as the year is gearing up to full speed. As of now, all factors are working together for you to come up to your full stature and break the barriers that have limited your growth and development. You can expound on whatever you are pursuing for yourself with no compromise as long as you do not waver and avoid any interim blocks that may show up in your way.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
You know if nothing stops you, you can really go far. First, you need to see for yourself nothing indeed can – unless you allow it. Next, work smart and reserve your energy to exemplify what you are truly about. If you encounter a stumbling block, you do not need to break through it. Just gently go around it. As far as any old shortcomings taking away your time, peace and stability, get rid of them once and for all. When the circumstances prompt you, do not hesitate. Give an outlet to anything welling up inside of you. Once you release it to the universe, you will be better off without it. The idea is to overcome the concept and leave it behind for good. Reward yourself with a goodbye party to give it a proper closure so you know you have sealed it in the past and it never comes back to haunt you again. Now you can fully expound on anything you are hungry for and really want to endeavor. Without anything unnecessary hanging around you, you can focus exclusively on what really matters to you.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Your service depicts your passion no matter what you are striving for or what your occupation is. You can always find a way to weave this enthusiasm through your normal line of work and go for the things most important to you. This way, you can really be inspired and pass on to the community the ideals driving you while living the purpose behind them. It may not be the easiest thing to do: finding others who resonate with your message and who are aligned along the same path so you can expound on it, but if you are continuously sharing, you will certainly meet and click with many of them eventually. Let your inner desires be known and keep your motives clear with those you do business with and your results will increase and flourish many times over. You can never accomplish great things on a large scale alone if they are meant for many. Therefore, gathering the right team together can boost more initiative inside of you than you could have ever expected.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
How much you are connected with those in your social circle has a lot to do with the energy you are giving to these relationships. It is measured by the amount of time and communication you take to share, especially if you see a need for a bigger picture for both you and them. You can certainly expound on it by spending more time and sharing about new areas of interest. It will refresh the bond you have and even start to put in place something new. Even the people you have already known for awhile can get to know you in a new light on a deeper level and vice versa. While those around you both support and challenge you, they always help you bring out the real you at every level. You learn more about yourself with each interaction. Take more time to explore mutual interests and remember the more they get to know you, the more you will discover about yourself as well. Since the energy of others can help aid you in your direction, never forget to be introspective about their influence and take only the best to heart so you can apply it successfully in your personal, business and social life.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for April 28-May 4, 2014

The energy is calling on you to UPGRADE yourself over the next few days. Whether it is a promotion in your business life or other greater opportunities presenting themselves that require a stronger commitment, you can step up your overall game bigger and better than ever before – as long as you are one-hundred percent up for it.

Monday, April 28, 2014: Elevate
Nothing will take off for you until you elevate yourself today from the inside out. If you think about being uplifted and inspired, you will be. When any natural resistance occurs, realize it is helping you to spear yourself ahead even more so than not – just like an airplane cannot take off without the resistance of the air flow. Appreciate the experience and charge ahead.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014:
Sometimes you may find yourself in a lot of thick clutter forcing you to make a clear decision. Just cut through it and leave it behind. Gracefully handle any developments that may appear undesirable because they may very well be exactly what you need to finally take back control over your life and not leave anything to go in a random way for you anymore.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014: Loving
In the middle of it all, you may need to take a much needed breather and remind yourself of the loving energy you have all around you. The truth is, no matter how bad everything may look to you – you actually have a lot more than you think you may not have. And as long as you see it this way, the universe will become even more generous with every resource so you can put it to very good use.

Thursday, May 1, 2014: Resist
If it seems difficult to resist temptations today, there is likely to be a good reason. This week will afford you an opportunity to break any patterns of behavior which have not worked for you in the past. One way to do this is by drawing an invisible line and leaving behind what you know does not serve you anymore. This will revive and restore the energy around you so you can thrust ahead with an even more refreshed inner power and conviction.

Friday, May 2, 2014: Concern
With a lot of backing from the energy today, you will be able to inspire more concern – even from individuals who are the least caring around you. By getting back to the basics of communicating clearly and plainly at every level, you will realize even more we are all the same – even with the most defiant of human nature. We all have needs and wants and are constantly searching for the best ways to satisfy them while honestly doing the best we know how. This learning process unites us more than it divides and guides us to offer a helping hand wherever possible. Send us a brief story about the most interesting and unexpected events you have encountered this week.

Saturday, May 3, 2014: Understanding
Someone once said: if you listen you will hear. If you hear, you will understand. If you understand, you will forgive. But this does not mean you have to forget. Just allow people to earn back your respect – step-by-step. Today is all about not making any big deals out of anything, but rather strengthening your compassionate understanding. It is true if you were raised in the shoes of your fellowman, you may end up in the same way or circumstances. By keeping this in mind, you may experience an instant release from any grudges or resentment you have been holding onto. As human beings, we are not perfect. But the purer you are, the better you will feel.

Sunday, May 4, 2014: Relax
After yesterday, just waking up will have a miraculously calming and positive effect on you. You can relax even more today from any tension you may have gathered as of late. If you realize everything will be just fine no matter what, you can continue your own healing and let yourself become the bubbly person you have always been while again loving life to the fullest.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Elevate yourself with a decision to remain loving and resist the pressure by having true concern and understanding to relax and let go of anything that may take you upstream.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Learn to relax with the understanding you can have concern and resist falling in stressful situations with a loving decision to elevate yourself for the better.

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Energy of the Week for April 28-May 4, 2014: Upgrade

This will be a pivotal week in your life as the year is gearing up to its mid-point. You will have an incredible opportunity to upgrade yourself and rise to higher standards while reaching out for greater goals.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Upgrading is not about buying something new or acquiring more possessions. The next seven days will put you in a position to step outside of your comfort zone – all for a mighty reason. The time has come for you to upgrade yourself to become a you+! If you really do right by yourself, then you will constantly grow and expand and move ahead on your own individual journey. Call it a spiritual growth spurt, but you – all of a sudden – may become hungry for learning even more about who you are and what you are meant to do. Do not compromise your inner sense even if you seem to be in a conundrum. In fact, you can always change your situation if you have the motivation to make it better and manage to do whatever it takes. So, stick to your guns and start playing by your own rules, because it is your life and you are meant to be loyal to yourself first and foremost.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
All you need to do is take your service to the next level. If you doubt you are ready or think it is premature, check closely whether a sneaky fear of success in the background may be holding you back. A huge energy wave will be flowing through planet Earth bringing a fresher and stronger approach with it. As long as you are open to accept this inspiration, it will surely come your way to receive and benefit from. If you apply what you have already learned with the right motivation, it will be more than enough to create almost anything you put your mind and heart toward. Soon, you will be able to upgrade to everything you have been wishing for and get rewarded by being able to reach more consumers so you can satisfy the demand for your product or service.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
How much do you value your personal environment? Without it, you are like a fish out of water. But are you swimming in the right pond? As you are on the path to upgrade yourself this week, it is important to not let anyone around you bring you down. If others do not understand you are stepping it up for your own personal convenience, they may try to jeopardize what you are doing to move ahead. Do not let anyone hold you back. You do not owe anything to anyone else before you do what you need to do for yourself. Staying loyal to yourself first will be very inspiring to anyone witnessing you taking off and going for the gusto. The best teamwork you can have with those who matter the most to you is when all of you carry your own weight and are aligned with the same values and overall direction. Since like attracts like, whenever you do right by yourself, you will be surrounded by others who are organizing themselves as well. Let us know what important changes are happening in your life and the impact they have already created.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for April 21-27, 2014

By staying clear and directed and working together with others to make any challenging circumstances SURMOUNTABLE, you will be much better off after you have passed through them than you were before you encountered them.

Monday, April 21, 2014: Passion
There is one thing in this entire world that can make you reach further and jump higher. It is your passion. This makes things ten times better since it brings out your inspiration and puts you in a very powerful mode. Remind yourself what makes you sizzled up and include it in your everyday endeavors from now on.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014: Sincerity

You may be putting up a wall today if you are hiding the true reasons why you are involved in certain situations. Your cover-up will get blown apart. Life has strange ways to pull out your true sincerity and cause you to be more open and reveal it. The lesson you will learn is what drives you underneath matters when it comes to how everything is going and the results it will bring. Being truthful is your strongest playing card. The real energy of getting all of the facts will attract only positive vibrations and the essence of what your life on planet Earth is all about.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014: Lavish
Lavish abundance will come to you today when you bring out your energetic demeanor and decisive attitude. This will win over anything trying to bring you down. The more you remain solid and positive, the more your day will have great outcomes as if there is no end to the grateful gestures coming from your environment. Apply these simple guidelines and savor the moment.

Thursday, April 24, 2014: Concern
Do not over-concern yourself with the smaller things coming your way today. Have faith in the consistent approach you are using to make your dreams a reality. Little disturbances might show up and go away just as fast as they appeared. Look right through them and realize sometimes you may be tested. This way, you can stay on track despite the changing winds you may be subjected to. Besides, it will all happen quickly and by sunset, it will all be good and settled again as if nothing happened.

Friday, April 25, 2014: Studious
If somehow you have become too laid-back and not be interested in gaining much new knowledge or information, you will still be prone to being very studious in your own way. Today, you may be extremely curious and realize some things are worth the extra time and effort to check in to. If you find yourself researching a subject or looking into a topic you did not previously care about, there will most likely be a good reason for it. Make yourself a good student and it will pay off instantly.

Saturday, April 26, 2014: Remarkable
By now, you should be uplifted by the remarkable week you have had so far. Keep going in the same fashion and, for the first time, you will feel completely in charge and lead yourself toward the exact destination you need to be headed in.

Sunday, April 27, 2014: Astound

Allow yourself to enjoy the achievements you have harvested for yourself over the last few days. Do not be shy to acknowledge them and astound your inner circle with the best highlights. There is always a lot to learn from your everyday experiences when it comes to both yourself and those closest around you.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Live with passion, sincerity and a lavish care and concern to improve and be studious to achieve a remarkable progress that can astound everyone around you.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Do not stop after you astound your environment with the remarkable studious qualities and concern you have so you can reach lavish results with sincerity and true passion for life.

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Energy of the Week for April 21-27, 2014: Surmountable

There is something about life that may become obvious to you this week. Any undesired circumstance is surmountable and possible to reverse into a desired one. Since everything you encounter is only there to help you learn from it, anything you may not like as much has a special place – as it takes you to where you would really like to be. When you take a route you did not choose, it may turn out this was your best shortcut in the big picture. As long as you remain true to yourself, you will not lose your main intent along the way.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

All unexpected events will test how you can maintain your own equilibrium when you become shocked or shaken out of your intended position for the moment. Although they are usually short-lived and finish soon after they start, something about them always takes you farther away from where you want to be. This is most likely to happen if you are not focused. As long as you are pointed in the right direction, you will continue to stay on track with your main agenda and maintain momentum – even when it is disrupted. Nothing can cause you to lose perspective with what is truly important to you. This helps you look for solutions so you can enrich your journey and not get stuck on why something happened or how it may have stalled your progress. Realize when you let go of a smaller opportunity, you could end up winning bigger than you ever anticipated. As long as your motives are pure, nothing can be taken away from you. Anything is doable and surmountable even if, for many others, it might not seem so. This confirms that you, as a soul, moves by desire and your intent keeps you going no matter what. When you persevere, at some point, the circumstances will always begin to flow your way and the force starts to obey what is stronger – your inextinguishable passion and personal drive to keep moving ahead.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Just like in your personal life, your business endeavors will grow the most when you are challenged by unfavorable circumstances. This helps you reaffirm the reason and dedication you have for what you do as a career. If you allow yourself to think certain challenges can stop you, then they most likely will. If you decide you will achieve what you have planned no matter what, then any situation will be sure to become surmountable and the way to overcome them will begin to clarify itself right in front of your very own eyes. As long as you believe in what you do, the need for it and its undeniable value, then you will continue to attract others who share this view with you and will stand behind you when you need the most backing. As much as this is the business you are in, do not forget you are in it together with your consumers, as it will not last very long without them. Make it work for them just as it does for you and this solid balance will carry you through any demanding times making your business life even more successful than ever before.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
There is a great single rule of thumb that helps both close and distant relationships to function better – just let everyone be themselves. This is the best way the mutual energy you have between yourselves can become stronger and more lasting. It will be based on coordinating the true natures of each person involved without bringing the concepts you inherited from either or both of your parents. With everyone being sincere, a solid and real trust can be unfolded which can survive just about anything. This way, whatever you encounter together that may be unpleasant will be surmountable and easily possible to overcome. This is why it is important to be who you truly are and help others feel free and inspired to show their true side as well. You can help each other surpass any little misunderstandings and take your connection beyond the ordinary into a more reliable and powerful exchange.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for April 14-20, 2014

Use the riches of your own WISDOM to create the best life you can for yourself. Let learning be the pinnacle of your existence in every moment and you will elevate your energy to heights unknown before.  

Monday, April 14, 2014: Zest
Live today with more punch than ever before and zest up all of your experiences to the fullest. Just set your energy for positive surprises and unexpected developments. How it will all turn-out is secondary to what this wild ride shows and teaches you. Recognize the dynamics it takes in life to get from one point to another, especially if you are an active and determined part of the equation.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014:
Here come the extra spicy and flavorful moments that showcase how everything happens for a really good reason – always. While you may have a hard time believing your eyes, it will all come together eventually proving the very point: he laughs best who laughs last. Understand you do gain and enhance your own world with every experience, however not so tasty you might think it is – as it exists in the buffet of life, it is worth learning from.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014: Select
There is so much you have to offer to make your life worth living. It comes from your wisdom and today you can select exactly how to do it so you have a blast and feel  exhilarated from driving yourself on your own route.

Thursday, April 17, 2014: Perpetuate
Wake up happy and ready to perpetuate a great unforgettable deed that will wow everyone around. The circumstances will open a door for you to enter with your best foot forward and reveal the real character you possess. Carry on and make it great.

Friday, April 18, 2014: Regroup
Be prepared to regroup the past few days on your way toward the end of the week. The most important inference you can make is you can steer yourself wherever you want. Watch how every step you take makes a difference. Where you end up speaks for itself and, once again, will encourage you to make up your own mind and move forward in flying colors toward your ultimate goal.

Saturday, April 19, 2014: Excel
Can you make any progress without the ability to excel and move into new unexplored territory? It goes without saying you deserve to try out your own inspiration and find out what this will bring your way. Being bold and confident helps you undertake a journey you desire to explore the possibilities and have encounters to help you make your dreams come true.

Sunday, April 20, 2014: Career

You will establish that when you are taking your own course, you always have the wind blowing in the direction you are moving toward helping you make a swift transition into the unchartered territory in front of you. Although not considered to be your occupation or profession, following your gut and pursuing your intuitive sensitivity is your career of living right for yourself first. What else can you use all of your obtained wisdom for, if not for your own good and for making this lifetime the best one yet?

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Live with the zest to enhance your life and select the best ways to perpetuate your ultimate achievements when you regroup yourself on how to excel in your own personal career of being loyal to yourself first.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Make a career out of being able to excel after you regroup everything you were able to perpetuate when you select your approach to enhance with a zest the best in yourself.

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Energy of the Week for April 14-20, 2014: Wisdom

The energy this week will help you focus on realizing you have more wisdom in your little finger than you could ever possibly imagine. It is a little like the saying you could miss the forest for the trees – all because you are too close to yourself. How many times do you look at what you are lacking rather than what you have plenty of? You have been gathering knowledge, acumen and savvy from every experience you have ever gone through – which is massive! The key is to make even better use of it, especially while you are also understanding how invaluable what you hold within really is.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

As you may know, when you leave planet Earth, you do not take with you any material possessions, titles or theoretical knowledge. The only thing you take away is your very own wisdom, extracted through every single experience. It becomes an inseparable part of you. As a matter of fact, it is you. You are constantly growing and expanding your energy. Since it is the only thing from your life you bring with you when you pass on, it is indeed the most important to focus on. What you learn is what you become. This is why it matters so much to regroup any new awareness you have acquired from situations you have gone through. Do this on a daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal or annual basis or after any major event. Do not spare any effort to reminisce during the next coming days. When you grow spiritually, you always raise yourself to a higher place where all of your experiences are elevated to a more positive light and energy.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
What could be a better avenue to employ and apply your wisdom than the work you chose to be involved with day-in and day-out? After all, what you are learning is current and fresh so you can expand and include it in everything you do. This is reality in the making. It will be so relevant, everyone around you will be able to relate to it and be open to being a part of it. Moreover, your wisdom is what shapes and sharpens your best skills – making them even better. It causes you to do what you do with even more depth, conviction and passion. It is akin to an extra flavored spice that turns an otherwise ordinary dish into an extraordinary gourmet presentation of talent and skill – all in one. Knowing that this means so much, now is the time to live your best inspirations while, at the same time, you are turning them into reality. This is pure gold when you become a wiz at sharing all of your wisdom with the world along with being a great example for others to follow.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Since you are your own wisdom, it is important to realize when you are sharing with others in your social environment, you will attract those who have an ear to listen to everything you have to say. If you hold on to it just for yourself and are not outflowing to give others inspiration by being an example, you are being greedy. On the other hand, if you allow yourself to be more involved and give from what you have learned, it will multiply its value and meaning a few times over. You will leave everyone better off – both you and all of your friends around the world. Get going and share the stories of what you have lived through and the effect they had on you at the end of the day. You will engage the attention of your immediate audience while earning the respect of your listeners, not to mention solidifying your own personal inner wealth over and over again.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for April 7-13, 2014

When you discover the freedom in following your own DIRECTION, you will find your greatest satisfaction and make connections closer to your own personal outlook on life.

Monday, April 7, 2014:Habit
Make a habit of asking yourself what you would really like to accomplish for yourself and base your schedule for the day on achieving it before the day is over. Always regroup what you experienced to acknowledge what you have learned so you can set a new goal for how to keep improving yourself.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014:
Get settled on choosing the right thing for yourself today and stop playing the you-love-you, you-love-you-not game. If you are not proactively respecting and treating yourself right, you cannot do anything for anyone else. Start sincerely caring about your own well-being and happiness and those around you will enjoy seeing you at your best and have a great example to follow.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014: Remarkable
It is time for you to get a remarkable revelation from the sum total of all your experiences today. Whether you become aware of it or not, you may be in for an even bigger and better surprise than you are prepared for. Be easy on yourself and spend the time necessary to process it after the fact so you can draw the inference you are meant to have.

Thursday, April 10, 2014: Dynamic
The clock is set for you to have the most dynamic time you have ever had.  Even if you end up taking a nap during the day, your dreams may be explosively active – helping you keep your energy moving and shaking. You will need to be quick on your feet to stay up with the momentum, but in the end, wipe the sweat off your forehead and be grateful for everything that has happened.

Friday, April 11, 2014: Lesson
Do not try to teach a lesson to anyone – even if you do not agree with the choices they have made. What you could do instead is inspire them to see how another way to handle things could be more beneficial to them and everyone else concerned. You cannot make others do what you suggest unless you help them see it as a better idea than the original one they had.

Saturday, April 12, 2014: Appropriate
By now, this week has hopefully helped you fall back into the groove of your own direction – applying the most appropriate moves toward what really works well for you personally. As long as it has a positive effect on your immediate environment and brings out your best strengths, you can indeed keep it up as long as you can and it will continue to be productive and rewarding.

Sunday, April 13, 2014: Destination

Your best direction will take you to a grand destination where you feel you can advance yourself as far as your inspiration can take you. When you are just being yourself and have a solid conviction, your personal clarity will take you to what you desire at any time.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Make it a great habit to love with remarkable conviction during the dynamic times you learn your best lesson from in an appropriate fashion with the desired destination ahead.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Reach your destination after you learn an appropriate lesson with a dynamic remarkable love so it becomes an invaluable habit.

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Energy of the Week for April 7-13, 2014: Direction

You will rediscover this week that following your own direction depends only on you. If you happen to find yourself on a bus to nowhere or perhaps detouring off the main track, it is time to get back to your own big picture of what you are really here to do for yourself.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Nothing can help you reconnect more with yourself inside than reawakening by realizing where you are and especially where you are headed. This matters because when you are on the right path, you will naturally be aided by the energy backing you to be loyal to yourself first. This will help you feel self-propelled as if you are on auto-pilot with everything going very smoothly on its own. The more you encounter stumbling or peripeteia, the more you are not flying high toward your best direction. Remember, every moment you hold on to the wheel and navigate yourself accordingly, there is no just set it and forget it. Whenever you meet resistance, this allows you to fine tune exactly where you are spiritually and materially so you can be where you need to be for yourself and not an inch out-of-place. Sometimes the universe taps your shoulder to get your attention so you can make a new decision and refocus on what you want to happen in the here and now. Led by your own direction, you will surely get ahead in the game of life.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Although making financial projections is super important in any business, it is the underlying purpose behind the numbers that carries the main energy when you are doing something to be of service to others. Not only are you doing it for yourself, you are helping someone else who needs what you have to give. In the process, your total capabilities are revealed and your desires become fulfilled. The balance is not just in the good you are providing, but when you are personally actively involved, this will bring you the satisfaction of putting to use the wisdom you have put together through lifetimes and enriching those who are benefiting from it. As long as you are aligned with the energy in this direction, you will be guided to success in everything you do.   

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
How you intertwine your direction with other people is the key to having a fulfilling time together and mutually benefit from everyone’s experience. Each person goes their own way, but paths are sure to cross more than once if you are attracted to each other by the same values and share an admiration for the things that matter to you the most. You will also be learning similar lessons and everyone will have an opportunity to take away their own particular wisdom. The more you understand the other person, the greater, stronger and closer your bond will get. As you align yourselves on the same plane, the gaps between you get smaller. As a result, you can connect more and more often. Finally, the clearer the communication, you will merge and become closer in spirit than you ever have before.

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