Energy of the Week for June 2-8, 2014: Exalt

This whole year so far will peak for you this week when you exalt yourself to the new best you that you can be. You will likely discover you can indeed pull yourself above the water by heading to new heights you may have never dared to dream of before. On average, most people try to prepare two or three times more than they really need to before they get into a desired action. By heading right away into where you want to go, you will be able to utilize a great shortcut to your own dreams.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Stepping up to your personal best can be easier than you ever imagined. The things that empower you are special because they bring out what you have within more than anything else does. If you were to exalt your absolute most and stimulate every hidden talent, you will suddenly perform as a super you. Since it is easier to imagine doing this only for a short time, let’s say for a day, mark your calendar and decide which day you want to expand yourself to an incredible high from the moment you wake up in the morning until you fall asleep at night. Your energy will be exhilarated the moment you reach this decision as the clarity of the desire you are just now beginning to realize will take you to a much better place. You may get a whole new perspective and a brand new outlook on everything that is possible to achieve. Increasing the span of these possibilities gives you better options to pick from for yourself. Choose the right ones and your life will definitely improve.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Think about what you can do to inspire more people and take better care of your customers and this will exalt your business life beyond anything else you could do to advance what you are offering. This does not have to cost you a lot of time or money. Even the little things count when they are done sincerely and benefit the people they are intended for. A kind and thoughtful gesture can put you in a better position over your competitors in the eyes of those who are coming to you for what you have to give. Take extra time to think about even more consideration you have to offer in order to win the loyalty of those on the receiving end of your service. The more you take them by surprise and get them excited, the more likely they will appreciate how much you are doing for them. Naturally, they would prefer coming back to you than going anywhere else. Once you are their best alternative, nothing can stop you from expanding and moving up and forward.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
What would it take for you to make both yourself and someone else happier? An ordinary experience can turn extraordinary with just an extra spark of inspiration to do something more special than usual. For example, if you have been uplifted by a particular scene from one of your favorite movies, try to recreate it in your own way to give yourself and someone you are close to a pleasurable experience. You can make your own brand out of even the most expensive and expansive productions with just what you have by being a bit creative. Go the extra mile to exalt your important relationships with the flavor of an unexpected, pleasant and exceptional experience designed to uplift and make anyone feel better. Do not forget to share your story with us!

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The Energy of the Month for June is PREPARE

This month, the energy is helping you put in order all of your affairs in every area of your life. To prepare like this, you need to look at all things concerning you with the eye of an organizer who can keep everything prioritized and practical. Besides, this is one sure way to simplify and clean house so you have more time left to enjoy your mid-year, be it summer or winter, depending on where you are in the whole wide world.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Although we are putting a special emphasis on this now, it is important to realize how every moment can prepare you for the next one and your entire past has prepared you for your present and future. Because things lead you from one to the next, this gives you even more reason to look toward each experience as a meaningful stepping stone which takes you further on your journey. Do not skip incredible moments or be in the present only some of the time, otherwise you will miss out on life. Since you do not have an on and off switch, you are here to enjoy every breath you take. Make something from every passing second by making it count. Live every moment with the fresh energy of new inspiration and you can take full advantage of all that is possible with the ability and skill you have accumulated up to now. Stay orderly. You may spend more time fixing what you have not accomplished in the best way the first time. Or, you could be reorganizing something that just did not hit the mark right away because you were not with it enough. This is why it is said: Get set, ready, and go! You may want to stop, focus and then hit the road. This guarantees you will be following the direction you have chosen wisely. Let us know how well it is all working out for you.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
You can be ready to prepare and prepare in order to be ready, but the truth is there will be nothing efficient you can accomplish in your business on the outside unless and until you are well put together on the inside. It helps to know who you are and where you are headed on a personal level, including the benevolent reasons for which you have chosen the service you are offering. It is almost as if straightening out one thing helps straighten out many others along with it. Every one thing helps the next and if you focus on clarifying as you go, it will make your own perspective more crisp and precise and anything you do will become sharper, more to the point and directed better. Even if your results end up different than you expected, they will always be satisfactory and fulfilling. This will cause you to be more flexible with the specifics of each possible opportunity aligned with your main pursuit in life. It could cause your energy to explode and soar by being uplifted and refined.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
You can never prepare yourself for all of the surprises the interactions with your family and friends can bring you on a daily basis, but this does not mean you should go along without a plan. By having a well designed and thought-out agenda you have coordinated with others, you will see what really happens when you find yourselves in the learning positions you needed to be in at the time. If you pay really close attention, you will be able to see the similarities and synchronicities in exactly what is taking place for all of you. This could be why you find yourselves in the same place at the same time together. Be aware of how every single thing that happens tends to impress, impose and impact the rest. What you do also matters and perhaps more than you have given it credit for. Make a better connection with the whole you are an integral part of. By doing what is truly best for yourself, it will also help everyone else around you, taking all of you a big step forward – even from one moment to the next.

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Summer Is For Fun!

At the beginning of the last three months of the spiritual year, we celebrate the spiritual gift of healing or feeling!

This is the time of the year to be involved in life from every aspect. If you want to delve more into learning about yourself personally, this is a great time to just let go and concentrate on what makes you happy.

If you are interested in creating more business opportunities for yourself, the summer months (northern hemisphere) will help you make more contacts with more people simply because people feel better when the weather is warmer. You can get out and share with as many people as you want. There is no limit.

When it comes to your social life, you will want to relax and just let everyone be themselves. This way, their emotions will not get in the way of enjoying life. There is a big difference between “true feelings” and “emotions.” Emotions are feelings we have been “taught to feel,” such as anger, guilt, frustration, etc. When we indulge in these “fake” feelings or feelings of the intellect, we want to escape and become the personality of one or more of our parents. When two people get involved in becoming emotional in their communications with each other, then you have two parents going at it and we are left out in the cold…not good for the summer months!

The feeling gift is one with no boundaries and always wants to make everyone happy. This could be good or not so good depending on how you do it. If you have a tendency to cater to people and allow them to take advantage of your kindness, then having no boundaries is not healthy either for you or for them. On the other hand, if you simply want to share with as many people as possible your enthusiasm and zest for life, you can inspire hundreds, maybe thousands of people to live a better life and get more involved themselves.

By being positive and respecting yourself with always being loyal to yourself first, you will be a shining example for others to be open and concerned to make people the most important aspect of their life. This brings fulfillment and satisfaction – which is a very contagious energy!

If you want to learn more about the spiritual gifts and the personality traits that go with each one, order Howard Wimer’s book called Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts on as a paperback or eBook.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for May 26-June 1, 2014

You can QUALIFY yourself to be exactly where you want to be both personally and in your business life based on your desire and capability. In your social relationships, it has to do with your ability to communicate very effectively with others. By putting yourself under your own microscope, what you may find could be astounding to you, especially when you discover the potential you have is unending and unlimited.  

Monday, May 26, 2014: Resonate
Who you resonate with in your environment today is important and will be easy to discover. You may run into situations and others all day long until it becomes very clear which of your connections deserve more attention.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014: Extreme

Nothing tests your ultimate abilities as much as an extreme event that takes you further along than you could have envisioned for yourself. How well can you handle something unplanned taking place in your life? You are bound to find out once again how you respond and this time what you are learning will be double-worth the effort.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014: Inevitable
You always need to realize how inevitable it is to realize the consequences of your actions and how they play out for better or worse. This depends to a large degree on you. It may seem that there are many reasons for things to happen to you in a certain way when it comes to people and environment, but always remember you are the deciding factor. This is how you are be able to regain new confidence and feel empowered.

Thursday, May 29, 2014: Rework
If it happens today that you need to rework something you thought you were already finished with, you can for sure improve on what you did the first time around. It also shows you if you can do it once, you can do it again and even better this time around.

Friday, May 30, 2014: Intense
Your inner sensitivity will be very intense today. You will find yourself with pronounced intuition with just about everything. It will be as if you were your own psychic and foretelling every moment, knowing exactly how it will go before it happens. This is because the energy will be so clear, you will be reading it like an open book and be able to tell what and how it will all be taking place.

Saturday, May 31, 2014: Amazing
Upon waking up, after yesterday, you will surely feel amazing when you realize it is important not to discount how well everything will unfold today. The energy is getting upgraded and you will feel a strong reassurance of how everything is simply going a lot better for you.

Sunday, June 1, 2014: Dedicate

You may be reminded of those things that made you you growing up. The role everything has played in your upbringing affects your entire life and you will want to dedicate something special to all those who had something to do with it.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Do you resonate with the extreme way nature puts inevitable efforts to rework everything that needs improvement and the intense energy it uses in this amazing process to dedicate our expansion to personal betterment and growth?

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

If you dedicate yourself to the amazing intense passion to rework all which needs an inevitable touch, you can be an extreme example of how to resonate with and be the best you can be in your own environment.

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Energy of the Week for May 26-June 1, 2014: Qualify

This week will help you really clarify what you want to do for yourself. It will have you qualify yourself as to how ready, fit and willing you really are for your most desired endeavors.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

This is all about feeling strong and capable within to do what you want. You do not need to depend on anyone else’s understanding, approval or permission to feel you qualify for your deepest of desires. You know you want something when it really means a lot to you and has a special way of uplifting and inspiring you. It is as if you – all of a sudden – have an even greater ability and agility to pursue it. Sometimes, life has an interesting way of of testing us, so just when we persevere through the challenge, this becomes an extra confirmation of how much it is meant for us to take on a specific task. So, you will always feel within what is right and remain confident and secure about it. Even when it seems as if something is not going as smooth as you wish, it may be for the better in the big picture. Do not let yourself get disappointed. Instead, brace yourself and bring out the tenacity you carry inside to see your commitments through.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Are you wondering if you are good enough for the position you are in or the one you are looking to fill? You are only as good or strong as your aspiration is and as unwavering as your endurance is. They say every success is ten percent inspiration and ninety percent perspiration. As long as you are bringing out your best qualities so you are not giving up, you can achieve just about anything in time while learning a lot in the process. This is what allows you to be independent, so you can qualify the circumstances and not let the circumstances qualify you. If you understand yourself well, what you want and matters to you, it will all be worth your effort and time and enable you to undertake exactly what fits with you personally. Get empowered by the opportunity to see it through and it will turn out even better than you expected. By being a free spirit and going with your gut to make your best and right decisions, things will always work in your favor – every single time.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Since communication is the greatest single must-have for any relationship to be solid, if you are wondering whether the people you are meeting qualify to be a long-lasting friendship, make it simple by just gauging how well you are exchanging on a one-to-one basis with them. The easier it is to talk with them about anything at anytime and vice versa, the bigger the chance you will have to grow closer. Sometimes it takes a little initiative on your part to find out just how secure you feel sharing with others and if they will open up to you. Have fun! Create situations where you have a chance to talk to as many people as you possibly can about as many things as you can – and always let us know how it is going!

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Weekly Energy of the Day for May 19-25, 2014

The RESULTS you may get this week may be hiding behind the veil of how well you are treating yourself and following your gut. Ensure you are making every circumstance transparent and stick to what you know is right within so you become a winner in the end. Stay positive and light on your feet. After all, what else is there in life but to enjoy it?

Monday, May 19, 2014: Tether
Right from the beginning today and for the rest of the week, you can start at the top and expand your tether to the maximum extent as long you do it with purity, tenacity and an inner faith in the unlimited ability you have. Let your spirit be as it is – unbounded.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014: Design

Now that you have realized you are only responsible for your own good, you can design your life based on your liking. You have come here to planet Earth to accomplish something great and today is truly the best day to pursue it. This puts you at an early advantage as long as you treat yourself right from the start. Not a single event should take you down nor slow up your fervor. Just be you and have fun!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014: Immaculate  
Realistically, the most immaculate thing you have is your human nature. It can take a fall but you can always get up, shake off and step ahead again. Put this to good use and it will undeniably help you get what you want for yourself.

Thursday, May 22, 2014: Discover
There is something new to discover at all times in a connected universe with one thing always leading to another. Use the clues the day gives you to find out the facts you can benefit from and align them with the picture you have as to what you truly want. The only thing to examine is your motivation. Should you attempt to veer off the best path for you, you will be taking the time to detour back to it – however long it takes. Be straight with yourself and you will always find a shortcut.

Friday, May 23, 2014: Repeat
Whatever has worked for you, you did it for a reason. If you repeat it, you could get the same results over and over again unless you discover an even more efficient way to go about it. In every moment, you are a new you and you can always choose yourself to be the best person to fill this position.

Saturday, May 24, 2014: Action
All the resources you have put into preparing and clarifying where you are going are waiting for gratification from the direct action you have created the opportunity for. If you do not move a finger toward you goals, even the biggest and strongest project you have will not bring any tangible results your way. When you move and shake the ground under your feet with the vibration of your own unique inspiration, something is bound to get stirred up – more than you may have imagined!

Sunday, May 25, 2014: Quality

Just as any one quality item is worth much more than many others of a lesser standard, making your best move is many times better than any complacent or confused energy you may have. You will save a lot of time and resources spent on straightening things out after the fact. Shoot straight toward your goal and only do your very best so you can yield the best results.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Live up to your absolute tether to design an immaculate way to discover and repeat any action of quality.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

With a quality action you can repeat and discover the immaculate design that helps you reach your maximum tether.

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Energy of the Week for May 19-25, 2014: Results

This week is all about the intangible results you are constantly getting with every step you take. It is not always apparent what the exact development of what you have initiated is or the full effect it has on you and others. However, with everything you do or not do, you will trigger some cause and effect – and this is inevitable. Only the right move will bring you the right outcome and although there is no such thing as a wrong one since you always learn from everything you do, you will either progress or regress. However it goes, it is up to you. This week, learn the difference and how you can steer everything your way.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

We live in an orderly universe where, by the laws of physics, every action prompts an equal and opposite reaction. Likewise, whatever you do works either for you or against you in the same proportion to how much you are being loyal or disloyal to yourself. Hence, the expression – you get what you ask for. So, if you are looking for trouble, you will get it. But if you stand firmly on your own two feet and with a clear head and a firm grasp of everything with a pure motive as to how to put it to its best use, you will always move toward your utmost personal success – absolutely independent of any visible circumstances. Nothing can touch you when you are looking out for yourself from your heart. There is no one else to blame if something happens to you because you are totally responsible for everything you do. Set your boundaries so you have a sure guarantee you are gaining from what you are working toward. Even if it is not apparent to you on the spot, your results will be great every time you are being loyal to yourself first. Always put yourself in a good light and let the positive energy you exude take care of everything else.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Speedy decisions with an unbiased touch will take you far over the next few days. Go mostly with your gut and do not question what it tells you to do. If you take too much time just thinking, your intellect may trick you into doubting and disbelieving whether you should proceed as you feel right. Remember, you cannot go wrong if you follow your intuition so it leads you to the best place you can be at any point in time. Do not go by what it looks like on the outside. The energy allows for situations to test your loyalty and just looking at the surface may not be enough for you to see the big picture and trust the laws of the universe. It will always be good as long as you feel good within about it. It will all unfold in due time to get the most results and come to a fruition with what you need at the time to stay on track. In addition, you will further be strengthened by doing what you know is right as it will coincide with the backing of your own spiritual helpers as one team. This will help you let it flow into accomplishing your most amazing achievements.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Stick to your guns when you are communicating and this will be enough to keep your head above the water every time. If you are solid within yourself, nothing can wreck you unless you are wreck-able. Others cannot affect you unless you allow it. They are not any less or more important than you are. Neither one of you is greater or lesser as we are all just a mere reflection of the mental and physical state we are in based on our thoughts and feelings. This is why you can always determine your results and they can all turn out wonderful when you are nice and fair to yourself and others. Launch yourself forward in life with diligent efforts to be the best communicator you can be and let the rest be history.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for May 12-18, 2014

Showing your COMPASSIONATE nature will be close to inevitable over the next several days. The energy will give you a chance to feel for others this whole week. Allow yourself to genuinely care for anyone you cross paths with. It will serve you both.  

Monday, May 12, 2014: Hidden
There is always some hidden undertone you may be missing if you do not tune into the people around you and what they are going through. There is an eastern European saying: a person goes to another person when in need. Anyone can always use help from someone else at times. So look around today and take any opportunity to do just that. Remember, as much as you are helping them, you are helping your own compassionate side get fulfilled and enriched.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014:
Sometimes others reveal an unexpected negative trait in their behavior toward us. It is important to know that before this takes away from your connection with them, it first robs them of the pure way they could have treated you. This is due to their need to clarify something within themselves they are lacking. It is not your confusion, so do not punish yourself by feeling bad or getting angry back at them. Keep your hands clean by remaining positive and uninvolved in their ordeal. You will become an example of keeping your cool and staying calm, cool and collected while they may be out of it. It is your way of being compassionate while observing they are faced with something that may be beyond their ability to handle. Help them calm down sooner by not adding to the situation and ask them how you can help. No matter what, you will have already done quite a bit if you just stay unaffected.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014: Emotions
Challenging waves in the energy could trigger your emotions to come to the surface today. Be forewarned to brace yourself and not give into them. They are not your real true positive feelings. Rather, they are negative attributes or concepts you picked up from your parents or environment growing up. They do not belong to you. They are just misconstrued and twisted intellectual perceptions. Nothing that is yours can make you feel bad, down or low. Everything coming from your true feelings will take you higher and make you stronger. Keep away from what is not yours and you will thrive in your own loving energy.

Thursday, May 15, 2014: Resilient
Being resilient today will come naturally when you resist pressure and realize it does not belong to you. Do what is necessary to stay relaxed so you can see what is developing in front of your own eyes to keep you from doing what you need to do. Perceive it in-depth  and not just as an occurrence on the surface. Believe it or not, if you are too compassionate, you might not even notice something is trying to put the brakes on you. So, as the day unwinds, realize you can still stay in control of any situation and be victorious in the end no matter what with all of your own inner resources and skills.

Friday, May 16, 2014: Caring
If you are caring, your true essence will have plenty of opportunities to pass through any hoops today as long as you strengthen yourself against any sudden dismay. It will be a huge relief to soften your stance and get down to Earth in everything you do.

Saturday, May 17, 2014: Wow!
Compassionate examples and events will never cease to amaze and wow! you, especially today. This surge in the energy is a wave that will leave you enamored with hope for human nature and its wondrous ways to help each other in need. Witnessing more understanding and concern will make you forever genuine and kind toward others who may be going through uneasy times. Share your tenderness and you will also be an example to amaze and wow!

Sunday, May 18, 2014: Clarify

Clarify for yourself what this week, chock full of truths being brought out into the open, has meant to your way of facing reality. Invest in some extra time to relish in the highlights that impressed you the most so you can take away all of the wisdom they have instilled in you.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Look under the surface for hidden points to reveal the triggers causing emotions and the  resilient ways to remain caring and wow! your environment when you clarify what keeps you above it all.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Can you clarify for yourself what can wow! everyone with your caring and resilient ways while staying away from emotions so you can reveal any hidden powers you hold within?

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Energy of the Week for May 12-18, 2014: Compassionate

What a terrific week this will be for you to show your warmhearted nature and live your compassionate ways for the world to see. We recognize in others what we have in ourselves and for this reason alone, you will confirm when you feel empathy for another being, you are becoming more aware we are all alike in some fashion.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

It does not matter how tough you are. These next few days will make you melt in ways you never thought about before. Something inside of you will get deeply touched by experiences the energy will have for you. The lessons you are learning need not escape you anymore, so do not avoid them either consciously or unconsciously. The more you understand about yourself, you will realize what you hold within is similar to others and you are bound to be reminded we are all the same in one way or another. Being compassionate is an act you extend toward others, but you are really doing it for you. It is something special as a part of your humanity. As a matter of fact, you cannot help human nature be close to your heart, you are it. By being a concerned person for yourself first, it will naturally affect everyone else in your environment. It does not show weakness if you get moved or affected by something you can relate to. It will showcase you have matured in a particular way, since in the vastness of your inner beingness, you have already been through the same kinds of experiences your fellowman has gone through. Knowing what is it will help you know what to do. Allow yourself to get stirred up inside based on whatever you witness on the outside. It will be a great reminder you are alive and you really care.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
You are in business to be of service. If you have concern for the people receiving it, you will be able to pin down the most proper way of extending your offering so it works great for them and rewards you in return. Knowing they seek and need something you have that you can do for them borders on being compassionate in a certain way. The main thing to be clear about is that applying your abilities is an avenue for you to succeed. You need those on the other end of the demand for your service and the better you treat them, the better off you are. Understand even more how you can proceed further so you are fair and balanced in your approach as you account for what your recipients are receiving from you. If you give them your all, the sincere ones will give their all back to you. This is the best way to create business relationships that last and you can mutually benefit over and over again.     

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Whether you have known the people you will encounter this week or not, you will know what they are going through as long as you feel compassionate. Perhaps you can share your own experiences with them and be of help that way. There may be a reason for you to be reminded of whatever it is they are going through as well and how it moves you. You can always learn another nuance of it by seeing them as an example. When you share a similar connection, you will feel as if you are in it together. Do something about it by using this opportunity to communicate. One kind word said in a crucial moment can save a life, so do not discount the importance of it . By opening the doors of your big heart, you will let the fresh air of any new endeavors with others come in.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for May 5-11, 2014

EXHILARATION in your life will be taking place this week no matter what you do. As long as you are feeling good, this is a great time to embrace the energy and make it work for you – taking you much further ahead!

Monday, May 5, 2014: Enthusiasm
Boost your enthusiasm by doing the exact things you would normally do no matter what. Make sure the morning sets the pace for the best day ever.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014:
The best part about having exhilaration is that it is so strong you cannot contain it within and it is sure to spill out all around you. You might as well share gladly what brought it on for you to uplift and inspire your environment. Do not worry about taking everyone’s time with this, they will be better off after witnessing your example of having fun and liking it.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014: Uncover
If you feel as good as we expect you will this week, by today you will be ready to uncover a deeper layer of yourself you have not been so open about in the past. Is there a little hidden space you have left behind the corners and not given the time of day yet? Bring it out as it is a part of what defines you so you can stand complete and undivided in front of your peers and acquaintances.

Thursday, May 8, 2014: Wisdom
Before you know it, newly gained wisdom will be pouring out from under your hat making you feel stronger and taller than you ever have so far. Since it will be rather noticeable, you may need to give an acknowledgement to the very things which have brought this on for you. This will extend the momentum you are experiencing into an even greater one and we would not put it past you if you deliver more than you are normally capable of.

Friday, May 9, 2014: Relevant
You need to make your efforts relevant to what is happening throughout the day, which means you may need to speed up or slow down as needed to keep the timing right on and the agenda moving ahead. You can even refresh your energy as you go in between projects with our quick Personal Energy Cleansing Technique so you keep taking on one compact unit at a time.

Saturday, May 10, 2014: Resilient
As a viable part of nature, you are built in the same resilient way it is – the ability to restore and repair yourself back to positive and healthy energy even after disruptive or destructive events. Learn from what you have gone through and do justice to any uneasy experiences which, in retrospect, are building your character and making you more mellow, understanding and flexible.

Sunday, May 11, 2014: Celebrate

Everyone of us has made our way into planet Earth thanks to our mothers, known or unknown, and we can celebrate this as their contribution to our lives by showing our deep appreciation. Remind yourself there is someone who cared enough to give you an entry and send them your thanks wherever they happen to be. It is a gentle and kindred experience to have grown inside someone else and being one with them for a significant number of days. No matter what else may have taken place outside of this, it is already enough to warrant you to be grateful and thoughtful of it for the rest of this lifetime journey.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Keep your enthusiasm high to share with others and uncover your wisdom as you go with relevant examples of being resilient and the ability to celebrate with true appreciation.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Celebrate with a resilient energy the relevant wisdom you uncover every day while you share what you have learned with your utmost enthusiasm.

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