The Energy of the Month for April is EXAMINE

Remember when your teacher in school would examine your learned knowledge on a specific lesson or subject? This month is going to give you an opportunity to examine yourself on a larger scale and what you are all about – all in the name of helping you stay on a clear track. It is almost impossible to prepare for this kind of an introspective test since it will be going on continuously, even though it could be very subtle some of the time. Realize this process will allow you to establish how well everything is working for you in all areas of your life. It will most likely prompt you to do something substantial about the results you will get.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
If you find yourself surprised by what someone else said about you, think about how you could have possibly made them come up with it. Examine how what you do is perceived. Your inner world and sensitivity may be very clear and obvious to you, but also think about how this looks outside your own point-of-view. How you communicate and carry yourself both in verbal and silent form speaks for itself, but sometimes things are perceived quite differently from how they are meant. Being more open is necessary to create the right impression and this takes a good understanding of what the immense value of putting forth this effort is. After proper introspection, you will feel much more at ease with yourself and not be shy about sharing your real true feelings.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
This month poses an inescapable business dilemma. Either you examine how your service affects others or they will be forced to examine how it is not doing what it was meant to be. In other words, if you do not first pin down all of the things necessary to keep your own customers satisfied, they will become aware of what is missing very quickly and communicate to you first. This means there is no time to waste. Put yourself in their shoes and listen to what they have been saying. Be empathetic and diplomatic. Your total success depends one-hundred percent on them. In short, you cannot make it without them. The people you have already attracted are twice as valuable as any new ones you might perceivably reach in the future. As you know, a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. Take seriously any feedback they are generously extending to you. If they bother to let you know, they will also hang on if you care to listen to it and take it into consideration. Who knew a much closer look into how your service is doing could pay back so soon?

How this energy affects you in your social life:       
what your social relationships may be lacking. Ever wonder why it might not be going better for you with those you really care about? Something you are overlooking is taking away a much valuable improvement you could be enjoying. You may be smart, genuine and caring, but you cannot separate yourself from being attached to your own perspective. Unless you hear what others have to say and see it from their point-of-view, you will not understand the whole situation enough to gauge how your own behavior contributes to the good of the overall relationship. Make room for those you need in your life and for their needs. Then, all of your spiritual messages or life purposes will fit like puzzle pieces so well the lines between them become invisible. This is how you can become an inseparable team and multiply everything you do together many more times over.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for March 31-April 6, 2014

Make your life easier with the magic to CONSOLIDATE and compact anything you are pursuing to do for yourself. Choose wisely your top priorities and draw a line between them and anything else you are involved with so you can simply stay focused and streamline into your best direction.

Monday, March 31, 2014: Resonate
Listen to whatever sounds you resonate with and join the events they are related to by utilizing your natural tendency to flow with your environment and adjust to it so you can expand yourself many times over without effort.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014:
Even if whatever challenge begins to appear on the horizon today, you have an extra super power to turn it around into a very special gift and an unforgettable experience. Count up to ten before you process what, when, where and why may be happening and you will start to see glimpses of how this is indeed a true blessing even if be it in disguise. From there, your gratitude can soften the response it all triggers to a gentle and gracious gesture. Do not leave us curious and wondering – share with us what is happening to you.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014: Conform
Recheck your facts and regroup your decisions so you conform to your original ideas and are very clear this is the route you want to take before you go full steam for it. Double-checking will triple your assurance to move forward swiftly with confidence and finesse.

Thursday, April 3, 2014: Blast Off!
After gearing up speed, you will feel ready to blast off! and charge ahead as if there is no tomorrow. Whatever you plan will be ready and the energy will be opening up for you to make your move as quickly as your legs can go. Just do not forget to stay true to your inner dimension so you can make the most progress non-scattered and unafraid to keep at it in your very own way.

Friday, April 4, 2014: Heads Up
You may be getting a heads up on some long awaited news if you are careful to follow the hints and subtleties being revealed all day long. Do not stay away, but participate in the events going on so you can stay tuned into the announcements and reports which may be of interest.

Saturday, April 5, 2014: Incorporate
Even the best traits you possess will not do you any good unless you incorporate them into your way of life right away and start using them once and for all. This will do justice to the sweat and efforts you have invested in yourself in order to obtain them in the first place. But it will also show the universe you are not interested in ignoring your talents or leaving them underutilized. Then, the flow coming your way will remain steady and strong knowing you will not let it go to waste.

Sunday, April 6, 2014: Resilient

You may be surprised at how resilient your own nature is. It takes a giant occurrence to affect you and you can recover rather fast as long as you stay detached from anything surrounding you that may bring pressure or stress your way. Do not accept anything that does not belong to you and you can keep it at bay easily with a clear buffer that separates you from it. This will allow your mind to stay clear as you remain in our own energy throughout.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Find out how well you resonate in a special way when you conform your energy to a blast off! giving your environment a heads up to incorporate you as its resilient component.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Be resilient and incorporate your charm to give a heads up to everyone as you blast off! and conform to a special mode and resonate deeply with the energy of the whole world.

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Energy of the Week for March 31-April 6, 2014: Consolidate

Over the next several days, consolidate your affairs down to the crucial few which are most deserving of your time and efforts, especially if you are really looking to achieve some more important results. You need to leave the not-so-important aside for now. The key is to discern the priority of everything you are involved with at this time and then, steer yourself into following the top three runner-ups.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

You may be tempted to spread yourself thin by getting engaged into multiple matters all at the same time. This will not be productive or the most beneficial for you this week. You may decide you will miss on opportunities if you do not act on them right away and that you have to do all kinds of things to meet set deadlines. First of all, your inner equilibrium is, for sure, your highest of priorities and is not to be messed up no matter what. If you let yourself over-think your responsibilities and obligations, this might drive you crazy and get you out-of-your-skin. Your intuition is the only thing that can show you where you need to invest your energy the most. There will be areas you will have the best impression, picture, idea or feeling about and this is all happening for a reason. The less you stretch yourself, the more compact your effort will stay. If you consolidate your natural focus down to what you are drawn to the most, you can possibly yield the highest outcome there is for your endeavors.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
While reasoning out the business agenda for the week, keep in mind the phrase less is more. You will be best off consumed by your absolute top key projects and should leave room to give them your all. You need not push yourself to the limit nor over-promise your time to too many things by booking yourself solid. If you keep this week as open and loose as possible, the better you will be. The reason for all of this is because a lot of developments are likely to take place in your priorities and you need to have the extra ammunition available to spend on them. Being able to stay so streamlined will also be good for minimizing the stress effect from having to cancel prior commitments just to make the last minute occurrences work. The simplest you consolidate your schedule, you can have a smooth ride and give the due appreciation to the real highlights that will be both worth acknowledging and digging into deeper.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Do not try to consolidate your social connections. Rather, concentrate on your relationships with your loved ones. Do not stretch trying to do everything with them. Do only a few things, but make them right so together you can have the most quality time ever. If you have too many ideas as to what to do, choose one and pursue only it so you can spend more time and even have a little reserve to improvise and be spontaneous. This will alleviate any pressure and also help you feel free as if you can afford to do almost anything. You can even enjoy nature and the weather more by allowing your energy to soar with the freshness and dynamics of the wholesome flow there is in everything around you. You will end up recharged and rejuvenated as if you were all of a sudden a few years younger than you are.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for March 24-30, 2014

It is time for you to have more FUN – not just any kind, but the natural one created by having a great time from the inside out – and enjoying it to the fullest. You may feel light and giggly this week, completely in your own zone, where everything always works and is as it should be. 

Monday, March 24, 2014: Marvel
A powerful beginning of the week promises to bring the stars from the sky to your feet, making you marvel at it from dawn to sunset and beyond. Anything happening today can be taken as extraordinary. You can outperform and surpass your own wildest expectations.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014:
Hopefully, you are so inspired you will be on a fast track to living naturally in a very genuine soft and caring mode. But if you should be tempted by any procrastination, remind yourself to live this day to the fullest as if it were your last. Tell the people you meet everything you have always wanted as if you will never see them again. Making the most of all your encounters today will leave you satisfied and happy with yourself.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014: Fervor
Like everyone else, you have a natural fervor toward what is important and dear to you. Today will remind you of it in more ways than one. It will bring out your zealousness and excite you to keep on doing what matters the most – with even more passion and desire!

Thursday, March 27, 2014: Exalt
Let the day exalt the quintessence of your existence to its height and glory. That which makes you tick the most is going to make you, once again, a true force to be reckoned with. Look for an experience to create the magic of pushing the right buttons within yourself – turning up the volume on your fun meter to the max.

Friday, March 28, 2014: Narrative
Like a narrative, the day will share its story so nice and easy, it will invite you to become your own main character in order to give the performance of your life. You will feel as if you are auditioning for the role to play your true self. You will be a natural at it – simply the best. Give your presentation like you mean it and everyone who is witnessing it will remember the experience for a long time to come.

Saturday, March 29, 2014: Upload
You can upload your personal message to the world into the entire universe by sharing your heart out and making it loud and clear you have come to play a role no one else can. The unique integral being you are is showing its true colors and today what you communicate is surely going to be noticed by others.

Sunday, March 30, 2014: Increase

Once you have real fun in your life, you will want to have more. You can easily achieve this increase in enjoyment by replicating what works best for you – over and over again. You will discover many more inferences on the way and, as a result, become quickly taller and wiser in stature.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Marvel at the great developments when you avoid all procrastination with fervor and exalt the narrative you want to follow so you can upload new ways to flow and be tuned in to increase your chances to change for the better.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

All of the positives will increase for you once you upload the narrative you create to exalt with fervor surpassing any procrastination so you can just marvel at the terrific results.

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Energy of the Week for March 24-30, 2014: Fun

This week will take you on a special tour of what seems like traveling to the end of a beautiful rainbow with lots of fluffy clouds in a really bright sky. You will not need to listen to jokes to feel happy and laugh. Your very own fun nature will be awakened as you become more and more uplifted every single day. You may find yourself smiling big in the mirror, waving salutes and even doing an occasional dance move. This is because you will undeniably know you are having a great time being really happy with who truly you are after all.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

You have made the right decision and put forth the effort involved to come back to planet Earth and this week its energy will be embracing you closely to feel an unusual warmth and lightness putting you perhaps in one of the best moods you have ever been in. You will simply have fun waking up and doing your daily things even while you may be thinking about anything that typically bothers you. There is something about being alive and having the unique opportunity to breathe. Just being and doing whatever your heart desires will keep you swept off your feet. Every moment will feel long-lasting and help you relish in everything this energy of the week brings your way – whatever it may be. If you tear up a little with joy at just being here and loving it, know this inner appreciation sends a kind message back to the whole universe in exchange for its gifting you this precious and amazing time in your life. Begin something meaningful reflecting your life dreams and promise yourself to always stay on this marvelous path.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Most people would say fun and business do not mix because of the organized and strict nature of having a defined structure with regulations and limitations to be followed. Nonetheless, when you are light and cheery and step into your work place with the right attitude and your best foot forward, you will inevitably brighten up the atmosphere and even make the technology work without a hitch and perform better. It may be the first time you have loved Mondays so much and even feel like giving your customers or associates a big hug. Whoever your boss is, even if it is you, they will get a kick out of seeing you humming a rhythm in the groove of doing your job – as if you could not have enough of it. If you open up more to enjoy the people around you, it may even make you forget what time it is to the point where you will not feel like leaving at the end of the day.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
How much fun can you really have with your family and friends? It is up to you to explore more in-depth to find out – and you have a few days to do it. You do not have to do anything special. The time you will have with them will suddenly feel different and even better, just because all of you are tuned in to enjoying life! You may even see people smile who you did not think could, after they have had a chance to loosen up and feel relaxed by letting themselves enjoy their day with you. You will discover it is never too late to find out the brighter side of those in your very own social circle. This kind of positive environment will help dissipate any accumulated tension. Without pressure, even the sky looks bluer and the sun is warmer. Mark your calendar with the best highlights to remind yourself of all the great experiences you have had, especially when you do not try too hard and let your intuitive nature take over.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for March 17-23, 2014

Everything you can IMAGINE you can have this week. You will spearhead the developments to unfold in your favor and everything around you will follow this pattern of turning every powerful positive action into gold.   

Monday, March 17, 2014: Smart
You may find yourself in the middle of a crossroads today, posing the choices you need to choose from of which one will be a very smart move altogether. To see the clear choice for yourself, you will be able to envision all possible outcomes from either taking one certain road or another. It will be obvious to you as you go what you need to do as the right and best thing and it will naturally be easy to flow with this smooth energy.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014:
An opening to reconcile heaviness created by recent occurrences will be helping you get rid of any unnecessary animosity or resentment you may have been harboring. As a result, you will feel on top of the world by knowing everything is fixable since where there is a will, there is always a way.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014: Move Ahead!
You may experience being stuck in traffic, either physically or energetically. In short, this will cause you to feel how much you are ready and wishing to simply move ahead! so you can do your thing unrestrictedly. Your magnified desire will be moving ground and shaking everything in sight rattling it to its rightful place after all is said and done.

Thursday, March 20, 2014: Contrast
If there is a contrast between what you imagine and what you experience, you can make it melt away by sticking to the envisioned plan and realizing you have not exhausted every possibility to turn it into a reality. Giving it yet one more try may just do it.

Friday, March 21, 2014: Design
It is not too late to design the greatest weekend you have been wishing for awhile. Let your creative side take over the planning and go for something rather unusual. To make it even more exciting, allow yourself to get rewarded with a special present of treating yourself better than what you are used to. With your own energy higher than the ordinary, you should have fun no matter what.

Saturday, March 22, 2014: Wonderment
Your environment will be stunned in wonderment when they see the refreshingly happy and cheery you openly describing what you have been able to imagine and even have begun to accomplish for yourself this whole week. Keeping tabs on all of your incredible results is worth the time as it will be a great example of how, when you team up with the energy, you can really do just about anything.

Sunday, March 23, 2014: Satisfaction

It will feel like the perfect satisfaction coming at the end of quite an amazing week indeed. Something new and promising is definitely making you have the best time yet and as much as you have followed your inspiration, you will be fulfilled and grateful.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Be smart and reconcile your ability to move ahead! despite any contrast with your original desired design when you believe with wonderment in the ultimate satisfaction you will get from always being loyal to yourself.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Get the satisfaction you deserve with wonderment from the design and contrast you can move ahead! with as you reconcile any negativity and be smart by playing your cards right.

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Energy of the Week for March 17-23, 2014: Imagine

There is no limit to what you can imagine in your mind. This boundless freedom can open up a magical door for you this week. The bigger and the stronger you envision everything in your mind, the better. You are only unable to create on the outside what you cannot picture on the inside. Take the time to go bold and organized by enjoying how you can make things be just as you want them. Then, guess what? Let the energy respond and do its thing helping you to quickly turn all you wish for into a reality.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Anything is possible. If you know this to be a fact, what would you employ your efforts toward? Better yet, you do not even need to begin doing anything at this point. Start to imagine the best you can be, do and have for yourself. It is a little bit like taking yourself on a ride around fairyland all along the wide horizons and endless possibilities. Stretch the norm, surpass the ordinary, tap into the unexplored. What can you come up with you would love to experience and live for yourself you never thought possible? Do not waste your time on smaller things. Go for the gusto! What is the biggest dream you have of how you envision yourself? Make it a priority to do all of the above and clarify really well what your ultimate picture of you is. Now, it is time to really step it up. You can do it. The energy is laying out the red carpet and asking you to follow your deepest inspiration for the actual ideal you want to accomplish and become. You do not have to make it happen alone. Just hold the reins and navigate the flow alongside the direction you envisioned in the beginning. Paint the picture of your ultimate goal on the inside and do not forget to smile and take a picture once the outside matches it as much as possible.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
your business ideas taking off as if there were no tomorrow. Set the dynamics of what you want to do on fire. Take off all restrictions and break any boundaries. Feel as if you are a mighty giant who has ten times the strength, capability and charge to go for the great things you have always wanted to tackle in your service, but could never afford. This time you can. With the incredible backing from the entire universe, you will experience a higher power coming through you and bringing all sorts of innovative solutions your way. If you do not give up, you will get where you are headed eventually. This process could be shortened and happen faster by actively tuning in and making the right moves. Keep it simple, map out the main steps for yourself and care wholeheartedly for everyone else involved. The more fair you are by being concerned with the overall best interest of yourself and others, the greater your results will be. Keep an account and let us know how it is going.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Your true desire to unite even more with others and get aligned along the same path is closer than you may imagine. You can bring them by your side through expressing and sharing the grand visions that connect both of you on the next level. You will most definitely have their ear this week, as something special in the energy will inspire everyone to pay attention and respond from their feelings, to spend time together and address common topics of interest. Use this favorable wave and ride the opportunities as they come and create them as you go. Pick up the phone and open the door by going out and waving to any familiar faces you run into. A lot will happen! Many more interesting events will take place and best of all, you will be on a roll, having a blast and cherishing friendships left and right.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for March 10-16, 2014

Take charge of bringing the right BALANCE in your own life and with others around you. Without making it complicated, take simple and practical steps toward what you are learning and pay attention to the developing dynamics so you do not waste your time. The best part is you will grow by leaps and bounds while enjoying this process.

Monday, March 10, 2014: Surge Ahead!
No predictions, but do not be surprised if you wake up willing and ready to go for the gusto today to surge ahead! and make some great experiences finally take place after the slow down over the past few days when you had a chance to rest. Living in the fast lane requires going for it with optimism and a clear head. Share your stories with us!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014:
Today is all about being careful with multitasking because, at some point, it may become a challenge for you to stay dedicated to every single project you have committed yourself to. If taking on one more thing will cause you to stall or miss out on doing the rest well, then you may want to stay disciplined to finish the essential ones first before opening the energy on others. How to gauge which one to go for before another is based on what you would be able to do more effortlessly so you are still charged with energy later on when you undertake the rest.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014: Relevant
Keeping your prime energy on the most relevant of priorities you have today will certainly be something you need to pay close attention to. You could feel you are in a whirlpool of all kinds of things taking place demanding and competing for your attention. But if you draw a clear line and use a stern criteria about where you will put your energy, then nothing can deter you to the way side.

Thursday, March 13, 2014: Direction
Picking up a brand new direction with a new twist is very likely to happen on a day like this. Not that you were not sure where you were headed so far, but this new wave of developments may refine your overall strategy of what, when, where, why, how and in which way you should do, go and live. Do not keep your revelation a secret. We can all benefit from learning something if you would be generous enough to share it with us.

Friday, March 14, 2014: Sincere
Have you ever had to come to real terms with a more delicate situation you were possibly not looking forward to? It may require you to be sincere and open up about it in order to take a stand you are comfortable with in front of the whole world. Nothing will feel better than getting it resolved and clarified and it will be more than worth it to put the effort into making this happen.

Saturday, March 15, 2014: March
The dead middle of the month may make you want to march with pride in your own rhythm as the spring gets underway. Your plans will start unfolding slowly and surely toward their ultimate manifestation. You may also feel newly stirred up dynamics and fresh encouragement.

Sunday, March 16, 2014: Allow

You might feel by now that things are going pretty good for you. As long as you allow the flow to bring you different experiences and have the flexibility to go through them with a winning attitude, there will be a lot of good in store for you coming out of all this.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Surge ahead! in your own dedicated and relevant way toward the direction of sincere and positive expectation and you will march along with the beautiful developments and allow the best to come straight toward you.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Do not be shy to allow the energy to march with you in the sincere direction you chose for relevant and dedicated results helping you simply surge ahead!

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Energy of the Week for March 10-16, 2014: Balance

Being well-rounded all around is what the balance in the energy is looking for from you this week. How you can put yourself in this position and what can help you do it is a matter of looking out for yourself and others in a reasonable, practical and inspired way.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

You have come here to enjoy doing what is right for yourself and grow in the process. You will constantly run into the boundaries set by others and have to make your best decisions where they need to be so everything is in balance for all. Be positive and stand for what really inspires you. Take your greatest steps toward achieving what you truly desire and realize you are walking in a field together with everyone else wanting to do the same for themselves. If you can keep the right perspective, it will help you be reasonable as to what you can do and how possible it is for all. You do not have any competition, because only you can do – in your own way – what is most important and has the greatest meaning for you from the point-of-view of your unique experience. If others do the same, it will be enriching for both you and them and vice versa. If you realize this, you can set your inner gauge to be very open, accepting and respect what you may encounter every single day while you are taking charge of doing your own thing with the understanding it will all fit and work together. By bringing out this clarity in yourself, you will feel free to flow beautifully with the energy day-in and day-out.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
You are in business for yourself no matter what position you hold, because it gives you an opportunity to showcase what you are capable of doing in any given circumstance. The balance you need to keep is really between suiting yourself by expressing your skill, creativity and inspiration while, at the same time, serving the demands and needs of helping others with it. In this sense, it all has to be good for both you and your clients. This means you need to be more conscious about how it works for others and the fine line of how it plays out for all of you at the same time. Do not make your own inference about what people on the receiving end of your service think about it. Always get first-hand feedback and listen to it carefully. Your work is not one-sided, otherwise it becomes a hobby. Being aware of the benefits and results others are getting from it can help you have a much more successful overall operation that grows and prospers evenly across the board.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
It is a happy time to make some special arrangements to get your social life in a much better balance by getting your preferences more coordinated with the people you spend the most time with on a daily basis. They do not have to be the same interests. You just need to be on the same page by sharing and letting others know what you appreciate, as well as what you do not care for so they can express the same to you. This way, you will all have a pretty clear idea of how you can plan a series of great experiences everyone will like while avoiding the things that may not be equally enjoyed. In addition, sometimes if one person is really passionate about something, this could be contagious. So, have fun! Do not hold back and be open to appreciating all of the different opportunities to be together. Before you know it, you will have learned all kinds of interesting facts about others and maybe even a new thing or two you may consider to add to your favorite things to do.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for March 3-9, 2014

REST your pistons once you take measures to get things going for yourself this week. Try to stay one step ahead of the developments by having your head clear and keeping tabs on everything essential to you. The best things happen to those who do not miss on being in the right place at the right time for themselves and others they are closely connected to.    

Monday, March 3, 2014: Focus
You may need to have a one-track mind today for the things that are most important to you and the people in your life who really matter. Whether you need to extend a helping hand or reach out and do what the energy is calling for, you will need to stay on focus by keeping one eye on the perspective and another on the developing circumstances. They will all play to your strengths if you stay directed today.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014:
the times when you advanced and excelled at showcasing your best skills and capability? What factors allowed for it and how are they playing out for you today? You can always build upon the proven concepts you know work well for you and use this as a starting point in any undertaking you are about to embark on.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014: Forgive
A rather relaxing wave of gentle energy will soften you down to a pretty mellow state where you will be open and willing to forgive fully those who have encroached on your boundaries recently. Except, you will feel the urge to explain how this whole experience has made you feel and your audience will be pretty excited to clarify their role in all of this.

Thursday, March 6, 2014: Purpose
May your purpose get fulfilled, as it should, with your active involvement and engagement in everything that circulates around it. Keep your attention on the prize and your head up high so you are able to follow what matters to you the most.

Friday, March 7, 2014: Resolve
If any tension appears to distract your peace within, take the time to resolve its source and what fuels it. Everything will start running much better and easier once you have managed to accomplish this.

Saturday, March 8, 2014: Sensational
Be up for a sensational occurrence or discovery right from the start. It will feel as if the news has been brewing all night just to take you by surprise in the morning. Do not give into the commotion and keep your head above the water so you can enjoy the generous energy bringing a beautiful flow your way.

Sunday, March 9, 2014: Leverage
If you ever doubted you can leverage yourself by pulling your own head up above the water, today will prove beyond any doubt you can. If you have any reservations and do not believe this could happen, feel free to test the energy each and every way you would like. You can always rely on the flow there is in all things.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Extend your ability to focus and remember when you forgive with a purpose and resolve in a sensational way, your gift is to leverage yourself.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

You can leverage all of your skills in a sensational way to resolve with a purpose and forgive so you can remember to focus and win over those in your environment.

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