Energy of the Week for March 3-9, 2014: Rest

Although the clairaudient energy of spring is very dynamic, it works in a simple and relaxed way because, when it is balanced, it is very confident, focused and smooth. For a change, this week will turn to be so peaceful, it will let you catch up on the rest you have needed to replenish your strength and be rejuvenated to start new projects from scratch and undertake more important tasks as you go.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Somehow, as long as you have all of your facts in place, the rest will be working itself out almost on its own. You have to plant the seeds and stand back and watch them grow. Taking initiative will be paying off big time. You are the only one who can start the process and then the momentum will keep it going. So, trust and have a solid initiative to go for it. The idea is not to take no for an answer under any circumstances. Even if everything looks so crooked as if there is no straightening it out, you can still make it right. Again, your proactive and focused approach will be necessary to intervene in a way where everything works for you. You do not have to sweat anything. The more calm and detached you manage to be, the better all of your results will turn out. You do not have to rest on your laurels, but be sure to put yourself in a position where you can to do your best and enjoy all that it brings back to you.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Make the energy your best friend and do not let anyone fool you in your business. Rest only after you have taken diligent care of the most important issues for the day. In between all major tasks, break the whole routine into smaller compact units and maintain high and consistent energy throughout. If anything appears to be a conflict, it is not bad, but may be needed to reveal a better approach to a matter at hand. Do not dismiss how key this is. Open your eyes to the obvious and realize you need to carry your end of the deal within the team you are a part of. You cannot put on others the opportunities meant for you as this will not benefit either party. Stay strong and stand on your own two feet and have a sense for the overall energy in your entire environment at your place of service, so you can offer the optimal help to those who need it the most.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Take the time and concern to talk to those around you who may have affected you in a negative way, but may not realize it. Sometimes, if they have locked themselves into a small box, they are not likely to be privy to what has taken place outside of it. Being detached, this would naturally be apparent to you and you owe it to both yourself and them to bring it to light. How this plays out will become obvious as you go, but you can predispose the people who really matter to you to open up and let you in on what is really happening with them. Go directly for the areas needed to clarify and stay out of your emotions by allowing them to vent and show you have their back. Your ability to understand will expand by a mile and you will learn a lot while all of this is happening. Be rest assured those you exchange with will feel cared for and appreciate your coming forth to start a much more meaningful conversation.

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The Energy of the Month for March is UPLIFTING

This month will likely surprise everyone with the many powerful changes taking place against all odds. Spring is a good time to do an early clearing and cleaning by opening your eyes and getting rid of the worst you may need to get rid of from both the inside and outside of you. There could be some things seemingly precious to you at the time that will turn out to be junk. It is better to be forewarned than experience suffering for no reason at all. If you end up being betrayed by people around you, you can clarify or even avoid the friendship you had with those you used to trust unwarranted. Their real character and true colors could be exposed for you to see with a swift brush of reality and you will see more clearly. As much as this may sound unpleasant, if you really think about it – what could be more necessary than this? It may be the only way for you to become free from any burdens and negative energy carrying the potential to bring you down. If you ever get in a position where it seems there is no hope, trust there is an uplifting direction around the corner. This will raise your energy so you can become more aware of what and who is indeed good for you. Just shake it off and know this makes you stronger and more resilient to distractions than you have ever been. With the extra wisdom you have acquired, you will feel taller for sure. Be at ease!

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
The whole key for you to remember is – you deserve better. Even if you are not looking for it, life will bring you a magnifying glass to show you exactly what you need. It could be sobering and when reality settles in, you will be grateful for the truth. You may run into signs toward a smooth path on the road right in front of you. Make the obvious inferences so you can make the right decisions for yourself one way or another. Face facts and do not get stuck in denial. Stay on your toes and, of course, do not be shy in order to overcome anything working against you. Perhaps you can give yourself an outlet for any frustration you may feel and relieve any undue pressure. If you manage to release old dysfunctional concepts harboring in your inner being, you will be refreshed from the uplifting effect this will have and, at the same time, make room for everything new and better taking place. You will end up feeling rejuvenated and better off than ever before.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
How could you be more efficient and productive under the changing circumstances of things getting moved and flipped around? First of all, even if it is totally unexpected, all change is good. Sometimes a little gymnastics can switch what has not been great to a different position so it has better potential. In your work place, you may have to come to terms with a crude reality previously hiding from you. Take these discoveries seriously and make appropriate adjustments, even if you have to change your schedule at the last minute. If something proves to be off kilter, do whatever is necessary to get it back on track. Never get discouraged. Every single twist and turn happens for a reason. Do not give in to any confusion so you can have an uplifting attitude. This will break up the dark clouds of anything negative wanting to upset you. This way, you can move on with ease once again.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
You belong with the right people for you so you do not need to stand for anything bringing you down or disrupting your natural flow. Just because you treat others in a great way does not mean they will respond with the same concern and care back toward you. You do not have to continue putting yourself on the line for those who do not deserve you. Being upfront can save you time and effort. Saying it simply and straight-forward can also startle them out of their confusion and allow them to think about whatever it is that has disturbed you. Do not expect anyone to learn as fast as you or be able to clarify outstanding issues for themselves quickly. Not everyone realizes life is all about consistent learning and improving. You can keep account of how your life is getting easier and better by taking it one step at a time. An uplifting experience with people could emerge and you may even discover a new rule to follow moving forward as far as your whole entire environment is concerned.

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Spring is the Clairaudient Energy of Getting Things Done

There is a fresh, new energy in the air.

Clairaudients are rejoicing because the social energy of the holidays is coming to a grand close. Now is the time to get things done – in an organized way. While others may be lagging behind, you can be ahead of the curve and begin to make sure you have all of your ducks in line.

This energy is dynamic, elevated and focused. You will feel re-inspired and ready for action. Make sure you are communicating effectively and you do not take a “no” for an answer. If your environment is causing you pressure, the best way to resolve any issue is to get all of the facts: WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and WHY. Be aware that others may not want you to have all of the facts for their own personal convenience. This way, they can control you. But if you are persistent and continue to ask, you will make sure you are above the fray.

This is also a time to be gentle and factual with everyone working with you more closely. As long as they know where they fit with you, they will feel very secure. If a person around you does not have direction, they will feel as if they have to go it alone – and cause confusion. By communicating and coordinating effectively, all of you will feel as if there is a common purpose. Much more will be accomplished and each person involved will feel the fulfillment that comes from working together as an aggressive team.

Finally, this is a great time to be introspective and creative in your own way. Working with your inner guidance is a perfect way to make sure you are heading in the exact direction right for you. If you listen to others, you can get some terrific insights. But the final decision of what you want to do for yourself is totally up to you. This is what makes a great leader. He or she is a person who (1) gets all of the facts, (2) organizes a plan of action, (3) communicates effectively with everyone around them and (4) makes sure the plan is carried out with clear energy and an opportunity for as many people to be involved as possible. This will always insure success in everything you do – no matter how small or large your ideas are.

Whether your first spiritual gift or “color sense” is clairaudience or not, this is a great time to unfold it one-hundred percent. For more information on all of the balanced and unbalanced traits of each spiritual gift and how you can make them more practical in your life, order a copy of Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts by Howard Wimer, founder of Inner Expansion.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for February 24-March 2, 2014

Your energy will be beaming, impeccable and IMMACULATE this week, bringing out your best and living it to the fullest. Ask yourself what it would take to be spot on and follow this to the T. You can create a brand new trend for yourself doing what you know is right. Watch how this changes everything for you overnight.

Monday, February 24, 2014: Designate
a special time for yourself so you can focus on bringing out the best in yourself and share it with the world. If you look carefully, you will find the exact situation to help you become your utmost genuine being and accomplish your mission along with the energy put in front of you today.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014:
How do you make things better for yourself and those around you? Use this opportunity to enhance the ability you have to put forth your best qualities in everything you do. If you are involved, you can benefit from learning all the lessons you need to learn as long as you take it all in stride. By being curious and flexible, you will see this as the real reason for it all happening.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014: Communicate
Today, it will be simple and easy to communicate about the things that matter to you the most. Somehow you will find yourself asking the same questions over and over again until you answer them properly and completely. The energy will not leave you alone until you hear yourself laying it all out by talking about what is truly important to you and why. It will help you realize a whole a lot more when you are expressing yourself and putting in words what is really significant to you.

Thursday, February 27, 2014: Desire
It could be being so open yesterday has caused you to realize you do need to honor your desire for what you want to pursue for yourself in your own heart. It will be very strong and there must be a reason for it. If you are honest with yourself, you will discover what really matters to you. Let your true wishes fly out like a free bird. They will go around and bring you back a plan to make it all happen in the right timing.

Friday, February 28, 2014: Ecstatic
If you are too laid back and not showing your true feelings very much, you could be in for a big surprise. The energy will cause all kinds of interesting events to take place and you could get ecstatic with how different it all plays out. It should be good for you and you will enjoy how it turns out. So much so, you will very likely be ready to share it with all of us.

Saturday, March 1, 2014: Respect
You may feel the energy picking up for the new month of March which will bring a new feeling of excitement and a refreshed optimism. Everything will find its rightful place over the coming spring. You will experience more respect about how life works in cycles. Each one will wrap up just in time for the next one to begin – all in the right timing.

Sunday, March 2, 2014: Look
Look around and notice all of the great things surrounding you. Today it will be about you being able to appreciate them and know they are there to help you have what you need and create the ability to go after what you want. What could be better?

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Designate a quick moment to enhance your life when you communicate what you desire and are ecstatic about the respect you have as you look around at everything that exists.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Look with respect and be ecstatic about your desire to communicate and enhance everything in your life so you can designate whatever is necessary to make it all work best for you.

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Energy of the Week for February 24-March 2, 2014: Immaculate

It is really up to you to make this whole week an absolute immaculate experience – completely flawless and abating in some of the greatest memories you will carry for a long time to come. There is something truly special this energy is ready to offer you. If you are ready to receive it, you can benefit greatly from its extra power and clarity.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

As you know, things are rarely – if ever – perfect in life. But the next few days could indeed become an exception to this rule. Anything you are going through will be a test if you remain on the positive side of what is taking place in your personal life. If you do manage to sustain yourself in your own genuine energy, it will pay off more than you could ever imagine. Picture yourself having a giant magic wand you can wave and get everything to move your way in complete accord with exactly what you desire for yourself first. How important is it for you to be you no matter what? It means having a great deal of self confidence and empowerment to know you can rely on yourself and your own sensitivity in any event. This immaculate unfoldment will surely change you for the better on the spot. A transformation like this is not to be taken lightly. Let us all enjoy your success when you inspire the world by sharing your highlights.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life: 
Making business decisions can be difficult if you are under pressure or think you are experiencing lack in what you need in order to move ahead successfully. This week will show you how to unfold any challenge as a gift hiding inside whatever opportunity that presents itself so you gain tremendous results. You never have less than what you need to face what is in front of you. If you embrace it, you will be able to discern the exact lesson you are meant to learn. From this point on, it will all loosen up and you will definitely see an opening to allow you to make a huge advancement in your business life. The harder the momentum may seem to be at first, the bigger you will gain from it as long as you play your cards right. Just remember, it is surmountable. It is possible to turn everything around for the better while creating incredible potential. Finally, it is up to you to do right by it. Instead of weakening or yielding, make a strong and confident stand with a firm step toward discovering how to make the absolute best of it and it will be immaculate.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Who does not want to have an immaculate relationship with their loved ones? If you are kind, considerate, sincere, open and honest, understanding and supportive with each other, this will help make it all work. As long as you are sharing space and time together, you are there to help each other and have the opportunity to do just that without getting frustrated. You have different ways to benefit from the strengths the other person has while learning from their unique experiences and gaining from their wisdom. In short, take each other a step further in the relationship and not only double the outcome of both efforts, but multiply it so it becomes 1+1=3 or even more. As long as you are on the same page, you can enhance what connects you. None of this can happen without stellar communication, so start talking and do not hold back. Continuous sharing is what keeps the bond stronger.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for February 17-23, 2014

This natural energy cycle will bring all things to FRUITION together with you. Work side by side with it to help more of your endeavors reach their harvest point and obtain your desired results. Be proactive and follow these simple steps in making the most happen in your world over the next few days.

Monday, February 17, 2014:
When you are overjoyed and so happy you can barely contain it, you may want to jump up and do a somersault. This is because the energy will be bubbling and uplifting you today, causing you to be on the high end of feeling powerful and invincible. Stay smart, but play along with whatever great opportunities are opening up for you.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014:
If you have any consideration for yourself, you need to apply it today. What you honor and care about the most can create some extra special possibilities for you, but you need to be respectful and thoughtful so it comes to fruition in a timely fashion.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014: Backing
If you need any extra backing today, you will have it. You do not need to worry about where it is going to be coming from. The key is for you to lead the way in getting things started and moving. Be bold. Make swift decisions and you will definitely get it done.

Thursday, February 20, 2014: Determined
Once again, you need to continue to stay determined to go through the day in a positive way with sincere energy and your own natural power. Do not get frazzled if something happens you do not like. It will take you off kilter if you let it. Your energy will always stay exactly where you direct it. So hold it tight and put it in the right place.

Friday, February 21, 2014: Exact
Start the day calmly and in a peaceful way, because it is not about quantity, but quality. Less is more applies in full fashion today. Somehow, you will get the sense there is one thing to do more important than the rest and it absolutely has to be done in the exact way you feel it needs to be accomplished. If anyone gives you advice, do not apply it automatically. Rather, make sure your sensitivity is totally engaged. You will see how this one situation opens a great door for you to move forward.

Saturday, February 22, 2014: Prepare
Prepare to let things run their own course today. Do not intervene, because everything will just happen well for you on its own. Sit back and relax, but keep an eye out so you notice how the energy works in your favor and appreciate the fact it is there for you.

Sunday, February 23, 2014: Meditate

Tune in to yourself for the inspiration that will make your day. You can spend quiet time just feeling light and happy. Meditate with your eyes closed and let yourself receive an impression, a picture, a thought or a feeling that will be strong and uplifting. If you want to cut to the chase, you can learn the easy two-way communication technique to connect directly with your own personal guidance/spiritual helpers with our Inner Guidance Consultation Program. This is a great time to consciously be your own psychic. Whether you realize it or not, you always are – and have your own answers to life.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Do a somersault in consideration of your own backing that is always determined to help you in an exact way when you prepare to meditate for inspiration.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Tune in to meditate and prepare in an exact way with a determined backing to use the  consideration of yourself and everyone else and jump in a somersault of joy.

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Energy of the Week for February 17-23, 2014: Fruition

Over the next few days, it is crucial to not fall off your own chosen path and direction. It is all about persevering and staying on track under many changing circumstances. If you can show you are steady and do not lose focus, you will bring your original plan to fruition rather quickly and easily. Your only job is to stay committed all the way to the end.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Something delicate you may have been working on for yourself lately will be ready to come to fruition. You may realize even more what it means to you by starting to apply it in your life and reaping new results and the desired outcome. Whatever you have wanted to improve and become better at will become a reality as long as you stick to it and do not give up pursuing it for yourself. Whether it is acquiring a new skill or learning a new way to do something, it all starts with self-control and the understanding you can indeed excel and achieve it no matter what. Then, it takes practice to make it real and find a way to make it happen. Lastly, coping with the dramatic change it will cause in your life is the last two percent. Do not let this incredible opportunity pass you by. Zoom in on the one thing you really wish was better for you and apply this simple plan to turn it into your new future.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
All of the work you do in your service by seeding, planting and taking care of things is harvesting what you are looking to accomplish. The fruits of your labor are always equal to the energy and effort you employ in the process. If you give 20%, you will only reap 20% of your desired result. If you give it 60%, you will get 60%. If you give it your all, you will enjoy 100% by bringing to fruition what you are aiming for as long as you do not leave any stone unturned. When you allow your energy to outflow in such an open and all-giving way, the energy will flow through you faster and in its highest capacity. The speed with which everything will be manifesting for you will also be quick and swift. Now that you are more aware of how you manifest how everything comes about in everything you do, do not waste your time. Go full speed ahead to get the most out of what this week has to offer you.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Take charge of all of your meaningful relationships in your own social circle. You can take your 50% to the next level where you personally want each one of them to be. This will prompt each person to acknowledge your incredible effort and get inspired to offer the same on their end. To bring this process to fruition, you need to keep an eye on what may be holding things back for either of you to get your connection to its ultimate form. The usual stumbling blocks include some misunderstanding or confusion, even misinterpretation of what may have been meant, said or done on both sides. Do not ignore anything that may come up. It could be a gray area to clarify and resolve as to whatever may be standing in your way. Just take your initiative energetically and seriously so you can let the rest unfold as it may.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for February 10-16, 2014

Flowing with the right TIMING will be easy as a breeze if you are focused on yours, but flexible and considerate of all of the other circumstances that play a role in what you want to do for yourself. If you remain balanced, everything will always happen for you in the right timing – no earlier and no later.

Monday, February 10, 2014: Calculate
No matter how precise you calculate the time and date of when you want something to happen, you will discover today it will only occur once it is in the right timing overall. This will help you gain a new respect of how intertwined everything in the whole universe is and how closely each one thing affects many others on a larger scale.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014: Wish

Make a wish and help the energy make it come true! It must be something you truly want and are ready to go for the gusto getting it. Your pure motivation and intent will matter as well as how you go about it. Be fair, confident, direct and down to earth. Also, allow your feelings to come out and tell you what you are truly set on accomplishing. Let us know how it all works for you.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014: Forward
Keep moving forward and upward. It may look as if your plans are not turning out exactly as you wished, but this is most likely because they will end up unfolding in an even better way than you thought possible. Stick to your desired destination and embrace whatever you encounter as you go. Sometimes what it takes is to show how you do not waver and can be reliable to the end.

Thursday, February 13, 2014: Imagine
Obviously, you must imagine the possibilities exist and envision what you want with an open heart to help achieve it. Today, it will take going down to the finest of efforts and small details to prove you are ready for things to turn out exactly as you wish. Zooming in this way allows you to experience with a surety how playing out your vision will become a certain reality.

Friday, February 14, 2014: Action
You might as well wake up in action. This is how dynamic today is going to be. The energy will be sweeping you off your feet all day long and you will have to stand up to the waves bravely and solidly. Just be stout and flow with it, because all it is doing is helping things happen for you faster than you ever thought possible.

Saturday, February 15, 2014: Sincere
There will be a sincere communication even by some hard-hearted folks around you today. Something melting will be touching everyone in sight, making them meek and chatty. You can use the occasion to share with them some deeper thoughts you did not believe they would even care to hear about. This will show you we all have on the inside a kind and warm nature that could be hiding behind a rough and strict look.

Sunday, February 16, 2014: Ready

With all of the hints and tips the timing has played out for you this whole week, you will feel encouraged and hopeful in the coming days. Get ready for more to happen just right when you let it and know you are definitely backed and helped along the way.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

You can calculate what you wish for, but to move forward and imagine it in action, you must remain sincere and ready to go for it.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

With a ready and sincere heart in action, you can imagine moving forward toward a wonderful wish and calculate how it all plays out for the best.

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Energy of the Week for February 10-16, 2014: Timing

For all the events and everything else you have put on your schedule this week, you will come to realize and appreciate they will happen in the right timing by not what you decide, but by the real way things need to play out in the big picture. Brace yourself with patience and flexibility to expect and allow all things in your life to come about as they should.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Whatever happens in your life is predetermined by not only your own doing, but also by many other factors connected to it with a whole lot of work organized and managed behind the scenes by your personal guidance/spiritual helpers. What you will be prompted to understand this week is that you need to allow for the gestation and maturing of the necessary circumstances for your plans and actions to manifest and come about. If you are working toward a goal and it seems to not be developing as you might expect, realize there is a lot more going on playing a role in the background. If you are narrowly focused on one thing only, you may lose the perspective of how many other things this affects and is also connected to what matters a great deal for everything to take place as you intend. If anything, the next few days will help you become even more considerate of other factors and circumstances in your life which you will have to yield to – in a balanced way – to allow for the wholeness of the experience to play itself out.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
So many things in business are strictly timed and will not have the same value if they do not happen within certain deadlines. However, in the bigger picture, nothing you have honestly worked on will get lost as long as you remain diligent and persistent. You can always catch the next best timing to make things happen as you desire. If you are high-strung and emotional, you may give up or let go of your dream plan if it does not start playing out as you had envisioned right away. You need to know your personal guidance/spiritual helpers are always coordinating in the background to put in place whatever is necessary to make what you want come about. If you do not follow through, this will cause a lot of their efforts to go in vain. When you put time and effort consistently toward what you are aiming for, your energy and spark will stay firm – so hold on to the belief you can make it all happen when the timing is right.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
The key to accomplishing what you want in your social life is to realize you always need to work with the timing of everyone else in addition to yours. The best way to do this is to first communicate and then coordinate with those involved in your circle about what would be best for each of you. If you plan or act one-sidedly, you will always find this will not work for the others and it may not bring the exact results you are aiming for. Many times, you will discover they are not as clear as to the right timing for themselves and you will need to help them clarify it. Since timing is of the essence, if you are aligned with those who really matter to you, everything will always coincide and work harmoniously. However, if after putting all of your efforts into collaborating and you are still not on the same page with someone else, this could be a sign you do not belong in the same situation together. Therefore, remain steady and clear. Talk things out and see how everything plays out for you and everyone so you can realize the true deep connection you have with all those around you.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for February 3-9, 2014

Living through AMAZING thrills and chills is on the agenda for this week! Make it the most exciting it can be by helping yourself feel good and positive. Do new things with new friends and you will harbor and take away the most fun ever.

Monday, February 3, 2014: Peace
Having the best week ever starts with the ultimate peace within. What does it take to calm your spirit down and get in your own equilibrium that ensures you are in balance inside and out? Perhaps a quick Personal Energy Cleansing Technique will put you at ease by bringing your energy back to 100% positive. Then, you can flow from there with the pure stream created by your uplifted energy.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014:
Enjoy your good fortune playing out. It is not about luck. It is rather being in charge and setting up your own energy to be focused, productive and elevated.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014: Dramatic
This day could be either dramatic or sensational. It is up to you. Which way you are going to take depends on your own vibe and ability to stay on the good side of things or fall into some low trap. Do not give in to making any big deals about anything and you will be able to persevere through whatever comes victoriously.

Thursday, February 6, 2014: Focus
You have a lot of energy and how you use it matters. When you scatter or get yourself spread thin into too many things at one time, you are depleting the strength it gives you and can only function on half a valve. On the other hand, if you manage to choose your priorities wisely, you can stick to them and focus, which will multiply your power to accomplish at a greater level.

Friday, February 7, 2014: Conclusion
You cannot go through today without coming to your own conclusion about what works well and what does not. You will simply notice it every step of the way – which will finally help you get it by the end of the day. Let us in on your insights and we will spread the word to benefit everyone.

Saturday, February 8, 2014: Magnificent
There is something magnificent about what you will learn today and whatever it takes you to do so is well worth it. It may be easier or harder and it may cost a bit of effort or not. But there will surely be an aha moment you will be talking to yourself about where it will make all the sense to you because you have just realized something on a deeper level.

Sunday, February 9, 2014: Relax

Now that you have done it all this week and reached out to the stars in your very own way, you can naturally relax and recoup from the high pitched energy that has been circulating around you. Take a conscious quality time off and know you can recharge your battery with joy and a well deserved rest.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Make peace with your good fortune so you can avoid any dramatic outcomes and be able to focus on a great conclusion of all the magnificent results after a proper much needed relax.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

You can relax with a magnificent conclusion to focus on skipping the dramatic fortune and earn true peace with confidence and determination.

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