Energy of the Week for February 3-9, 2014: Amazing

An amazing grace of energy will be helping you in each and every way to bring your personal, business and social matters where you want them and upgrade you to what you deserve for yourself. You should be able to shake off some persisting and cumbersome hardships and step into a whole new mode where you have room to be creative and advance to bigger horizons.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

How cool can things get and groovy can you feel? You will be finding out this whole week. When life gets so amazing you cannot help but be happy, cheery and in high spirits, you can get a move on and open up your best side to show to the entire world. It is just feeling brighter, lighter and simply delightful that will define these moments for you. How do you get in this frame of mind? A positive attitude and optimistic expectations can put you in a higher vibration and experience the excitement of everything good waiting around the corner for you. This comes from having specific personal direction. You can indeed uplift yourself in the process with much more decisiveness than usual. Then, you will notice you are even breathing easier. This is what it will take for you to feel better altogether and turn everything happening in your life around for the better.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Work does not have to be hard or difficult this week. Kiss the pressure good-bye because you will not accept it nor will you let stress get in the way. Disregard any dysfunctional things trying to sway you off balance and do not engage in them in any way, shape or form. Once you clear yourself from anything not working for you, you will be surprised at how your schedule is only full of amazing opportunities. These projects are worth giving all of your attention to and provide you with the best results. Going to work will be fun and entertaining – as it should be! It helps to acquire a stronger appreciation for your service working well and smooth after all is said and done.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
The energy over the next few days will rally the most close-knit circle of your own friendships together. This means those most compatible to your mindset and energy will be coming around you like bees on honey. You will feel the need to visit and spend time with those you most closely relate to. The reason is clear. You all need to refuel yourselves and feed on the mutual excitement only being together can create. You may experience spontaneous travels to reunite and get back in touch with old friends and even meet some great new people. Put on your best smile and start right away. Enjoy making amazing connections. Bonding and aligning with the right people makes all the difference.

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The Energy of the Month for February is UNFOLD

Your entire life will unfold to a greater degree in the month of February. There is so much to look forward to. Everything will naturally keep moving ahead, doors will open and steps will be made to carry you forward and upward. Even if you mess up a little bit, it will be hard to stop you from making more progress in every dimension of your existence. As long as you help the energy to help you by staying focused and clear, miracles will take place – by the hour.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Stop and smell the roses so you can realize you are living in an earthly paradise. The same environment surrounding you yesterday is now going to look different – both accommodating and inviting. This is not because it has changed, but because you have changed. All of a sudden, you are a bit wiser. Coming out of powerful January, you have made some good inferences that put you in a much better energy and standing with the whole universe. First of all, you will be thinking twice before making important moves. Secondly, you will be saving your energy from getting scattered into unimportant things. Last, but not least, you will not let others use you easily. In short, you are finally ready to stand your own ground and be selective as to how you spare your best resources. Believe it or not, this is all it will take for you to unfold to a whole other level for yourself in the way your life is going and find a different and better expression and application to what you are doing with it. Watching new twists and turns taking you to yet another place will be nothing short of exciting. Savor the moment and make it last for a good long while.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
If you look around, you will find a few underutilized facets of your service you have not entertained before. It is all waiting for you to unfold and start using in a new and creative way. What do you have you have not put to work for you as of yet? Take the time to dig around the corners, deep into the drawers and under the table to turn things inside and out to discern all of those little extras that have never been tried. Be bold by investing in new ideas and stepping into unchartered territories. Anything proactive you put your energy behind will be more productive and worth your while. One way or another, as long as you are moving and shaking, you will be able to create results better than ever before. Somewhere in the middle of it all, you will be learning tricks and ways to be where you have always wanted to be. Soon, you will become experienced enough to fully find your direction and acquire the stability you have always desired.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
It is time to unfold your social life even more. You may have a lot of acquaintances, but is important for you to know who is in your inner circle you can trust one-hundred percent. Simply ask for help if you need it. Those who are unavailable to listen or be there for you may make room for someone else. Do not try to hold on to long-time friends just because of all of the history you have had with them. If your energy has risen to a higher and more positive level, you may have outgrown them. You may feel refreshed and a boost to meet others who can relate to you in a better way. Everything looks better with a new you with new friends you can really count with.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for January 27-February 2, 2014

A great and REALISTIC lesson is in store for everyone just showing how easy it is to be real, sincere and true to your very own nature. Anything else will be very hard to do and not work for you at all. It will be a quick and obvious clarification.

Monday, January 27, 2014: Ready
You will find out how you are always ready to be you. You do not need to dress up or overly prepare to look or present yourself in a certain way. Your big smile and a look straight in the eye is the only thing you need to have anyone else see you for who you really are.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014:
You can do all of your planning better if you account for the things that matter and skip on those that are more shallow or external. The big things that last will be there regardless. Put your energy behind them and they will sparkle up your entire existence.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014: Elevate
When you manage to stay real and use the true energy behind what you are doing today, it will elevate your entire environment to its peak. You will feel as if you are on the top floor of being able to see the entire world and have the most clarity about where and how to get there from here.

Thursday, January 30, 2014: Practical
This could be the best day ever for you – bar none. It will be an opportunity to make great progress and move forward. Even though your head may be up in the clouds, you will still need to ground yourself and steadily take one step in front of the other. Just be practical doing this and you will go very far.     

Friday, January 31, 2014: Erase
All realistic experiences you have this week will erase any previous dysfunctional activity as if they never happened. This is why it is so important to flow with the energy and follow its direction as closely as you can.

Saturday, February 1, 2014: Live
You can indeed live in the direction you choose as long as you steer yourself and do not let anything deter you in any way. Focus on your own well-being so you can be in the right mode to pursue what is right and best for you.

Sunday, February 2, 2014: Round

The round twists in the energy may bring you back to some things you may have left behind that need your attention once again. It is time to rethink and reach decisions that will last a long time and set you free from having to revisit them anymore.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Be ready with your planning to elevate yourself in a practical way so you can erase anything dysfunctional and live fully in a happy round circle of love of life.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Make round turns to live your life straight on target and erase whatever you do not need in order to stay practical and elevate your planning to be ready and moving on with the right motives.

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Energy of the Week for January 27-February 2, 2014: Realistic

This is a week for the practical and realistic person to straighten out any outstanding loose ends and continue to pursue your inner desires. It just needs to be done in a serious, more consistent and down-to-earth fashion to make it all work. This will help you ground your last week’s vision by making it stable and having it landing on its own two feet. This will start bringing it to reality from the foundation up.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

If you really think about it, this process can be the most exciting ever for you. You will begin to manifest everything you have already clarified for yourself and get empowered and energized seeing it all come together. Being realistic now means not to overshoot or overate anything. Recheck and re-gauge on the spot the key components and important parameters of what you are intending to do. To maximize on the outcome, do whatever is possible, then more. Take note of each step and do not move until you are absolutely sure you are going in the right direction for you. Do not stall or stop so you can utilize any inertia that has built up to keep things moving ahead. As long as you feel in control, it will be easy to stay focused and push forward in a solid fashion.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Set high realistic goals to harvest the most results out of this week of full business events. Even if you may have nothing much showing on your schedule, it promises to be a busy time with different experiences. To stay on top of it, take good notes and make sure to return all calls to contacts who have taken their time to reach out to you. At some point, it may even feel as if the energy will not stand still and keeps you in action, but it is all for your own good. So make sure you respond and follow up. If you absolutely cannot do it all and have to pick and choose what is truly essential, try delegating and asking for help. But definitely do something about everything that shows up and demands your attention. Much of it may prove to be very important. When all is said and done, you will not believe how much has actually taken place and all of the things it has brought to you and your business.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
This is a week to keep things real and truthful. It is almost like a mirror being held up in front of you showing the realistic way to handle things so you do not veer off in another direction. It will be very interesting to see how you will be prompted to do things that are possible and sincere, especially with those close around you. This will also help you realize you do not need to try be anyone else but the good and simple you, with a true warm heart, just wanting to have a good time and fun with those you really care about. At the end of the day, this will prove to be the only version everyone will like and appreciate – all because they can sense the true energy they are attracted to and embracing. How can you possibly hold back from sharing these exciting and unexpected moments with all of us?

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Weekly Energy of the Day for January 20-26, 2014

Your VISION rules this week. Obviously, you must have one and be serious about achieving it. Knowing you have an extra hand from the energy to go for your desires is quite an encouragement and does not warrant any excuses to miss on this great opportunity. Take it and flow with it. Do not keep it to yourself. They are the best examples of what a person can do and we are all eager to hear about it.  
Monday, January 20, 2014: Precise

Do not be too general in making your vision model. If anything, you need to be as precise as possible. Otherwise, it may end up like getting behind the wheel in your car and driving to get to some place nice without a specific destination. It will be very hard to get there. If you know exactly where you are headed, you can employ all of your efforts toward it and make it happen as much as possible. So, spend the time to cross your t’s and dot your i’s. It will definitely pay off.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014:
If you may have felt life had been dragging you along over the last few days, you can make a giant step toward substantial progress today. Baby steps are not it, so put on some bigger shoes. It is time to shake off the dysfunctional dust and step up to the good things you have been waiting and hoping to happen.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014: Increase
Heads up! A successful yesterday will follow with a sizable increase in your overall energy and sense of ability to do anything. As long as you wake up on the right side of life by being sunshiny and dynamic, you can go for the things that really matter – bypassing the trivia and shooting straight.

Thursday, January 23, 2014: Amazing
Not often do people exclaim something is truly amazing, but today it is more likely than not for it to happen. Whatever you have been working hard toward will likely pay off and make you feel cheery and victorious. Just set the tone to enjoy how it all turns out and you will gratefully realize not a single effort has gone to waste.

Friday, January 24, 2014: Love
Just a day to love life again to the fullest. Even if your experiences have been a bit of a rollercoaster ride recently, you can take it to the up-side easily with a smile and a gracious attitude to forgive the hardships, lighten up and discover it is worth being on planet Earth after all.

Saturday, January 25, 2014: Direction
It is not that you cannot be spontaneous, but do it within the parameters of where you want to end up when the day is over. This is why it is important to set up a good, simple direction for your agenda and then take it from there with a wise and steady flow – all the way to finishing happy and satisfied.

Sunday, January 26, 2014: Leap

Nothing can stop you as long as you take a giant leap toward your highest incentive today. In fact, you will find out that the more you go for it, the easier it will be as long as you are flexible with the dynamics of the day and not lose the perspective of what to hold on to and what to avoid at any cost.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

A precise touch can bring a substantial increase in the amazing results you will love and appreciate aligned with the direction you make by taking a big leap toward your desired outcome.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Take a leap in the direction you love to pursue with an amazing attitude to increase in a substantial way the precise results you want to get.

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Energy of the Week for January 20-26, 2014: Vision

Your present and future are not random. They are based on your own vision of what you create for yourself. Many do not utilize their power to envision what they would like for themselves and then feel as if everything is happening differently from what they had wished. The clearer you define what it is you want, you first give precise direction to yourself to follow and second, you make it clear to your guidance/spiritual helpers how they can be of the best assistance to you. Knowing what you want is crucial for getting it.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Some people are more visual in seeing pictures of what they would like to create for themselves. This is the spiritual gift of clairvoyance. However, speaking of a vision in general can also consist of impressions, ideas and feelings, which give you the sense of what it is you can do and describe to you how it could play out in reality. Whichever way your sensitivity works best, you can use this gift to put together the overall blueprint of your desirable outcome. Mapping it out is key and the process of contemplating it and taking the time to conform it makes it realistic and achievable. There is nothing you cannot do as long as you entertain it through your inner sensitivity first. This is pretty much all it takes for you to be able to get it. The only thing left is for you to stick to it like super glue on paper and not let go until you see it through. So, visualize it! Do it with whichever senses are strongest for you and experience it in your own inner world what it would be to have it manifest fully. The energy is present to help us make it all happen, but you need to create the desired vision first!

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Designing a vision for your business or occupation is not some far-fetched day-dreaming. It is a practical, realistic, systematically organized plan of what you want. You may think your sphere of influence is not prominent enough to allow you to offer strong suggestions of how you think things should be. However, as long as you are there, being present with all of your energy and heart, you are changing the entire environment just by being in it. In this sense, you can cause an endless effect on everything you are connected to. Of course, you need to be ready to express your ideas any chance you get. In a way, you are almost obliged to do so, because you are already reaching and touching others with what you are offering them. So why not put everything you have into it to elevate and optimize all you can give? This is bound to be noticed, appreciated and will make a difference that generates even more fulfillment for you than you may have ever experienced before.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Since you can never predict, assume, expect or demand what your social circle will do, this week is about being flexible with your vision when it comes to what you would prefer to happen between you and them. Definitely set your vision in place, but you cannot and should not impose it on anyone. Instead, you can communicate it in an inspiring way and help everyone get excited about achieving it with you. This is all you can do other than making sure it is passed on clearly and understood well by those you really care about. If they do not support it, you can probably find out the reason. Even if they do not share the same vision, a great exchange can perhaps get you closer to whatever it is you all have an interest in. Then, by being closer, you can pursue what matters and always craft a new mutual idea to put your efforts toward – hand-in-hand!

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Weekly Energy of the Day for January 13-19, 2014

Feed your own self EXPANSION by making the right moves and take care of yourself by staying in a positive environment. Lots of growth and new opportunities will open up and come your way if you seek them out fervently. Stay tireless and follow your own natural flow. Do not keep for yourself from the great experiences you are surely going to have. We are all curious to learn about them.

Monday, January 13, 2014: Circle
They say everything goes around in a circle, so today the real question is how big do you want it to be. You can stretch the circle as far as you want. You can also have more of everything if you put your energy into expanding it for yourself.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014:
Remember the circle from yesterday? Well, it will be swirling forward with lots of spinning and whooshing, creating much vigor and excitement. All you need to do is harbor the generated energy and not let it scatter. Play the game and roll with the circumstances so you can steer everything to work your way.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014: Excitement
It has started already, but you cannot deny today will contain more excitement than you may have had in decades. An overstatement? Hardly. You will be thrilled and exhilarated at almost anything taking place during each hour of the day. If anything, you may become worn out from receiving too much great news and many surprises that just keep pouring in. Create a great memory from today. It will indeed last you forever.

Thursday, January 16, 2014: Passion
No one can create anything great without passion. It is the one necessary element that converts the ordinary into something magical and elevates it to a whole other unexpected realm. Find out where yours is today and do not attempt to do anything without it – not even with the simplest of chores. Tell us how this is working. We know you will not be able to help yourself.

Friday, January 17, 2014: Sincere
What is the deal with people who are not able to be sincere? Could it be an insecurity that they will become too vulnerable if they reveal too much about themselves? This is called a fear of being found out. In reality, nothing stands more solid and tall than the real  you. You have come to live life to the fullest in this lifetime, so do not deny yourself this amazing opportunity. Just let yourself be and watch how everything works out for the best.

Saturday, January 18, 2014: Purport
If the world was to watch everything you are doing today, would it take away from you being able to purport who you are and what you stand for? Imagine you are on a stage or in a movie and whatever you do is indeed in front of everyone. How does this signify your presence? Convey your message loud and clear.

Sunday, January 19, 2014: Decision

Once again, it is decision time to invest your energy into something more significant. Pick wisely and shoot higher. You need to make a distinct impression on your environment so it can help you stand out in the crowd.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Draw a circle around where you are and move forward with excitement and passion so, in a sincere way, you can purport your major decision to pursue your own goals.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

It is decision time to purport your sincere message with passion and great excitement forward to a circle of ideas and ambitions.

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Energy of the Week for January 13-19, 2014: Expansion

Everything you have already started and acted on this month will be prone to a massive expansion during this whole week. It will grow strong and fast as long as you stick with it and stay directed on your path to taking care of business. Keep yourself together and accomplish what you need to do by being kind and caring to yourself first. Do not ignore your basic needs and take the time and effort to be safe, rested and in a good solid state of being – energized and happy.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Everything you do starts with you. Your entire personal and physical state is reflected in the energy you put out. If you do not feel well, you will not be very capable of giving either to yourself or anyone else. You may need to address this and ask yourself what is causing it. It will always be something related to you and how balanced or unbalanced you are in the way you interpret your life. Other people or circumstances may be affecting you, but the truth is, you are affecting them just as much or more depending on how you allow yourself to either respond or react. When you are in your true feelings, you are positive and charged with the ability to handle whatever may be happening around you. But if you let yourself feel low, you will be acting out of learned emotions from your intellect, such as anger, depression or resentment. In the first instance, you will continue to be yourself and are able to handle almost anything with ease using your genuine strength. In the second, you are thrown off guard and letting negative energy take you over. The biggest key is to realize all of your abilities and opportunities are shrinking when you go down the avenue of reacting and lashing out. On the other hand, you can flourish in a beautiful energy of expansion when you remain true to your real warm nature inside. Take a note of what prompts you to go either way as a test to your own choices and decisions of what and how you do it. Invest a little time over the next few days and discern what you need to do when any challenge presents itself. Which way you go matters. Do what is right for you and it will always bring good to the entire world.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Avoid any undue intensity and you will enjoy a great expansion in your business ventures this week. With lightness and ease, you can handle anything that crosses your path. When you do the opposite, it will not bring you any of your desired results or allow you to make progress. You do not have to learn the hard way. Realize nothing is an end in itself. The faster you look at everything as a means to an end, you will be able to keep your cool and reason rationally. The greatest high can come after putting your most powerful determination to work for you. Make it clear to yourself you are not going to drop the reins no matter what. Let your service finds its rightful place with the people it is meant for. If your ship is off course, get it back on track. Remember, the events this week are meant to help you, so stay optimistic. The payoff will be big for you and everyone around you.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
You are due for a little friendly or family expansion this week. You may meet someone new or see an old acquaintance as someone worthy to be in your social circle. The people you allow to be close are there to help you learn more about yourself. You need to choose wisely, but also cut some slack to those who are still discovering themselves the way you are. Open the door if anyone is knocking on it and make yourself get out there in the world to see and be seen. Do not cut yourself off from any interesting adventures. They may help you run into someone you need to encounter this week. Finally, talk your heart out. Do not just nod or keep quiet. Put who you really are out in the open so you can attract kindred souls you are more likely to bond with. Finally, there is no need to be a small fish in a small pond. Expand your horizons by jumping into the biggest zone you can find. The discomfort from making this change will only last a second, because in a larger space, you will surely find many others you can relate to than you may have ever thought possible before.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for January 6-12, 2014

GENERATE whatever you need and want starting with pure happiness and joy for yourself. You already know how you can bring this about by doing it with lightness and ease.

Monday, January 6, 2014: Understand
What you can understand, you can make work. As they say, if you can laugh at it, you can also live with it. For this to happen, be more detached and look at it from others’ point-of-view. This will enrich your whole perspective and give you more hints to see it from different angles than you may have envisioned before. This will act like a multiple-lens camera to help you gauge how to be more fair and complete. As a result, you are sure to be much better off.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014:
You do not need to put yourself into trying situations to practice your fortitude today. In fact, start by telling yourself what you would do differently if you had the ultimate patience and perseverance to keep at it. Then, just do it. This will always lead you to a much better place.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014: Decisive
If you were a tad more decisive, your results could improve many times over. You cannot lose from doing this. You will be surprised at how well it works! When you just go for it and undertake something you already had your eye on, you will trigger many more things to start opening up to support and back your decision. However, if you do not take the first step, all of these extra resources will be closed off from you. If you step on the gas pedal, you will know what to do. Let us know how this all works.

Thursday, January 9, 2014: Coordinate
Although it is a must to coordinate the relevant parts of your agenda with those you encounter on a daily basis, it is even more critical to do it today. Everyone can express their plans and meet in the middle on all of the different key points. This will ensure the expectations on all sides will be much more realistic. Then, you can all go full speed ahead.

Friday, January 10, 2014: Lever
If you have a lever, you can move mountains. Today, set one up so you can spearhead yourself higher and higher as if you are jumping on a big trampoline. Use your strengths, be sharp and to the point and be relentless – as there is no time to waste. If others do not catch on to it, still continue to move. Do not interrupt your flow once it is in motion and only those who get the gist can join you later in your quest.

Saturday, January 11, 2014: Define
Define the parameters of what you are looking to accomplish so the universe can fulfill your order. Stop doubting whether you deserve it or not. You certainly do, otherwise it would never have entered your imagination. Take it seriously, sit down and give it a good thought. You will feel better after laying it all out. You will discover what will be helpful and useful to you while making it very clear to your spiritual helpers/guidance how they can support you even more.

Sunday, January 12, 2014: Whistle

You may feel like singing and giving off a whistle today with total satisfaction and feeling good from having completed another great and POWERFUL week. Celebrate and appreciate the outcome. Then, you will be ready to be even more sizzled up in the coming week. Well done!

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Understand your own fortitude so you can become more decisive and coordinate how to elevate yourself with a great lever so you can define any situation and are able to relax and whistle.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

With a smile and a whistle, you can define the lever that can work for you to coordinate any decisive actions with fortitude and understand everything taking place in your life.

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Energy of the Week for January 6-12, 2014: Generate

This is a week to generate your very own happiness and joy! Take charge of your life this year and please yourself so you can make every day a special day. You are the generator of your own energy. Bring out your craftiness to move ahead by not waiting on anything or anyone else and have an incredible time!

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Make it a point to generate an unceasingly big and bright smile on your face all week long with lightness in your heart. Do not try to do it. You can’t. Just achieve it naturally. Recall your most cheerful times and get charged with the spirit. Do you know what happens when this takes place? You become you. This is all there is to it. The real you as a soul is perfect, directed, positive and inspired, flying high and strong accomplishing your mission with every breath. And where is that consistent and delightful person? Reconnect with him or her by opening your heart and let it come out to play. Also, what would it take to allow this to happen? Forget about any burdens and listen to some relaxing music to take you over the rainbow. Only you know what works best for you. Even if you are out in the middle of nowhere, lift up your head and soak up the sun, breathe in and fill up your lungs with a sense of freedom and infiniteness. This will strengthen you beyond belief and straighten out and help you reset your own priorities and continue flowing with them. There is no end to what you can generate in this mode, so let us all know everything that came out of it for you.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Business is obviously set up to generate profits even when it is directed more to accomplish a humanitarian mission. It has to be able to carry itself one way or another. But the true scope of every service reaches far and above any of all this. It needs to be designed to create total solutions and easiness to the demands and needs of the consumer. Someone thought of offering others a benefit to enrich their lives. How can you not be excited about doing this for people with the utmost feeling of giving it all you have? When you are the absolute you and in the present, you cannot help but give of yourself endlessly by sharing with the whole world from all of your heart. Never stop because you will always be making miracles and spreading your wisdom and energy like gold dust in the wind as far as you can see.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Letting those you love be themselves is the best you can do for them and yourself. This is why you cannot tell them what to do. They have to come up with what they want to do on their own. But you can certainly generate inspiration to touch them deeply and turn on a big fire inside. Do this every chance you get. Ask yourself what would get their juices going and help create it with them. Nothing works better than extending a hand and supporting others with what is most important to them. This way, you can help them generate both what they need and want by being an example of how you do it for yourself first.

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