The Energy of the Month for January is POWERFUL

This year begins with a significant way to make a difference in the powerful month of January. Usually it takes people three months to recover from the holidays, but not this time! Do not be surprised if you feel unusually ambitious and ready to go for some out-of-the-box new ways of doing things you have never even imagined you could do before. This is due to the fact that your natural energy will pick up and peak very early on. When you are ready, everything will work like a charm because you are unstoppable. In other words – before you know it – your sleeves will be rolled up and you will find yourself stepping into another endeavor. By staying exhilarated, you will harvest great and unimaginable accomplishments out of all of this.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
If you think you don’t know your own strength – you will be finding it out this month! The truth is, you do not know how much you are capable of until you do something extraordinary and then you pinch yourself to see if it is real. The powerful backing in January can help you hold up to three times the usual load you are handling without extra straining. If you do not believe it, just watch yourself do it every day. You may feel like a Hercules on steroids – all in a good way. This is because this whole year is going to be exceptional and it will start right from the very beginning. You will feel rejuvenated inside and out to stand strong, speak out and do something special about everything you touch. Give yourself permission to make the best out of it so you can be sharp, punctuated, focused and determined to see everything through to its ultimate fruition. What else could you wish for?

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Around the first few days, you may feel a kick in your backside to get up and change something that has not worked as good as it should for you in your work environment. You will simply not be able to tolerate anything out of line or not producing the results it could. Due to your increased tenacity, you will be able – all of a sudden – to harvest a different kind of outcome and how things turn out for you altogether. Having zero patience for what does not go as planned is more than likely. The real question is, what to do about it. The solution is to be strategic, just like in chess. Gauge at least three of your next steps. This way, you will forewarn yourself about what to expect further down the line and be prepared for other ways to make it happen – no matter what. Do not accept no for an answer and you will not exhaust your perseverance to keep plowing through until you get where you are headed. Make confidence your best friend and turn away any others trying to shake you. It is your time to come out victorious every single time and it is easier to do it now than ever.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
While you may be your softest and most loving within your inner circle, this is the month to set your rightful boundaries from day one against anything and everything you need to differentiate yourself from. You can still be super nice and warm using this powerful approach, but you need to both set the record straight and, in addition, help others understand the real you and what they are connected to. There is no respect without admiration and this cannot happen without them seeing the big picture and framework of what you are all about. If they try to dismiss it, you may not want to engage in anything else until they take you seriously and what you want to express and share with them. Just take the time to communicate. No one can deny you this right. Once you begin the process, it should inspire them to reciprocate and afterwards, you will have it made. If you think you are too sensitive or weak to handle a frank and honest conversation, you may want to remind yourself you can do anything since you are never alone as long as you are tuned in to the energy. Have a great time clarifying all of this and you will see how happy you can be.

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The Energy of the Calendar Year for 2014 is COMMUNICATE

2014 is the greatest year yet giving you an uncanny opportunity to speak up and communicate to the whole world who you are and what you are about. Your whole energy is held together by a very unique spiritual message or inner philosophy you carry inside. It is what inspires and excites, motivates and drives you the most. It is also what you are most sensitive to that intensely matters and is important to you. As such, you cannot help but to express it and talk about it to others who care to hear it. If you stream off of it, you will feel down and low. When you live it for yourself, you are the best example you can ever be and have the strongest and most powerful energy thrusting you ahead. Which way to go is pretty clear. Do yourself a big favor and get ready to stand up and open your mouth because there is a lot you have to say and you can start right now!

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
The technology has finally caught up to the point where you can reach the entire world with whatever it is that moves you very deeply. Believe it or not, without an outpouring of love and concern, you cannot be the best you can be. If you hold yourself back from giving of yourself and being involved in life, your physical body will start breaking down. As your energy outflows, it makes room for more to come in. If you dampen what goes out, you cannot receive more. You can remain stagnate with whatever energy you are holding inside for a while, but you cannot prevent it from moving out at some point. It is like digging a hole inside of you and your energy will go around in circles, especially if you do not give it a proper outlet. Do not make the mistake of staying shy or closed off for too long. This will never do in 2014. The dynamics of the energy will open up many opportunities for you to present yourself to people who really need to hear what you have to say. Never feel as if what you have to share is not good enough. You are the only one who can disburse your wisdom. Finally, voice what you have loud and clear. The more you communicate abundantly, the greater flow of energy will go through you in the form of inspiration, energy and other resources. There is really no end to it. You cannot max out on how much you can give as long as you do for yourself first. Just go for it!

How this energy affects you in your business life:
This is the year for huge business promotion. You will be seeing more ads and commercials portraying services and products bigger than ever. The best way to communicate about what you are doing is to start from the heart. What is the core essence of what you are offering others and what is the highest benefit they can gain from it? You are already taking a lot of time doing what you are doing and you need to reach people effectively to keep it working. There are two areas you cannot skimp on. The quality of what you do and the sincerity with which you bring it. People deserve the best and if you are not giving it to them, they will speak up and not settle for it. Not only will consumers not be going for mediocre things, but they will also be letting everyone they can reach know what they disapprove about it. Be careful, pay attention and if you really want to be successful and savvy this year, you will need to reach the height of your own performance standards and make sure you double check everything before it leaves your hands. If you do that, you will reap more results than you ever fathomed possible for yourself and gather the largest loyal circle of those you are reaching in the process. What fun!

How this energy affects you in your social life:
There is a tricky dilemma 2014 is imposing on you: how to make those who are not listening in your environment hear you! First of all, giving up on this challenge is not an option. Secondly, you certainly have not tried everything possible already, so you may have more work to do to go about it very smartly. Pin down what attracts the attention of each individual you want to listen to you. Then, bring it out when you are starting to communicate what you truly care about. Be tactful so everyone will open their ears and be engaged and pleased to a point where they have the willingness to give you a little more attention. If you are really diplomatic, you will find an open door to almost anyone who is restrained, especially if you make it about them and not you. Others do not care about you until they find out how much you care. Show them. Also, there is no such thing as having tried enough. All of this year, this special energy is embracing you and your efforts to have open dialogs within your social circle. Let us know your most exciting stories and we will pass them on to everyone.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for December 30, 2013-January 5, 2014

It is easy to RESOLVE outstanding matters and figure them out as you go with power and joy over the coming days. Open your heart to share with and embrace others so you can let the new beginning of the year bring all of you the greatest start of all in all areas of life.

Monday, December 30, 2013: Prepare
Prepare yourself emotionally for the energy switch of entering into the new calendar year. It is opening a new chapter for yourself and you can begin by coming up with a brand new title you want it to have. Hand-pick what you want and then follow the direction it takes you.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013:
Lift your spirits high and rejuvenate your whole beingness with excitement to have the most adventurous year yet. Gear up for it to be dynamic and you will align and tune in with your whole energy to flow with it. Start celebrating early and have fun throughout the evening. The energy of a day is set from the beginning, so apply this in your life every single day for the next 365 days.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014: Direction
Point yourself in the right direction with the best outlook and charge for the future. Where you are headed matters greatly so you can end up in the best place you can ever be. Use your intuition and listen within your own self for navigating tips. And yes, you can consider what others are thinking, but take it only as a suggestion and not as a command without discerning it on your own. Lastly, make this first day of the year a pattern to follow. If you can do it one time, you can do it any time.

Thursday, January 2, 2014: Standards
Not even a day has passed and you may have a run in with your newly set standards and how well they are already working for you. Be bold to draw the line where you want them to be for yourself. You do not need their permission, but let others know where you stand. This will help you set up your immediate surroundings in a way most beneficial for you.

Friday, January 3, 2014: Capitulate
If there are any major decisions you need to make today you may not be ready to go for, you can defer your energy to finalize it at a later time, but do not capitulate or give up on it just because it may feel it is too far to reach at the moment. Actually, the best approach is to set the idea aside, get refreshed and recharged. Then, come back to it when you feel you are ready to tackle it again. This is not procrastinating, but rather conscious timing to  coordinate with your own best vibes so you can remain pro-active and focused.

Saturday, January 4, 2014: Destiny
If you are ready to write your own destiny – today is the day. By now, the answer to that pending question should be apparent for you to start moving forward and have a solid plan. Feel proud and happy for being able to craft your own way and feel independent from anything trying to steer you away from it. You rule by being loyal to yourself first and foremost.

Sunday, January 5, 2014: Reward

You deserve a reward for the role you played for yourself this whole week. Entering a new phase and starting a new beginning is an all encompassing job you have tackled and secured for yourself. Pat yourself on the back and continue joyfully throughout this year’s journey.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

When you prepare to rejuvenate your direction with new standards, you can avoid to capitulate your destiny and earn a reward instead.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Reward yourself with a new destiny without any need to capitulate your own standards, but craft your desired direction as you rejuvenate and prepare to keep moving ahead.

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Energy of the Week for December 30, 2013-January 5, 2014: Resolve

Step into the New Year with your right foot forward and with your willingness to resolve any outstanding conflicts or hanging unsettled matters keeping you from being your ultimate self. This way, you are able to direct all of your energy straight ahead from the get-go. All you need to do is look at all sides of the story and try to come up with a practical solution that addresses every angle. Remember, the best way to go is always the simplest one.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

You can truly alleviate any situations creating pressure if you remove any burdens that have been hanging over your head like a rainy cloud. The key to making this happen is to take a fresh approach in case the way you have attempted to do it already is not producing the desired results. Identify the main facts of the situation: what, when, where and why and consider what the consequences are for you. You know what you want for yourself. So what would it take to achieve it in just two to three steps? If something is not happening easily, you may be able to alter the way you are approaching it. The most helpful way is to be as detached as possible. This will help you observe it from a more impartial point-of-view. Then you can notice more than what your insider view to the whole situation is giving you. Make up your mind to resolve any stumbling blocks in front of you. This will ensure you know what to do from now on. You can even share your revelations with us so we can all gain from your wisdom.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Your task this week is to resolve any lack of effectiveness and change it for the better in your business. If you are not utilizing the resources advanced to you from the universe, this will act like a damper to slow you down. There is a responsibility to what is put in your hands and how you manage it. Do not wait to put it to good use or it will ripen quickly like a banana and could go bad after a certain period of time. In other words, it is your opportunity to recognize what you possess and take more measures to apply it. You certainly cannot use others as an excuse for something you have not done. It is time to take your own initiative – even if you are under someone else’s direction. You can always bounce ideas off other people and offer suggestions about how you see things could be made to work better. You have the ability to offer the maximum benefit with your service to others and go the extra mile which always elevates your experience and what you learn from it. Be sure to take away as much as you can every single time.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
The most painful subject you can tackle sometimes is a lack of communication or trouble with family or loved ones, especially in the festive days to come. The first thing to do is try to understand what causes the tension for everyone involved. Do not hesitate to ask them for their take on it. You can only resolve what you know about to begin with. If you think everything is dandy on your end, you may need to take a closer look. Are things truly as satisfactory as they really could be? There is extra energy this week helping you to find those finer points to connect better with those who matter to you the most. Do not miss out on letting it work for you over the next few days. You need to initiate the communication and share. Sit down with your closest circle and have a meaningful time bringing out everything that concerns all of you. A good easy-going dialog can unravel quite a bit and a lot will get clarified in the process. In the end, celebrate with full glasses of abundant happiness and good will. Spare no effort in having it go around the room as far as it will go.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for December 23-29, 2013

REGROUP, focus and clarify your priorities. Make all of your resources go a long way by discerning how to use them more wisely. This will help you fine-tune your own direction and recharge you with even more motivation to pursue your finer goals with fervor.

Monday, December 23, 2013: Discern
Can you discern for yourself the best way to go? Today, it is important to know what belongs to your energy and what does not. There are so many dynamics and emotions during the holidays, in order for you to come out on top,  you need to stay on the positive side of it all. Clarify the boundaries for yourself and keep away from whatever energy does not belong to you. This will ensure the pressure or stress does not get to you so you can remain happy and enjoy all of the festivities with a great attitude and light heart.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013:
Put in place a final plan on how to spend your time and make it work for you. Do not overburden yourself. This is time to relax, enjoy and reflect. Find a simple entertaining solution. For example, less is more. Being able to stay calm and just be yourself is all you need to do. The rest will happen on its own.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013: Perfect
This is the incredible and perfect Christmas day – snow or not because you will make it be that way! Start the day with your right foot forward by sharing a kind word – and keep it up for the whole twenty-four hours. Smile and show your gentler side to the world around you. The biggest miracle is your own purest passion to be the nicest and warmest loving being you are – deep inside. Manifest this and you will have it made.

Thursday, December 26, 2013: Restore
Restore your own belief in the best there is in all of us. Everyone is good on the inside. However, it needs brought out into the open and sometimes just the right circumstances can prompt it. Help create them. Be real and practical. Others can be influenced by just a spark that inflames a new beginning. Be a part of it and watch it unfold.

Friday, December 27, 2013: Genuine
It will be challenging to be totally genuine today since everything will be calling you to bring out your ability to relate to others and show them who you really are. Follow your intuition so you do not have to go around in circles over and over again wondering how to make everything work. Tell us how you overcame the energy trying to keep you from simply being yourself!

Saturday, December 28, 2013: Appear
Today, you will find answers to what may appear to be luck. You may think it is unpredictable or random, but there is no such thing. You get what you wish for when you earn it, it is in your best interest and you well deserve it. So, do not wait for something to just show up. It is time you put it together for yourself.

Sunday, December 29, 2013: Forward

Time moves forward with the speed of light when you are looking for new things to come your way and you are ready for them. Choose to harvest the best out of your own efforts and employ all of your talents to the maximum so you can keep furthering yourself toward new heights.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Discern your best plan for a perfect way to restore your genuine artistry to appear real and move forward promptly.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Look forward to appear genuine and restore your perfect plan to discern your future.

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Energy of the Week for December 23-29, 2013: Regroup

This week offers you a great time to regroup yourself thoroughly inside and out before the imminent transition between calendar years. There is an opportunity to create resolutions, but the only way to do this successfully is to close the old with a good review and account for your top highlights from 2013. Only then can you realize how your new goals will drive you steadily over the next twelve months.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

This may be your final opportunity to regroup everything that has happened this year and how you will set your energy to go for it in the New Year. This should not take long. What do you recall were the proudest moments when you were able to perform well under all challenging circumstances? What is most pleasing and fulfilling about these examples? This could be the feeling of being able to apply yourself and reveal the real qualities that made these occasions really special. Now, how can you do more of this over and over again? Can you put a principle or standard in place that can help you perform similarly? Pin down a couple of keys to help you be you during the next year. This will remind you of your top inner strengths and power so you can resort to them even more. Now you are ready to go. Step into the New Year with fervor and decisiveness to make it the best one yet!

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Whether you work on weekdays, weekends, around the clock or are a homemaker, your business life is certainly an integral part of your existence as it entails everything you do to be of service to others in your environment. This may include various roles you play of which usually there is a main one or two you spend most of your time with. Typically, this is also how you earn your living. When you regroup all of your activities, the keys to focus on are: Are you doing what you love or are you performing it out of obligation? Are you able to express yourself and be creative throughout your environment? Does it flow from inspiration or is it rather mechanical and mundane? You may discover that how satisfied you are has everything to do with what you are interested in and the ability to freely put your personal touch to it. It may be tough to imagine, but you can definitely do your thing in whatever the occupation you have. You are you and you use your very own hands, mind and heart for any tasks or projects you take on. There is no reason for you to not use your unique personality and inner gifts to make a real difference. This is the best time to shift toward doing more to its fullest extent. Make a decision to put your special signature in your work, whatever it is, so everyone will notice how different your approach is than anyone else’s. Doing what no one else can do is the absolute achievement you can do for yourself and will enrich everyone else in a very special way. Be inspired. Put the holiday spirit to work for you and make it an adventure no one can forget.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
This is a crucial time to regroup your environmental space and the quality of all of your social relationships. Remember, you attract the people around you for a reason. Either they are meant to learn from you or you are meant to learn from them – or both. When you form a closer connection and create a family unit, you need to have the most rapport and affection in order to build a solid mutual admiration and a lasting 50-50 relationship. You need to have mutual understanding and realistic expectations based on fundamental values for everything to last. It is also important to establish a communication mechanism that works, such as a complete comprehension of the balanced and unbalanced traits of the four spiritual gifts. Otherwise, nothing can solidify the connection you have and it could be shaken by a variety of factors on a daily basis. If you are going to weather the storms, you need to have the patience to understand where the other person is coming from, otherwise it will not result in the most productive or thriving time for either of you. Decidedly, you are  better off being alone than being accompanied by someone who takes advantage or lowers your energy level, but of course it is your call who you invest yourself and time into. Everything is a learning experience to help you be more loyal to yourself first. Inevitably, if you want to establish more stability, it is essential to raise your own standards and be open to expressing and enforcing them. As long as you have the right perspective, it is your time to enjoy everyone you encounter and exchange with on a daily basis to its fullest potential.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for December 16-22, 2013

Bring out your SUBLIME resources to the surface. Do not take anything too seriously. The idea is to have as much fun as possible with others and stay involved in everything happening around you. It will all go very fast and you will not have a boring moment.

Monday, December 16, 2012: Relax
You might as well sleep in if you can. At any rate, you need the extra rest and energy to tackle what you need to do the rest of the week, so do no overdo anything today in preparation of what will be coming. Sit back, relax and tune in so you can charge up your energy with inspiration that will last you the whole week long.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013:
Say it like it is. Being forthright will save you time and energy today. There is nothing wrong with the way you experience or feel something and those around you might as well learn it straight from you right away. If they do not like it, it is their problem since it is what it is.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013: Capture
Wednesday will bring such a high wave of excitement that everyone around you will be able to capture it more or less one way or another. There may not be anything in particular happening, but it is how it is happening that will fascinate and please all the people around you. Let your heart go and be free to enjoy long hours of the greatest mid-week ever.

Thursday, December 19, 2013: Resonate
It will be pretty clear from the beginning of the day what will resonate with the entire sublime theme this week and what will not. Since the choice is obvious, just stay on the side of what is good for you and you will have an awesome experience. Avoid the rest. It is not worth taking the time. You have much better things to do.

Friday, December 20, 2013: Great!
Your experience so far is sure to be greater than great! as you make the right moves and make them work for you while you flow through this fantastic week. If needed, it is not too late to adjust to benefit even more from the energy. Just stop resisting the positive, let go and quickly shift to the brighter side of life.

Saturday, December 21, 2013: Terrific
Wake up in the morning with a terrific attitude in order to have a grandiose day. Appreciate the opportunities you have to make a difference for yourself and others with all of your abilities. Everything will be easy and interesting when you just put it all to work in a simple and fun way.

Sunday, December 22, 2013: Arrive

By the end of the day, you will arrive at the best conclusion ever. It is entirely worth it to direct your energy toward the right path for yourself as it will always take you to the right place – even if it takes you longer than you might have expected. This way, you will always go where you want to take yourself – first and foremost.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Make sure you relax and stay forthright to capture the resonate energy and have a great! outcome with a terrific surprise as you arrive at the end of each day.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Arrive in a positive light with a terrific energy and great! attitude to resonate with and capture all the forthright ways to relax and just be yourself.

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Energy of the Week for December 16-22, 2013: Sublime

Amidst all of the holiday cheer and year-end uproar, this week will offer peace and quiet surrounding your deepest sensitivity with a delicate and sublime embrace. This is because you need to reconnect with your true values which is driving you to tap into and live those special moments coming up to the fullest.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

There is nothing like the pristine and genuine feeling of harmony and balance you experience only when you are tapping into your own inner sublime nature and savoring the moment. You use your intuition daily through the 80-90 hunches flowing in giving you the very solutions you need in your life. If you ignore them, you will veer off the path to your own success. There is nothing you can rely on better in the entire universe than the sensitivity you carry within. You can tune in the best when you are relaxed, calm and positive. You are more open to listening and discerning what you pick up and are more likely to flow with it. Then, follow it so you get the best results every single time. You can re-energize yourself in less than 60 seconds with our Personal Energy Cleansing Technique. You can do it at any time or place, either by yourself or with others.

Tip: If you are ready to take a more conscious approach to working with your own intuition and sensitivity to pick up all of the inspiration coming your way so you can find your own answers for yourself without any uncertainty, give yourself the power to communicate straight with your inner guidance with our Intermediate Package. Wake up to a new life where you have the universe directly at your disposal. You will discover what is in your own best interest easier and better. You can do anything when you have all of the energy working for you.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Most of the time, sublime and delicate moments in business are not given the light of day or even play a major role in the ironclad and stern decision-making process. Keeping things more cut and dried is the most obvious way to ensure they stay organized and focused. This week is going to be very different. It may come as a huge surprise to those who overlook the human element and its power in the name of cutting to the results and numbers game. No one will be able to avoid staring this lesson in the face. However well a system is set in place or how efficient any foundational structure is laid, it will not produce until the elements of true compassion are plugged in. Everyone, especially at the executive level, will be forced to listen to those who depend on them. Any company, large or small, will need to be poised to hear what the end customer has to say and what they can do to provide an overall better service. Ignorance is not bliss. It may be a de-ja-vu situation where concerns will appear over and over again until someone at the top pays attention. Call it holiday miracle, but you may see positive action being taken bigger and better than ever before. These stories deserve re-telling. Help us find the best ones to pass on. Having this heads-up with the energy this week, you will know how to make the right decisions instantly. This way, you can move forward and accomplish your agenda smooth and easy.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
What fun you can have with your closest friends and acquaintances! It will be as if someone is sprinkling laughing dust on your head wherever you go. Just when you thought you have to keep it on a serious note to manage all of the season’s hustle and bustle, the energy will show you that everything can get accomplished in half the time with high spirits and teamwork. If you are not having fun over the next few days, you must be doing something wrong and against the rhythm the universe is spreading throughout planet Earth. You can even ask a total stranger to lend you a hand if needed. In other words, do not try to undertake anything alone. This is because together we all need to share and this spirit holds magic for all of us. So, hurry to help anyone who needs it and offer a helping hand. Do not be shy. This is about them, too. They also need someone to reciprocate with for a wonderful experience. Be inventive. Invite people to come and help with anything you may need an extra hand with. They will show up. Make a list and team up with everyone in your environment. You will feel the sublime support behind the scenes and appreciate being included in whatever is taking place. May the jolly times begin. Ho-ho-ho!

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Weekly Energy of the Day for December 9-15, 2013

Being your own best EXAMPLE is what this whole week is all about. Be who you want to be and do not compromise yourself or give up on what is important and matters to you.

Monday, December 9, 2012: Report
Make a report to yourself of what you find to be working for you and this will turn it into a lasting example to follow for yourself over and over again.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013:
You have the capacity to be truly creative, but without going for it one-hundred percent to bring it all out, it will not stand a chance to manifest itself. Today, make it your priority to tap into your innovative spirit and come up with some unusual solutions and nuances to what you would normally do to bring it yet to another level.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013: Designate
Sometimes you wait in vain for something to happen on its own. Today, you need to take charge and designate a specific time and place to bring about what it is you want so you do not leave it to just wondering or taking chances. You can indeed make it happen this way.

Thursday, December 12, 2013: Incorporate
Incorporate your own signature into what you will do throughout the day. Do it differently – your way and leave a footprint to be remembered. Your inspiring example will lead the way for many others to follow so you create a wave of your own that will spread farther than you ever thought possible.

Friday, December 13, 2013: Decide
It may be slightly difficult for you to decide today what you need to focus on first. This is because you may have a hard time being factual discerning the best route to go and it may cause you to fence-sit. Look at the what, when, where and why of your top three options and you will find what you need to do right away.

Saturday, December 14, 2013: Revelation
Today, all factors will be steering you toward the revelation that you are the most important person to yourself. If you attempt to be loyal outside of yourself, it will simply flat out not work. You need to learn that if you do not take charge of taking care of yourself, no one else will do it for you and you will leave yourself behind and un-provided for.

Sunday, December 15, 2013: Continue

With everything you have been learning so far this week, you can continue in flying colors to flourish in treating yourself better and making the right choices for you.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Report to yourself and others your creative ideas and designate a special time to incorporate them when you decide to share your revelation and continue full speed ahead.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Continue your success with the revelation you can decide to incorporate your own design and designate the exact outcome to follow with a creative report to solidly move ahead.

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Energy of the Week for December 9-15, 2013: Example

From the dawn of time, people have used any great example of their fellow men to get inspired to reach new heights for themselves. It is a known fact that as soon as one sportsman breaks the world record, a number of others are soon able to achieve the same result. The reason is what is perceived in the realm of the possible. As long as one person has done something, it is considered more feasible for others to match it. This week, take a leap of faith forward to become your own example of the inspiring unwavering spirit you are within in a brand new way for the whole world to witness.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Some people think they are not good at sales. However, it is true for all of us, you sell yourself all of the time in everything you do. What you like, how you respond, your warm and gentle nature – it all serves as a pitch to present yourself as who you are and is how you influence others. You need to do everything for yourself first and realize what you do becomes you as it takes your energy to a certain place. Making your own priorities, following through and taking responsibility for your own actions is the mature way to be, grow and get wise in the process. Set the example you want to be for yourself and everything else in your life will happen as an inevitable consequence based on the way you lead the energy in your own direction.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Those who learn from the best have a great advantage in observing firsthand how a   successful business is put in place. Your service makes a difference by having a heart and soul and how you reach out and touch others. Raise the bar every chance you get and upgrade how you do what you do to keep your service fresh and interesting to those who will be using it. Know that the example you are being is far more reaching than the narrow scope of what your product or service is. No matter what your occupation, when you attract others, they come to you as a person and your energy is what they want to be involved with in the process of getting helped in a professional capacity. Do not undermine the incredible value you have to offer even if it is not done through the best avenue you may have envisioned as the ultimate for yourself and your customers. Share your invaluable gifts with those who will be enjoying what you have to offer in your business life.          

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Do not be afraid of standing up for yourself and, if necessary, going against the flow in your own personal environment. The family you come in with brings you into this world, but they may not be the exact match for your energy throughout your entire lifetime. You need to leave the nest when the timing is right and find those you resonate with on a spiritual level. Respecting your social circle and thinking the same as them are two different things. You need to set your own example with what works for you whether others disagree or even decide not to be supportive of you. There is no excuse not to live your life for yourself – just like others need to do it for themselves as well. Allowing this freedom for everyone is the only way to create complete and solid long-term relationships.

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