Energy of the Week for October 7-13, 2013: Level

This week, you will be gearing yourself up to go to another level. Giving energy to stepping up your game needs to be your primary focus – and it is about time you do it. This incredible opportunity will bring the most fulfillment you may have had in a long time as long as you just dive in head first. There is no need to look around to what other people are doing, since it is something you need to do independently. It is an internal revolution coming to fruition thrusting you higher up to get you to an even better place.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Take the time to level with yourself where you are spiritually and materially. Without a reality check, you may be disabling your ability to move forward. Be introspective and critique yourself with the most positive meaning of these words. The idea is to shape up and straighten out, catch on to what you have been missing in your life and finally make everything work for you in a much better way. It is easy to blame others as the reason you are not the happiest with yourself. How can you make this better? Take these excuses from the equation because nothing else matters but what you offer for yourself first. If you are doing something unhealthy due to outside circumstances, it is still you doing it. Keep the blindfold off and find out why you are undermining yourself. Look inside for what drives your behavior. You may not be able to change others, but you can always change yourself to fit better in your own niche. If you find out you are being heavily influenced, rethink it. You do not have to give anyone else control over your decisions unless, for some good reason, it is temporarily better for you. Remember, for the most part, anything you hear from others is but a suggestion to consider and learn from, but not a command. You are your own CEO. Take full responsibility and make the ride you are embarking on to be smooth sailing all the way.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Increase the  level of your productivity drastically. All it takes is to have your service organized down to the T in a super efficient way. How can you do it? Start from the basics – the facts of what, when, where and why and look for shortcuts. Make sure the plan and system to carry it out is clear, not only for you, but also to everyone you are working with. This way, everyone will easily find out how great an opportunity you are extending their way and they will forward to receiving it. Positive results will pour in and you will want to capture the best moments and duplicate them again and again. Always improve on what you are already doing. In the dynamic marketplace today, you need to show diversity, resilience and interesting enticing perks to keep the customer coming back to you. Just put yourself in their shoes and you will easily be able to tell what they appreciate. Then, apply it and create a buzz to spread the word. Your presentation and promotion is as important as the essence of what your service is all about.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Your immediate environment will allow you to bring out your ability to show you how much affect you can have on others with just your inspiration and passion. It is only fair for you to allow others to do the same. The most balance can be achieved if everyone has the same opportunity to express what really matters to them so all opinions can be considered. Then, no one will feel left behind or forgotten. As long as you are sincere in your approach, you can open up the energy to help both yourself and others to have this mutually beneficial communication. It will create an atmosphere where all of you can create and execute your greatest desires together and bring your relationships to a different level. Nothing is better than a carefully thought out mission you carry out with united efforts.

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The Energy of the Month for October is ABILITY

It is time to unleash the power of your innermost ability to bring to life your sacred wants and goals. You may ask, how do I exactly do this now? The energy is favorable to motivate you to bring it out and apply it to the fullest. Most people never maximize on what they can really do because their everyday life does not usually require it. When a totally unexpectedly trying situation occurs that challenges how capable you are of handling it, it may be rare or sporadic when you are actually utilizing all of your deepest capability. Do you ever wonder how you can do it to the max? It is like tapping into a whole other layer within you and letting it come out of the box. You can grow a whole lot more if you live on the edge and expand by leaps and bounds. It will feel great and is definitely worth it.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Don’t you think every given ability is there to be put to a proper use? What would be a reason to have it otherwise? Underutilizing yourself is like walking when you can run. When you use your full potential, your experience is different and puts you in a higher energy, charges you more, changes you more, creates another outcome for you and takes you to another level altogether. Are there any goodies you are holding within you have not applied very well lately? This is the month to bring them out to center stage. Do not forget the old saying: If you do not use it, you lose it. You cannot advance without having a total commitment to yourself. No one benefits from holding themselves back. In addition, it is easier to use your rare and valuable qualities when you are clear you want this to happen. Get busy. Unleash, unfold, unwrap, dig in and find all of your forgotten skills dying to be lived to the fullest. Make it happen and tell us how it is going for you.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
The most satisfaction you can get is from doing what you love using everything you have down to the last drop. Cutting yourself short from this in whatsoever way will take away from you some of the fulfillment you are meant to have. The biggest mistake you can make is waiting for others to facilitate or request for you to do what you are capable of. The truth is, they do not have a way of knowing what this is to its fullest. The responsibility is yours to show them you can do more than you ever have done before by being more expressive and communicate effectively. Do not hide your ability nor wait for others to discover it – bring it to the table yourself. This will always enhance what you are doing, increase your results and impress those you are reaching and touching with your service. It will make everyone across the board appreciate the special effort you are giving it and this will flow a whole lot more back to you.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
While your family and friends love you first and foremost for the being you are and not for what you are doing, your actions and gestures always show others who you really are. It is crazy not to benefit your circle of friends and your spiritual protégés with your ability. This will give you an advantage to begin with. If you can do something special for them, it will happen for you, too. Spend a whole day with them and put forth an extra effort to reach deeply into their heart and win them over. Everyone will be left happier and more inspired.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for September 30-October 6, 2013

Lights are on, the curtain is up and the world audience is ready for your REVEAL. Smile for the camera and do your thing with confidence and ease. It does not get better than having to be yourself for everyone else to see. What a show!

Monday, September 30, 2012: Relevant

Run your show by deciphering the most relevant operations needed to take place today and do not get involved in small talk or sweat the little things. When you realize this will make all of the difference, it will be pleasing and rewarding.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013:
A Situation Will Come Up That Will Make You Very, Very Happy
Are you ready for this? Every once in a blue moon comes the time where the heavens open up to pour out a golden rain of extra energy. Anticipate feeling happy and relish in the moment when a situation will come up that will make you very, very happy. Turn this experience into a lasting memory by telling us all about it.  

Wednesday, October 2, 2013: Cool School
We are all here on planet Earth to learn and today it can be a cool school. It will be fancy, thrilling, exciting and unexpected as long as you take it easy and remain flexible to the opportunities at hand. Do not forget to regroup the lesson so you can have a lasting impression to apply again as you go.

Thursday, October 3, 2013: Accentuate
You do not need accessories to accentuate the brilliant creativity you hold inside. It will be like unwrapping a piece of candy if you realize for yourself what you possess and put it in the right perspective. Present it in a proper light and you will reap the success you deserve.

Friday, October 4, 2013: Dynamic
You may need to speed up your rhythm to keep up with the dynamic energy in the air today. Stay clear and focused, pick and choose your battles and you will be able to line right up front to lead the way as things speed up. It may take more effort, but you can make great progress fast.

Saturday, October 5, 2013: Finally!
It is finally! the weekend and now you can relax and regroup after you wrap up everything that has been going on for you this whole week. Drawing the right inferences from what you have gone through is more important than simply just having gone through it since this is what stays with you as a part of your energy as you move on.

Sunday, October 6, 2013: Redirect

Just like a real ship in water, in order to stay en route, you need to make sure you constantly redirect where you are headed so you keep a clear eye on the target at all times. You will need to consciously avoid all factors that may try to re-steer you another way. This ensures you are applying your efforts in the right direction so it is more than worth it.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Make it a relevant experience when a situation will come up that will make you very, very happy so you can learn from the cool school of this planet and accentuate your dynamic energy that you can finally! redirect where you choose.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Use your power to redirect and finally! bring your dynamic energy to its peak to  accentuate what cool school your life has been, especially when a situation will come up that will make you very, very happy and is relevant to your desired outcome.

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Energy of the Week for September 30-October 6, 2013: Reveal

It is time for a complete reveal. Show the world who you are, what your big plans are and just let everything important out of the bag. Whatever you share openly will have a few times more impact than the normal effect to impress and attract those who like it. So, increase your chances to get backed and start talking.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

If you hold back your own potential this week, it will be like hiding in the shadows. No matter what doubts you may have as to what would happen if this happened or that happened, you need to leave them behind. You will simply be better off expressing your feelings to keep the energy flowing through you and continuously moving rather than trying to over-think it and keeping yourself slowed down. Sometimes you can fix everything better once you are on a roll rather than taking extra time before you have started to reveal it. Don’t be shy, activate your inner determination, pursue what you plan with solid faith and just go for it. Whether you believe it or not, the world is waiting to hear from you and you want to be ready to take the chance that will be staring you in the face over the next few days.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
what you are all about in your business. The only way your service exists is through you and as its driving force, everything about it begets your own intent and ambition. This both matters and counts for those you are offering it to as it is what they can relate to and be touched by. Tell them your story. Share about your inspiration and how much it means to you to help them. What is important to you will likely be for them, too. This will add a whole new flavor in their experience and enhance it to another level. In this day and age of competitive useful propositions, you need the edge that will help you stand out and be noticed. Knowing it will be easier to do now than ever, what would you do? Do it and keep us posted.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
No one can resist the real you. If you are apprehensive because you think others do not like you enough or may not be interested in you, perhaps the truth is you still need to reveal better the better side of you. What is the point of passing as someone else? The true you is the best you have and nothing else you can make up can make up for it. Staying in your own skin and letting others get to know you more is the natural road to take this week. You may be surprised, but this will actually allow you to get to know yourself better, too and this will feel good and empowering – all because there is more to you than even you suspect.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for September 23-29, 2013

TARGET your own destiny by creating it as you go. Your desires always precede the experiences you have during your lifetime, so make sure they are exactly what you want. This week, you have special help for all this, so definitely go ahead and do what is ultimately right for you.

Monday, September 23, 2012: Resume
Resume the routine you envision for yourself after you organize things to start happening your way in your daily life. Put your foot down and do not accept compromises. This is your time to straighten out whatever needs it and let your own inner rhythm land in its own place.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013:
It is your responsibility to link yourself with what you like and is meaningful to you. The fact you admire it or it inspires you shows there is already a connection you have with it. Your energy needs to be in the zone of the things that matter to you, so do not turn your back on what is important to you. Rather, pursue it and get closer to it by making it a part of your experiences.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013: Act
Today, the universe will be watching you to see if you will act on the opportunities it will be generously offering you. Do not miss out on what is going on under any circumstance. Pay close attention by being present with everything you are doing and be quick to respond to whatever requires you to do something about it.

Thursday, September 26, 2013: Tenacity
If you are not well aware of your own tenacity by now, it will be put to a test today just so it will become more evident to you. You can help yourself have an easier time by realizing you can persist and persevere to pursue whatever it is you truly want. Let us know how it goes and what you learned from it.

Friday, September 27, 2013: Why
If you are more inclined to have a feeling nature, you may be wondering why things happen to you the way they do. It will be clear how this works if you accept the fact that you coin your own destiny and can make it go your way no matter what.

Saturday, September 28, 2013: Details
It is true that the devil is in the details, so it is best to find your solution in the details today. Take a microscopic view of what is really taking place around you. By sharpening your eye, you will not miss out on anything crucial.

Sunday, September 29, 2013: One

It will probably be one of those days when you just manage to stay on top of all the fast-paced developing situations in your life. You can do it as long as you believe in yourself and follow your hunches to flow with the occurrences as they take place. In any event, do not try running away from anything. It is there for you to find a way through it.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

With a firm grasp, resume the best way to go on the route you link with in the direction you are pursuing and act with much tenacity to achieve the long desired why down to the details in one quick move.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Become one with the details and the true reason why you need to bring out your tenacity so you can act straight toward the link to your desired target and resume a normal rhythm.

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Energy of the Week for September 23-29, 2013: Target

You may already know that the soul moves by desire, which means everything that happens with you is intended, more or less consciously, in one way or another. With this in mind, you can truly target the exact result you want and move ahead with everything you have.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

It is time for you to have the make-believe-come-true. No kidding. Your power to make things happen is unlimited. Are you using it for a greater purpose? If, for any reason, you are avoiding pursuing your dreams, you are cheating yourself from the best and most you can be and have. There cannot be a good enough excuse for this, don’t you think? There is no puzzle. This week, look straight at yourself into the mirror and admit what the one thing is you really truly care to do with your life. Then, use all of your focus to target it with every fiber you have in your body so you can inspire the entire universe to be on your side and help you.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
In your service to mankind, you may be accustomed to making the target of your business primarily made up of quantitative goals such breaking even or earning profits. While there is nothing wrong with this, since you need to ensure your work stands on its own two feet, there is something bigger and better that defines a longer-term aim in the overall big picture. It is the social good your endeavor satisfies and brings to the masses that surpasses the ordinary motive of what is in it for you alone. When there is a greater benefit for others, the energy behind your project will grow and multiply since it is set to inspire and touch many more people. Although money is simply a measure of how prolific your offering is, in reality, the amount of passionate energy utilized and applied will make sure what you have comes to life. This is what truly matters. Make better choices and you will create even greater opportunities for yourself and others.       

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
When it seems as if it is not easy to target greater harmony in your closer social circle, this does not mean you should give up communicating. What really matters and comes into play in all of your relationships, no matter how near or distant, is the balanced and unbalanced personality traits each person has based on their four spiritual gifts. The more you know how each person receives their own inspiration and communicates with themselves and others, the clearer it becomes why they behave the way they do. There are four key ways this works for all of us: knowing, seeing, hearing and feeling. While we all have all four of these inner senses, they come in a particular order that defines the way our intuition works. It is easy to find your own personal order with our Beginner’s Package which includes a 300+ page book by Howard Wimer, the founder of Inner Expansion. Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts puts into perspective how you can use each of these four gifts in your everyday life and showcases practical techniques at the end of every chapter. You do not need to guess what the order of your gifts are or even for someone else or others you truly care about. You can finally understand each other on a deeper level.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for September 16-22, 2013

You need to realize how much IMPACT you have on the world and how much the world has on you. The more you express yourself, the more effect you will have as you become more aware of how much you have to offer. As you bypass what does not benefit you from your environment, you will be able to share more of your wisdom with those who are learning from you so you can move ahead in your own spiritual growth.

Monday, September 16, 2012: Assume
To express your greatest creativity today, start by setting up your own canvas. The tools you need are always available to you, so do not let this stop you. Assume you are in a position that allows you to make an impact where you want to go in exactly the way you want it. Do what you know is possible and some very interesting developments will unfold for you – all for the better.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013:
How can you realize your full potential today? It is probably not a surprise you are not applying everything you have all the time. What can help you do it? By getting inspired. Think of the best example of someone you admire and do as they did. If it means a lot to you, then there must be a connection you can use to get you more enthusiastic. This could be all it takes for you to further step ahead even more than usual.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013: Perfect
Make this a perfect middle-of-the-week. Decide you are going to have the best day ever from early morning and then see it through. Sometimes just a warm smile and an extra touch can turn everything into the best outcome. Be pleased with whatever the circumstances are, because they are most likely exactly what will give you the opportunity to act and bring your craftiness to a great use. Let us know how it went.

Thursday, September 19, 2013: Need
Everything you need today, you have it! This is easily possible if you make it clear you are going to stand up for yourself and do whatever it takes to cover your flanks. You deserve the things you envision for yourself and you are responsible for taking the right steps to get there. If you need a hand, ask for it. Send us a quick comment on your results.

Friday, September 20, 2013: Forward
Be straightforward with yourself to keep moving forward. Bypass any confusion and cut to the chase so you can get to the finish line today. Keep everything simple enough for you to be able to handle and you will clarify your own priorities over the trivia.

Saturday, September 21, 2013: Instant
Instant gratification will come from your own positive attitude today. You must already know what works best for you so you can make it happen over and over again. You are fully in control of manifesting your own ultimate positive experiences, so all you need to do is keep going the same way.

Sunday, September 22, 2013: Happy

A happy-go-lucky you! Make your incredible and joyful journey continue. Keep your eye on the positive and dismiss instantly anything that is not. Take your best leap forward and go tirelessly until you get all of the satisfaction you can from it.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Do not just assume, but realize your own perfect outcome you need will come from moving forward with an instant happy attitude for achieving everything you desire.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Be happy and your energy in an instant will leap forward and surpass the need to be perfect so you can realize your own dreams and assume the results you are pursuing.

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Energy of the Week for September 16-22, 2013: Impact

This week, take a look at the two-fold way you impact your life. The first is how your environment and the whole world affects you. The second is how are you able to create your own footprint and leave your signature on everything you do to touch the people around you.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

What you carry within yourself has to do with how you allow the outside world to get to you and your ability to be introspective and stay detached. You can solidify yourself inside by only absorbing the positive impact others have on you as good examples that inspire you and help you become more active and powerful. If anything has the opposite effect and makes you feel either down or powerless, you need to carefully prepare yourself so you do not turn negative. To help you do this, keep a healthy and invisible boundary around your own energy and be discerning about what does not belong to you so you do not let yourself get involved with it. The more you clarify every instance that strongly affects you, the easier it will be to remain in control and stay clear of anything that does not serve you in an uplifting way.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
The biggest area to regroup on this week is the service you are offering to others and what impact it has on society as a whole. Every business exists based only on the demand for the need it satisfies and it is as important as how much the necessity is for what you are doing. As everyone needs to feel good about themselves, even when people are in the deepest of depression, personal services blossom, contrary to logic. This is when people resort to getting their hair done or buying new clothing to help them feel as normal as possible. It is also why some people spend money on make-me-feel-good habits such as alcohol or cigarettes to help them relax and forget their worries whether they can afford it or not. This is because everyone wants to feel as if they can satisfy their own needs and this may be the key you can help them with. If you can show the deep sense of concern you have to make life easier for others and showcase how effective this is for your end customers, no matter where you are in the chain of command, you should have a resounding response from everyone. Keep the big picture and put a spotlight on the larger good you do day in and day out that solves something others need in a simpler and better way. This inference will make it even more obvious how important it is for you to be there and do your thing – even to you.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Now that you are protecting yourself better from any negative influences and are more empowered by the good you are offering others with what you do, it is time to increase the immediate impact you have on all those around you who are willing to listen to what you have to say. We all have a deeper connection to many people based on energy created from relationships in past lifetimes. This may be the reason why you will sometimes meet new people who care about every word you have to say, while others could not care less if you are even there. If you realize you have come to affect just those more special to your own energy, then you can keep your cool about the rest who do not take you as seriously. It is important to understand that those who have a rapport with you are inspired by your wisdom and are learning from it. Do not be shy to approach and share with everyone you meet and where the opportunity opens up for you, share with them from your heart and be generous in passing on everything you have learned from your own experiences.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for September 9-15, 2013

Having more FRUITION in every area of your life could be seamless and controlled. Just have an open mind, stay appreciative of the opportunities you are tackling and focus on what you are learning as you go. This should make your life much more interesting. So much so, feel free to tell us all about it.

Monday, September 9, 2012: Satisfy
Have you ever had a craving for something you thought you could not have? No such thing. It is time to go get it and satisfy your itch today. Be industrious. It does not have to be the exact image you have had in your head. Do the closest thing to it you can and be grateful you are having a real time adventure. In short, do not even let your wildest dreams limit you. Turn them into the possible reality they can be. Make your day-dreaming, a Monday happening!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013:
Being determined is one of those things no one can take away from you. In fact, no one can give it to you either. All you need to do is pull it out from inside of you and hold it firmly in place. Wanting something really bad is very helpful as it allows you to not let go until you get it. What is this for you? Make sure you know today. Just apply these hints on bringing it all to fruition so you can get there sooner and with a lot of ease.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013: Like
Do you know why you like what you do? Is it the taste of it you acquired through your own experiences? Is it because you are familiar with it more than other options? Is it perhaps based on traditional habits? Today, this matters so it can open your eyes to the standards you accept and apply in your own life for yourself. You can change anything to what you prefer. Make sure you go for the things that please you.

Thursday, September 12, 2013: Generous
You should be in a great mood today having opened your eyes to how easy it is to make things happen in your life – as you want them to be for yourself. This will put you in a light and generous mood to share this joy with your environment so you can express freely what you have found out about yourself so far on your journey. Keep your outflow wide open to allow the energy to make an exit and bring a whole lot more back in with a swift motion.

Friday, September 13, 2013: Sanction
Here and there, you need to sanction your own wasteful behavior that keeps you storing resources you could put to much better use. If you want to achieve the best results, you need to give it your all. This means to not spare anything when achieving your goals. Revisit how you are focusing and applying everything toward your own pursuits. If you are letting something fall by the wayside, then you are not really serious about getting to the finish line. So, count your blessings and account for making all of what you have put together work for you.

Saturday, September 14, 2013: Wonderful
Have you seen the movie It’s A Wonderful Life? Today is about your appreciation of the opportunity to live and breathe and create and give and be. Do not undermine the smallest of things you possess, because even the tiniest of them can be relished and converted to the greatest asset to be proud of as long as you nourish it in the right way. What you have at your disposal is more than you need if you just take it seriously and use it as a beginning of something you can grow and expand on. And, if you believe you can, nothing can stop you.

Sunday, September 15, 2013: Release

Hopefully, this week has enriched you with unexpected and unusually simple options that will leave you better off once you have given them a chance. If you just release the heavy negative energy that drags you down and lighten up by viewing the world as giving you yet another opportunity, you will have already put yourself in a much better place indeed. It is never too late to take a turn for the better, start all over and surprise everyone with how much of what you had gone through really counts for getting you where you want to go.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Satisfy the determined challenges like a pro with a generous hand that will sanction the ineffective so you can move on with a wonderful release to smoother experiences.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Just release everything that does not work as wonderful as you need it to be and sanction yourself with a generous touch much like you are determined to fully satisfy your life.

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Energy of the Week for September 9-15, 2013: Fruition

It is the time for your mission to be accomplished. Review the keys that will lead up to your most desired results and bring everything to fruition. By making it all happen the way you want it, it will feel as if you have a magic wand. How you do it will be much simpler than you may have thought before.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

The last time you were happy with the outcome you achieved for yourself was not only when you did better than expected, but when things turned out in a way that still worked for you and you were completely satisfied. What if you could hit this result every single time? First of all, be content with the journey you are taking toward the destination you are continuously pursuing. If you live in a way where you do not have any regrets, you will never feel as if something you did was in vain or you have not reached your potential. Second, realize the ideal version of what you envision for yourself and the reality of how it plays out are two different things by definition. If you do not expect everything to always turn out as imagined and just allow it all to fall into place as it needs to, you will have a much better success rate at getting what you want. Lastly, enjoy witnessing how everything gets altered and remodeled in the process of being manifested. It is the most amazing thing to observe – whatever you planned will grow into its own fruition taking on a life of its own. It is almost as if you have given birth to an idea and helped it along the way, but are flexible to allow it to unleash its own energy. Be fulfilled with every single accomplishment under your belt as it is your stepping stone to the next place you are headed. The wisdom it gives you is worth all the time it has taken you. Smile and keep going.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
in business is usually reaching your goals and closing a deal. But is there more to it? There is one more thing that actually counts even more than these two great examples. It is learning and maturing from what you have just accomplished. This is exactly what you can use as a trampoline to make your next leap bigger and better than ever. The point is, this is not the end. It never is. If you are paying close attention, regrouping and getting to the bottom of the real reasons why your outcome was different than you expected, you can take away even more than if you had simply achieved what you wanted to begin with. It is the growth and expansion of yourself with everything you have put together on your adventure that gives the most to the world around you.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Are you going to bring your meaningful relationships to fruition this week? Consider it a priceless experience you will never forget. You can make this happen if you use your imagination and are open to trying something new. Go to a different place, visit unexplored territory, make a new recipe by helping each other and create a new project together. Participate and do not be shy to give a hand and take a hand to be in action with your friends or family all at the same time. Bring your camera to commemorate the fun and the crazy moments and be gracious enough to send some of your happy times over to us.

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