Weekly Energy of the Day for September 2-8, 2013

Taking ACTION on things that mean the most to you at this time is in store for you over the next few days. By believing in yourself, following your intuition or bringing an initiative to your business and social environment, the energy is counting with you to pull yourself together and make a lot happen.  

Monday, September 2, 2012: Instigate
It all starts today. There are no excuses. If you know what you want, go for it and instigate the beginning of its accomplishment. If you are not clear, sit down and clarify what you need to do for yourself. It is just not worth it being unhappy or even less happy than you can actually be. You will feel empowered just making the right decision to steer yourself where you belong. Do not compromise under any circumstance and make what you know is the right move for you.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013: Rely
You have a lot to rely on and it is time you put it to good use. Start with yourself and your wisdom from countless experiences which has brought so much knowledge and skill your way. Your own backing from your spiritual helpers is always there right beside you and if you are more conscious of it, you can make it serve you much better. If you pay attention to your gut, many hunches, chills and goose bumps will help you recognize when they are giving you a hint for what you can do. Or, if you are ready to make this a consistent and solid experience, you can learn how to communicate with them directly with our Inner Guidance Consultation Program. No matter what, do not miss the signs life is giving you and act on them promptly.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013: The Force
When you are yourself, you are always the force to be reckoned with. You are energetic, powerful, clear and directed, pursuing your own purpose and flowing with the right energy. It is in your hands to not let go of this inner strength you have by design. You always know when you are off, because you can definitely tell when something is not going quite as it should for you. The key is to stop, regroup, clear your own energy and redirect yourself to be headed again where you know you need to go. You can be strong again.

Thursday, September 5, 2013: Exclaim
Wow! You will be ready to sigh with relief and exclaim with joy at the great developments that are more likely to happen for you today. It is payback time and you will reap what you have sewed for yourself over the last few days. Appreciate how it is all turning out and get even more enthusiastic to keep up the good work.

Friday, September 6, 2013: Genuine
Get ready to be your most genuine self today since the energy is inviting you to open up and show your environment what you are excited about. You experience what you live through fully when you express and share about it. Have a blast and do it justice.

Saturday, September 7, 2013: Increase
Increase everything you have with a swift hand and an upbeat move forward. You can raise yourself up and above the water with ease if you just take chances and stay positive and put forth an inspired effort.

Sunday, September 8, 2013: Willing

As long as you are willing, your energy will never cease. Just do not give up and keep persevering through the challenges as they will dissipate away. You will always win if you stay long enough in the game. Keep it together, let your inspiration sore and guide you and great results will start showing up soon.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

You can instigate your best when you rely on the force you hold within to exclaim with your genuine voice about the increase of your ready and willing nature to pursue all of your desires.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Be willing to increase the genuine energy for yourself and exclaim with the force you have how you can always rely on all of the opportunities you are able to instigate for yourself.

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Energy of the Week for September 2-8, 2013: Action

This is the best time to put all of your great fresh ideas into action and kick in the new spiritual year with a strong energy and high vibration. If there is anything you are picking up in your own sensitivity, just do it! When you set the energy of your week from the beginning, it will determine exactly how it will go.  By making a giant leap forward with everything you have at your disposal, it will impact the entire twelve month period.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Do not doubt yourself! No matter what you are contemplating, you have entered the prophetic fall season and your inner knowing will be knocking on the door of your intuition big time wanting you to let it in. If you deny this particular inner sense, it is like shutting a door right in front of your own face. Whatever you pick up with your impressions, even if you do not know how you know it, do not deny it. There is no such thing as a fake inner knowing. Accept it because it is most likely an inspiration coming from your own inner guidance just trying to show you the best way to go. Trust and put into action what your heart tells you is possible and you will make it so. You will have an undeniable influx of extra hunches and ideas. The key is to listen within, take them seriously and apply them as much as possible. Do not tread water as there is no time to waste. Do what you feel is right and what you know will work.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
, action and more action. You may feel you will not be able to finish all of the things you have to put in place with what you are doing. This does not mean to let your head spin like a whirlpool. Take enough time to make all of the necessary arrangements and focus, because every moment will become more than precious. With the right amount of effort to set the energy for your plan to be in place, you can gain big results. Make what you dream come about. If you decide you need a hand, ask for it. If you are lacking a recourse, look for it. If you need extra skills you do not believe you have, take a chance and develop them. You can stand taller and stronger than ever before, but it will take going for it 100%. Do not let yourself get discouraged for any reason. This is not the time to open up a can of warms. Bypass any dysfunction and do everything you can right now. You can deal with other things later on, but make it a priority to move ahead with all you have at your disposal and make it happen. You will be rewarded well for it.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
It is your opportunity to take action and bring your initiative to your social circle. Since you are responsible for doing your part in all of your relationships, you can inspire others by bringing about the desired outcome as long as you begin a chain of events that leads up to it. This will work if you have confidence and do not get stalled by wondering how others will respond. If you hesitate, you may miss the best timing. Instead, catch the wave and boldly make the first step toward with what you believe should be happening between you and them. You may be surprised all it takes is to start a ripple effect that spreads and reaches everyone you need to come in contact with. As long as you are sincere and direct, people will catch on to what you are sharing. They will be grateful to you for making the first step and be excited to return the favor. Keep things on a light note, since pressure can ruin the moment. Offer your encouragement in any way you can. You will feel a relief for yourself and be reenergized to go on.

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The Energy of the Month for September is ENERGIZE

As long as you have the energy for it, you can do absolutely anything your heart desires. This is why it is so important to take charge of what is going on in your life and be able to energize yourself in every way possible to achieve the most results.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Your personal space is your own sacred domain where no one else has any authority over what is taking place inside of you, but you. Making your own decisions, finding your own answers, feeling your own way around your environment and using your own sensitivity are the laws of being tuned in and focused. You need to have the necessary clarity about how very powerful and invincible you are within in order for you to be able to utilize and direct all of your own energy. If you depend in any way on outside factors, you may be cheating yourself from the sturdiness you can apply to being totally in charge of yourself. You do not have another master as far as you are concerned, because only you are in complete control of your feeling and thinking natures. Determine from your own experience what is best for you and what is not. No matter what is going on, how you interpret what happens to you on a daily basis is entirely up to you. As long as you take care of your own needs, you can take the reins of your life and energize yourself so you can go directly and completely where you want to be.*

Hint: Use our simple Personal Cleansing Technique to collect your own energy and bring it up to 100% positive at any time in just a few seconds.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
What can you do to energize your entire business life even more? Does it need more of a spark, more initiative, more variety or just an interesting approach? This is the best time to invest your efforts in discovering what can make things much more delightful and fulfilling for you and others with your service. Define what your bottom line is and what would satisfy you. Then, map out ways to achieve it. Do not compromise on what you want and be creative to get yourself there no matter what. Your wishes are a command to the backing you will be receiving over the next few weeks. Do not miss this opportunity to put your own foot down and make some things happen bigger and better than they ever have before. Remember to always apply the simple rule of stellar customer service – everything has to work 50-50 for everyone across the board. If you tilt this balance either way, it can neither sustain in time nor bring the best results for either you or the others involved in what you do. Keep it simple and fair and it will take you far, far ahead.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
In order to energize all of your social relationships over the next month, you need to be tactful and sincere, but very straightforward. No matter what else you do, if you do not tell the truth the way you know it for yourself, nothing else is going to work. Do not worry about being vulnerable and reveal what is really going on inside of you. It takes strength to show your real face and be comfortable with who you are. This is the ultimate way others can respect you and treat you right. Make sure you give them the same opportunity to open up once you show them you are not going to judge them either. Finally, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and as long as they are given a way to explain and express themselves, you can accept them for who they are. This way, you will establish a great balance between living your own life for yourself while connecting with others in a way that serves both of you mutually in a really practical way. Make your own environment into a free, down to earth zone with no pressure so everyone can feel relaxed and natural.

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Fall is the Prophetic Season (Spring Down-Under)

What do you know? It’s that time of year again where the new spiritual year begins in the autumn months in the Northern Hemisphere and the spring in the Southern Hemisphere.

This is when your creative part begins to abound and it is almost as if you cannot control it. Sometimes it can get outrageous and flamboyant, but for us more down-to-earth folk, it is simply a time to have more fun and enjoy life to the fullest.

Since it marks the beginning of new projects or new phases of the same project, you may want to put your seat belt on, because you are in for a great ride. This is also a time for people or people-watching because you can learn so much from sharing and being involved. Others are a reflection of who you are and, as you may already know, like attracts like. So if you like or enjoy some quality or attribute in another person, you surely have it within you as well. Just remember, if you do not like or judge someone else for what they do, you must have it within you to some degree. If it really irks you, it is time to take a second look at an emotion you may have inherited from your parents (or whoever raised you) in your first seven-year cycle of life.

The prophetic season is really all about planning, but you need to plan well. Do not take anything for granted or gloss over important details. This is where the other spiritual gifts of clairvoyance (winter), clairaudience (spring) and healing (summer) come into play. They provide a balance to make sure you are getting the full picture, pinning down all of the facts of what, when, where and why and covering all of the details. Do not move forward without checking through all of the other gift attributes.

If you want to know more about your own spiritual gifts, you can take a free survey at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/TFG6CSN. This will give you tremendous insight into who you really are and how your inner and outer communication system really works. There are balanced and unbalanced personality traits to each of the gifts and a thorough understanding of each one will completely turn your life around. You can also purchase Howard Wimer’s book called Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts at Amazon.com or order it through your favorite book store.

For prophetics, boredom keeps them from accomplishing what they need to do and is the breeding ground for procrastination and complacency. This is the worst enemy you can have for your own energy. So keep in mind that you do not have to ask anyone for permission to do anything! This is a recipe for depression. When you feel as if you cannot move or do what you really want because you have made other people more important than yourself, this will bring your energy down to a complete halt.

By realizing you cannot make a mistake, only a stepping stone toward what makes you happy, this spiritual year will take on a whole new meaning. You will have more BENEVOLENCE toward yourself and others and you will be prepared for anything that may come your way.

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The Energy of the New Spiritual Year for September 1, 2013-August 31, 2014 is BENEVOLENCE

For those of you who follow these blog posts, you know that energy flows through planet Earth on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. It actually changes moment by moment, but this is in our immediate environment based on the feelings or emotions we are having in relation to others.

Energy is everything. The way you feel is tantamount to anything you are involved with because this is what attracts the personal and physical manifestations that create your own lifestyle. In other words, you are what you attract. If you focus on positive concepts, you will attract solutions in your life. If you feel as if you are not in the right place or the right time, you need to make crucial changes to make sure you are doing what is right for you – being loyal to yourself first.

September is the beginning of the new spiritual year. This is totally different from the so-called calendar year because it is all about energy. Everything starts fresh during the autumn (or spring down-under) and progresses throughout the year based on the four seasons and the spiritual gifts of prophecy (autumn), clairvoyance (winter), clairaudience (spring) and healing (summer).

This is the time of the year to be creative, realize that everything is going to be okay and plan for the future. It is also a time to feel grounded so you can actually accomplish what you want to do for the rest of the year. Otherwise, you may come up with ideas that sound great and possibly are great, but do not have the foundation they need to come to fruition. So, be careful during the next three months so what  you come up with is practical and factual.

If you want to regroup the previous spiritual year so you can move into this new energy with a blast, here are some questions you can ask yourself today:

  1. What did I accomplish for myself in the last spiritual year?
  2. How loyal was I to myself?
  3. What did I learn about myself?
  4. What could I have done differently?
  5. What were my highlights?
  6. How did what I learned prepare me for the new spiritual year?

So what does the new spiritual year have in store for you? This is simple. The key word for the energy is BENEVOLENCE. This means the first thought you need to have is how benevolent you can be toward yourself first before you go out and help others. It is what will make you successful over the next twelve months. Once you have your cup filled, it is very important to share your wisdom with others so they can benefit from your experience as well. Do not hold back. This is a time to regroup everything you have learned in your life and come up with a way to extend it in a very organized way. Do not just share randomly. Make it count – every step of the way. And watch the progress of the people you are sharing with so you gain the fulfillment of seeing what you have accomplished make a real difference in people’s lives.

The moment you start holding back, you will feel an emptiness. The solution is to find your spiritual protégés who need to hear what you have to say. They will listen to every word you utter as long as you mean it – and it comes from your personal experience and what you have gained from it.

This is a year for humanity. If everyone regroups and shares what they have put together throughout lifetimes without holding back, the world will upgrade itself from the previous energy. Do not think about what you cannot do, but instead what is possible. This is not a cliché. You have to make it into a reality – for yourself and others. Enjoy!

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Weekly Energy of the Day for August 26-September 1, 2013

This is an exciting time to PREPARE for a newly inspired energy going full speed ahead into brand new or renewed endeavors in a bigger and better way for yourself. Regroup what has been and set up what you want it to be like from now on so you can make it all happen.

Monday, August 26, 2012: Welcome
Welcome this pivotal moment of seeing the old spiritual year go and greeting the new one with open arms and renewed spirits. It is always great to experience another beginning as it gives you a chance to proceed with better decisions and more efficient solutions.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013:
You need to face up to where things are in a sincere way in order to be able to regroup and improve on your approach to handling them better. Write down a pros/cons list of everything you are currently experiencing and make a resolution to get better results.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013: Plan
As with everything, you need to make a good plan so you can proceed confidently in the direction you have chosen for yourself. It should cover the main facts of what, when, where and why so you can diligently explore and land on the exact way you would like it to be from now on. Be bold in setting your big picture so you can get the most fulfillment and results possible.

Thursday, August 29, 2013: Communicate
This is the kind of a day when the most important thing is to communicate loud and clear. Coordinate your plans and initiate them. Do not let others squelch your inner desires. Telling them what you want to do is not asking for permission. If they are not interested in helping or supporting you, it should not turn you away from your path. Just realize you may have to reach out elsewhere for backing and support.

Friday, August 30, 2013: Action
When all is said and done with your planning and communication, the only thing left is pure action to make it all happen. The right move forward is to collect your strength and determination and go for it like there is no tomorrow. You will need to stay fully engaged and focused by not letting anything interrupt your flow.

Saturday, August 31, 2013: Theory
You can now test your own theory about how well you can transition into what is coming tomorrow and just let go of the past by retaining the positive and forgetting the negative. Start fresh, turn the page and begin making new history for yourself.

Sunday, September 1, 2013: Organize

This is the first day of the new spiritual year and you can organize a whole new life for yourself with bigger and better inspirations and incentives to take you farther than you have ever gone before. Take this new opportunity to put together your best scenario of what you intend to do and let it play out for you in a solid and consistent way. Let us know how you did it!

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Welcome a new opportunity to move forward in a sincere way with your plan to communicate and put into action a theory to organize everything in your life better.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

You need to organize any theory of action so you can communicate after you make a plan and give a sincere welcome to the new way you will proceed from now on.

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Energy of the Week for August 26-September 1, 2013: Prepare

This week, prepare to open up your energy for the beginning of the new spiritual year on the first of September. You may have experienced a natural conclusion to most of the matters you have been working on over the last twelve months. Even all unfinished business will need to go through a wrap-up and regrouping so they are ready to be re-started with a new inspiration and a fresh approach to make it work even better now.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Everything you have had within your realm of resources, backing and energy is about to renew. You need to prepare yourself to energetically close this spiritual year’s cycle and brace yourself for the new and better direction you will have at the end of this week. Highlight your best achievements and the wisdom you gained from all of them. This will help you identify the next step as a natural progression you have in store for you on your personal journey. You need to know specifically where you are headed in order to clearly engage with all of the new support coming your way. Get ready for a brand new chapter in your own life, although it will be a continuation of what you have already been putting your conscious efforts toward. This is a great time to give yourself a fresh start with everything you prefer to do differently. Make a decision to open up and begin manifesting for yourself – right from day one.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
You need to finish the things you are able to complete over the next few days. For the rest, you will need to come up with a fresh strategy because it will take a newly charged energy to go on pursuing them. Do not stretch out what you need to do. Keep it compact so it is easy to handle and focus on the key components rather than sweating the small details. You need to prepare the general structure of a blueprint for what you would be offering others as a service, when you will implement these raw changes, where all of this will be taking place for practical reasons and why this is your priority over anything else you could be doing instead. Write down key points as you go so you are able to keep tabs and feel very invigorated by any new opportunity to start all over. Finally, take your first new steps with the right foot forward.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Somehow, you may have been giving your all to your family and friends and yet still feeling as if something is missing. So in the last few days before the new spiritual year, take the time to do a lot more coordination than usual. What everyone is expecting to be wrapped up and finalized, especially in  your personal relationships, needs to be kept moving ahead and it all needs to be well communicated. One of the best ways to do it is to have a good sit down with all the people who matter to you the most to discuss everything openly. This is the only way for everyone to feel satisfied, encouraged by each other and in agreement as to how mutual matters can develop and expand. Take whatever time you need, enjoy the process and keep us posted on your progress.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for August 19-25, 2013

Being SUCCESSFUL is already in your blood, so bring it out in shining colors and show the world what you can do about it! Own your path so you can make things happen along the way as you confidently move ahead with a lot of fervor. Unwaveringly, you can step it up a notch so you can easily stand out in the crowd.

Monday, August 19, 2012: Energy
What a way to increase your own energy. Put your foot down, look straight ahead and tell the day – here I come! Then, show you actually mean it. The most strength comes to you when you are self-powered, much like solar or wind creating electricity. You can now generate it to the maximum with your own extra vigor. Don’t forget to tell us how you did it.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013:
They say when the stars line up, everything works. But, today you do not have to wait for any of this. You can have total compatibility with the successful vibe in the air and stay on its good side. Be ready. Bring it on by making noise like a steam train going down the track getting things done.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013: Dedicate
Imagine someone you greatly admire for their incredible success is backing you with their energy today. If they were at your side working shoulder to shoulder with you adding spark and flare to what you are doing, what would it be like? Dedicate this day to playing out this scenario in your mind and see what a powerhouse you can become simply by being inspired. Be proud of yourself by letting go and making it happen!

Thursday, August 22, 2013: Participate
There is one thing for sure, you are guaranteed not to win if you do not participate in the action. So, this is not an option for you today. Put your best gear on and get your mojo up because not only do you need to play the game, but you will want to show everyone what it means to give it your all. Get fired up and watch yourself skyrocket higher than you ever thought you could.

Friday, August 23, 2013: Longing
If you have been longing for a special opportunity to cross your way, it may happen today. You will see that you have been in charge of making this happen from the beginning. So, if you want to write the script, make it good. Then, it will naturally fall in place, especially now when everything is prone to be working out for you.

Saturday, August 24, 2013: Upgrade
After experiencing this successful week for a few days now, you may feel good about making some changes to upgrade yourself. This will help you fit better with the newly heightened state of awareness you are in. Do not wait for this energy to wear off. Be sure to harvest the natural momentum that has kept you going this week and give it a gentle push to get you where you need to be. Make a note of how you did it and send it our way.

Sunday, August 25, 2013: Let it go!

Now that you have already been riding the wave, do not allow any controversy to disorganize what you have managed to put together for yourself. Be on the lookout for anything that could show up to get in your way so you can simply wave it good-bye and let it go! This will continue to help you keep your own momentum going so you can stay on the steady and successful path you established over the last few days.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Harbor the natural energy coming your way by bringing the compatibility with yourself and others to a higher level and dedicate yourself to participate in the long overdue longing to upgrade your entire life from anything that does not work for you by deciding to just let it go!

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Whatever has not worked for you, just let it go! so you can upgrade to what you have been longing for to finally participate and dedicate yourself to having compatibility with the most powerful energy you possess inside.

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Energy of the Week for August 19-25, 2013: Successful

There are so many reasons for you to be successful, both for yourself and everyone else around you, that much is in store for you waiting to be utilized and put to work. This week, roll up your sleeves so you can play your A game and hit a home run. With your own unwavering commitment, you can take advantage of this favorable energy and really get ahead – for yourself.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

This is a great week to boost up your confidence. You are always successful at being yourself and no one else can do a better job than you. Take it to yet another level by just staying focused and clear on what your main purpose is so you can fulfill yourself. You naturally use whatever tenacity and stamina it takes to make this happen. All you need to do is believe in yourself fully and know deep inside you are capable and worth it. So, if there is anything undermining your self-esteem, nip it in the bud right away. Do not give in to anything trying to underestimate you or weaken your inner drive. Keep both of your eyes on the one and one thing only you are here to do – and be the best you can be. Cherish this opportunity to be here and share yourself with the entire world so you can make the very best of it.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Typically, being successful in business means earning high profits and growing your entrepreneurship abilities. However, the real truth is – it is not what you do, but how you do it. So, every opportunity you have to be of service is priceless when you reach and touch others with your uniqueness. The impression you leave and how much you inspire them is what really counts. By going the extra mile with your genuine care and concern, you will warm    the hearts of many and they will remember you for a long time to come. The more you enrich others, the more rewarded you will be yourself. Be bold and seize the moment over the next few days to pleasantly surprise the recipients of what you offer in a truly memorable and compassionate way so you reap greater results over and over again.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
What makes you successful in your social life is the soul-to-soul way you relate, connect and communicate with others in your environment. Whether you meet someone only once or you spend the rest of your life with them, the same non-comparing equal rule applies. Treat everyone as no lesser and no greater than yourself as we are all different and just doing the best we know how. Accept everybody for where they are and help inspire them with the best you have to uplift and strengthen them on their own path. Since you cannot give what you do not have, the more you respect yourself, the more you can respect others. The more caring and loving you are toward yourself, the more you can extend and share it with others.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for August 12-18, 2013

It may sound too routine or boring, but a good solid REVIEW of the main components to your life is a great and timely idea this whole week. Look around and zoom in on those things that matter and, with the help from the energy, before you know it you will be well on your way to doing better for yourself overall. As usual, we would love to hear about your success.  

Monday, August 12, 2012: Beautiful
Whether you are on vacation or not this Monday, you will probably feel terrific and rested. You will wake up to a beautiful start, feeling the energy around you get you on your feet easily. Put that enthusiasm to work for you. Make a top three wish list of what you would like to happen and go after it full speed ahead. Do not forget to stay cleansed to harbor this high energy so you can put every bit of it to good use.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013:
The week may still be young, but it continues to build excitement already. Something brand new may appear from nowhere that was not there for you before. Make sure you are not blindfolded so you can easily recognize it and you are attending to what is actually taking place right around you. Acknowledge and celebrate the luck that has brought it your way. Now, it is your turn to make something happen to match the prolific energy coming your way. Do not keep the great news only for yourself – we are all eager to hear about it.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013: Elevate
Just stay relaxed and tuned in so you can lift yourself up to elevate personally like never before. Use this desire to be strong and powerful so you can make it happen. At some point, people around you may ask what you had for breakfast as you go gung ho tackling the day like there is no tomorrow. Tell them you had a double dose of good old self incentive to make something great for yourself come about. Go for it and surprise the world. You will surprise yourself even more.

Thursday, August 15, 2013: Consolidate
Today is a day to do the opposite of divide and rule. It is time to consolidate all of your abilities into one mighty resource in order to make it work for you in a bigger way. Gather together all of the things you are really good at and remember them. If you leave your own footprint, you would want it to include a trace of all of your talents. How nice it is to account for all the great skills you possess and make them count even more.

Friday, August 16, 2013: Reminisce
Everything you have already looked at and recollected so far must be bringing back a lot of memories. Reminisce on the biggest impact they have had on you and get inspired to advance yourself even more in the bigger picture. It is like accounting for all the ammunition you have within your own grasp and finding out there is a lot of it.

Saturday, August 17, 2013: Dynamic
With so much energy hovering around inside and out, get ready for some dynamic turnarounds that will bring a twist for the better. Even the hardest of changes could be easy if you surrender to the flow and help it to help you by being charged and ready to do whatever it takes.

Sunday, August 18, 2013: Incredible

By now, you should be mesmerized by how incredible the results of the review you have undertaken this week has yielded for you. Keep up what you have learned and apply it more often to renew and refresh your own approach to improving on what you have already accomplished.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:
A Beautiful world of excitement will elevate you after you manage to consolidate your own power and reminisce on the dynamic and incredible experiences this has given you.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:
Be incredible with dynamic readiness to reminisce on the past and consolidate what you are achieving to elevate yourself even more with excitement in a beautiful way.

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