Energy of the Week for August 12-18, 2013: Review

Whatever you have been doing so far in your life, it is time you give yourself a proper review so you can come up with more ideas to make it even better. It is important to look over everything you have already accomplished and the reasons why you did it. Get inspired so you can reflect on your own prerogatives and get a reaffirmation of what (and how) you need to do for yourself moving on.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

If you review your own state of being, you can do a quick pros and cons checklist of how it has been going for you lately. You will be able to find out your own level of satisfaction with your own inner gauge and if your entire energy and spirit has been involved in living your life. If you have been fully invested, you should feel light as a feather from the high vibration you have been experiencing. However, if you have held yourself back from pursuing your highest interests, you may have kept yourself away from what life has in store for you that is better. The key is to realize you are the ultimate decision maker whenever there is anything major about you to be concerned with. In other words, if you do not like something – talk to yourself into changing it. There is no need for you to put up with anything beneath your level. This will open your eyes to a few things that can help you rearrange whatever is necessary to improve. Keep us posted!   

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Use the recent good and not-so-good experiences with the service you are offering to others as a starting point to review the overall direction you need to be following. Remember your occupation or profession are simply avenues for you to live who you really are and allows you to share and be an example of your own inner purpose you live for yourself. This scrutiny can help you analyze and get rid of any unclear feelings you may have been harboring. Once you are squeaky clean with motivation coming from your own guiding light, you can realign again with your highest inner standards and perform to your maximum potential. This will bring you even more delightful moments you can share with us.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Sometimes, your most important relationships are a little too close for you to want to put them through a proper review process. But, you cannot improve unless you take a good look by examining them more closely. Start by asking yourself: am I happy with the environment I am interacting with on a daily basis? If you have balanced 50-50 exchanges that are mutually beneficial, it will feel good to you and you will be open and ready to bring everything further as a next natural step in the right direction. If some of your social connections are not necessarily flowing as you would have wished, they could perhaps use a bit more attention so you can explore other ways to help them work better for you. Start right away so you can pinpoint how to improve what you have surrounded yourself with and you can begin to reap better results as you go.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for August 5-11, 2013

Allow yourself to experience a powerful and energizing BOOST that will send you flying up through the clouds. Be your own best friend. By doing what is right for you, you will never forget to be practical and smart. Take it easy and do not take anything too seriously. If you manage to keep your cool, everything will eventually fall into place. Enjoy!

Monday, August 5, 2012: Loving
Stay loving and connected to the people and things that are inspiring to you. Get filled up with warmth and kindness and be gracious to yourself and others. Be inclined to make the necessary compromises to keep things moving for everybody without overlooking your own standards. It can be a sweet day.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013:
Do not be afraid to examine yourself and find out if something could be going a bit better. Today will be very helpful in this regard. First of all, experiences will prompt you to look closer inside and out. You are likely to get some time alone to reflect after the fact how you are handling certain moments. At some point, you will realize there is something you can actually do. All of it is in your hands and you can steer your day wherever you want it to go. Just hold up your end and today will end up victorious.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013: Enthusiastic
From the moment you wake up to when you fall asleep again, you will take on a wild ride of exciting and enthusiastic thrills coming at you from all angles. Even if you think today will be just another boring or standard kind of a day, life will prove you wrong. There will be nothing ordinary and even less usual in what will be taking place today. All of it will be happening to bring your spirits up and get you going. You will not be able to resist it no matter what you do. Tell us how it went!

Thursday, August 8, 2013: Intertwine
Today is a very interesting combination between having to watch out so you do not get tangled up in anything that does not belong to you, while at the same time, you need to connect and unite with whatever you are passionate about and whoever around you is on the same page with you. Stay focused and clear so you can intertwine with the right energy for you which will help you stay boosted and empowered.

Friday, August 9, 2013: Reconcile
Today will give you another powerful opportunity to reconcile any outstanding uneasiness you may have been experiencing lately so you can get back into your own inner balance and harmony from within. If you put your mind toward how you can solve and leave behind any unwanted and unpleasant discords present in your reality, you will be able to figure it all out. This will allow you to move on as quickly as possible so you are focused on the positive side of everything you are blessed to go through.

Saturday, August 10, 2013: Amazing
You have to be amazing today to stay aligned with all of the demands imposed on you. If you take a big deep breath before you do anything and gauge the best way out, you will manage to wiggle between any challenges and come out of the water – dry as a bone. You have it in you and whether it takes an extra effort or not, you can certainly do it. Share all about it with us so we can pass it along.

Sunday, August 11, 2013: Communication

Before you finish the week, you can get squared away with your communication skills to relate and connect with others without undue pressure and getting the best possible outcome. Expressing yourself works in two ways. It gives you an outlet to your inner inspirations so you can feel open and free as well as showing others who you really are in order for them to truly bond with you.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Be loving when you examine your enthusiastic desire to intertwine with meaningful purposes and reconcile past hardships through amazing communication.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Only communication with amazing ease to reconcile all outstanding deficiencies can intertwine with the right and powerful enthusiastic energy to examine your loving ways.

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Energy of the Week for August 5-11, 2013: Boost

Consider yourself virtually lucky this week. The energy you will experience around you will naturally uplift and give you a much needed boost to get you over the hump. Let it do its thing and do not create any problems for yourself by standing in your own way. Be practical and take care not to take on any unnecessary stress over nothing. Skip anything that does not seem to be working for you and flow with anything that is. This is how to enjoy the ride.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Make things easy on yourself. If you tend to over-think, do yourself a big favor and throw out your thinking cap this week. Go with your very first impression and you cannot go wrong. If you sense something may not work out, you can trust it probably will not. But do not sweat over it. Leave it behind you and move on to the next thing. Nothing is irreplaceable. There is more than one way to get to your desired result and your intent is what will make you successful. If you are not sure where you are going, you may need to re-examine where you really need to be. Do not get lost in the pursuit of the impossible. This week your intuition will set your direction more than ever. Let it do it for you. Just read yourself right and do not skip a beat.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
One single boost may be all you have been looking for. If you put yourself in a place to feel energized and motivated, you will be ready for anything and everything will start falling into place around you again. But, in order to make this work, you need to initiate it by asking yourself what can bring some fresh momentum to your entire operation? Sometimes, the cumbersome day-to-day chores can get the best of you and leave you rather jaded. You need to switch things around by changing pace. First, slow down so you can get back to your senses and allow yourself to experience what is really going on around you. In short, stop running the rat race. Then, find the key approach that can make your effectiveness much better to yield more results. It will be fun to gear up to feel extraordinary when you are doing the same thing a bit differently. Who knew that just a few steps in the right direction can steer you toward finding yourself in a much better place? Energetically, you can switch things around rather instantly if you just pause and get redirected. You can come back to the right place in no time. Now you really know how.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
It is time to blow off the routines a little bit. When you get too established or set in life, it can get a bit stagnate or boring. Something rather unusual could happen to breathe some new life into you. Do not wait for it or procrastinate. Come up with an idea and hit it out of the ballpark. A much needed change is good to shift things back into being dynamic and interesting again. If you are complaining about something in your life, it could be that the opposite of this is a possible solution. You will learn a lot even if this may not be for the long-term. Once you experience the extremes, it could be easier to settle back to the golden middle. It sounds like your social life is going to get a boost! It is all because a change on your end will impact those closest to you the most and the rest in some noticeable way. The world will be a slightly different place when you are done.

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The Energy of the Month for August is BEAUTIFY

Energy flows through us every moment and we can use it to do good or not so good depending on our overall motives. If we intend to create something to enrich and beautify our environment, it doesn’t take much. Whatever we are capable of will do, because it is our energy that predisposes and defines the outcome. This whole month is about the kind word, simple gesture or little extra thoughtfulness that uplifts and inspires everything around us – inside and out.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
You need to do right by yourself first before you can begin to be concerned with what your life looks like on the outside. Consider the way you feel inside. Whether you are showing it a little or a lot, you carry unique beauty inside of you that can serve you better if you would just use it – every chance you get. To make things even better, beautify the way you accept yourself inside and be gentle and loving toward yourself. The qualities you have within, even if they are underutilized, deserve acknowledgement since they come from lifetimes of invaluable experiences and so many lessons from the past. It is time to turn over a new leaf and gather up all the best about yourself you can come up with. Dig down deep and remind yourself of the incredible ways you have to do all sorts of things. As long as you begin to appreciate yourself more, you can literally turn your life around for the better. You have come to live your own life and now is as good a time as any to do it. This is why you can help yourself more than anyone else. Now you know what to do.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
The task you have in your business this month is simple. All you need to do is to find a way to improve something that will help make your workday easier and bring satisfaction to those who come in contact with you. Make a list of the things you have noticed others are offering that you really appreciate. Discern which ones you can apply or modify to give you an idea of what you can do within your own service. It does not need to be complicated. The best things are simple to grasp and follow. Make sure you show how this helps others more. Do not hold back any effort. The more you allow yourself to outflow, the more room you will have for additional inflow. When you start to feel the appreciation coming back your way, you will understand you can beautify almost anything with the right touch and make it count many times over. Your powerful intent has never worked so well for you as long as you put it to good use.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Sometimes the littlest initiative can go a long way if it inspires others in a chain response and gets passed on over and over again. This is a small thing, but it can reach and touch many people. It can multiply the energy you have generously sent out and you will receive fulfillment from it many times over. How can you come up with something like this to do over the next few weeks and why would you do it? A lasting way to beautify anything in your life is by sharing the true concern and warmth you carry within. This energy spreads at the speed of light and penetrates deep through any barriers because nothing can withstand the positive charge. The best part of all this is you can direct your energy and it will speak to everyone else’s beautiful internal counterpart since we all carry it inside. Beauty always begets more beauty and magnifies the quality of life this brings all around you. You get back from the good you have helped spread throughout your neighborhood and the world. This enhances your own experience to feel nice and beautiful yourself.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for July 29-August 4, 2013

Extra Creative Super Timely Artistic Thoughtful Inspired Cool is what ECSTATIC can mean for you this week and so much more. Make the best of it when you stay on the bright side and begin from the standpoint the grass is greener exactly where you are simply because you are there and can make a difference with everything being better for yourself and everyone else. 

Monday, July 29, 2012: Present
To experience the utmost out of this great and promising time, you need to be present first. For once in your life, do not multitask. Decide where you want to be at this point in your life and do as you wish so you can really be there and enjoy the moment to the fullest. You could make a few discoveries along the way. Cherish the outcome and be concerned to pay attention to the important details.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013:
Have you ever raised your eye-brows or dropped your jaw in awe? Well, be close to a mirror today so you can check out how you look. Just when you thought things could not get any better, your lucky star could prove you wrong in more ways than one. First, you may not be able to believe your eyes when unexpectedly, the most hoped for unfoldment in your life somehow manifests itself right in front of you. Then, you will find yourself so inspired, you will start doing things you did not believe you could do. In addition, it will all work out so super-easy and just happen out of nowhere as if the whole world has decided to treat you right. Enjoy it. Yes, it is real. Every once in a great while, the energy throws a big bone our way to encourage and reward us. It is a rare time and you deserve it.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013: Crucial
After you became relaxed and energized yesterday and you feel as if your feet are off the ground, you may find yourself at a crossroads where you have to make a crucial decision today. The reason for this is so you can instantly apply what you just learned. If you believe in miracles, they do happen as long as you have not given up. Also, it is never too late to do the right thing and this always yields the right results. Be optimistic and stay positive and you will make it happen.

Thursday, August 1, 2013: Remember
Today will be really easy if you just remember what you did earlier this week. Even if you missed out on doing it then, you can still catch up now. Get rid of the clutter you may be experiencing and choose the main thing you need to keep as your main thing. Just for today, keep it all together and you will see why this is so important before the day is over. Sometimes, it pays off to stay fixed firmly to the one thing that matters and simply not let go.

Friday, August 2, 2013: Strong
Today, you will find out that being strong is easier with a clear head and a sincere confidence. Just because others in your environment may not have it as put together as you do, you are not to give in to unnecessary worry. To the contrary, show them there is always a better way to do it and do it with tremendous enthusiasm. The bottom line is when they can see it, they will believe they can do it, too.

Saturday, August 3, 2013: Unbelievable
If you think it has already been unbelievable and ecstatic so far this week, it is far from over and there is more to come, believe it or not. This is the kind of week you will remember for a long time. As soon as you realize you are in for an extra treat today, you will be pampered one more time with exciting experiences you again did not expect. Take it all in. It is all good – compliments of the support you always have right by your side.

Sunday, August 4, 2013: Return

Do not return to the norm. There is a major reason for this entire week to be happening so incredibly for you. It is for you to open up even more and embrace the fact that life is easy when you are on track with your own personal direction and by living who you really are inside to the fullest. So, as long as you embrace it, you can continue what you are doing with a super high energy and reap result after result in an ecstatic way. Savor the experience and keep it up!

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

When you are present with who you are inside, you will create an unfathomable experience so you can make crucial decisions and remember how strong you can be with an unbelievable return to your own personal niche.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

When you return to being the true you, an unbelievable thing happens and you will be strong and remember how crucial it is to have an unfathomable optimism and be present in everything you do.

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Energy of the Week for July 29-August 4, 2013: Ecstatic

You cannot help but be ecstatic this week. It is a super-exciting time that will get you up off your seat and cause you to feel a burning and inspiring energy to be uplifted and strong – as if you have turned into a giant who has the power to handle all of the tasks on your list with great ease.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Do not waste your time with anything minor that may get in your way. If you plug yourself into the enthusiasm and dynamics going around this week, you can be a significant spearhead for yourself and others. Do not lose your focus from the one thing you consider to be the most important accomplishment for yourself over the next few days. If you are not clear on what this is, it would be best to start clarifying it as soon as you can. Just keep your eye on the target while your energy is bubbling and sizzling and you will develop a lot of opportunities for you which will bring great results. Nothing is more rewarding than seeing your main goal simply happening right in front of your eyes at the speed of light. Once you get there, no wonder you will be ecstatic again and again. If anything or anyone tries to pull you down, automatically dismiss it – and, if necessary, forgive and forget. It is far more important to ride the wave to your incredible success. Everything else can wait. Soon you will be grateful you have been steady and determined, especially when you see how much this brings your way.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life: 
Are you allowing yourself to be ecstatic in your business? Hardly ever? Does it seem you are too far removed from being joyful and excited with your work? Actually, this week is all about high energy. When you have something big to celebrate, it is okay to let loose a little and do it in style. So, instead of tightening up and suppressing your enthusiasm, make it work for you. Go the extra mile! Decide you are going to surprise your associates with an extra initiative to spread your happiness around. When nobody expects anything different from just another work day, this will be exactly what is needed to set their mood on fire and make them feel really good. Now, you and the whole team have big smiles on your faces. If you pass it on, the next thing you know, you and your clients will know there is something great going on in your work environment. By having fun together, you will bond like never before. Once you are closer, you will be giving each other a hand and projects will be done in no time. You will feel like there is a party going on along with the business. Try not to lose that high and ecstatic energy after this week is over with. Think about how to keep it up and let us know the special secret you come up with on how to do it effectively.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
If you look back into the past, it will be easy to recall and enjoy some of the happiest memories in your life with those who matter to you the most. This is a week to celebrate special moments with them for no reason at all. Do something great and different to make it a Happy Monday. Then, wake up and put an unexpected charming touch on Tuesday. You can go all out simply because it is mid-week Wednesday! Why not try out the least expected on Thursday? This will get you going into Friday and you will not believe the whole week has rolled off so nice and easy. Wow, look what has happened. It is the weekend already! Do something you have never done before. Even though Sunday is the last day of the week, you can still set up a fun routine to make light of any hard time you may have had on any previous day. If you can laugh at it, you can live with it. Take it easy on yourself and others. This is your chance to really lighten up and bring out that fun loving person you have been hiding. Having a super awesome time has never been easier. Let yourself be ecstatic. It is magically contagious!

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Weekly Energy of the Day for July 22-28, 2013

Get your special tools out and put them in order so you are ready to BUILD bigger and better things for yourself and with others all week long. Whether it is the result of the energy giving you an extra hand or because you are making more bold moves, it is likely you will get so much out of it, you will want to keep it going way after the week has ended.  

Monday, July 22, 2012: Refine
You have a whole day to refine what you have already put together. Nothing like another once-over to perfect your work and make it the best it can be. As they say, measure it a few times before you cut once. Being better prepared today will pay off.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013:
There is no power known to mankind others have exhibited you do not have within yourself. The key is to pull it out into the open and activate it. You may have to dig deeper, but life is always generous by finding a way to help you open your eyes with just the right example. Let us know what you find out today.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013: See
Your ability to see a clear picture may be more direct or indirect depending on the way your inner communication system is organized*, but you still have it. You cannot accomplish anything without direction. Find a way to map out a blueprint for yourself that works for you and you will be unstoppable.

*Have you still not found out your inner spiritual gift order? This is what clarifies whether you get impressions, pictures, an inner voice or feelings first, second third or fourth. For $37.50, our Beginners Package will give you this and so much more. You will finally understand who you are inside and out and how you receive inspiration. In addition, find out all the tips to keep yourself in balance you will ever need.

Thursday, July 25, 2013: Announce
No matter what your schedule is today or what you do, one thing is for sure. You will announce something about yourself you may have kept to yourself before. Standing tall and baring it all will feel very freeing and make you all the more real for people to deal with in your environment.

Friday, July 26, 2013: Rebuild
Everything in life expands and improves and to fulfill this natural process today, you may need to rebuild something that was already created once before. This is not a waste of time or unnecessary repetition. You were in a different energy then and now the different results you will yield will show this to you very clearly.

Saturday, July 27, 2013: Restructure
Never feel what you have already worked on in the past is a loss if it needs to be bettered. The key today is to still use what you have already put in place, but just restructure it to reflect the current factors of everything that has changed since so you can upgrade it. You will feel as if you have ended up with a brand new thing after all.

Sunday, July 28, 2013: Prove

There is nothing to prove. It is just a matter of living it by walking your talk. Actions are much stronger than words and today, being an example counts more than anything else.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

After you refine all the key elements to what you do, you can activate yourself to see clearly and announce you can rebuild and restructure what you have to without needing to prove yourself by just living it inside and out.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Prove it is not too late to restructure and rebuild what you have to announce to the world to see in terms of who you really are and activate all of your power to refine your entire life.

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Energy of the Week for July 22-28, 2013: Build

Have you ever wondered how some people have managed to have exactly what they wanted no matter what the expense? The answer is, they have not sat around waiting for someone else to create an opportunity for them. Otherwise, their complacency would have made them an opportunist by just using any system for their own personal convenience someone else put in place. Rather, they created what they liked and were able to build it for themselves. So, they are builders and shakers who would not give up or stay still until what they desired became a reality. Which kind of person are you?

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

If you ever complain that luck does not come your way and conditions are working against you being able to get a break and pursue what you want, you may be looking at how things work in life a bit shallow. Are you waiting for others to initiate what you are dreaming of and even accusing them of being at fault about where you end up? It is said: build it and they will come. If it is what you desire, you cannot look to others to simply hand you the foundation you need to continue with what you want to do. You may need to start from scratch and do the right thing for you. If you say: but, I’ve never done it, so what? Why should your dream already exist or be started by someone else? If it is yours, you need to own it and, of course, it is probably nothing you have ever done before. The key is to challenge yourself and use your inspiration to fuel you on so you can pursue your most bold visions and give every ounce of energy to it. Why would you not accomplish the most you possibly could? This is the only way you can unfold and become the person you truly want to be and allow yourself to grow by leaps and bounds.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
You have an uncanny ability to build a business opportunity for yourself in a unique way that is particular only to you and carries a personal signature no one else has. In short, you are an original nobody else can copy. You may say, how is this true when I am working for someone else? The truth is, you always work for yourself no matter what. This is why you work with others – and not for them. You can only rent your time and utilize all of your talents and skills, which you are doing for yourself. You do not belong to anyone else and they cannot tell you what or how to do something without your permission. Rather, you have come to a mutual agreement with what you are doing because you decided to. You have the power to negotiate and it is a privilege to show them your absolutely incredible capability. If you have not revealed every valuable ounce of how special you are in your workplace, you are selling yourself short and everyone is missing out. It is not their fault if they do not know you well, because it has to be your initiative to show them. If you let them know you have more ability, don’t you think they would love to utilize it? Everyone will be better off. Stop hiding your invaluable essence in the corner. Come out in full daylight and get yourself what you more than deserve.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
You represent half of every one of your social relationships and you can do your thing to build them bigger and stronger. Do not use what the others are doing as an excuse. Just make sure everything is organized and smooth on your end. This is your opportunity to be a real example and inspire them to follow in your footsteps. You are certainly not responsible for anyone else, but you can always do what is right, especially when you know better. No matter what, things will always turn out great when you are doing your best. You can be the contractor of your own life by starting from scratch to build something special. Putting it in the right place for you and others will make sure everyone benefits.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for July 15-21, 2013

Find out what being able to FLOAT really means. Spend a few days in your own powerful element and fully use the support you are being given naturally by the universe. Help this energy help you and reap the great success you have always been looking for. 

Monday, July 15, 2012: Understanding
Are you missing something that is pretty important to what is going on in your life? If you have a good overall understanding of your own big picture, there will not be any major concerns to wonder or be undecided about. This may be a perfect time to regroup your top priorities to make sure your life is headed exactly where you actually intend for it to go. Just make sure you are the one pulling the reins.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013:
Look at every opportunity to communicate today. Take a stand and express your position while giving a chance to the people you are dealing with to state their side of the story. Only then can you encourage the dialog that will bring out the fair and balanced solution you are all searching for.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013: Forward
Fast forward through the scenarios you are pursuing so you can take a step back and envision how you can unfold what you truly desire in the future. It is all well worth the time and effort. A well-thought out approach can make your project develop even more dynamically and with the speed of light in the direction you are taking it.

Thursday, July 18, 2013: Relinquish
If you are going to float, needless to say it helps to be as light as feather. To accomplish this, it is a must to relinquish any and all outstanding heavy burdens weighing you down. You must know what they are, so just drop them like a hot potato and never look back. You will be surprised at how much better it feels after you have unloaded and have a clean slate again.

Friday, July 19, 2013: Satisfy

If you are always seeking to satisfy a craving for the finest things in life, just realize your fulfillment comes from achievement. But what if life takes you by surprise today? Watch out for a simple moment that can give you much more than you may have expected. When it comes unannounced out of the clear blue sky, it will carry the sizzle of something rare and memorable.

Saturday, July 20, 2013: Inevitable

It is probably inevitable for you to have had chills and goose bumps here and there this whole week. You may feel as if you are levitating above the ground in more ways than one. Take off and stream for the stars. Nothing can stop you from doing this over and over again on this glorious day.

Sunday, July 21, 2013: Rate

If you are going to give yourself a proper reward, first rate your own performance. By gauging your results realistically, you can find out your own true place and prepare yourself better for whatever you will be undertaking over the next coming week.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

With an open understanding, you can communicate strongly forward and relinquish any weakness to satisfy the inevitable success you will experience at a much higher rate.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Rate yourself to get inevitable power and satisfy the urge to relinquish whatever holds you back so you are able to move forward and communicate with clear understanding to everyone.

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Energy of the Week for July 15-21, 2013: Float

Whether you believe in it or not, there is a very powerful energy supporting you in everything you need to do for yourself in your life. Float through this week on the wings of incredible inspiration giving you an absolute edge with your most important endeavors. You just need to surrender to it and let it serve you.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Allow yourself to always be uplifted. On occasion, you may have experienced your inner strength making you feel light and excited – as if your energy is super-accelerated. With so much more vigor coming from the inside, even extra effort comes natural and easy. You may feel as if you are not even doing it yourself, but rather something else is doing it through you. This is what we are talking about this week. There are things you are not meant to do alone and you shouldn’t. With the invisible hand helping you, you can float through challenging blockages. The incredible thing is, it is always there and patiently waiting for you to use it. Now you have an entire week to give it a chance. Not only are you tapping into it, but it is simple to be tuned in as long as you have a crystal clear desire. You are born to do this organically. However, if you are tense and consumed by negative emotion, you may have a difficult time relaxing and letting go. So open up and allow this extra energy to flow in and heal you while giving you an exhilarated charge. You are never alone. So allow all of this backing to lift you up and help you fly as it was always meant to be.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Everyone would love their business to just float. This will happen as long you as you fine-tune and set it up into an auto-pilot mode so it can stream itself ahead – showering you with bigger and better results as you go. It needs to be well organized, both planned and laid out. It needs to be carried out by those who care, who will communicate and do the impossible to see it work. You also need to keep it flexible with back-up plans and ideas on how to proceed under any circumstances. If you put in the initial work to get it going in this particular way, you can set it up to be consistent – watching it take a life of its own. This will allow you to always be there to savor special moments and be more aware of what your customers have to say. The rest will be a story in the making and we would be delighted to have you share it with all of us.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

There is a major difference between having a social life where you are bored with the people around you and when you are with those you truly enjoy being with. The time will float by as long as you are having a blast. Why waste your time with people you do not care about? And what causes this polarity? In the first situation, you are obviously not being with the right people. If you are surrounded by people who do not understand you, not only will they not support you, but they will also irritate you by unconsciously putting you down without realizing it. What can you do to attract those who have true concern and care for you no matter what? You need to express your true self and live it in a way that appeals to those who really matter to you. Otherwise, if you remain shy, closed off and have not expressed yourself, you may create a barrier that keeps anyone with pure intent from getting closer to  you. This week, strip off these boundaries and stand tall for the world to find out what they are missing. Do not be surprised if you make many new connections. With this energy behind you, you do not have anything to worry about. Just go for it!

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