Weekly Energy of the Day for July 8-14, 2013

This is a week to REVEAL the truth about yourself with the world. No more waiting. The energy is inviting you and with minimum effort, you can achieve maximum results. It will not get any better than this. So go at it with open arms and write some history with your own life!                     

Monday, July 8, 2012: Treasure
There may be something you really treasure deep inside, but have not allowed yourself to reveal. Make it other people’s business to know what matters to you. This may be the only way they will find out what you truly care about. So, start talking and say exactly what you have to so your environment will finally have a chance to get to know you better.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013:
Can love save the world? Today, it can. First of all, nothing can compete with love, so whatever you think may be more important or has priority, forget about it. Degrees, career or money will only take you so far. It is the real love for yourself that makes your life truly meaningful. It is also how you make your way through planet Earth and what you do to expand and progress in your life. Open your eyes and give yourself credit so you can make it the best it can be. And no matter what, do not forget to love yourself first and foremost.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013: Delegate
The best results are achieved with just the right balance between what you absolutely need to do yourself and what you can delegate to others. Keep for yourself the tasks you need to add your personal twist to and with the rest, give an opportunity to someone else.

Thursday, July 11, 2013: Let Go!
Make it official. Let go! of all those burdens weighing you down and turning your life into a nightmare. If you decide nothing will stand in your way, then you will find the way through anything trying to block your path. Just be determined, confident and do not be shy to ask for help. Let us know how it goes.

Friday, July 12, 2013: Wink

If life is trying to punch you in the face, swiftly turn around to avoid the confrontation and wink. In a few seconds, the energy will change for the better when you do not take on any heaviness. It will be easy as long as there is open communication to clarify where the tension came from.

Saturday, July 13, 2013: Live

Take the time to live today’s moments to the fullest. What begins as a simple experience may become an interesting and long lasting adventure. Do not avoid what is coming your way and invest a few extra moments to enjoy and find yourself. Create precious memories so everything that follows is better than your original plan.

Sunday, July 14, 2013: Incredible

You will wake up recharged and be in an incredible mood today as long as you have flowed with the energy this entire week. Make plans to go toward your desired destinations and do not waste time. With a little more persistence, you can make any bold dream come true right away.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Discover your inner treasure with love in order to delegate any external tasks and let go! so you can wink at life and be ready to live to the fullest in an incredible way.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Be incredible to live and enjoy life as long as you wink and let go! so you can coordinate and delegate to others to help you love and treasure every opportunity.

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Energy of the Week for July 8-14, 2013: Reveal

It is time to reveal your grandiose plan to the world. Anything you have been working on behind the scenes lately and may  be getting ready to share, now would be a great time. There will be an opening in the energy for you to find the right audience and inspire them to not only back you, but care deeply about what you have to say.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

There is more to you than meets the eye. There is much more defining you beyond your family status and occupation – more than anyone else really knows about. The special you inside carries unbelievable unique wisdom from the tons of experiences you have been through. Your life is never complete until you manage to reveal this inner essence you hold within. Sometimes it comes out in what you do and how you live your life. Others may have noticed it more or less. But this week is all about bringing it all out full on. Make a conscious effort to help the world see who you really are. State it, show it and share what really matters to you by giving it a spotlight. When you open up and reveal the deeper layers of your entire existence, you re-solidify yourself inside. Remind yourself you are here for a purpose and you have a truly meaningful contribution to gift to the whole world.*

*If  you are not clear on what is the special inner spark you have, let us help you reveal it with your Personal Life Plan as a part of our simple, but comprehensive Inner Guidance Communication Program.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
What would you do if you could use all of your abilities to the fullest? It is important to see it is not a lack of skills or talents that keeps from achieving your highest potential. It is rather you may not be applying the ones you possess as much as you actually could. If you think there is no possibility in your present occupation or the avenue you have chosen to channel your capabilities through to unfold everything you have put together for yourself, think again. The opposite is true. There are no limits to living who you really are within your present framework or job description. Whatever you do, be true to yourself and do not hide anything and make the best of it. Come up with some creative ideas about how you can apply all of your underutilized strengths and gifts you have and share them in your work environment. This will excel your career in a dramatic way and leave a personal signature on everything you do while making it truly memorable for everyone who has been uniquely touched by it. Do not rob the world of your talents. You have earned them through lifetimes to express and bring them out for all of us to benefit from.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

Have you been trying to be someone you are actually not, even if just in part, with your family, friends or peers? Sometimes under certain circumstances, you may somehow be steered into pretending you are who others expect you to be. Eventually, any such roles become too heavy. You need to reveal the real you to your loved ones and anyone else who matters to you. Using the facade of someone else will only make your life harder and can never work. You are simply your best when you are you – the true, unaltered, uncovered, living and breathing you, driven by your own motivation and following your inner direction. Do not alter yourself in order to suit someone else’s idea of who you need to be. Do not even try. The energy this week is giving you a big helping hand. Just share openly the other image is not really the true you and then, let your free spirit speak about itself. What a relief! Everyone will love and respect you even more, now that they will be closer to the real you. Go for it and do not forget to share with us your fascinating stories.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for July 1-7, 2013

You are in for a lot of new experiences when you ACTIVATE all of your powers within and show the world what you are really made of. If the people close to you cannot see your obvious qualities, then you may have somehow kept them hidden. No wonder you have been missing out on some of these inner treasures serving you better.

Monday, July 1, 2012: Reasonable
Today is to be lived a step above just being reasonable. This is because you need to bring your game up a notch and the same old-same old is not going to cut it this time around. Come up with a fresh twist to your approach and boldly put it to work for you. There is no need to keep to yourself how great this feels as it can inspire and motivate many others to follow your example. So speak up!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013:
Sometimes when you are trying to communicate, the words just do not come out right and this leaves those around you simply wondering what you are trying to say. Do not fall into despair, but rather keep it simple and be factual: share the what, when, where and why about the situation you are in and let others draw their inference on how they can help you. The bottom line is the facts usually speak for themselves louder than anything else anyway.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013: Determined
Look out for yourself today by not being short or stern with yourself or others, although be determined not to waver with what you need to do and communicate confidently as to what you are committed to and why.

Thursday, July 4, 2013: Workable
Be flexible and make things workable with your team so you can coordinate and find middle ground with the project you are handling together. Show understanding towards others and give them another chance to click with what you are expressing by being patient and explaining it again in down-to-earth and practical terms.

Friday, July 5, 2013: Sail
Sail away from any troubles and take a break today. Make better use of your time by focusing on what works so you can avoid spinning your wheels on anything complicated. Sometimes, if you put on hold what needs more attention for a bit, it may look different when you get back to it. This is because the energy changes from one moment to the next, so just step aside from what may seem troublesome for now and get back to it later when you feel ready to look at it from a more detached point-of-view.

Saturday, July 6, 2013: Sincere
Being sincere and honest with others may feel a bit too blunt today, but it is what you need to do to state your truth in the way it is for you. As long as you are solid inside and accept others’ opinions, even though you may have a different view of them, it is better to bare it all by sharing. This way, you will respect the freedom of your environment and give them an opportunity to share their feedback as well.

Sunday, July 7, 2013: Excited

Just having an opportunity is not enough. Being excited at the possibilities it is opening for you means everything. This is when your inspiration can activate all of your energy and resources to lift you up and give you greater experiences on a whole new level.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Do not settle for only being reasonable and with a factual and determined effort, make the most in a workable way out of the opportunity to sail the high seas and be sincere and excited about everything you are doing in life.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

With an excited step put forth in a sincere way, you can sail away in a workable fashion and remain determined to use the power of your factual and reasonable truth to influence your outcome.

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Energy of the Week for July 1-7, 2013: Activate

It is time to activate everything you have put together for yourself and make it work for you. No more thinking you are lacking for anything. If you diligently put to use all you have earned throughout your life, there will be nothing missing and you will not be short of any resources you need to pursue what you are truly looking for.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

What you are truly capable of in one area can make up for what you are lacking in another as long as you use it to the max. You are usually aware of anything underutilized as it will remind you of itself in various ways. This could come as a feeling of being unfulfilled or incomplete. It may lower your energy and dissipate your mood by making you ask yourself: what if? Do not dismiss these kinds of emotions. Instead, explore them and clarify where they are coming from. For example, if you can picture yourself fulfilling your potential in your own mind, then you can definitely make it happen in reality. So do not waste time and get to work on it. Invite the boldest of inspiration and creative imagination to help you pull out any of the hidden skills you have allowed to get rusty. Apply them, polish them and activate their power to serve you once again. It is sometimes said everything new is a forgotten old and this is just the thing you need right now to get yourself to a much better place. Use all of your inner and outer strengths completely and you will be 100% right on – for yourself.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
If you have ever stopped yourself from using any extra creative or innovative ideas in your line of work because you thought they were simply too much, think again. In today’s highly competitive business environment, you need an edge to overcome your competition quickly and distance you from everyone else who is doing a similar thing as you are. There is something special about you that no one else has – and it is you being you. This is your most unique quality of all and you can reap the most success if you simply make the best use of it. Sit down and write out all of the positive things that make you different and you will see how no one else can even begin to compare to you. Recognize and take advantage of maximizing on this high energy capital. Do not let it sit in a back room or wait to be given a chance. Bring it back from its vacation so it is rested and ready for a whole new era of going full force into making what would otherwise be just a regular venture into a most magnificent achievement. Activate yourself. Enjoy happy sailing with a renewed and re-strengthened engine.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

Show us your friends and we can tell you who you are. Do you identify with the people around you? Are they as driven, motivated, proactive and adventurous as you are? If they are not, you just might be mingling with the wrong crowd. Old friends are as good as old wine, but if you have changed your diet, you may not have as much use for them as you had in the past. Some of the clearest of signs of your personal growth is when your immediate family and close friends tell you they don’t understand why you are doing what you are involved with. You will need to move forward and allow yourself to meet new people who are fascinated and inspired with those things. You do not have to stay around those who cannot understand them. No matter how strong you are, you still need the support and backing from your environment. If this is not available to you, it may be time to find yourself a new one. Activate your attractor factor to bring into your life like-minded people who can relate to you. In some ways, it is like a snake leaving behind its old skin. Even your closest buddies who you shared everything with before will not end up being your present peers. Set yourself free by putting yourself out there for everyone.

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The Energy of the Month for July is ENJOY

This is a great month to experience many ways to enjoy life. The simple pleasures you get from everyday moments cannot even begin to hold a candle to the full and utterly pure inner happiness you will experience after completing a well-done job over the four weeks. Here is how you can do it.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Everything you have inside yourself is to be put to good use so it can be applied and work for you in a practical way. If you do not bring it out more, you will not be able to utilize it and it will stagnate and degrade itself through inactivity. Physically, an object will lose its full capacity and eventually become obsolete without being able to sustain itself. In the same way, your talents within become rusty if you do not use them and you may not even remember how they have benefited you in the past. The energy this month will inspire you to not waste your inner skills and capacity to do what you have come here to do. It will create situations to make you dig deeper and recover any under-used characteristics by bringing them back to life in order to save the day. In short, if you have ever done this before, get ready to do it many times over again. No wonder this will make you truly enjoy your ill-forgotten old strengths. What could be better than bringing them back from the dead and proving that nothing ever gets lost in the universe.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
It is undeniable that raised productivity is something to enjoy in any business. Doing this in your current setting will take your entire service to a whole other level. The two best ways to get more results from your work is to do more of it or to do it better with greater efficiency. Here are a few tips on how to achieve the latter. Write down a complete list of all of your good qualities. Then, write next to each one the top three ways you are using them on a daily basis. If you have gaps where you cannot show how you are applying some of them, this is an area to give some thought to. There is nothing you possess within that is not there to help you improve on what you have. However, if you are not putting it to good use, this causes everyone to lose, including your company, employees or fellow workers, customers and the entire world. Make what you have serve you better and, the next thing you know, you will be able to step up your game and have a really good reason to enjoy your greatest results ever.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
If you may be thinking that from what you have read so far, it takes too much work to just enjoy things, you need to look at it from the right perspective. When you do something from your true feelings and genuine care, the effort it takes seems easy. Do not skip on special gestures you can offer to those around you who really matter to you personally. You cannot buy their loyalty, but you can always touch them deeply and win over their hearts forever. They will enjoy being treated with sincerity and concern and the opportunity to connect with you in a genuine way creates a bond that gives both of you tremendous satisfaction. Then, all you need to do is be you. Others appreciate you for who you are with them. This is why having a social outlet helps you become a truly warm human being and is all the more the reason to extend your relationships even further so they can be better than they have ever been in your life up to this point.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for June 24-30, 2013

The STARS will be shining bright for you this whole week and so will you together with them. You can even make the impossible possible by opening up your most special qualities and using them to inspire others to help you.

Monday, June 24, 2012: Happening
No matter what is going to be happening today, take it as a stepping stone and use it as a trampoline to jump you higher and further on your way to where you are headed. This is because you can learn from everything and apply what you take away from all of your experiences to do it better the next time around. Make everything count to improve your life and every moment you live will be precious.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013:
the energy around you first before you proceed to do anything else today. Get to the root of what is going on and do whatever you can about it. Remember, sometimes it may take a little quake to shake things back into their rightful place, so not all of the commotion is unnecessary. After a storm comes the rainbow and a clear and clean world is a much rewarding payment for having endured through the rain and wind.  

Wednesday, June 26, 2013: Planning
The reason most undertakings have never begun is that the planning for them has been feared as too complicated or unknown as to how to accomplish them. It is simple to start with what you know you want to do and employ every resource you have to help you with it. Once you have all of this put together, you can easily see what else it will take. Identify everything you need to make things work, then go for it and communicate so you can rally the rest of the support and backing for it. Have you ever thought if you do not have absolutely everything necessary to complete your entire plan, you may need to extend an opportunity to others who have the rest of the pieces? Do not be a one-man show. Let others have a shot at it with you. This will give both of you the unique chance to have a mutual experience.

Thursday, June 27, 2013: Well-Rounded
The more well-rounded you are, the more independent you can be in everything you need to do for yourself. Think outside the box and expand beyond the narrow specialty you may have pursued so far and have excelled in. The bottom line is, it is best for you to be aware of the basics of survival to sustain yourself. Then, you can always know that, no matter what, you can persevere on your own. This will give you all of the confidence and freedom you need to go full speed ahead with your innermost desires.

Friday, June 28, 2013: Translate

You need to translate every situation down to the opportunity it gives you. If you are not pleased with how something is done, then look at the concern you feel about it and improve it. Have a rule for yourself to never complain or be critical of anything unless you have already found and propose a better way for it to be handled. This way, you will never be negative. By making suggestions (and not commands), you will always help by offering a solution for all of us to do better.

Saturday, June 29, 2013: Functional

Turn things around for yourself from being disfunctional back to functional. For sure, when something is going downhill and with more attention, you can determine how it got there to begin with. Knowing what does not work is invaluable. Once this is evident, you can take the steps to change the outcome and get you into a much better place.

Sunday, June 30, 2013: Increase

It is time to increase your chances to do exactly what you always wanted for yourself. Cut off the blocks that prevent you from going for your desires and use the weeks energy to reach out for the stars. Do not forget that being more inspired will flow many more ideas your way and multiply your chances to figure out how you can succeed in doing what you like.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Use everything happening to resolve your planning to be well-rounded and translate every experience into an opportunity to be functional to reach an increase in your own success.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Increase your ability for a functional way to translate all situations with well-rounded planning and resolve anything negative from happening as you go.

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Energy of the Week for June 24-30, 2013: Stars

Reach out for the stars this week, but know they are not the limit to what you can accomplish in the big picture. You are infinite in your ability to be creative and achieve results beyond your wildest dreams.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
Just because the stars look so far out does not mean they are unreachable. When they sparkle and attract you with their brightness, you will get inspired and are always drawn to them. The key is to not allow any barriers between you and the stars you are wishing to reach. There is a huge difference between an imaginary world without any and a world with many stars. See yourself soaring with them and shining vigorously – brightening up the whole sky together. You already are one with them inside, but it is up to you to live it in every moment. Spread your light through everything you do while leaving an everlasting trace of where you have been in the here and now.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
The perception of stars in business are celebrities. There is definitely a common denominator between all of them and that is they opened up and expressed in an incredible way something about themselves that captivated and impressed many of us. They are not the only ones who have such a special something. So do you. The key is to do justice to that star quality you carry within and not only let it come out in the open, but also make it count. It will take work and dedication, sweat and tears and ups and downs. All because when you give it your all, you are so committed to yourself, you are not afraid to get emptied down to the last drop with the whole process of making your biggest magic happen. Sheer skill and talent are not enough. They need to be put through the test with clear organization and a firm focus. Making this possible and practical to realize all of your ideas and materialize the achievements you are looking for will go beyond your wildest expectations. Do it and the rest will be history.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

It is believed when the stars line up, things are easier. However, it is important for you to help them line up for you, especially when you want something special to happen. In this situation, you can help everything work out better by uniting your strengths with others alongside you in your chosen direction. If you are strong when you focus all of your energy on what you would like to accomplish, how much more powerful would this endeavor be if you work on it as a team? The key is to get your heads together and use all of your separate ideas to make something happen in a way that will benefit all of you greatly. Then, everyone can feel inspired to participate and pour their energy into the common goal. What is it you cannot do with so much inspiring desire uniting for the overall good?

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Weekly Energy of the Day for June 17-23, 2013

This week, you can finally take a deep breath and RELAX so you can carry on with your goals and aspirations. Nothing can go wrong if you pursue everything with pure motivation. Do it from your heart and embrace the results. When you are focusing on what is right for you, you will never regret it later. This way, you can be confident in yourself throughout.

Monday, June 17, 2012: Real
You need to be practical in order to relax and get real. Today, your strength will be to rely on proven methods and skills. Be bold in the face of everything keeping you from being you. By being your own person, you will seize all opportunities lightning fast.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013: Incision  
Sometimes complicated surgery can be performed with a tiny incision or a huge tree can grow out of the smallest crack in a rock. If today is really well put together, you will be able to use a small opening in the energy giving you a chance for something incredible to happen. Do not turn down any opportunities until you have explored them diligently. You may not know where your best solution will come from until it does, so do not close any doors prematurely. Be present every moment. Watch and observe closely and you will be able to act in a timely fashion. We are eager to find out about your most interesting stories – the ones with an unexpected twist.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013: On Track
Staying on track may appear as a challenge today, but only on the surface. Do not make anything into a big deal and find the shortest solution to keep your original agenda. By postponing everything not as important, you can find the first possible opening you have available to deal with them. Take on only the most crucial demands, but be careful to gauge really well which ones indeed are. Ask direct questions and get to the bottom line so you can move forward without any doubts.

Thursday, June 20, 2013: Succeed
Open up your mind about what you can do to succeed even more today. If you are willing to do anything, then everything will become possible and you will always find what you need to do it with. In addition, look at your results from a wider perspective. Each accomplishment is a positive step in the overall plan.

Friday, June 21, 2013: Win!

Today is a good day to give yourself a pat on the back. Acknowledgment is just as important as the efforts you have poured into your endeavors. It is time to realize how much you have been able to achieve and what it really means as a stepping stone toward where you are headed. Celebrate your tenacity in whatever you have done so far. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Congratulations for being on the way and make it a win!

Saturday, June 22, 2013: Strong

You are equipped with far more inner power than you realize. For example, what is called the fight or flight response of your body exerts adrenalin while shutting down numerous other functions in order to make you extra strong. You can jump a few feet off the ground in special situations. Of course, this may save your life if you are being chased by a bear. The key is to realize you have more resources than you are typically aware of or are tapping into and using. Today, you must act over and above what you normally know you have available to you. You will find out you can live up to it with flying colors. Let us hear all about it.

Sunday, June 23, 2013: Decision

Do not belabor making a decision about what your main focus is. Cut through the confusion and discern only the most important answers based on what, when, where and why. Summarize it quicker by going with your first impression. What feels right is what you need to follow. You can never be wrong when you feel solid inside. This will make a great ending to the whole week and guarantee you can, in fact, relax and go straight into the next week feeling true joy from within.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Make a real step into the small incision the energy is opening up for you to stay on track and succeed in everything you touch with a big win! through a strong decision you commit to with joy.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Keep to your decision to remain strong and you will always win! big and succeed every step of the way when you stay on track and not let any incision or downfall take away from your real experiences in life.

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Energy of the Week for June 17-23, 2013: Relax

A whole week is in front of you to relax, although this does not mean to just rest off and do nothing. In fact, it is about being so calm and collected, you are actually cool and confident. Go about your business and carry on with your life with a solid and balanced swiftness.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

If you have the energy, you can do anything. You need to realize you have it as long as you are not wasting it on undue pressure or getting stressed out so it can go a long way. The key is to manage to relax consciously before, during and after every compact experience you are going through. In other words, take your inner balance into your own hands. All it takes is to feel settled so you know what you are doing and how to go about it. Then, you can stay focused and not allow any distractions to take over. No matter what, remain in charge of your own energy. Remove yourself from any environment not supportive of what you are involved with. Communicate so others do not interfere. Just do what you have to do for yourself and do not expect anyone else to do it for you. Take breaks as needed to regroup so you can stay directed. You are always better off after you catch your breath and get refreshed. You may surprise yourself that you get more done when you are steady and go easy rather than trip and get short of breath. Have a great time this week!

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Ready, set and go! If you are prepared, everything will be on a roll and you can watch it all happen before your very eyes. If you are well organized and set your service up so it flows naturally, it will be smooth sailing all week. Nothing needs to be overwhelming. Just organize the system so it works for both you and your consumers. Simplify and break the whole process down to a few of the most important steps. Then, capture the main key for each step and make sure you have put in place what it will take to accomplish what you want to do. Once you have clarified all of this, you will feel at ease and can relax while the structure you have put together simply plays out. Be observant so you can make any adjustments as soon as possible and have a winner. Put your positive intent and determination to work and they will do wonders for you.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

The most pressure in your daily life usually comes from either your work or family environment. You may have noticed you do just fine when you are by yourself. All complications begin as soon as others enter the picture. But you actually learn the most about yourself from these interactions, so they are invaluable to you. You need to be able to juggle what you like to do for yourself and the demands coming from the outside. There is always a fine line between uniting or causing separation. Coordination is the best tool so everyone can express their needs and wants in order to find the middle ground. No matter what, never assume anything when others are silent. It is usually something else other than what you may have interpreted when you do not get all the facts. Always reach out to others for communication and clarification. Everyone enjoys being able to put their word in. You are really only responsible for yourself. At the end of the day, if you have put in an effort to communicate, you can relax and let nature take its course. Accept and be understanding of everyone else. Things happen for the best when each person is  allowed to grow at their own pace.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for June 10-16, 2013

This is a week to ACHIEVE above and beyond your normal limit. Unfold your full potential. You can even surpass your own wildest expectations. Do not worry about anyone else telling you how crazy this may be as long as you know it is right for you. Bust through all barriers and go for the biggest thing you can dream of and you will be more inspired than you have ever been. Let us know everything incredible you are able to achieve.

Monday, June 10, 2012: Relative
Everything in life is relative – what might be important to you may not even matter to someone else. This is why it is so crucial that you listen to yourself and make up your own mind about what you are going to do for yourself with your life. Today, you need to take a firm stand and realize you have to be loyal to yourself first. So fly on the wings of your own inspiration which is possible only when you are doing what is right for you.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013: Punctuate
If you treat yourself right, so will others. You may need to emphasize this in some of your encounters with your environment. Set the record straight and punctuate what you allow and what you will not tolerate in the way others treat you. Use these boundaries to protect yourself. Keeping things clear will allow you to remain dignified and energized to work toward your goals despite what others may think. You can still respect their opinions.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013: Relevant
Keep your eyes open as the day unfolds. An unusual circumstance may come into play and not only become relevant, but be essential to what you are doing today. In order to act on it in the right timing, do not wait too long after you recognize how important it may be. Continue to stay alert and be on the lookout for those unplanned little surprises life sometimes tosses your way.

Thursday, June 13, 2013: Purport
The energy is giving you an opening today to make a statement and purport what you stand for, but you have to make your boldest and most confident move to convey your meaningful purpose to others, engage their attention and win them over.

Friday, June 14, 2013: Reason

Take a look at the most important reason you are doing what you are engaged in at this point in your life. Make sure it is what you truly want so you can express it in a way the whole world will appreciate. While this will re-inspire you for sure, it will also cause everyone to see your clear motives and the drive that is taking you in the best direction for you.

Saturday, June 15, 2013: Stand

This is one of those dynamic days which will make you stand up from your seat and jive to the music in the air. Have fun and tackle your projects like a pro with a swift hand and your heart on fire. Put that inspired rhythm to work for you and soon everyone around will be grooving with you. Sometimes, you do your best work when you share your high spirits and uplift your environment so everyone can be joyful with you.

Sunday, June 16, 2013: Summon

In preparation for the coming week, you can summon all of your initiative and get ready to invite all of your proponents to join and support you in your endeavor with whatever they feel like. Your biggest backing may be right in front of you as long as you are open to promote and share your ideas with those who care about you.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Make luck relative when you take your happiness in your own hands and punctuate all that is relevant to your success to purport the biggest reason you have to stand tall and summon the backing you need with a loud voice so the whole world can hear what you have to say.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

You can summon all of your inspired feelings when you take a stand to express your own reason to purport the most relevant ideas to your cause and punctuate its impact on everything relative to its achievement.

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