Energy of the Week for June 10-16, 2013: Achieve

This super powerful week calls on you to achieve your full potential. This does not need to be difficult. Rather, it beckons you to fall right into your real niche and go for the most you know you are capable of. If you hold yourself back for any reason, it is time to zoom in and clarify the what, when, where and why of how you may be keeping yourself from blossoming into who you are meant to be. This is a huge endeavor and, although you have a few days with the best energy to act on it, if you do, all of your efforts should turn into gold.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Have you ever wanted to be in the right place at the right time – all the time? Is there anything at all keeping you from doing it? Is it because you are always getting yourself sidetracked into doing what is not right for you and being loyal to everyone else outside of you? Is it because you really do not know what your true niche is? If you continue to avoid pursuing what you desire inside, you are denying your innermost right to be involved with what will make you the most inspired and help you achieve your highest results ever. You know that anything is possible. If you are frightened of the unknown and think it will be hard or you do not have enough support, you need to rise up above all of these negative concepts that are keeping you from having the life you deserve. Get your head out of the sand so you can start thinking in a whole new way. Decide on-the-spot this is possible and ask yourself what you need to do to move forward. Go for it with everything you have inside. It may feel like a journey of the unknown as there is never a guaranty of how each step will turn out. But, most importantly, since this could be your biggest dream, all you need to know is where you are headed. You will get there – one way or another.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
In business, everything follows a set plan and you can easily tell if you are reaching or surpassing your goals. However, in order to achieve new heights, you will have to do something more and different with your strategy so you can envision everything you want to have your service offer. If you were to take the boldest, most confident and passionate steps in crafting what it would take, what would they be? If you did not let anything stop you, how would you go about doing it? If you are earnest while being determined and committed to seeing your purpose come to fruition, your will power and energy alone will be so inspiring, it will touch others in a very special way. They will no doubt do anything to help you get there. This shows you are never alone, because you are always surrounded by those familiar with what you are doing. Be one with them as a dynamic team to achieve together what is mutually beneficial and fulfilling. The more you reach out and expand your productivity, the more enriched you will be and everyone will enjoy the fruits of what you achieve.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

You may think being social is just carrying on a kindred or supportive relationship with people close to you. There are certainly not any pre-set or mapped out objectives you are trying to achieve on a daily basis. But, the truth is, you can benefit a lot if you deepen your personal, business and social relationships with more specific goals you are both interested in together and bring them to fruition. These can be guided by a long and lasting intention from the heart. If you truly want to bond further with your friends and family, you can even discuss an agenda of what you would like to put in place in order to make the connection unshakeable and even more refined. The best part of this experience is it helps you sift through associations you know are not going to last and those that are truly stronger and more prominent, leaving a memorable mark in your entire life.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for June 3-9, 2013

The VOLUME of experiences you have had in your life is an opportunity to discover who you are, where you are at and who is with you so you can move ahead with clarity and dignity. You can express yourself fully if you are treating yourself right and feeling free to show and tell about your highest inspirations. The world will respond if you share it in a compelling and positive way. Just be yourself and do it.  

Monday, June 3, 2012: Compelling
Some examples of how to live life are so compelling, they touch multitudes and inspire them to change things around in their own life. Make your day be such an example and bring out from the inside your strongest passion. Make a step in the right direction for yourself in a way you are not going to be timid so it can be witnessed by the whole world. Have a blast and share it around your whole environment!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013: Resume
Get back on track and resume your best work to stay aligned in the right direction for yourself. Use the wisdom you have gained to keep yourself clear from distractions by drawing a line between your priorities and everything else. Your energy belongs where you put it, but you know if it is in the right place when it doubles and triples your zest to go for your goals as if there is no tomorrow.      

Wednesday, June 5, 2013: Sense
Pay attention to yourself so you can sense the finest of inspiration coming to you throughout the day. Some of it could be a seed that can start a real legacy for your entire future. Do not be surprised if it is subtle. The most down to earth truths in life are the simplest to realize when you are ready for the revelation to come to you.

Thursday, June 6, 2013:
Today, the focus is on how you love. Are you gentle and supportive? Are you firm and upfront? Are you going to do anything to help others out? Are you doing it out of strength or weakness? The reason to distinguish this is so you can realize when you are yearning or possessive, this is not love. There is a big difference between feelings and emotions. If you love in strength, you can let the other person be just the way they are and do what pleases them. Most of all, you can be sure you love others when you have whatever patience it takes to communicate again and again what matters and is important to you. No matter what – just live, love and have fun.

Friday, June 7, 2013: Control

It is the time to determine who has control over what is happening to you in your own life. If it is anyone else other than you, it is not their opportunity to make your choices for you. Take matters into your own hands and be your own boss, because you are the only one who you will listen to at the end of the day. You cannot delegate this to anyone else and make it work for either you or them. Once you make your own choices, you can face both the responsibility and delight from taking yourself exactly where you want to be.

Saturday, June 8, 2013: Continue

Life goes on and a new day is always coming around the corner. There is one thing different as you continue on your quest. You are one more piece of wisdom wiser from every new experience you add onto your life in every passing moment. So, act like it and make better choices. Go for bigger heights so you can get more and more satisfaction from all you are living through day in and day out.

Sunday, June 9, 2013: Excitement  

What brings you true excitement defines your inner motivation to apply yourself in the projects that really matter to you. It is a very inspired energy you cannot confuse with anything else. If you overlook it, you will lose not only on the true fulfillment, but the so much more you can do when you are truly on fire and having a ball. Do not think it is the same. Choose to do the things you really care about.  

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

In compelling times, use strong measures to resume your sense of love and perseverance and have complete control to continue on with excitement in your own direction.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Bring out your excitement along the way and you can continue to go for anything you wish with true control and love to make sense and resume all of your compelling endeavors.

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Energy of the Week for June 3-9, 2013: Volume

Much like a picture says a thousand words, your behavior speaks volume(s) about you, your motivation, commitment and direction in life. If you think you can just detour and veer off the path you are on to do something else and then come back as if nothing happened, it does not work quite like that. You are either following your purpose or not. If you are, everything you do will be oriented toward its achievement and nothing will be able to steer you away. Although other things may happen, you should be able to handle them so you can continue on the right track.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Even if you are a very shy or closed off person, your presence and how you act shows a lot about you. If you are choosing to be too private about yourself, you are refraining from sharing openly about what you are passionate about. These invisible walls are not healthy. You may not be confident about yourself or think what you believe in is not meaningful. Are you afraid of being judged or just do not want to have to put out the effort? It is up to you to share what is going on in your world. However, others will pick up a lot from their own sensitivity. Actually, expressing yourself is a need. It helps you clarify what is really going on inside. You never have to ask for permission or approval for anything. Do not be concerned with what others think about you because you are not just sharing for them. You are doing it for yourself first. Finally, it is empowering and enriches you to state how you see things from your point-of-view. You are strongest when you live with transparency and face the whole world with a big smile. You have a whole week to practice so you can continue on with openness for the rest of your life – by the volume.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Do you want to start a new chapter in your life and write a whole volume of great business adventures this week? Now you can. If you have been spinning your wheels lately, it is time to break this pattern. Brace yourself. Go out and put yourself and your top notch skills to work for you. With a clever approach, you can showcase how good you really are. Do not be afraid to be an open book so others can understand the person behind the talents. Hire your positive attitude and you will get hired! Go for the experience and you will collect many stories to talk about. When you get up to speed, you might even make history and create the most outstanding results you have ever had. Once you get a quick breather, shoot us a note about how you got there.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

Are you on the same page with those you care about? If not, you may want to take the time to change this. You need to understand that as you are growing, your environment may not be growing with you. Since you are always doing for yourself, there is no need to stall your own progress because of other’s lack of understanding of what you can see or experience. If you have bigger aspirations than someone else who is very close to you, you may have outgrown them and do not need to give up on your opportunities just because of them. Nor should you drag them along with you. Let everyone move in their own timing, but be sure to do this for yourself first. Loving others means to let them unfold at their own speed. Mind you, encouragement and inspiring them is not only free, it is very powerful because it can help them speed up their own progress by witnessing your stunning example. Be the first to announce at what volume you are expanding and recheck with those who matter to you where they are at. Harbor no hard feelings if you establish you are in two different places. Perhaps your directions are a bit different from each other at this time. However, if it is meant to be, you will cross paths down the road again as you both pursue similar goals in time. Just be loyal to yourself first and you can be the most loyal to everyone else in turn. If you are having fun in this process, you will have the best time ever.

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The Energy of the Month for June is IMAGINE

Do you ever feel it is predestined to not get what you really want? And that this is just your fate and there is nothing else you can do? If so, this month could be the end of this kind of thinking. You can change everything in your life and take it where you want it to go, but first you need to imagine what you truly want in your mind. Little kids call it make believe! You do not need to do anything other than to close your eyes and picture yourself doing what you truly wish. What does it feel like? This helps you understand how you can make it a reality. If you can do this simple technique, you can decide how to make it happen in every area of your life.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Taking time to imagine is not a waste of time. There is actually incredible power in doing it. When you get fully immersed in vivid visualization, you create an invisible power to raise your energy to the same vibration it would be if what you are seeing in your mind was actually real. This switches you into a mode of experiencing through your inner sensitivity a different reality. You may even get inspired and get a hunch about what you can do about it. The truth is, if you can imagine it, it is no longer impossible. As a matter of fact, once you start, it becomes easier as you go. You just need to make sure it is what you really want as this will keep you focused on the target. Use this favorable time to make your own journey and craft your own destiny.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
All business needs to be practical or it cannot sustain the demands in an environment where everything requires your attention. Sometimes when you imagine, it can be confused with day dreaming – especially if it is not seen as being a productive activity. On the contrary, no progress can be made unless you envision the future of where your service is taking both you and those you are offering it to. If you do not plan ahead, you cannot vividly see what the next step is in the overall picture. As long as you can imagine what you want to happen, you can easily communicate it to others and inspire them to join in the vision. What is left is to act and manifest what you have mapped out. This sequence of events is a sure formula for success because it allows for a natural unfoldment in an organized way of exactly what needs to take place for things to develop and expand on their own – with your help!

How this energy affects you in your social life:      
what it would be like to be in harmony with people from your immediate environment. When you exchange personal backing and support each other, you can achieve a perfect balance in your relationships and everyone’s needs will be fulfilled. Make a note about what is keeping you from this scenario and use your intuitive strengths to find a solution for what you can do about it. Take the time to share any suggestions you have with your friends, family and others to help them think about how everything could be with their participation. Of course, you cannot make anyone else do something they are not ready spiritually to do, but if you manage to excite them about your ideas, they will feel compelled to join in with you and it will work. So, put on your promotion hat and describe to them the benefits for both of you. If you put a “bug in their ear” and get them inspired and enthusiastic, the rest will be easy. The bottom line is, even though you are whole within yourself when you are balanced, together you can create a tremendous synergy of learning from each other. Without them, you may feel as if something they could have contributed is missing. Join forces and reach for the ultimate experience in each relationship you have – whether it is personal, business or social.

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Summer is the Season of Involvement

Every quarter, the energy changes and June is the beginning of the summer season which portrays the healing or feeling spiritual gift. It is a time of involvement and action – where you feel as if anything is possible and all you want to do is simply let loose and just be.

Many people see this as a time to rest, but in reality, it is the best time to get things done. Since the fall is the energy of the prophetic gift of creativity, winter the clairvoyant energy of organization and spring the clairaudient energy of focus and direction, it only makes sense that summer is all about completion.

If you have the first gift of healing, you are the type of person who, if you had your own way, would hug everyone in sight. You probably want to make everyone else happy, but the key for this season is to make sure you are making yourself happy first. This is why many people go on vacation or holiday during the warmer months. They can finally relax and be one with their family and friends. But make sure you stay focused on what you have come to do during this season, otherwise you may feel scattered or even worse, depressed (Go to Personal Energy Cleansing technique to see how to get out of depression in 5 seconds!).

Make it a priority to be around as many people as you can because they will not only inspire you, they will give you insights so you do not get off your own beaten track. For example, if you stay too much in your head or in front of the computer during this time, you may miss out on opportunities to share your well-earned wisdom with others who need your help the most.

This is especially true for people in the Life Cycle of 28 to 35 years of age. This is the cycle of spiritual abundance when you have accumulated tremendous insights into life, either having raised a family or been in business. Do not hold back. Recognize the people who came to learn from you – your spiritual protégés – and help them to help themselves be in the right place at the right time with the right understanding or knowledge to make it work for them.

Summer is also a time of regrouping, so make sure you have not left any stone unturned. Feeling type people are great with details and, even if this is not your first gift, you may become immersed in them one way or another. By concentrating on the important details, but not getting involved in trivia, you will be way ahead of the game to make sure you have pinned down everything to complete your yearly projects with ease.

Remember, every year is simply a phase we go through in our life experience. If we know more about the energy of our environment, we can flow with it and not get discouraged. Inspire yourself. Do not wait for others to do it for you. By knowing WHY you are doing what you are doing, you can be bubbly and it will all make sense to you in the end. You will be completely ready to face the new spiritual year beginning on September 1, 2013.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for May 27-June 2, 2013

A heartfelt REUNION within yourself and with the people you came to share with is just around the corner – waiting for you to take the right turn in your own life. Deep inside is the true direction for you. Take charge and make an incredible difference for yourself and others by moving forward. 
Monday, May 27, 2012: Regroup

Regroup yourself so you can put all of your ducks in a row. Review everything you have been through and start accounting for what you are about to tackle. The time you take will pay for itself many times over when you get straight to the point. This way, you will always get the exact results you are looking for.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013:
Today, the lesson is to stay detached from the end result after you pour your heart and soul into doing something. Respect, enjoy and appreciate the process it takes you to work toward your goals. In case they turn out differently and not quite what you expected, do not flip out and start regretting you ever dealt with it. Instead, keep the warmth in your heart and realize how much you gained and learned along the way.  

Wednesday, May 29, 2013: Ready
You will see that being ready is not as hard as you might think if you go after what your heart desires and make a clear plan on how to proceed forward. Then, all that is left is to go about it in an organized way. Leave no room for doubts, wondering or questioning. If you know this is what you want, you will come up with the best way to pursue it to the best of your ability. The rest will be history, as they say. Dive in and stay on task!

Thursday, May 30, 2013:
Wonders make life wonderful and they are nothing more than an unusual positive example of how far our passion and talents can take us. Decide to put forth your strongest effort yet and do your absolute best to show the world you are a pure joy that helps further humanity one more step ahead. Don’t forget to tell us about your unique wonder!

Friday, May 31, 2013: Revel

Increase your power to affect your environment for the better and make the world merry by having an outstanding time when you simply revel in the delight of being able to choose your own experiences and make them happen for yourself – and others!

Saturday, June 1, 2013: Action

To make your best move on the outside, you need to switch to an action mode on the inside and just figure out how to implement all of your bold ideas. With a solid and dynamic attitude, you will find the best solutions to manifest your plans and keep your veins bubbling with excitement so you can have the most fun doing it!

Sunday, June 2, 2013: Explore

What are you going to explore today? How about diving into unchartered territory and go for the least known area for you? It will be easy when you appreciate with enthusiasm finding new facts and notions you have not been privy to before. Stay curious and your world will open up to new possibilities by the minute.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

When you regroup yourself regularly, your soul is ready to go for the most wonderful experiences and simply revel in a dynamic action and explore freely.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Explore the opportunities to stir up the action and revel in the wonderful results you get when you are ready to open up your soul and regroup yourself from the heart.

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Energy of the Week for May 27-June 2, 2013: Reunion

This is your time for an energy reunion. If you have ever felt as if you have missed any opportunities along the way, this is a good time to see them come around again. If you have wondered why you have allowed yourself to get scattered or disorganized, you may have another chance to fix it. But you cannot afford to miss on this twice. Get straight into an action to utilize what this week’s energy is putting right in front of you at this time.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Everyone deserves a second chance. There is a reason why there are no straight paths to mountain tops. You need to release and heal from any bitterness you may have experienced in the past from leaving behind what could have been. After all, you cannot deny you are wiser and better off as a result of everything you have learned from your experiences. The most important thing is to discern what are you going to do with all of the wisdom you have gained already. As long as you apply what you know, you can merge yourself back into the person who always does the right thing – every single time. This special reunion within will empower you to step up to what you are truly capable of and bring out the resilience to face anything you may encounter. Believe in yourself and give any uneasy moments a run for their money by not bending or surrendering to them. If you keep persisting, you can reach heights unknown to you. This is how you find a better you at the end of this and every week. Congratulations!

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
If you have ever felt as if your business environment was an impossible situation in any way, you need to focus on what is most important for you. The first key is to realize you never have to prove yourself. You can always clarify any uncertainty about how capable you are or how much you are committed to your work. Cut through the smoke screens and find who your real friends are so you can work as a team and accomplish your biggest results yet. This chance will not come again in quite the same way, so make the best of it to join forces and have a reunion with those walking in the same direction as you. To do the most justice to your service, always use the best tools and get the best help possible. And finally, give it all you’ve got to make it exceptional. After all, is this not worth your precious time on planet Earth?

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

Everyone has heard the phrase: Get a life! The fact is, we already have one. The problem is too many of us make the excuse we have not met the right people to be our loved ones, friends or business partners. By going out of your way to do what you need to do to multiply your own energy by linking it with those you belong with, you will cultivate bigger and better relationships. Celebrate this reunion with the souls with which you have this special affinity. It will change your life forever. The world is a different and better place when you have people you can count with, who remember you and are sending positive thoughts your way. Leave a special mark on the world and into the hearts of many others by spreading your influence through inspiration. By reaching out, you will be a great example of what it means to be even stronger spiritually than you were before.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for May 20-26, 2013

This is the week when, just by being yourself, you will feel as if you have won the lottery. You will find that being SUCCESSFUL comes naturally from following your intuition and being true to the sensitivity it gives you. Listen to yourself and you will find your true answers.

Monday, May 20, 2012: Resound
Your entrance into this week will resound as long as you start out on the right foot. Set your energy at the beginning of the day to make it go as powerful as you envision. Follow your own plan to pursue your goals so you can achieve as many results as you can. Use this inspired energy to continue to stay unwavering when you are faced with distractions. Keep it moving!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013:
What do you see as factors slowing you down and what can help you speed up? Without this inner determination, you could spin your wheels wondering why things are not working for you. It is time to face reality and clarify what you can do to be more efficient and invest your resources even better.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013: Color
Just like with mixing different shades you can get a new color, it is true it takes trying out a variety of options to come up with the best solutions. But do not get yourself lost in getting everything perfect. If you are open, flexible and light-hearted, you will intuitively get to the best approach to landing on what you need. Just let yourself be.

Thursday, May 23, 2013:
Taking the time to create a simple system to make everything work for you in the long run will be especially worth it today. It will pay off if you apply all of your inner gifts. It will take some organizing, but it will work if you put it together based on repeated past experiences and the typical results you have achieved from before.

Friday, May 24, 2013: Organize

You started it yesterday and today you can continue to organize your whole agenda around how to simplify and make everything work for you. It will take changing things around for the better. Once you get more streamlined and straightforward, you will even have time left over to enjoy a bigger brain-break and relax under the sun for a well-earned breather.

Saturday, May 25, 2013: Implement

Ideas, plans, visions and goals – line them up, make a list and go about them in the order that seems to make the most sense to you. As long as you decide to implement what you desire, you will reap success and be steady at unfolding it step-by-step.

Sunday, May 26, 2013: Straight

With all of the positive developments from this entire week, you will have all the more reason to look straight ahead with confidence at your future and feel ready to undertake another week and continue stepping up your game.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Your experiences will resound and help you see all of the possibilities in bright color so you can plug them into a helpful system and organize each day to implement all of your tried-and-true strategies in a straight and narrow way.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Look your life straight in the eye when you implement everything you have already taken the time to organize in a system by importance in color so it is easy to see how your plans can become a reality with an approach that will resound.

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Energy of the Week for May 20-26, 2013: Successful

This whole week is going to be an auspicious occasion for you to recognize how fortunate and prosperous you are inside and out. It is important to realize you are truly successful when you are yourself with everything you do in every moment of your life.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

What model do you use to evaluate yourself as being successful? Are you measuring it by position, status, winnings, earnings, wealth? How about considering it by your happiness, freedom and opportunities to be creative and make a difference? Usually when you achieve what you wish for, you get a feeling of success and accomplishment. But this is by definition a moving target because as soon as you manage to get what you desire, you expand to yet another goal. So, if you have done well on a previous run, but come up somewhat short on a present task, are you going to let yourself feel disappointed? The key is to understand that, like any journey, yours may veer off course with a variety of experiences and challenge you so you can learn even more. Never look at a situation on its own and gauge it as being either good or not-so-good in the moment. Learning from the past and planning for the future will help you get the most from your entire life-long journey. From this perspective, what could ever be a good excuse to get discouraged? Just retain your inner integrity by utilizing your energy toward what you believe in – your own self – and carry on to where you know you deserve to be. This is how to feel boundless. Expand on your own direction by shaping your own destiny as you wish.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
When are you truly successful in your own business? Is it when you earn money, meet and beat your projections and help grow your company or organization? Or is it when you touch and change people’s lives by making a huge difference with the service you are offering? If you look at what you do as a contribution based on your talents and skill to make something good happen for the benefit of the common unity, you will be fulfilled and rewarded with pure joy. You will also connect with others by enriching their lives. Remember, you can be in only one room, drive only one car, watch one TV channel, wear one pair of shoes or clothes at one time, but you can reach and touch many people by being a positive example. Put your efforts into something that matters to the masses and it will transcend time and last forever. While the choice is yours, you will gain much more if you bypass the limited way of doing things and go for the immeasurable.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

There is nothing better than having great synergy in all of your relationships across the board where you meet others half-way and stay in balance with each other. In fact, all of your troubles start when this tips one way or the another leaving one side feeling things are off. What can you do to be more successful with others socially? Send your warmest positive energy their way and stay detached to let them be as they wish. You do not want anyone to be around you as a result of being pushed into it. Love them enough to let them go, because if you set them free, they always come back to you from their own initiative if it is in their best interest to do so. Then, you will know they click with something in you. The more transparent and sincere you are, you will have a better chance of having the other person get to know and trust you more. Not everything can go smoothly between two different people, but with enough shared respect, you can patiently learn from all of your differences by taking advantage of every one of your unforgettable and meaningful experiences.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for May 13-19, 2013

AMPLIFY your inner power to impact and deliver more energy to yourself and others and spread it beyond your ordinary 3-dimensional presence. Do everything bigger and better and with all of your heart invested in it. For a few days, put out your strongest feeling – to love – in front of every action and deed you do.  

Monday, May 13, 2012: Communicate
Is there something you had been avoiding to share about yourself? This may be your best opportunity to communicate if you are just willing to open the door for yourself. Do it and you will bring the world a step closer to you.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013:
The opportunity to put everything in place for yourself is all yours. If you are set about what you want from your life, today it will be really easy to believe you will have it. This is because energy moves by desire. If you take yours wherever you wish, your inner desire can persevere through any circumstances it may face.      

Wednesday, May 15, 2013: Finish
Today will remind you to finish the projects you have started, but have not completed. Be expeditious and do not drag out anything. Cut to the chase and get to the bottom line fast. Thanks to your multiple interests, chances are you have piled quite a bit on your plate. Do your spring cleaning now before it is too late.

Thursday, May 16, 2013:
Little did you know, life is deciding to surprise you with a test as long as you are ready. Be careful to recognize the benefit if you take a certain route. It could be a real eye-opener and if you do not use it, you will lose it. Sometimes, an important hunch can be rather subtle. Make sure you are tuned in and listening. Be forewarned. Identify even the slightest of impressions you may get and explore them to the fullest.

Friday, May 17, 2013: At Last

Pending matters can resolve themselves lightning fast in your favor when you help your lucky stars help you today. Are your actions driven by being loyal to yourself first? This is not the time to forget about doing what is right for you. Only then can you be the most help to others as your example will speak loud and clear. If you finally understand this, for what it is worth, at last you will be able to balance your life as it needs to be – with you in the middle.

Saturday, May 18, 2013: Rest

A day is but a small part of your life, yet it can make a huge difference if it flows just as it needs to. If you get overwhelmed, everything can get all muffled together and nothing will come from the efforts you employ. Regroup yourself before you begin your day and pick and choose what is important to focus on. To keep it simple, organize yourself in compact units and leave the rest behind until the task at hand is handled and you can move on to the next. This way, you can ensure you will give the most with undivided attention and get the best results.

Sunday, May 19, 2013: Balloon

This is a day that promises to have you feel as light and carefree as a balloon floating in the air. But not until you separate what really matters to you from what is unnecessary and just adds pressure you do not need. Clarify this for yourself and stay detached from anything that does not belong to you. Without burdens, you can be yourself and enjoy your own positive energy as a celebration of who you are inside and out.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Communicate freely when you are set in your own skin and finish, ready to be loyal to yourself, so at last you can get in the best state you can be and rest like a light balloon that can float wherever it would like to be.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Take a balloon and rest your mind, releasing it to float away so at last you can feel ready to relax deeply and finish in order to set your mind to communicate openly and freely.

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