Weekly Energy of the Day for April 8-14, 2013

Having SUBLIME energy all around you this week has to start with you being an inspiring example. Be your absolute best so you can help everyone in your environment do the same for themselves. Be active and true to your own path by communicating openly and freely. This valuable time in your life will only work for you if you are serious about making the right choices being laid in front of you. This exceptional week could bring you great revelations if you choose to use the energy wisely.  

Monday, April 8, 2012: Relax
Make your important decisions only after you relax so you can get yourself into a nice balanced state. Do not take anything lightly or rush yourself when it seems the whole world is taking you in a direction you do not wish to go. You are only responsible for yourself. You can make suggestions to others, but ultimately you need to be detached from the outcome since it is important for everyone to stay loyal to themselves first. The most you can really do for them is to show them how you are doing this for yourself.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013:
Sometimes when looking for a solution, you may discover it is hiding in plain sight. There is no need to hustle today, but rather take it easy and do what you need to tackle in a smart way. Keep going as long as it feels good, but also know where to draw the line and say no when your environment starts to overwhelm you. A solution is only good for you if you thoroughly enjoy employing all of your energy to make it happen.     

Wednesday, April 10, 2013: Dynamic
Be ready for a dynamic day as you wrap up a lot of projects you have been working on successfully to avoid the pressure from deadlines and demands headed your way. Be reasonable in setting your own goals and free yourself up from anything that can wait for another day. This time is meant only for really important endeavors. Share with us how it is working for you.

Thursday, April 11, 2013:
If you have been loading your train with a lot of weight and tasks over recent weeks, today may be the right day to send it off from the station and get it moving. You may want to be cautious if you have underestimated the strength it will take to accelerate it. But if you put your energy into giving it a big initial push, you will be surprised at just how far it can go. Soon, you will see how easy it is to actually arrive in the right place.

Friday, April 12, 2013: Gift

Today will help you realize you have been carrying a gift within you may not been aware of before. Life uses broken instruments and strange situations sometimes to give you just the right incentive you need to change and open a new page for yourself to create a whole new beginning for the rest of your life. Be generous and tell us what this is for you.

Saturday, April 13, 2013: Introduce

If you have been flowing with the energy from yesterday, you will be ready to show your new self and introduce it to the world in all of your bright new colors. If you have not given up, it is never too late to make up for lost time as long as you are aware of what was missing and prevented you from making this transition already. With more excitement and the right dose of happiness, you can make up for it rather easily and align yourself with the flow that helps you finish and feel victorious.

Sunday, April 14, 2013: Examine

Examine all of the possibilities you are facing by your own preference in descending order and determine what is the most exciting for you to be involved with. Be true to yourself when making the right choices by being serious and not forgetting what you really need to do for yourself. This way, you will get the best results from the day.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Relax so you can strengthen your energy and reach the best solution for a dynamic approach to the whole train of opportunities life is presenting to you as a gift to introduce yourself to the world and be able to examine how good you really are.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Examine your choices so you can introduce your passion as a gift that creates a whole train of dynamic and successful ways for you to always find a great solution and relax with confidence in front of every situation life brings you.

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Energy of the Week for April 8-14, 2013: Sublime

This week, it is important for you to feel uplifted to your highest and most delicate energy so everything you touch is elevated to a whole new level. To do this, you will need to look at every situation from the perspective of the bigger picture and recognize the positive power that makes the whole world go around. If you come across someone around you who has room to grow, encourage them with subtle discretion so you can help and support them in the most sublime way.
How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

If you take your best experience and multiply it by the times you have had your highest inspiration, you will get a strong subtle feeling of what being sublime is all about. It is time to be clear on what your purpose is at this point in your life. If there is anything you are doing that takes your inner peace away, look at it very closely and resolve it for good. Otherwise, it could turn into a black hole that only sucks your energy away from where it belongs – in you. After you feel charged, be benevolent to yourself and imagine how your life could be if your most impossible dreams become possible. The belief you will get there should be undeniable. Make yourself a promise and focus on living with the attitude that you can attain whatever you want for yourself – every single day. The lightness you feel in your energy will fill you up as you realize every step in the right direction takes you much further ahead. Enjoy every moment as this is what keeps you moving and growing spiritually.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
This week, expand your service with more options and opportunities you can pass on to your customers and associates. If they feel exalted by being treated with dignity, they will always be won over by you helping them surpass any expectations of what you are offering them. In fact, find out exactly what they want by getting their suggestions and allowing them to have their voice heard. Remember, their appreciation will always pay back many times over if you are consistent in your actions. This will help your workplace carry a sublime energy and everyone will have a more generous disposition within themselves and with others.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

Since all relationships are built on solid communication, the key is how to make the sharing between you and others even more open and sublime. You can truly connect in your hearts and spirit. Being there to support other people to be who they really are will make them feel at home whenever they are around you. At the same time, if you want them to understand and give you backing, let them partake in your drive and aspirations. Make sure you evolve from small talk to more inspiring conversations this week. Allow yourself to unveil your true nature and purpose so you can transcend your connections to a more meaningful level. As a result, you will get to know each other a whole lot better in a very short amount of time.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for April 1-7, 2013

This week, move toward making your own life even more INCREDIBLE. Help yourself feel even better by being in the right place at the right time and not settling for anything else.

Monday, April 1, 2012: Patience

Patience always comes easy with solid inner peace and self-confidence. Where do you find this? Dig deep into your own soul for balance and perseverance. Challenges are there to make you even smarter and more resourceful than you already are. Respect them. Be open and ready to meet them. He who does not give up is the last one standing and succeeds.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013:
Energy changes every moment. If something has not happened in the way you originally expected it to happen the first time, the next time it can work differently and even be better. What can you do to help this? Be forgiving to yourself and everyone else. This does not mean you forget the lesson you have learned. Rather, unburden yourself from the heavy weight you have from holding on to negativity. It does nothing good for you and only brings you down. Lighten up and raise your energy to feeling great toward yourself and everyone else.    

Wednesday, April 3, 2013: Celebrate
When you get hit by a great idea today, you need to celebrate it. This shows you can fit with reality and are ready to make it happen. Solidify yourself and see how it can work so you can lay a path to it with ease. Create moments of joy to hold you up through any tough times.

Thursday, April 4, 2013:
You cannot fake what makes your heart jump with passion. When you are doing what you have come here to do, you feel incredible. Your deep inner fascination defines your life. This is why it is unnatural to deviate from it. You can always sense you are getting off the path when you lose momentum and your energy begins to drop. This is what fuels your life and, without it, you are running on a flat tire. Pick yourself up so you can be inspired and feel as if you are flying on air.

Friday, April 5, 2013: Retrieve

It will be against your own energy today if you feel you are missing enough self-esteem. Since you are a soul with a physical body – not a physical body with a soul – living life on planet Earth, you deserve every ounce of inspiration coming your way from your own inner guidance so you can turn all of your dreams into a reality. Just be reliable to yourself first so you can retrieve everything you need to do your work.

Saturday, April 6, 2013: Junction

You may face many crossroads of opportunities today as you move ahead with what is in front of you. You need to pick the right direction for you so it will take you where you want to be for yourself. If you think you can just choose the easy way out by simply continuing forward, life will inevitably steer you toward a T-junction. Virtually, by turning right, you are following your inner drive in a physical way to get to your destination  – a new place in life. Turning a virtual left will put you in the spiritual realm of things in order to clarify and solidify your personal energy and be able to move on spiritually.

Sunday, April 7, 2013: Awareness

Noticing how this week has turned out for you will really reveal what works for you and how you can make everything even better for yourself. This awareness will help you make things more practical in your everyday life and being yourself will be like a piece of cake. Once you realize something for yourself, you can never go back, but just move one-way – forward!

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

With enough patience and a forgiving attitude, you can celebrate your passion and retrieve your true self at the junction of your inner awareness and real consciousness.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

No amount of awareness can prepare you for each junction you will encounter, however you can retrieve your passion to celebrate every opportunity with a forgiving patience.

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Energy of the Week for April 1-7, 2013: Incredible

You and only you are in control of having an incredible week. The only reason you may not experience this is if you are not satisfied with where you are or what you are doing. Your sensitivity will always tell you if you are not in the right place at the right time or if something is off. This discovery alone is incredible as it gives you a heads up on what you can change. Do whatever you need to do differently to take you out of the wrong mode. You deserve to be inspired and uplifted by what is going on in every area of your personal, business and social life.
How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
If you do not feel absolutely wonderful about yourself, you have probably become jaded from going through the same boring routines, day in and day out. You need to ask the question: what really keeps me stuck? You will come to the realization, no matter how many excuses you give yourself, it is because you are not being loyal to yourself completely. Be creative and come up with a new solution by following your own gut. This will bring you fulfillment every single time. Live like the incredible you and every moment will be magical and thrilling. If you have become tired of life, stop living outside of yourself or trying to be like someone else. Fix it by getting back to who you really are and what is right for you first so you can breathe from your inner core. Then and only then can you have the most incredible time as yourself.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Out of necessity, you may settle for doing work you do not truly desire. Usually this brings a lot of dissatisfaction, because of how far out it may be from what you would rather be doing. This is certain to lower your energy and even affect your personal environment. This can make any work day feel longer and dragged out as if it will never end. Instead, why not adopt the logic that if you manage to feel good about where you are, then the door will open for a shift to occur and get you where you want to be. This is because being able to do what you are already really good at could mean you are ready to outgrow it. Once you realize this, it will make it easier to move on to another opportunity you really want. Simply incredible!

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

It is time to move yourself toward better relationships and shift from where you are to where you need to be. If you feel you have not been respected or paid attention to, then it is time to do something about it. Since no one else can be in your shoes, they can only know you from your behavior and the interaction they have with you. Nobody else can speak for you, so it is your job to let them know who you really are. If it seems as if they do not know you very well, you can fix this. You are also the only one who knows yourself the best, so you are the best person for the job. This week, introduce the true you to the world. Remind everyone of your passions and what you find important. Being happy and appreciated has never become easier, once you let others know how incredible you really are.

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The Energy of the Month for April is MOVE

I like to move it, move it! The energy this whole month is inviting you to be a mover and a shaker. It is about using everything you have inside to accomplish your own goals. If you have any proficiency or skills you have not applied for awhile, let alone hidden talents, this is the time to employ them and bring what you are doing to a new height. If you think you are already doing this, then find a way to heighten your abilities by turning them into true expertise. Even by doing a little bit at a time, you can spring yourself up to another level as long as you do not miss out on this favorable timing. Doing nothing will send you backwards and keep you from doing what you came here to do.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Do your due diligence by looking deep within through silent introspection to get a perspective of what you are really capable of. Remember some of the most powerful examples from your own past when you have outperformed what was expected of you. This will help you know how qualified you already are. Now tackle the next part, which is anything you may have felt you could be good at, but have never really paid much attention to. These subtle areas need to be given a proper focus. Wherever your super-handiness comes from, you will need to move forward with it like it is going out of style. Do not be surprised if you surprise yourself. You can turn the smallest knack into something you become totally adroit at as long as you place it in the spotlight where it can magnify and show its presence. You can indeed craft your destiny with your own two hands.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
This is the right time to find ways to bust through or around any standstill in your business. To make the right move toward any possibilities that may appear in front of you, you will need to – once again – believe in yourself and go for the gusto. This is because the spiritual support you get will follow the decisions you make. In other words, you will not get backing for flying if all you intend to do is walk. At the same time, you do not have to risk it all in order to put everything you have toward this passion. But you can leave yourself a thinner security net in order to maximize on the available resources you have in pursuit of making your service be the most it can be in the shortest amount of time. No matter what, everything you do with sensitivity and a pure heart will always pay back with more abundance and inspiration.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
How do you spend most of your time together with your loved ones? Do you have quiet time in front of the TV in the evening or have lively exchanges at the dinner table? Do not let a passive mode be the only experience you share this month. You can learn the most through interaction with others when you are involved in something active together. Whether you go for a pleasant hike, visit a new place or play a game, the idea is to be on the move so you can see how your energies synchronize in action. If you just go for it, you can have all the fun you want in a little bit of a different way by learning so much more about yourselves. Share with us your best stories so you can increase your energy and expand your reach by being a great example for others.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for March 25-31, 2013

Start making a positive PROJECTION in every area of your personal, business and social life. Be true to yourself so you can use your energy to make happen what you truly desire. Create a methodical plan to go as far as you can, then make another projection for yourself so you can do the same thing all over again.

Monday, March 25, 2012: Compassion

Bring out your compassion and keep things fair by considering both sides of every interaction you will be involved in today. You will reap the best results for yourself if you keep both an inner and outer balance with your environment.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013:
You may need to use your iron fist in a velvet glove today as you may have to enforce your boundaries in a delicate way. Being strict does not mean to be overly aggressive. You will achieve more if you remain tactful and just communicate the facts in a sincere way.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013: Announce
It will not be a good idea to hold back from sharing today. What you may have refrained from telling others in the past will come up to haunt you so you can have another chance to announce it to the world. Bare your soul today and stand up for yourself by boldly expressing what you are really experiencing inside. Your truth is worth telling.

Thursday, March 28, 2013:
Today is the kind of day when the meaning of never say never comes to life. If you decided to cancel someone out of your life and not communicate with them anymore, it may be wise to revisit your decision. If this person is a long way from understanding you, it may be because they have layers of different concepts and experiences that leave them with a perspective that is too far away from your own point-of-view. However, you may be surprised at just how much you can penetrate through all of these differences and confusion when you attempt to clarify exactly what is standing between you and them. You never know. You could actually end up on the same page before the day is over. It is well worth giving it a try.

Friday, March 29, 2013: Resolve

You can reach a long overdue solution and bring pending matters to a conclusion with great resolve as long as you use the power of your positive intent and make yourself heard across the board. Wake up and decide this is your day to make things happen, even the ones you have resisted from doing previously. Going for the gusto can truly multiply your energy and increase your chances of finishing the day just the way you want it.

Saturday, March 30, 2013: Sincere

Any sincere effort you make today to seize the moment will pay off a few times over if you apply your greatest virtue at the same time. Show people around you what you are about, but do it passionately with the purpose of really getting through to them. Even if the result is not exactly how you meant it, you will make a difference that will allow you to continue moving forward from here on out.

Sunday, March 31, 2013: Regroup

This is your opportunity to regroup this whole week following all of the events you now have behind you so you can refresh your approach. This will also give you a chance to rearrange your coming schedule and keep your agenda for the next week relevant. Put concrete plans in place moving forward and you will become an undeniable dynamo – achieving goal after goal.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Live with compassion, yet remain strict in following your own principles and announce your aspirations loud and clear so they can penetrate through your environment and help you resolve anything outstanding in a sincere way as you regroup together with others.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Regroup yourself in a sincere way so you can resolve the hardships and penetrate through any brick wall when you announce your strict plan of solutions with love and compassion.

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Energy of the Week for March 25-31, 2013: Projection

This is a week to be very practical. It is finally time to take out all your deep inner desires from a dream state and ground yourself with a solid plan to make them into a reality. Read below how you can make the projection of your inner direction represent the way you want to live.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Instead of just wishing for things to be good or nice, it is better to focus on a specific goal with your entire beingness. If you have felt disappointed that your life has not been on track, it is not too late to change your approach and stop missing out on what you were meant to have. Apply the wisdom that a journey of a 1000 miles starts with a single step. Realize that no matter how far your heart takes you, it is still worth it. Everything you do will be a stepping stone to getting you closer to your bigger aim. Now that you are already inspired by what you are pursuing, create a projection of how you are going to do it. Adhere to the powerful principles within you that matter and serve as a solid foundation to resolve any difficulty along the way. This will ensure every moment will be charged with a meaningful experience and you can be proud of what you have accomplished. Enjoy it with high energy and true commitment.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
This week, find a way to make a truly optimistic projection which will surpass far beyond any conservative business goals you are setting for yourself. If you are a person who is visually inclined (clairvoyant), you can pursue anything and make it a reality if you can see it in your mind first. If you are always looking at a downside scenario, you will shrink the potential energy to the point of accounting for everything that may not go as planned. Instead, shoot for the stars so you can get boosted with inspiration. Imagine only the best upside you could possibly have. By constantly giving it your all, you will increase the quality of your work to the maximum. At the end of the day, all that matters is that you are truly fulfilled and driven to aim even further so you can go to the next level.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

The main reason people do not have satisfactory relationships is because, most of the time, they do not back the other person by doing whatever it takes. Love is love, but the extra work it takes to make things work is still necessary. Everything needs to be coordinated for the communication to be smooth. The best solution is for everyone to be taken into consideration. A projection to succeed means committing to a plan. The key is to find an agreeable scenario to follow and think of rewarding ways to inspire yourself and others. Make it effortless by taking quick time-outs if something does not go as expected. Deliberate until you have a meeting of minds so you can redirect the energy as to how to proceed.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for March 18-24, 2013

With your active participation, you can LAUNCH a whole new facet of your life within the next seven days. Harbor the excitement you always feel at the beginning of any process and encourage yourself to make big steps on your desired journey. As long as you are loyal to yourself first and do everything with a pure intent toward the others in your environment, you will always reap great results that will be in the overall best interest for everyone.

Monday, March 18, 2012: Super

Today is calling on you to be a super you – stronger, better and with enhanced skills. If you align yourself positively and are in tune with the energy, this will be easier for you than doing anything else. You will not even notice how, all of a sudden, you are able to do a whole a lot more than you previously believed. If you pay closer attention, you will be able to detect exactly how this worked so you can continue to apply it for yourself long after the day ends.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013:
There are sometimes good and not-so-good experiences in your travels around in the world. The key is to be able to connect to people and live out your best aspirations and quests under any circumstances. The not-so-good will not be as bad if you treat it with a lighter heart and from the positive energy of a bigger picture perspective. Since what happens in every moment is a lesson to learn more about ourselves, the sooner you  clarify the circumstances you are in, they will change for the better. Always extract greater experiences from your everyday life and you will enjoy them by the dozens.   

Wednesday, March 20, 2013: Thoughtfulness
When you are more attentive to someone, they will usually respond from their heart and soul. This thoughtfulness allows you to be more tuned in to the way they really are and you may pick up more inspiration to help you become more aware of what is going on with them. If you miss on something major happening with them, ask yourself if this is because you forgot to stay connected with them. Remind yourself often who is important to you so you can send them a wave of your genuine concern and keep them closer in your energy.

Thursday, March 21, 2013:
Every time your readiness to follow your dreams is tested, it is a true testament to whether you are indeed following them or not. If you are not, it will not be easy for you to spring into action to do whatever it takes to make them happen. You are more prone to give yourself excuses, such as you are not prepared enough or do not believe it can work. If you are doing what you absolutely love, you will not hesitate to go for it whenever the chance comes around, ready or not. In short, experience is the best practice that makes everything work. Choosing to go for it or not shows how much you want it and how far you are willing to take it. You can be the most flexible and stretch further if you are in pursuit of what your heart desires, because you have incentive to find and use every single resource dedicated to your own cause.

Friday, March 22, 2013: Stream

There is a current of energy that will flow around you today to help you materialize all of the goals on your agenda. If you are clear about what you need to stay focused on, this stream of backing can excel you to another height in no time. If you lose sight of where you are headed, you will feel scattered and miss getting done a whole lot more than you normally would. Check your priorities at the beginning of the day and keep yourself on the straight and narrow if you want to take advantage of the extra support in the air around you.

Saturday, March 23, 2013: Embark

You can enter a brand new chapter in your life today, when you embark on the project you have been waiting to get involved in lately and dreaming about for awhile. The impression you will be getting about it will be stronger than usual and the energy will simply not leave you alone until you do something about it. If you are really disconnected, though, you may fall into some negativity and go on a trip you do not want to be on. Stay on guard to avoid distractions and treat yourself well so you can respond to your inner urges to put your foot down and follow your own heart. Once it is all said and done, be outgoing and share your powerful story.

Sunday, March 24, 2013: Love

Your heart will soften once again and get recharged with love and kindness when you get touched by an example of how much people care about you. There are many on this planet who are truly diligent in wanting the best for you as a human being and a spirit who has come to live a meaningful purpose. It is important to help each other out. But do not forget to help yourself first in order to be the most helpful to anyone else. Take the hand handed to you and give a hand back to someone in need in return. This will connect you with the global embrace of everyone who has a true concern for the entire universe and everything in it.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Be a super you when you extract the good from every situation with thoughtfulness and  readiness to stream your heart in a positive direction and embark on your journey of love and affection to the whole world.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Love yourself and embark on the rest of your life with a stream of readiness and thoughtfulness to extract your super powers from your heart and show them in everything you do.

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Energy of the Week for March 18-24, 2013: Launch

You get bombarded every day with multiples of inspirations and ideas. They help you clarify your direction and the way you accomplish what you desire. The key is to put them in action. If you ignore them, deny them or over-think them to the point you never put them to use, they will never work for you. In short, launch the steps to start doing them and propel yourself toward accomplishing your goals.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

If you truly want to do something, the chances are you will also be getting all kinds of ideas on how you can go about it. It is important for you to not get slowed down or procrastinate about initiating them. If you begin the process of exploring the options you have, you will immediately launch the energy by opening up doors to all kinds of opportunities. The most common reasons for not going for it are (1) the concept your idea is too good for the unworthy you, (2) it seems too difficult or (3) you have never done it before. Letting these thoughts turn into a road block is a sure dead end. Denying what you are naturally drawn to is a recipe for feeling down and unlucky as if you do not deserve what your heart is set on accomplishing. By really taking a closer look, you will realize it is you doing it to yourself – again and again. You need to start taking yourself more seriously and honor all of your inspirations. Others cannot decide for you which one is better. It is time to stand up for yourself, believe and trust in your own intuition. This is the only way you can do what is right for yourself by being considerate of your own inner drive and sensitivity.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
This is a wonderful week to understand how the service you are offering comes from the way you are projecting your energy at any given time. This is because you can never give more than what you already have. For example, if you are attempting to create a peaceful atmosphere for your clients while you are anxious and unsettled, it is not going to work. If you want to empower your customers, but feel down and weak yourself, you will not be able to portray strength in your interactions. Launch a do it for me to make it happen for others campaign in your business setting. Check to make sure you have everything you desire within yourself so you can pass it on to others. Think about how you can make it more convenient to get your service so they feel enriched. If you would love to be a recipient of what you are offering, so will they. Do not forget – whatever it is you are doing has the potential to brighten the lives of those you reach and touch. Make sure you use this opportunity to the fullest.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

This is a really great time to launch a new level in your most relevant relationships. No matter how long you have been in them or how deep rooted they are, there is always a next step to help you connect and bond even more with the people who matter to you the most. Identify what both you and them would like to enhance. Get creative and share what you believe can get you there so you can map out an action plan to implement it together over the coming days. Employ the extra time and effort for it to happen and watch the difference this makes. Share with us how your most enriching experiences can be a great example for everyone else.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for March 11-17, 2013

Bring out your inner PASSION and give it the proper treatment this week so you can claim your own right to live inspired and be free to express it.

Monday, March 11, 2012: Retrieve
Start this week with a bang by gaining momentum on what is important to you in your life. This will help your environment know you better and understand who you really are. Retrieve from within those decisive characteristics that help keep you together and show the world how powerful you are when you are aligned with your own values.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013:
Every day is the beginning of the rest of your life and the journey you embark on daily is up to you and can take you wherever you decide to go. Recognize your own style and signature of the way you are based on your biggest passion and what you can contribute to the whole world.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013: Straight Ahead
The idea so far this week has been to bring out your passion, reconnect with it and map out the route you want to go so you can plough straight ahead to your destination. When you are charged up with more of your own energy, you will have enough ammunition to keep going in an inspired way. As long as you are doing it from the heart, you will surely make headway after headway and be unstoppable.

Thursday, March 14, 2013:
By now, you are likely settled into your own inspired approach this week and are determined to see it through. What can make you even more resilient is the fact you can multiply your tenacity by focusing only on your main aim. This will keep your energy resolute and unwavering to avoid distractions.

Friday, March 15, 2013: Decide

The right to decide what you want and how you would like to have it for yourself is like an elevator that lifts you up to any desired floor you choose. Just because you do not see the upper floors from the lobby, this does not mean they do not exist. The elevator may be there, but unless you press the button, it will not serve you. Not seeing the open door does not mean it will not be there to open up for you if only you decide to go through it. Making up your mind and taking the action of pressing the button will shift and switch your situation to move you into the right place where the opportunities you are seeking will present themselves. Go for it!

Saturday, March 16, 2013: Anxious

Every move you take in a positive direction for yourself could stir up anxious energy from the people around you who are not ready for you to change or to change with you. Perhaps they do not wish to lose you as you are growing spiritually. You need to understand this is your time when you feel ready to move forward. Do not allow your environment to hold you back from doing what is right for you. The key is to see how strong and solid you are becoming so you can get them inspired to support you and become your true proponents. Play your own game and allow others to play with you!

Sunday, March 17, 2013: A Situation Will Come Up That Will Make You Very, Very Happy

The energy today is making an appealing statement for you to be showered with great experiences. As usual, this can only take place if you put your best foot forward and do what you know is right for you so it can be fruitful. We cannot wait to hear what life brings your way so you can share with us when a situation will come up that will make you very, very happy.  Seize the moment and make it last even longer by telling everything you can about it.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Retrieve your inner power so you can embark on your journey straight ahead in a determined way and decide to overcome any anxious energy to open a door by realizing a situation will come up that will make you very, very happy.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Believe a situation will come up that will make you very, very happy and put away the anxious influence from your environment when you decide to stay determined and go straight ahead to embark on your journey to retrieve your true self.

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