Energy of the Week for March 11-17, 2013: Passion

This is going to be a powerful week for your inner passion to bring out its most compelling presence for the whole world to witness with strength, boldness and love.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Passion is something you cannot confuse with anything else, no matter how cloudy or unclear a moment you may be in. It is your own personal truth within that has been driving you throughout lifetimes to seek, refine and clarify how important it is. It is so strong, your passion is the only thing that can make you well up inside and bring you to tears simply because of how much it matters and how deeply it touches you. It is worth fighting for, pursuing tirelessly and not giving up on no matter what. This is the only thing that can still uplift and carry you through when you have lost it all, because it inspires and empowers like nothing else. If you are not following it, you are missing on more than you can afford. It is your personal mission to share it with as many people as you can reach. If you do not live and breathe your passion, you are spiritually dead. On the wings of your passion, you can expand to greater heights by becoming the best example you can possibly be.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
You can never do full justice to who you are if you are doing something you do not like or love completely. The ultimate scenario you can put yourself in, so you can be of the best service to others and absolutely soar, is to live your passion and organize yourself to turn it into a business. This way, you will be able to share how you feel with excitement and reach out to the most people. Touch them with your amazing drive and decisiveness so you can make the most difference in their lives. If you think it is going to be too difficult, you are shooting yourself in the foot by being discouraged with what could be the best endeavor of your life. You need to want it so strongly, you will not give up. Start by applying your passion to charge your energy and bring about the changes you need in order to transition to what you truly desire inside. Take on this journey with a special affection and dedicate yourself to yourself with every step you take. Go straight toward accomplishing your inner and outer goals and fulfill them with a passion.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
You are the one who chooses the people around you to your own liking. The best way to click with the right ones is by going with your inner passion. This will show them who you truly are and help them get a perspective of your inner self. If you want to find out who they really are, ask them about their passion. Watch their energy and their faces light up as they share on and on about what gets their juices going. This will help you understand more about what makes them tick and what they love and strive for. If you are clear and admire each other’s passion, your relationships will be steady and fulfilling. This will also allow you to live freely and spread your wings so you can fly wherever your passion takes you. Be you and live your passion!

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Weekly Energy of the Day for March 4-10, 2013

Put a smile on your face so you can enjoy the SENSATIONAL time you are going to have this whole week. Do not wait for others. Only you can make your experiences fun. Unleash your creativity, follow your gut and express wholeheartedly your inner essence through everything you touch.

Monday, March 4, 2012: Exhibit

Do not keep yourself from showing what you have going for you today. Lift up your arms and speak up. This will help you open up so you can become a channel for the inspiring ideas flowing your way. If you stay silent and keep it all within, it will not expand or serve you. All of your inspiration could remain a small hidden secret. Do not hold yourself back. Only you can exhibit to your environment and the world what you have within.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013:
The true purpose behind all of your endeavors may be tested today. If you follow what your heart desires, you will stand up to the challenge. If you veer off because you are not deeply connected with what you came here to do, you will not be believable and people will not be convinced you are acting out of true sincerity. This opportunity will help you clarify for yourself how you may be detouring from your own path so you can become more aligned with it.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013: Soar
It is time to reap the harvest from your hard work and dedication. You may be sharing your ideas or projects and your energy will simply soar with the inspiration and enthusiasm they bring you. This will help you witness how much affect what you do has on others and warm you heart even more, allowing this spark to go on.

Thursday, March 7, 2013:
This day may fire up your curiosity and desire to keep things interesting by bringing unusual and intriguing experiences your way. In order for this to take place, however, you need to be open to go out there and be involved in life, otherwise nothing will show up just knocking on your door. Be active and participate in what you fancy so the energy will respond back fulfilling you with extraordinary rewards.

Friday, March 8, 2013: Develop

Today will provide an opening for things to develop, but you need to stay actively engaged with what is taking place in order to feed off the energy. If you discern what the next steps are for you and what bottom line is necessary to get you there, you can advance as far as your passion will go.

Saturday, March 9, 2013: Rest

You can rest assured that nothing you have done so far in your life is in vain. Regroup and find out how everything you have gone through has had its place in being a stepping stone to bring you where you are now. This can help you relax and prepare yourself to go for many more meaningful experiences for days on end.

Sunday, March 10, 2013: Star

You can wrap up this week by feeling like a star. Everything you have accomplished is worthy of a celebration. As you spread your radiance and inner glow around your environment, reach out as far as your freedom of expression can take you. Do not limit yourself. Expand your horizons and broaden your desire to make what you are passionate about come true. The universe you live in is very generous in backing and supporting your positive and creative spirit.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

You can exhibit your true purpose with a passion when you soar with your spirit high and in a creative and intriguing way develop your ability so you can rest assured you become your own brightest star for yourself.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Bring out your star qualities by being peaceful so you can rest well and renew your strength to develop and reach out even further in an innovative and intriguing way to soar your energy with a real purpose and exhibit your true passion.

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Energy of the Week for March 4-10, 2013: Sensational

Get ready for an exciting week you can turn into a stage for your extraordinary talents. It is time to unleash your bold ideas and go large in expressing them. This promises to bring sensational experiences for you and your environment. If you act and speak out loud enough, you can make the whole world hear about it, too.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Somehow, phenomenal examples of people doing something incredible are many times fewer than the total population on planet Earth and still appear to be an exception to the rule. What makes most people just take the more ordinary route in life and never bring out their unique genius? Whether it is confidence, certitude or whatever else it takes, you will need to find it inside of you and bring it to the table. No one can simply hand it to you on a silver platter because it comes from within. As you make a huge difference for yourself in your own life, it also becomes a special contribution to the entire world it cannot afford to lose. If you still have doubts, take a look at yourself and discover what makes you, you. There is something about you no one else has. You have no equal when it comes to being you with your own precise experiences and wisdom. When you do what inspires you, your sensitivity becomes heightened. If you just put these two facets together, you will have a sensational formula for becoming remarkable in your own way. Give yourself permission to do it and everyone will benefit.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Do you believe normal business is not the right place for spectacular events? The energy this week will challenge you to turn this upside down. It is not about being flashy for the sake of just showing off. It is about bringing an electrifying and thrilling element into what you are offering those people who are on the receiving end of your service. If you would like them to become more aware of what you are doing and why it is helpful to them, you may have a real winner. But keep it practical. Simplify the way your service works so you can make it very easy for them to pass through your door. By adding what you know will be pleasing, watch closely how happy these little extras will make them. Earning their admiration with a sensational touch has never been easier and all you have to do is go for it in an organized way.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

You do not need to turn yourself into the center of attention. Rather, the spotlight this week will be on sensational teamwork with everyone in your environment. Conforming and finding a great way to compliment each other’s strengths is what it is all about. Coordinating your efforts will be key to making sure everyone has an opportunity to participate and be involved as a whole. From here on, allow your creativity to be in full bloom and spread its fragrance throughout all of your projects and the time you will share together. Have fun exchanging what you are learning from and about each other at the end of each day. Pass on your most interesting adventures and share with us what you have been experiencing this week.

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The Energy of the Month for March is RESPOND

Since every situation in life is an opportunity to make a step in the right direction, it matters not only what you do but how you do it. There are practically two opposite ways to handle the energy in every moment that will either increase or decrease your own. Depending on which one you perform, you could either rise above where you were previously or fall behind stomping on the same ground where you are now. What does it really mean to respond?

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
As you address the challenges you may be facing, staying positive allows you to be in balance and respond from your true feelings within. This is how you can harbor your own energy and increase it by gaining wisdom from what is taking place. They say, in Aikido, even if you are attacked violently, as long as you stay peaceful and do it out of inner love, you can leverage off the opponent’s strength, which turns it against them. Thus, the stronger they are, the more power this gives you to neutralize them. The key here is to not get caught up in their emotions by getting angry. This scatters your energy and creates negativity which causes you to get off balance and lose control as well as tighten your energy. You cannot stay connected with your true nature inside. Instead you are acting out a shallow pattern of behavior in your mind, learned in your younger years, and reacting from your intellect. What makes the difference is being in your own zone. If you allow yourself to be pushed away from it, you become a usable instrument and influenced by outside energy. You will end up needing to use much more of your own to counteract it. It is helpful to zoom back out to the big picture so you can remove yourself from any pressure that may be encroaching on you. This way, you can put everything in the right perspective. Do not let anything become a big deal and stay on top of it all.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Most of the time, you work out of a set plan in order to bring your ideas of being of service to fruition. In reality, there is always a chance for something unpredictable and unexpected to show up and try to change your game, especially in more trying economic times. The key is to stay light on your feet so you can redirect your energy and keep moving past any new circumstances. This requires you to be flexible in your thinking and look for creative solutions. Use your sensitivity and explore further options that give you a good feeling by pinning down the facts of what, when, where and why until your best direction becomes clear. Since there is always a good reason for everything and nothing is random, if you respond in this way, it could turn out better for you than if everything had just followed the original agenda.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Making things work with your family and friends could be like walking a fine line at times when various personalities have a different idea about the situation at hand. It is important not to get locked into a picture and especially not to shut down the communication. Find common points that are agreeable and start off there. If someone has already let themselves get under pressure, this could impair their rationale and bring heaviness into their presence. They need some help. Pointing this out may be out of place. Although tempting, it would not be uplifting. Instead, skip ahead to the potential of where this relationship can go so you can promote a more positive outcome. This way, you can be supportive and measure things on a broader scale. Use your ability to be patient so you can respond with your best foot forward. If you fall short, take another moment to get composed so you do not compromise in a delicate moment. Be very careful as there is much to lose and much to gain. Nothing will ever repeat itself in exactly the same way so just take your best shot.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for February 25-March 3, 2013

This week may test your WILLINGNESS to go the extra mile in every area of your life. Why and how to do it comes from within and is based on inner motivation to apply yourself. Give your best tirelessly because you know how much this counts.

Monday, February 25, 2012: Normal

It may take a giant effort to bring this day back to being normal as the beginning of your week may turn out to be even more dynamic than you expected. Some opportunities may ripen like old bananas so you need to act on them rather quickly. Set a criteria of what warrants your attention the most so you can defer the rest. This will help you avoid your heart racing as you work more methodically in compact units.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013:
This is a day to carefully refine your entire agenda by zooming in more closely on your major goals. The objective is to account for all of the factors necessary to bring them to success. Always recheck your work so you can find anything outstanding you may have forgotten in the process. Usually life will offer you an opportunity to fix it as long as you catch it in time.  

Wednesday, February 27, 2013: Bubbly
Even the most laid back person today will have plenty of time to be giddy and bubbly. Lightness in the energy will bring about all kinds of amusing situations and put everyone at ease. It will indeed be hard to be negative for too long no matter how much a person tries. This is the best time to reach out to someone where a heaviness is present in the relationship. You may be able to share some laughs together and leave on a much more positive note this time around.

Thursday, February 28, 2013:
Wow! Life will never cease to amaze you, especially today. You will be in for a real treat when you witness some astounding willingness on the part of people around you to persevere challenging circumstances. Whether it is in the news, your environment or coming from your own self, something will surprise everyone watching. You will learn there is no limit to the love and admiration that comes from boldness to insure what is actually meant to happen comes true. Let us know how you were wow!‘d today.

Friday, March 1, 2013: Adamant

By being charged with the special energy streaming through the environment this week, you can easily overcome anything contrary to your own flow. Be adamant by clarifying any feeling of tension so you do not carry unnecessary burdens. Do not assume anything is working against you or trying to stop you. Rather, communicate your needs so you can coordinate how others can comply with your standards and stay out of your way.

Saturday, March 2, 2013: Return

In order to stay inspired, you may want to return to the roots of what you are involved with to remind yourself of the reasons you did it from the very beginning. Remember, every problem has a solution and this may be it. You can always go back to this inextinguishable source of incentive to drive you stronger and go beyond the occasional bump in the road.

Sunday, March 3, 2013: Act Upon

Today, before you act upon any outside influences around you, take a short breath and consider responding to them from your inner positive feelings and do not let yourself react from negative mental patterns you learned from your environment growing up. Every time you remain positive, you increase your building power ten times over. When you let yourself become negative, you multiply by that much more your destructive force and it will always hit you first before it spreads to others. Keep it together so you will have the strength to handle whatever you are facing and arrive at the finish line a winner with a big smile.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Keep a normal pace when you refine your perspective and allow your bubbly warm personality to wow! and spread wide by staying adamant to always return to your true roots and act upon all circumstances positively.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Act upon the circumstances you are facing with inner integrity to return everything to an adamant firm approach and wow! yourself and others with a bubbly positive vibe to refine your motivation bringing it all back to normal.

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Energy of the Week for February 25-March 3, 2013: Willingness

Your success depends entirely on your willingness to do whatever it takes. When you are pursuing it from your heart with high spirits, your alacrity and zeal show up and inspire you. Are you ready to put in long days and persevere through downtimes? Are you open to staying flexible so you can get over the hump? If you do not take no for an answer and continue to invest all of your energy into your endeavors, you can rest assured you will be closer to achieving them.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Any time you give up on something special you desire within yourself, you do it on your way to getting it. How far away you are from achieving it depends on how much you have already put into it. When you are directed and focused inside, everything you do gets you closer. Although events occasionally seem to slow you down, they are simply stepping stones on the way to your final destination. Giving up is not an option, because you might just be a step or two away – especially if you have been trying for awhile. This week, boost up your tenacity to find it within yourself to bring to a conclusion those matters that are important to you. Willingness comes from an innate decisiveness and will take you straight to your greatest results.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Being in any business requires a wide plethora of skills. The more handy you are and with practice, you can acquire incredible expertise. No occupation is based solely on the main attributes it takes to be an expert in a certain field. Your willingness to bring to the table everything you can and put it to its best use can make a huge difference. How much you invest yourself into your business can transform it into much more than others perceive it to be. Every part we all play in society as a whole is based on a real need and can have an immeasurable global effect. Even the smallest of things can make or break what you are doing within the totality of being of service on planet Earth. With the means of modern technology, all boundaries are disappearing. Any shining example can transcend and inspire all of us. Do the best for yourself, your environment and know it counts for the entire world.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

Although you have only so many hours in a day and limited opportunities to share your time and exchange thoughts and feelings with your loved ones and your environment, do not put any limitation on the role you play to influence them positively. Your willingness to be there for them – even when you are gone – gives you and them an extra peace of mind and will continue to help you connect and bond. Again, being a great example of how to be loyal to yourself first can set a precedent and inspire a whole wave of warm response, softening many hearts. This is why it is so important to go beyond the call of duty and always act with passion and concern toward everyone.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for February 18-24, 2013

With the right attitude, you can ENCOURAGE both yourself and the people around you to go after the highest of dreams and see them through to completion. You can indeed achieve anything your heart desires as long as you do not give up. Even if you do not succeed the first time, do it one more time – or as many times as it takes. This is the best way to give your spiritual guidance/angels a chance to help you out with all the backing of the universe. Go for it!

Monday, February 18, 2012: Precision

Today your precision will be tested, whether you are working on a specific project or just taking care of routines in your everyday life. Be accurate by knowing exactly what you are going to do ahead of time. Before pouring all of your efforts into it, take a few moments to focus within and then proceed with confidence. Do not guess-timate, but measure exactly how you want it to come out.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013:
The more you dedicate yourself to your own inner purpose, the stronger your drive will be to set yourself apart from the ordinary. Turn your day into a special experience. This is your time. Know it, see it, hear it, feel it and follow it to the T.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013: Main
Keeping your main thing the main thing will bring you an inner power to utilize your best potential and apply it to the fullest. Make no mistake. Focusing on what is most important to you will certainly make you feel the most fulfilled when you encourage yourself to give it your all. Do not just rely on support from others to keep you going. You can do this for yourself and what really matters is to make you happy first.

Thursday, February 21, 2013:
Bring out the buoyant part of you and stay in a positive space to show your personal environment how resilient you really are. Be tireless at being yourself and do things in your own unique way. This will leave you empowered and everyone else in awe of what you have accomplished. Apply this today and send us a post on how you did it.

Friday, February 22, 2013: Actual

Make an actual impact today by putting your foot down as a statement of your own decisiveness. This will help you be one step ahead of the curve and not the other way around.

Saturday, February 23, 2013: Underneath

Captivate and inspire us with all of the abilities you have within. If you peel away the onion of all of the confusion and concepts wrapped and trapped inside, you can reveal what you have underneath it all. This will be nothing short of amazing as long as you strip off what does not belong to you. Reveal your true colors in a beaming rainbow by defining what you inherited from your parents so you can release what does not belong to you.

Sunday, February 24, 2013: Zip!

Enjoy a day of vigor with your personal energy on fire when you move with a zip! It will be effortless as long as you do what you love. Keep your dynamic spirit focused and your eyes on the prize to give this week a proper ending.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

With precision, dedicate your main efforts to being resilient and leave an actual legacy when you bring out what you have underneath and live it with a zip!

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Zip! on from the inside out with what you have underneath to create an actual resilient experience in your main life direction in order to dedicate yourself with precision toward a goal worth living for.

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Energy of the Week for February 18-24, 2013: Encourage

This could be your most powerful week yet as long as you always accept the inspiration from your spiritual helpers/angels who encourage you to go after your innermost desires. Their backing and guidance are invigorating and can truly make you sparkle like nothing else. They are giving you 80-90 hunches every single day. There is a special something you have spiritually that keeps you enthusiastic and very sensitive. It is an inner philosophy your energy has been refining throughout lifetimes and you have come back to live again this time around. This is called your life purpose and when you live it, you feel exhilarated and advance to the very heights of your positive energy. Continue reading how you can do this for yourself and help others around you do the same.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

There is no other way around the fact you have come here to live your own life. You need to take good enough care of yourself and do it diligently. So many people beat themselves up over things they wish they could have done better. Others end up considering themselves unworthy of pursuing what they want and lack confidence because they are not used to having it. In truth, there is no such thing as a mistake – only a steppingstone – and you have to be gentle with yourself with every experience so you can learn and grow from it. Otherwise, you will close the door on yourself and turn your back on any opportunities ahead of you. Anything you are capable of knowing, envisioning, thinking or feeling is proof you are deserving of having and enjoying it as well as being able to get it. This week, encourage yourself to move further toward what makes you happy based on what your life purpose directs you to do. Always persist to be loyal to yourself first.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Every business opportunity is a stage for you to achieve your maximum potential. This offers you an avenue to live your life purpose to the fullest and be energized and inspired. You can be incredibly creative and resourceful to tackle any task and become truly successful as long as you encourage your own spirit to open up to do whatever it takes to make it happen. Consider it done when you do not yield or waver from your own personal standards. The key is to harbor a deep inner desire to create the enthusiasm you need to be uplifted and support others in the process.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

There is a very clear division between the energy of what you do to criticize and what you do to encourage. In the close encounters you have with the people who matter to you the most, it is sometimes easy to find and point out what is wrong rather than what is right. This is a narrow point-of-view where the negativity is emphasized and does not do anything but make the other person feel down about themselves. On the other hand, when you compliment or uplift your friends, you are focusing on the so much more that is possible. You will open up broad opportunities and boost the other person, making a real difference when they likely need it the most. As a result, your relationships will be much better and this will spread cheer for everyone in your environment.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for February 11-17, 2013

This week may feel like an unending party bringing ASTOUNDING times for everyone. Play along and make the effort to take part in the high spirits with a lot of lightness and fun. Use your imagination to make it even better.

Monday, February 11, 2012: Regroup
You may need to regroup so you can set yourself on a straighter path today. Clarify what you really want so you do not scatter your energy. The more you focus, the faster you will get to a better result. Do not let your environment interrupt you or disrupt your flow. You are always on your own when it comes to living your life – and no one can take that away from you.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013:
One-two-three-zing! You will not be able to escape the excitement today even if you try. The day will go very fast, bringing you unbelievable joy if you are flexible enough to have fun with life. Do not lose your focus, but cut yourself some slack so you can have a ball solving the tasks at hand with ease.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013: Forego
Sweating the small stuff would be counterproductive today. Use your discernment to forego the little things so you can use all of your energy toward what really matters. Put your best efforts forward. Leave yourself little reminders so you do not miss the timing of what you need to do for yourself and others. This will insure you can totally implement your original plan.

Thursday, February 14, 2013:
You may need to be protective today by sheltering the ideas you want to nurture under your own wing. But be open and take a stand on everything that is important to you by expressing your opinion without asking for approval. You will have a great time only if you are free from the burden of holding something heavy inside. This will connect you even more closely with the people you are sharing your time with.

Friday, February 15, 2013: Zounds!

Ready or not, you may be in for a surprise – zounds!  Expecting the unexpected will be present on a day like this when literally anything is possible. What is happening may be coming out of nowhere, but when you really zoom in, you will realize it has been a long time coming. Make a decision to respond calmly to any new situation. As long as you keep your eye on the target, you can make everything that happens count.

Saturday, February 16, 2013: Relax

You will probably be ready to relax after this fast-paced week. Give more attention to your environment so you can keep it peaceful to allow for smooth interactions with others. The best rest you can have is after a well-done job and when you have a great plan of what you want to do next once you have renewed strength.

Sunday, February 17, 2013: Determined

Needless to say, you are likely to end this week on a higher note than you started it. This can be attributed to you being determined to continue moving with a high energy and the desire to take the world by storm. Summarize everything you have learned so you can reapply it starting tomorrow. Recall your highlights so you can get reenergized again.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Regroup with a zing! so you can focus on the essential and forego what is not important and take under your wing with a whooping zounds! the best in your life and relax by staying determined to keep it all organized.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Be determined to relax even during a surprising zounds! because you can take under your wing all of your endeavors and forego any trouble with a zing! when you regroup and clarify for yourself what really matters to you.

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Energy of the Week for February 11-17, 2013: Astounding

Every now and then comes a stunning and wondrous time when everything just falls right into place. This week, you will get astounding results if you just allow yourself to experiment outside the box. Being innovative and fresh can be very easy as long as you feel uplifted. If you are driven to do a great job and know you can succeed, you will have fun all of the time. The energy you use to accomplish something affects all of your results. Having an awesome attitude can really surprise you with how much more productive you can be.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

When working with inspiration, you can really surprise yourself with how much more you are capable of. By being positive and balanced, you allow yourself to access all of the help and direction from your spiritual guidance/angels. Surpass the level of mundane trivia in your day and make room for a higher level of experience when you transcend yourself to what is of real interest to you – and you absolutely love to be immersed in. You may lose track of time when your creative spirit is searching for all kinds of ideas and solutions. Give yourself up to this process and create tremendous excitement by being open to how broad all of the unlimited options are. You will have an astounding time and your sensitivity and intuitive power will charge you for a long time. It does not get better that this.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Usually, business requires you to be practical and toned down. Not this week. The time has come for you to go all out and do your service somewhat differently. You need to add a surprising twist your customers do not expect. A small extra bonus can add lots of big smiles on their faces. It does not have to be material in nature. The most uplifting are not things, but gestures. Show courtesy and kindness. They are free and everyone appreciates them dearly. Show them you are doing business with a heart and because of how much they matter, you rate them number one! You do not need a holiday to give them something to celebrate. If you help them feel astounding, they will always come back for more.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

Make this Valentine’s Day week to be one of love, affection and genuine true feelings. There is no better time to put on your creative thinking cap and come up with fun, smart and playful ideas to experience together with your friends and loved ones. Do not let life get boring for you. Take the initiative and come up with a colorful and memorable way to seize the moment. Be witty and loosen up your immediate environment with a little entertainment. The more you give your love, the more love you will feel inside of you wanting to be released. Be prepared to turn the ordinary moments into astounding times. Then, share them with us and the entire world.

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