This is an incredible week to live in a total perfection for yourself! One of the four spiritual gifts we all have is the visual one of clairvoyance, which means clear seeing. It is what helps all of us use our imagination by envisioning what we would like to do. The people who are high in their seeing sense are very detail oriented and are usually prone to becoming perfectionists. This is because they can see so clearly in their mind how any task at hand can work ideally in the best possible way. In reality, the planned vision may play out a bit differently. This is what may cause tension and undue pressure for those who are striving to always get it as perfect as possible. Here are some tips to help you cope with this majestic gift and how use it to your benefit and not to your detriment.
Hint: If you are curious about what your gift order is and how high you are in your clairvoyant nature, our Beginners Package is perfect for you to find out all of this. You will also receive the Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts book by Howard Wimer to take you more in-depth in the reality of each one of these personality traits. You will not only recognize them in yourself but in all of the people around you including learning how to be balanced in each one of them.
How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
Have you ever set goals so high you could never achieve them? This would be great if it did not leave you disappointed. But being able to imagine an amazing solution or way for things to work is invaluable. This can incredibly fuel your drive and ambition to pursue it. However, you need to be realistic in your expectations and realize if you are setting the bar too high for yourself, you may set yourself up for a failure. As long as you are doing everything in an inspiring and uplifting way, you will be ready to face reality. Be grateful you have both the vision and having it play out in real time, so you will always be in a high energy and benefit from both your fast-paced imagination as well as the practical implementation of it. Being a perfectionist could slow you down because you could get so obsessed with the final touches and details you never feel complete. This can drastically throw off your timing. The idea is not to cram fifteen things in a ten thing space. Again, you may be seeing it instantaneously in your mind, but it will always happen slower in real time. Weigh your perfection with reality and you will always have it made. Keep your expectations practical and your standard to achieve the best will bring you the greatest results yet.
How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Working out of an inflexible picture in business can be a challenge for the people around you. Just because you can easily envision a whole system and how it can play out, this does not mean others can do the same, especially as fast as you can. You need to take extra time to ensure everyone is on the same page and take as long as necessary to help them get the same vision as you. Otherwise, you may fall into the trap of expecting, assuming and demanding while others may not even be aware of the situation you have prescribed for them. As always, communication is the key. Make sure everyone gives you a brief synopsis of what they will be doing before they do it. If someone has delegated a task to you, summarize what has been assigned to you beforehand so if anything needs to be further clarified, it happens in a timely fashion. This coordination can save you a lot of time and grief by making sure things get done right at the outset. This will turn your day into real perfection. This way, you can have your cake and eat it, too.
How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Be an example of your own unique perfection, but do not demand it from your social circle. Whatever makes you feel comfortable is what is perfect for you. When you make this work for yourself, you are being an example. If you want to encourage someone to do better, remember this is what you believe is good. But, in reality, only they know what is best for them. Allow everyone to feel free to do what is in their best interest without judging or comparing. Uplifting and inspiring them is all it takes to help others join you in your quest to achieve better results altogether. There is no need to overstep your boundaries and tell others what to do. Letting things unfold naturally and happen in their own dynamic timing with free and inspired input is as good as it gets. Be happy and satisfied with the results. Then, you can feel fulfilled even when you may desire more and pursue it with a positive attitude.