Energy of the Week for December 10-16, 2012: Perfection

This is an incredible week to live in a total perfection for yourself! One of the four spiritual gifts we all have is the visual one of clairvoyance, which means clear seeing. It is what helps all of us use our imagination by envisioning what we would like to do. The people who are high in their seeing sense are very detail oriented and are usually prone to becoming perfectionists. This is because they can see so clearly in their mind how any task at hand can work ideally in the best possible way. In reality, the planned vision may play out a bit differently. This is what may cause tension and undue pressure for those who are striving to always get it as perfect as possible. Here are some tips to help you cope with this majestic gift and how use it to your benefit and not to your detriment.

Hint: If you are curious about what your gift order is and how high you are in your clairvoyant nature, our Beginners Package is perfect for you to find out all of this. You will also receive the Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts book by Howard Wimer to take you more in-depth in the reality of each one of these personality traits. You will not only recognize them in yourself but in all of the people around you including learning how to be balanced in each one of them.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
Have you ever set goals so high you could never achieve them? This would be great if it did not leave you disappointed. But being able to imagine an amazing solution or way for things to work is invaluable. This can incredibly fuel your drive and ambition to pursue it. However, you need to be realistic in your expectations and realize if you are setting the bar too high for yourself, you may set yourself up for a failure. As long as you are doing everything in an inspiring and uplifting way, you will be ready to face reality. Be grateful you have both the vision and having it play out in real time, so you will always be in a high energy and benefit from both your fast-paced imagination as well as the practical implementation of it. Being a perfectionist could slow you down because you could get so obsessed with the final touches and details you never feel complete. This can drastically throw off your timing. The idea is not to cram fifteen things in a ten thing space. Again, you may be seeing it instantaneously in your mind, but it will always happen slower in real time. Weigh your perfection with reality and you will always have it made. Keep your expectations practical and your standard to achieve the best will bring you the greatest results yet.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Working out of an inflexible picture in business can be a challenge for the people around you. Just because you can easily envision a whole system and how it can play out, this does not mean others can do the same, especially as fast as you can. You need to take extra time to ensure everyone is on the same page and take as long as necessary to help them get the same vision as you. Otherwise, you may fall into the trap of expecting, assuming and demanding while others may not even be aware of the situation you have prescribed for them. As always, communication is the key. Make sure everyone gives you a brief synopsis of what they will be doing before they do it. If someone has delegated a task to you, summarize what has been assigned to you beforehand so if anything needs to be further clarified, it happens in a timely fashion. This coordination can save you a lot of time and grief by making sure things get done right at the outset. This will turn your day into real perfection. This way, you can have your cake and eat it, too.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

Be an example of your own unique perfection, but do not demand it from your social circle. Whatever makes you feel comfortable is what is perfect for you. When you make this work for yourself, you are being an example. If you want to encourage someone to do better, remember this is what you believe is good. But, in reality, only they know what is best for them. Allow everyone to feel free to do what is in their best interest without judging or comparing. Uplifting and inspiring them is all it takes to help others join you in your quest to achieve better results altogether. There is no need to overstep your boundaries and tell others what to do. Letting things unfold naturally and happen in their own dynamic timing with free and inspired input is as good as it gets. Be happy and satisfied with the results. Then, you can feel fulfilled even when you may desire more and pursue it with a positive attitude.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for December 3-9, 2012

Magic is in the air for you no matter where you are in life. With every age comes great opportunity to do something special for yourself and others. So this week, bring on your A game, get ready for great experiences and incredible lessons you can learn for yourself. If you stay loving and organized, you can meet and beat any challenge and come out victorious and celebrating the enchanting times ahead of you.

Monday, December 3, 2012: Relevant

You can make everything relevant in your life work today if you discern its importance for you and others. The things that truly matter are worth the effort every single time and giving it your all may be necessary once again. Leave aside anything that is not so critical at least for today so you can utilize your best energy on what will make a difference for the days to come.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012:
Today the idea is to not extend yourself, but to work closely with your resources and make all of them count. Recall carefully everything you have to work with and some long-forgotten asset can come into play. By shear magic, by the end of the day, you will be able to make more happen than the total sum of your individual efforts toward one project.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012: Program

There is already an underlying program in place for you to work with depending on the cycle of life you are in so beneath all tasks and errands and chores, you will notice the deep woven reason for it all playing out. Reminisce on it at the end of the day and you will discover the true meaning of what your life is all about.

Thursday, December 6, 2012:
Today you need to decide on a certain theme to follow that means a lot to you and you will be able to live it to the fullest. If you are able to work everything out of this perspective, you will see how important it is to have a reason for everything you do. You will also notice how you touch others along the way and get them inspired with what is special to you.

Friday, December 7, 2012: Wonderment

If you manage to stay calm and relaxed, this day can turn into a pure wonderment for you. Do not make rash decisions and keep the big picture in mind so your actions are grounded and well thought out. Good things happen to those who wait is even more true today than ever. So sit back with a warm cup of tea and let the dust settle and the true joy of the day will emerge and bring you more happiness than expected.

Saturday, December 8, 2012: Peace

Realize that your peace today means much more than having a quiet time. It is what will allow your inspiration to surface so you can find the best way to go toward your most needed solutions. Knowing this, you need to take charge and remove yourself from any commotion that may unravel around you to successfully focus on what you need to do for yourself.

Sunday, December 9, 2012: Planet
Today will help you reconnect and feel you belong to the whole planet and are one with it all. You may be attuned to events taking place globally and the idea is to stay detached so you clarify for yourself what this means for you and what you need to do to not lose sight of your overall direction. The world is the way it is and you do not need to fix it. All you can do is be a great example to influence and inspire others with how to make things peacefully work for them.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Be Relevant so you do not Extend yourself when you follow your own Program and Decide how to make things work for yourself in true Wonderment while keeping the Peace in your environment and on the Planet.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Set yourself in balance with the whole Planet in Peace and with Wonderment when you   Decide your own purposeful Program and are able to Extend your available resources to succeed in everything that is Relevant.

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Energy of the Week for December 3-9, 2012: Magic

Sometimes in life, our experiences exceed our wildest dreams and expectations and we are surprised with the pure magic happening to us. This week is just this kind of a time. No matter what age you are, you belong to one of the seven-year cycles of life and are learning your lessons alongside a specific overall purpose each one of these cycles has: 0-7 your personality unfolds, 7-14 your intellect develops, 14-21 you settle on your identity, 21-28 your maturity grows, 28-35 you make deeper commitments, 35-42 is your spiritual abundance, 42-49 is your material abundance, 49-56 is your life evaluation, 56-63 is your decision time and 63 and on is when you can do your greatest work. Just like the seasons in a year, each cycle of life brings its own magical opportunities for you to master what it is all about.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:
Your 0-7 cycle is foundational. You come into this world as a clean slate and with an open mind and arms to learn everything about life. Your environment is crucial because you absorb all of the good and not so good things from it like a sponge. Ask yourself: What did it mean for me personally to learn from others in this cycle? Identify the major influences which defined the magic it has turned into during your life. Between 7 and 14, your brain is learning how to analyze and think for itself. You start to gain independence by initiating and doing things on your own. Because this helps your drive to start to form while you are still under supervision, you may come across as being rebellious already as you approach the third cycle. How did you handle this period in your life and what magic did it bring that stayed with you forever? Most definitely, the teenage years (14-21) are the true beginning of your searching for who you are. By now you have realized you are not your parents, but who are you? This critical time can either make or break your initiative or incentive. If you buy into others limiting you and your potential, this may turn you into an underdog for the rest of your life. All teenagers need is direction and choices about what will happen if they go down a certain path – and the freedom to choose. What magic and endless possibilities did your teenage years open up for your whole life? After 21, you begin to wise up and mature very fast because you are now faced with taking responsibility for yourself. You have already learned many skills and by putting them into practice, you can really expand your world. How did your adult years up until 28 speed up the incredible experiences which helped you learn more than ever before? What was the magic in the most important one?

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
While you may have worked and even made a career already when you turned 28, this cycle is one of deeper commitments. This could have many other connotations in your personal and social life, but in the business sense it really accelerates you to commit to more challenging projects. What highlight turned into a lasting magic for you from this time of your life? Naturally, after 35 you become more concerned with your spiritual abundance by giving of yourself and your wisdom. If you are living it fully in your line of work, you will show great progress and results. Your long-lasting magic is the most present when you are working out of your heart and expressing who you are through it. The next cycle after 42 shows it even more. You get the most rewarded materially if you are true to yourself and are achieving great results through an inspired work ethic. The magic is to be uplifted, inspired and motivated by what you apply yourself the most to. This works like magic for you and serves everyone else around you tremendously. 

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Your social circle always plays a great role throughout your life. When you reach 49, you are trying to find out if you have done what you wanted to with your life. You are also considerate of the people who are closest to you as well. If you feel as if you have done more for them than for yourself, you may even hit a mid-life crisis. But if you have been loyal to yourself up to now, then everything will pay back and you will have the time of your life by advancing in every way. After 56, while trying to decide if you want to stick around planet Earth or not, your relationships can make a significant difference. If you love the people around you and you are loved by them, you would most likely do anything to stay on and be with them longer. If you have been experiencing difficulties and uneasy times in your relationships, you may bail out on both yourself and them and even take off before your time. If you stay on after 63, you can truly have the best or so-called golden years of your life. This is a time to get involved in life at full speed with all of the wisdom you have acquired so far and not worry anymore about what anyone thinks. This is the best time to pass on to others all of the wealth of your unique experiences so they can be enriched by what you have already gone through. Gently steer the inexperienced to follow their own direction and not impose their views on others, including you. Be young at heart and gracefully accept life as true magic.

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The Energy of the Month for December is CONQUER

You can conquer this month with flying colors as long as you keep your energy at a high velocity level. Feel excited while making sure you are rejuvenated after all you have done and celebrate what has happened throughout the year.  This will have a definite positive impact on all your friends. Skip the trivia and do not forget to tip toe through any low points you may have experienced so you can stay directed. Save your energy for what is really important at this time – being loyal to yourself and enjoying your life.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
This is a great time to conquer your fears and insecurities. You deserve what you want and can do it. But in order to get it, you have to be willing to put forth your best efforts yet.  Utilize your strengths and count your blessings. Keep your focus on how you can solve the impossible and do not fall in the trap of feeling otherwise. There is one definite way you will never accomplish something. This is if you never try it. But if you do, it always opens the chance for more success. You can increase this opportunity dramatically if you keep your inner desires thoroughly organized. Clarify your situation by finding out all of the facts (what, when, where and why) and create a step-by-step action plan for your goals with the best way to achieve them. Put the high energy around this last month of the year to work for you. Make a decision to turn your dreams into a reality and pursue making them happen all the way to completion.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Business energy naturally flourishes with the year end. People open and warm up their hearts and are ready to give and receive openly.  If you incorporate the same in what you are offering to them, your service will reach many more than you ever expected. Win your customer’s hearts by being generous and thoughtful and what is meant for you to receive back will repeat itself over and over again. Think about a specific gesture you can do that distinguishes you from everyone else…something they will remember and appreciate. No matter what, you can always celebrate whole-heartedly all of the opportunities you have put forth to put a smile on someone’s face. This is the best way to conquer the stress and pressure that may surround the holidays and a sure way for everybody to win.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Spend some quality time with family and friends. Make sure to share about your highlights from the year to make them even more memorable. Do not overburden yourself trying to find the perfect gifts. The best one above and beyond anything else would be for you to be there and enjoy the spirit of the season together. Forgive the differences and heal the misunderstandings. Rise above the unimportant and do not yield to unpleasant circumstances. You can set the tone with everyone in every relationship by being respectful and courteous to allow others their opinions. However, do not give up on your own. Conquer any mutual negative concepts together so you are ready to weather the storms for the New Year. Be sincere and upfront about the experiences you would like to have with your closest circle. This way, if they care for you, they do not have to guess what would make you happy. To properly conclude yet another year, make it good and make it count.

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Winter is the Clairvoyant Season

There is nothing like winter.

Beautiful and refreshing wisps of cold air running across your cheek will uplift your energy so you are ready to clarify everything in your life. This is a time to bring out your sunny personality, just like the bright sun reflects off of the fresh snow on the ground.

If you are not successful during this season, it is because you have bypassed one of the most important personality types pertaining to the four spiritual gifts of prophecy (inner knowing), clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing) and healing (inner feeling). This visionary gift will make or break anything you are focusing on accomplishing over the next three months.

Remember, you are not alone. When you feel chills or goose bumps on your physical body, this means you are always backed up by a team of spiritual guidance or helpers you contracted with to give you insights into what you came here to do. They are master souls who have graduated from planet Earth and have a sublime energy void of any likes or dislikes that get in the way of relating to people. They are always giving you at least eighty to ninety hunches, visions, ideas or feelings – every single day.

When you learn to communicate with them directly, you can even ask them whether the inspiration you are getting is coming from them or your imagination. This frees you to make better decisions and go by how you feel rather than by how you think. Once this insight is clear in your mind, start getting a picture of what you want to do with it.

During December, January and February, you will be experiencing the clairvoyant way of deciding more about your direction in life. This is the spiritual gift that formulates a picture or vision in your mind. Without this, you cannot create what you truly desire and want to come to fruition. It is a very colorful energy and it pays attention to details when it comes to organization and efficiency.

What happens when you lose the picture of what you want to see happen? For some people, it creates a feeling of being overwhelmed and a lack of direction. Take the time to write down on paper what you envision and how it can be of service to yourself and others. Do not compromise on what you see in your mind or think it is impossible to do. Some people have the clairvoyant gift as their first, others second, third or fourth. No matter where this intuitive perception is for you, unfold it and it will work wonders.

The key for this time period is to stay away from being critical of yourself and others. There is nothing wrong in evaluating another person’s energy and deciding how much time you want to spend with them. But being judgmental will only slow you down from realizing that everything on planet Earth is a means to an end – and not an end in itself.

This is especially true with the people who are the closest to you. If you look at their positive traits and not at the negative ones, you will realize they are in your life for a reason. Love, respect and concern can cut through any emotions or ups and downs you or others may be experiencing around you. Say a kind word and you will realize healing does not just come through the hands.

Finally, do not attempt to cram too many projects into your life over this winter season. Clairvoyants are famous for wanting to have everything they see in their mind happen immediately. This can be too much to handle, so remember to put everything into a priority order you can live with – essential, important and trivial. This will alleviate most of the pressure so your energy stays smooth and consistent throughout until the energy changes into the clairaudient gift of being totally directed in the spring.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for November 26-December 2, 2012

How DETERMINED are you to succeed by doing what is right for yourself? If challenges you face are able to stall you, perhaps you are not as steadfast as you could be. Believing in yourself and having the clarity to follow your own gut and not get distracted is what it will take to be firm and unwavering with anything that shows up in your way. Then, you will be able to bypass any trouble by moving steadily ahead.

Monday, November 26, 2012: Excitement

You can jump with excitement because of all of the great opportunities you are faced with today. Choose wisely those which will further you to your desired destination and gently turn down the rest with a no thank you.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012:
Be your own and your environment’s whiz! today by showing your true colors. Enough of all the malfunctioning and mishaps. You can make what is needed happen. Your inspiration is like a powerful magic wand to uplift yourself and others – use it!  

Wednesday, November 28, 2012: Longevity
The reason stress shortens your longevity is because it shuts down the functioning of your body and wears it out. Spiritually, you are under stress when you are in the wrong place at the wrong time for yourself. Today, you can fix this with inner peace and balance if you remain calm and collected to ward off any duress.

Hint: There is a special relaxation technique you can do in less than 60 seconds to help you regenerate your energy and stay focused. Go to Personal Energy Cleansing Video.

Thursday, November 29, 2012:
If you have any concern on your mind today, your attitude can either make it or break it. If you choose to worry about anything that is not a part of your own big picture, you are wasting your time. Instead, concentrate on expressing the great ideas you have so the whole world learns from you and you have the opportunity to grow even more.

Friday, November 30, 2012: Exacting

You cannot finish the day properly unless you stay right on task and are exacting in everything you do so you can get things accomplished. Otherwise, if you are not stern and stay determined, you could be swayed by other things going on around you in your environment. This is the only way to do justice to your efforts.

Saturday, December 1, 2012: Propel

Only you can self-propel your plans because you have the insider point-of-view. Stop waiting for someone else to get your endeavors going for you. It is time to make the first step yourself.

Sunday, December 2, 2012: Leverage

You can leverage the most out of life by being truly who you are so you can put your fullest potential to its best use. In order to do this, you need to have clear motives as the right incentive to pursue the most important things to you and have unceasing determination to accomplish what you have come here to do.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

With lots of excitement you can be like a whiz! and increase your longevity by having concern and being exacting when you propel your full potential and leverage all your inner ability.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

You can easily leverage yourself when you propel your exacting qualities to enforce your true concern for yourself and others which will increase your longevity and turn you into a whiz! with much excitement in the process.

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Energy of the Week for November 26-December 2, 2012: Determined

Staying clear, solid and focused is what the next few days are all about. When you are determined to fulfill a goal from your heart with a strong mind, your energy exudes tenacity that can overpower any circumstances. How can you be more decisive and resolute?

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

As the year is headed to a wrap, it is important to revise your plans with everything you have wanted to make happen before it ends. Now is the time to utilize all of your might and become zealous about finishing what you have started and have been working on over the past months. With the holiday season approaching, try not to get distracted and weaken your energy by losing focus. Every holiday is but just a day out of the year and although it may have special significance, you do not need to get so wrapped up in it that it takes you weeks or months to recover. Keep the perspective of what you would like to accomplish for yourself and the reasons you have to do so. This will allow what guides you to lead you ahead so you can take care of everything necessary for its accomplishment in the process. Keep the outlook for not only the immediate effect your results will have, but also the bigger picture of how much they will contribute to your future. This will make you as excited as it gets to carry through your mission to true success.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Most examples of real business success reveal perseverance and ability for survival. Almost no really involved endeavors begin with an immediate pay off or blossom right from the start. It takes for you to be determined and not drop the ball when it gets tough. What can hold you together is reminding yourself that through everything you do, you showcase who you are inside. You can turn your positive traits into real magic, help others by being of service to them and see how really far your drive can take you. If what you do has a really meaningful purpose for you, this will make you resilient and determined to not give up. If things take a different turn than anticipated or something becomes uneasy, you can pause, regroup and clarify how you need to proceed to continue on with your original direction. Nothing can keep you on track as much as your passion for loving what you do. Then, your decisiveness will know no end since it will naturally be inspiring and encouraging to you. Find your true calling and reap real benefits from accomplishing great goals for yourself that bring a lot of good to everyone else.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

Are you determined to keep peace in your family? The closest people to you can sometimes present the biggest challenge to keep a balance with. On one hand, they claim they know you the most and also what is best for you. On another, because they mean a lot to you, you do not want to cause them any undue stress or grief. But if you try to sweep things under the carpet when something goes awry and gloss over what is really happening, the real concern will simply not go away. In other words, avoiding real mutual communication will not bring stable or lasting and harmonious relationships. The best approach would be to open a sincere dialog to allow everyone the opportunity to express what they are experiencing and how they really feel inside. Once there is a genuine exchange so everyone’s concerns are voiced, it will be very sensible to have each person offer a suggestion toward what they believe will help smooth things out so an all-around solution can be found. Soon a real opportunity will emerge for an agreement to feel good about which will bond everyone even more and bring your relationships to a whole new level.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for November 19-25, 2012

This week could be the ultimate test to prove your real COMMITMENT to yourself. If you stay on track with your goals and the direction of your pursuits are based on your true inner drive, nothing can stand in your way.

Monday, November 19, 2012: Super

Make today a super great day by giving yourself extra credit for renewing your commitment to pursue your dreams and aspirations. Clarify for yourself that if you are doing anything else other than what you are drawn to, you could leave behind what really matters in your life. As a result, you may miss the advantage of the special backing you will receive only if you are following what you are meant to do. Stand behind yourself and go after your innermost desires!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012:
Everyone has experienced sublime energy through the backing they get from their own spiritual helpers/angels. Today gives you an opportunity to have a real blast with it. If you keep yourself calm and peaceful so you are in a high vibration, you can explore what gets you excited and your creative juices going. You will also feel the strong, but subtle and uplifting assurance from your inner guidance. It is important to be true to yourself. Stick to your own plan and live it now and in the future.  

Wednesday, November 21, 2012: Coordinate
Everything can go very simple today if you can just coordinate with everyone around you. Discern what needs to be done so they can be clear on the role they play in accomplishing it. In order to succeed in communicating, make sure you share exactly what is in it for them and the way your endeavor together benefits all of you.

Thursday, November 22, 2012:
If today your environment feels unsettled or agitated, make sure you relax so you can be an example for everyone else and help restore the peace in the atmosphere. Give an assurance everything can be solved as long as there is a mutual desire to do the right thing.

Friday, November 23, 2012: Increase

How can you increase your results today? With the confidence you are doing the right thing, you can maximize your incentive by realizing how what you are doing is benefiting you and everyone else around you. This will energize you and put an extra sparkle into your day.

Saturday, November 24, 2012: Determined

The best way to show your commitment to yourself today is to stay determined and be open to showcase it to the world. You are your own reliable source of perseverance when you are clear in your desire and know you would never give up. Then, everyone else can see it in you.

Sunday, November 25, 2012: Collate

There is a way to utilize all of your talent and skills with the task at hand. All you need to do is collate all of your strengths by recognizing them within yourself and allowing them to come up to the surface. There is more to you than meets the eye and it is time you showed it to the whole world. Remember, if your abilities are not unveiled and remain a secret, you must not have tapped into them as much you can. Bring them all out and use them to the fullest so you can achieve the most from yourself.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Have a super time with your sublime support when you coordinate everything you want to pursue and be able to relax and increase your energy by staying determined to collate all of your abilities and employ them in everything you do.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Collate your strength and be determined to increase your productivity by taking time to relax and coordinate your busy schedule with all of the sublime support and super backing you are getting.

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Energy of the Week for November 19-25, 2012: Commitment

This week, the energy is about something greatly needed on planet Earth today – commitment! How many times do you get inspired and attempt to pursue your dreams, just to run into a snag or some difficult time in your way and get turned off? What can help you stay engaged in the endeavor you have chosen to be involved with and be true to yourself until it gets done? Read on…

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

The most inspiring examples throughout history are ones where people pledged their livelihood to accomplish their life’s work. By giving it their all, they saw it come to fruition. What drives such a deep commitment? There is something unique about each one of us, the person we have turned into through lifetimes of experiences. What is the most important lesson you have learned and refined throughout time which has become an inseparable part of you and defined an inner philosophy you carry within yourself? Sharing this spiritual message and living it to the fullest is the most inspiring way to have more energy and the inner power to pursue your dreams. The key is to find the best avenues to channel this motivation. When you click with what you have come to do with true ambition, you will be unstoppable. If you are not sure what this is for you, it is critical you discover it. If you have trouble with commitment, it could be you are trying to follow pursuits which are not your innate mission. When you come in to your own, you will know it and it will be inevitable for you to want the world to hear about it, too.  This can not only help you achieve the most for yourself this lifetime, but contribute to everyone else as well.

Hint: If you are unsure what your unique spiritual message is, then let us help. Get our Intermediate Package and learn everything about your entire Personal Life Plan so you can focus your energy in the direction you are meant to go and enjoy the biggest success of your life.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
All business boils down to commitment and making decisions. Basing these decisions on the facts of what, when, where and why makes them clear, solid and right. Without this, you cannot be grounded in what you truly desire. Everything will work when you use every cell of your beingness to put 100% of yourself into making it all happen. No matter where you end up, it will be an exciting experience, because every moment will be utilized toward what matters to you the most. Everyone will recognize how driven you are and your energy will become magnetic. Do not be surprised if you get a great response from others who would like to help and support you. People like to be involved and if you define clear opportunities for them they can do with you, together you can achieve the impossible.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

No relationship can work without commitment. You have likely found this out already or are on your way. In order to pledge yourself to someone personally, you need to have enough admiration and a reason to put your energy behind them. This is called personal social. On the other hand, many times an affinity you have with others is based on having previous lifetimes together and the fact both of you have come to learn from each other in a spiritual relationship – the person learning is a protégé and the person sharing is a mentor. Although a spiritual mentor gives dearly to their spiritual protégé, who cannot help but want to learn, it is all about what you are gaining together spiritually. Sharing with someone spiritually could be misunderstood as a personal social attraction. As a result, you may end up becoming involved personally with someone where the true reason behind this magnetism is all about a spiritual affinity. The core essence in each of these unique relationships is about a different commitment. If these affinities get mixed up, relationships can become confused no matter how nice the people or their intents are. In specific cases, you can have a business relationship along with personal social, but it is best to avoid mixing the personal social with the spiritual, so no one person dominates the learning experience. Every good relationship has to be 50-50.

Hint: Learn how to communicate directly with your own spiritual helpers/angels through a one-hour consultation with our Intermediate Package. You will be able to check closely with your inner guidance to clarify the real spiritual reasons for your attraction to anyone in your environment and keep your relationships positive and balanced.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for November 12-18, 2012

Get ready to be in full ACTION mode over the next few days. Speed up your preparation time by making a clear plan and communicate it so you are ready to go all out and be unstoppable.

Monday, November 12, 2012: Purpose

Make it your purpose to inspire someone by living what inspires you the most. Reflect this attitude in everything you do today. This will give others around you a reason to do the same for themselves by following your example.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012:
Rise Above
This is the best time to rise above the trivia and realize what is truly important. Do not allow mediocre circumstances turn into a bigger deal than they really are. Decide what matters to you and do not lose the perspective of what you need to do to achieve what actually counts in your own life.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012: Wonderful
Sometimes, when you get into action, not everything will turn out wonderful right away. Do not give up. Remember, there is a reason behind every twist and turn that happens. With a calm demeanor, you can figure out the best way to keep moving ahead until you see your goals through.

Thursday, November 15, 2012:
Do not undermine the time you need to focus on your target today before you aim at it. Concentrate your energy so you can use your ability to tackle the task at hand to the fullest and you will reap the best results possible.

Friday, November 16, 2012: Reasonable

The key today is to remain reasonable in your approach while putting your plan into action. The best way to make anything work is to have it grounded and realistic. You need to translate your highest dreams and expectations into what is actually possible, so you are not disheartened at the end of the day with what ends up being accomplished. You must learn to walk before you can fly. Just organize the steps to take in the right order and everything will flow very nice and easy.

Saturday, November 17, 2012: Love

This is a great time to act out of love and show what you have to the world. It is exactly this kind of a day when nothing else matters. Be flexible to adjust your schedule on a moment’s notice so you can do whatever you need to do under developing circumstances. All is well that ends well and whenever it is done with love, it can only be good.

Sunday, November 18, 2012: Key

Do not look too far today because the key to what you need to do is within your reach. Do not attempt to do anything under pressure. Relax so your energy is balanced and you will feel inside the way to go. Once clarified, it will be not only be easy and rewarding, but could take you straight to your desired destination and you will most certainly enjoy your journey.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

With a true purpose in your heart, you can rise above any disheartening circumstances and feel wonderful to target your reasonable pursuits of love with the key of success and sincere accomplishment.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

The key to love yourself is to have a reasonable expectation when you target all wonderful goals for yourself and be able to rise above the unexpected by staying true to your real purpose.

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