Energy of the Week for November 12-18, 2012: Action

One, two, three – go! Action is in the air this week and is all that stands between you and your results. What can help you be in a vital and active mode in the next few days?

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

When it comes to action, one thing you definitely need is energy and more of it. If you feel depleted and exhausted, you are not likely to go after what you need to do – at least not at your top pace. The key to understanding what energizes you the most is to realize you have a special inner philosophy inside of you which you have been refining for lifetimes. We call this your spiritual message. It is unique to you. When you are totally in tune with it, everything you do turns into pure gold. In fact, the only time you run on low energy is when you are living against it. You can feel it in your very essence. This is what gets you excited and causes you to become truly inspired. It is very important you pay attention to it, give it the time of day and find a way to express it. Sharing your inner wisdom with others and how you really feel is what helps you learn the most about yourself. Using all of this invaluable inner sensitivity will make your life the best it can be.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
The simple formula for any business success is contained in three steps: plan, communicate and act. At the beginning, envision what you are pursuing and what you want to accomplish for yourself and others. This includes how you are going to do it. After you have clarified this, share with the people you need help from and get their support. Then, put it all into action and do not give up. If you are wondering why it is so important to follow these three steps in this exact order, consider why it is like putting the cart before the horse when you switch them around. If you go straight to the last step and start acting, you are not going to be prepared and have a much more difficult time. It may even cause you to quit. Many people communicate first before they have a plan (what, when, where and why). If you get a great inspiration, but do not organize it, no one will be able to work with you. It would be great if others understood your spiritual message so they could relate to your inner passion. But, unfortunately, because you have not given them all of the facts, they can end up squelching your inspiration. As a result, you may not go after what you want at all because you did not get their approval. In truth, you do not need anyone to give you permission. However, if you adhere to this simple formula by making a plan first, when you announce it to others, they will realize you have thought it out. They will sense it is important to you and you are not going to quit. Now they will most likely help and support you. The lesson is: inspiration and incentive are not enough. You need to follow through by working diligently and not forget to act once having planned and communicated to the world what you are going to do. Then and only then can you make it all work.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

Taking action in your social circle this week means making the first step to improve your relationships. Do not wait for the other side to initiate it. If you already have a sense something could be better, and it always can, then it is your opportunity to do something about it. Do not try anything complicated. Simple, sincere approaches work the best. As they say: a kind word opens a heavy door. Be yourself – caring and considerate. Everyone needs understanding and support – the same as you. It is important to realize men need to feel responsible and women need to feel safe. In order to have a great personal relationship, give the other gender the opportunity to feel secure in these areas. So where do you fit in everyone else’s life? Just be yourself and share the wisdom you have gained from your own spiritual message and be the best example you can possibly be. Once you have clarified all of this, the only thing left is: lights, camera, action!

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Weekly Energy of the Day for November 5-11, 2012

This is the best time to understand what makes you STRONG from the inside out so you can feel better and achieve even more from what you are wanting to accomplish. As long as you keep the perspective that all trials and tribulations happen for a reason, you can find your solutions faster and keep moving ahead.

Monday, November 5, 2012: Relentless

No matter what else you may think, your results depend entirely on you. Today, you need to be relentless in pursuing what you want in order to make it happen. Whoever may be standing in your way will soon give up after they realize you will not. If you manage to keep it together, after all is said and done, your day will have a great ending.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012:
If today turns into a challenge to keep things peaceful, just remember you can always take charge and direct your environment to be reasonable and calm. Nothing will be a big deal anymore after everything is clarified. This is your opportunity to become the example to be followed.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012: Determined
Staying determined may be exactly what you need to do if today things do not end up going the way you anticipated. You do not need to prove yourself, but do not be shy sharing the extent to which you will go to make what you desire happen. Others will not stay in your way if you show them you will do whatever it takes to keep going.

Thursday, November 8, 2012:
Today is not the time to go blindfolded. You need to see an unexpected situation at hand more clearly and the best way to start is by being factual. Determine what is going on, when did it begin to happen, where is it taking you and why this may interfere with your own plans. By the time you are finished discerning these facts, it will become obvious how you need to proceed.

Friday, November 9, 2012: Running

Whether you are running for your own health, running around to accomplish your goals, running circles around your project or if you are running for a cause, you need to know that today the energy will be moving you as long as you are being loyal to yourself first. If you do not feel the backing, it is best to pause and reconsider your motivation for what you are doing.

Saturday, November 10, 2012: Compassionate

Today a situation may call on you to be compassionate, but you need to watch out so your empathy does not turn into sympathy. Help others as much as they need to get back on their feet so they can continue doing what they need to do for themselves. You will appreciate this rewarding experience only if you do not overdo it. This is why it is important to be balanced in your judgment.

Sunday, November 11, 2012: Release

Today the energy may be moving faster than you would expect. If you are trying to hold on to previous plans, well, they may belong to day’s past. Do not let changing circumstances go unnoticed and put you out-of-date. You need to release and update what you really need to do for yourself to keep it current.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Be positively relentless and peaceful by staying determined and factual when life imposes on you to be running around and remain compassionate to yourself and ready to release any unpleasant experiences.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Release your resentment so you can be fully compassionate and running with truly factual care and concern, determined to be peaceful to further the positive and relentless to turn around the negative.

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Energy of the Week for November 5-11, 2012: Strong

This whole week you can expand on what makes you strong so you can be even more determined and solid in pursuing your own goals.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

If you have ever been through some uneasy period in your life, you must know you somehow toughen up by these circumstances. What makes you strong are your own past experiences. This is what becomes a truth for you and you are tremendously enriched by the wisdom they have brought you. Adding to your inner strength is your determination. If you really want something, you will utilize everything you have to go for it and will not allow anything to stop you. Physically, your body instantly produces adrenaline, giving you extra energy and multiplies your ability to handle whatever you are facing. All of this creates clarity of focus on the target you are aiming at. By pointing your energy exclusively on the goals you have set, you will always build greater momentum. Because your soul moves by desire, if you decide to stay strong, you will. Now you know what to do over the next few days and it is important not to stop here.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
The best businesses have always proven their resilience over any difficulty. If you are driven in what you do by a real purpose that is worth all the efforts you give it, then you will never yield in times of hardship. There are numerous examples of large successful companies who have gone through decades in the red zone before making it. Had they given up in the face of trouble, they would have never gotten as far as they are today. What you pursue in your service to others is your own vision. It takes great communication to share it and inspire others with it. This is when it becomes inevitable for it to be organized. You may be the smartest at what you love to do and have more desire than can be put into words to benefit others, but if you do not pull together a structure, it will not work for you or for them. Always start with the facts of what, when, where and why. This will allow you to account for everything important in an orderly fashion and not skip on anything that really matters. Keep your spark alive and just keep on keeping on. Be strong inside and out and you will always make more happen than you could ever dream of.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

This is the area where staying strong can be the biggest challenge at times. Because we are so bonded with the people we love and care for, it may be hard to stay detached when the going gets tough for them. If for any reason any of your friends feel low or depressed, if you get into the hole with them, how is this helpful? You will be best off discerning what is theirs and not get mixed up in it. This way, you can keep your cool and have a sober perspective so you can offer an effective suggestion. There is no need to do for them what they can do for themselves. Being there for support and being the best example you can be for them is your only role as long as you keep it together. This will help them the most so they can regroup and get back to being strong on their own. There is much more strength in everyone than we suspect and it is thanks to these trying times when it shows up the most. Focus on the rainbow after the storm with those closest to your heart and you can more easily ride it out together.

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The Energy of the Month for November is RESPECT

This is your time to Recognize, Establish, Sense, Propel, Endorse, Co-create and Treat yourself right! Respect who you are because everything you are doing starts with you. When you know yourself, you can set up the right environment around you by organizing your own inner standards. Coming from your inner core helps you go in the right direction and initiate the steps to get there. When you truly believe in yourself, so will others. This will help you make what you want into a reality and will only work when you create the proper conditions to thrive and take care of yourself. Be in the best shape possible to move ahead and enjoy every day to the fullest.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
You cannot make others honor you. What really matters is your own self-esteem. If others are aligned with what you are all about and understand you, they will naturally respect everything about you. However, do not beat yourself down if this does not happen. They can never know you completely or possibly see all of the intricate inner aspirations you carry within. It has been a massive trend in society to always help others before you help yourself, which has inverted everyone to being loyal outside of themselves. Because of how competitive positions are in the corporate world, sometimes our values can shift to thinking we are better if we hold a prestigious job. In reality, no one is greater or lesser than anyone else. We are all just different. Do not listen to what others say about you or whether they like you or not. What is important is you like yourself and realize you have a unique essence no one else has. This will inspire you to strive more to do something good by applying all of your wisdom and talents. At the end of the day, when you go to sleep feeling fulfilled from giving it your all, you are doing yourself the most justice.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Taking your personal emotions out of your business life has a lot of effect on gaining respect in your work place. Your ability to be your true self can be a tremendous business benefit for yourself and shows others the invaluable input you have for society. But this is not all there is to it. It is important to realize your job or occupation is a great avenue for you to express and apply yourself. If you are participating in a business setting organized by others, everything is running on their energy. This may or may not mix well with yours. If you are inspired on a different level, this work environment may not allow you to open up with everything you have to contribute. It is always more difficult to do things the way others want it done. You need to set some of your own principles in place in order to have the freedom to do it your way in certain areas. This will allow your creative spirit to come out and accomplish even more than what is expected of you. In a sense, no matter who happens to be your boss, you need to remember you are always your own boss. You can really only rent your time. If you have made the choice to take your precious time to pursue a certain project or line of work, it has to be a 50-50 proposition with others in the workplace. Do not be concerned if they cannot see the full spectrum of what you are offering. But respect the opportunity you are given by doing the best you can do and know exactly what you are gaining from it.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
The people you have around you can many times make it or break it for you. No one can ever respect you fully even if they truly love you. They will always fall short of seeing the true you. Be at peace with all of this. All you can do is be respectful of them and have the inner security of knowing who you are despite of what they may think of you. Because you have not come here to be self-lived, you need to express yourself and be involved with others so you can learn and grow from interacting with them. At the same time, you do not need to put up with anyone undermining you. Draw the line by staying detached even when someone around you is acting out and blaming you. Always have clear motives and know why you are doing things in a certain way. The more you help them understand you, the easier it is for you to have a balanced connection with mutual respect. Do not let little misunderstandings erupt into a bigger deal than they really are. Stay patient, calm, loving and reasonable during uneasy moments. You are better off skipping the drama than boiling over. Once the energy is restored to normal, it is good to revisit what happened so everything is brought out in broad daylight and not swept under the carpet. Clarifying things with good will can make any relationship stronger and more solid. Put your best foot forward by acting out of true concern. Things always fall back in place with the true spirit of love and respect where these virtues abide.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for October 29-November 4, 2012

You can CREATE a lot for yourself this week when you use your inner sensitivity to open up all of the energy centers through your physical body for a more positive energy flow. Letting go of personal limitations will dramatically increase your results and you will feel genuinely accomplished and enjoy every single day more and more.

Monday, October 29, 2012: Reassess

Reassess every difficult situation you may encounter today and ask yourself what you can do about it. If you avoid the blockages stopping you from doing what you know is right, you can certainly create a solution and become victorious over it all. You will end up being the one with a smile on your face at the end of this very productive day.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012:
Your positive attitude will be in demand today. Even the sharpest of conflicts can crumble when a calm and peaceful you is ready to gleam with warmth and optimism. If life gets hard, remind yourself it will go away when you bring into it a balanced perspective. Since everything happens so we can learn from it, using your wisdom can help change what is taking place for the better – right away.       

Wednesday, October 31, 2012: Wow!
Just when you think there is nothing left in life to amaze you because you have been there and seen it all, there always comes a day like today to completely blow your mind. Wow! Right from the start you will know the day is going to surpass even the boldest of expectations with something very exciting. Be ready for the surprise the energy will bring you so you can make it a great experience.

Thursday, November 1, 2012:
Nothing can work well on this planet without a proper system in place to support it. If you experience a glitch in the system today, there must be a reason for it. Keep your cool and realize you may have a suggestion to improve it, but only if you take the opportunity seriously. By giving your input, you can leave a footprint into what will make a difference for the many people who come after you.

Friday, November 2, 2012: Sincere

Nobody is perfect, but it helps to have an attitude of being willing to take a sincere look at yourself in order to improve whatever is necessary to grow and be better. You may have come a long way, but it is also good to be able to continue going further, as far as your ability can take you. The more you can see and acknowledge you can do something outstanding, the greater momentum you will create to make even more of yourself.

Saturday, November 3, 2012: Understand

If something has recently been challenging for you to understand, you may find it easier today to unlock the answers you are looking for. Being open to change your picture with newly discovered facts will help, as well as being more informed in making all of your important decisions.

Sunday, November 4, 2012: Introspection

Now it is time to gauge how you feel inside with any new factors that have appeared in your reality over the last few days. This introspection can bring you many necessary revelations about what works much better for you and how you can reach your goals more efficiently. This will help you end the week in a better place than when you started.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Only when you reassess the meaning of your experiences can you gleam with joy and wow! yourself and the world around you with a system of sincere ways to understand yourself through true introspection.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Good introspection can help you understand your inner drive in a sincere way so you can create a system that can wow! everyone when you gleam with joy and reassess your own strategy to ensure continuous success.

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Energy of the Week for October 29-November 4, 2012: Create

You create your own reality every single day. This week, creative energy is going to be all around you and to tap into it, you will need to open your senses to fully take it all in. To do this, you will also need to release any limiting concepts that may stand in your way blocking you from using it completely. There are seven energy centers throughout your physical body which are connected to the way your energy flows through you. Understanding what each one of them stands for spiritually can unleash your full creative potential in every area of your life.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

You do have a magic wand when it comes to your own self. You can change yourself to be exactly the way you want to be. Not only can nothing stop you from doing it, but all the positive energy in the universe will be standing behind you helping you to accomplish it when it is right for you. Feeling empowered to go after what your own heart desires is necessary for your creative juices to flow. Energy flows into your physical body through the pineal gland on the back of your head and this has to do with accepting yourself so you allow the inspiration coming your way to reach you. Do not let yourself feel unworthy because this will foreclose the opportunity for you to accept your own exciting ideas and the backing to turn them into a reality. This rolls into the next area of your coccyx or lower back where you need to feel you deserve to pursue your wants and goals. They are yours to go after. Otherwise, you will be turning your back on your own self by denying what could make you the best you can ever possibly be. Together with this, the role of your reproductive area stands for taking care of your own needs and unleashing your self-expression. Others will never be able to satisfy your own needs for you, so do not try to delegate this. Be in charge to make sure you are properly fed, healthy, loved, sheltered and have communicated openly both physically and spiritually. All of this will help you stay charged and energized to create in your own energy up to your own standards.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
One of the main deciding factors which can make or break any business is staying detached and being able to discern the facts of any given situation. This is focused physically in the stomach area or your solar plexus. You may worry and experience butterflies from becoming too mixed up with other people’s business. Be clear and follow your own direction with your work and you will be able to both create it and enjoy it. The next area that determines a lot of your success is having the right motivation for doing it. This is physically in your heart as the pumping device that defines the speed you apply the inner drive and incentive in your daily life. Do not take on the rhythm of others which causes you to move too fast or too slow. This puts undue pressure on you physically. Do what is right for you. Do something bigger and better by going beyond the mechanics of just paying bills or trying to live up to the expectations of others. Be guided and inspired to shoot for the stars and every moment will be enchanting and unforgettable.        

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
To create better relationships with everyone, the secret lies in how you relate to them. This is manifested in your thyroid or neck area. If you feel greater or lesser than others, you will not be able to communicate adequately with anyone. Comparing in an unbalanced way leads to  judging yourself or others. Rather, treat everyone as an equal. Because we all are unique and different, who can say who is better? This will allow you to have a true soul-to-soul communication by accepting everyone for exactly where they are. Remember, everyone is doing the best they know how and if they knew any better, they would certainly be doing it! Last, but not least comes your personal outflow through the pituitary gland in the middle of your forehead where the energy leaves your physical body. Allow yourself to be fully involved in life by giving without expecting to receive. This is true expression. The more you give of yourself and your innate wisdom, the more room you make for the universe to bring more right back to you. Opening your outflow completes the entire energy cycle and enriches you with incredible experiences throughout your life.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for October 22-28, 2012

Bold, Enchanting, Ambitious, Unique, Trendy, Youthful – whatever flavor the BEAUTY around you comes in, if you can recognize it, whether by knowing it, seeing it, hearing it or feeling it – it is all because you must have it, too. This week, make an extra effort to discover and acknowledge as much of the BEAUTY all things in life carry and your senses will be overflowing with the unimaginable wealth of it all.

Monday, October 22, 2012: Practice

All good things become even better with practice. If you have a desire to do something well, start it today. Then, continue on and on with it until you perfect it more and more. If you do not stop, nothing can stop you. The next thing you know, you will have a pretty good grasp of what was important enough to be inspired by it.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012:
There is nothing challenging that exists on this planet without a great solution for it. Finding it takes your undivided attention and focus until you succeed. If you are the one who cares the most about the problem while others do not – it is because it is your opportunity to come up with a proper solution. By putting your energy to great use and coming up with the best solution not only for yourself, but also for everyone else, you will experience gratitude from the whole world.   

Wednesday, October 24, 2012: Direct
This is a great time to be direct and spontaneous – right on the spot. There is no need for too much thinking.  Just act when your gut tells you to. Follow whatever crazy inspiration comes your way and just let the rest unfold and take its natural course.

Thursday, October 25, 2012:
Being exact in your communication is what it will take to make things work for you today. No going around the block or saying it in other ways. You will lose the momentum the energy is bringing you if you are unclear or dubious. Stay sharp and on your toes. Say it as it is, mean it and make it happen.

Friday, October 26, 2012: Review

Give a final review to what you have been working on to make sure it is all in place and in the right way for you. Your efforts will be well rewarded when you discover all of the little hidden points you have been missing so you can put that extra refining touch to it.

Saturday, October 27, 2012: Extreme

Let go of anything extreme and do not overpressure yourself or stress over what you will be dealing with today. A long lasting result only comes from the balanced efforts you make by planting seeds in the right place. By remaining detached, you will allow everything to take its own course. Do your thing, but be relaxed so the rest happens on its own.

Sunday, October 28, 2012: Possible

Today, anything is possible as long as it is in your own best interest and respectful of others. You will get the backing and support from the universe for yourself and show others it can be done, this will make it happen for everyone else.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Tirelessly practice your virtues and the solution you are looking for will come as a direct and exact result from the review of a golden middle ground and not from any extreme ways that could also make it possible.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Everything is possible without extreme measures, but from a rather quiet and balanced review of the exact direct solution in front of you which you can practice from your own self-loyalty.

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Energy of the Week for October 22-28, 2012: Beauty

This week is about the beauty there is in everything. All that exists has a meaning to it and there is a sensible reason for what happens to you in your life. If you feel low or uninspired, it may be difficult to see how beautiful and nice everything really is. No matter what, deep inside each one of us is a very beautiful person who needs to be given an opportunity to show it to the world. As all things become transparent within yourself, you can see the beauty everywhere. As they say, it is always in the eyes of the beholder. Once you allow yourself to see it, you will magnify the beauty both for yourself and others. Experience it to the fullest and indulge with all your senses – abundantly.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Only through connecting to the beauty within yourself can you open up and enjoy your surroundings. This will help you bring out what you have to offer even more. Take a look at all of the great resources you have accumulated over the years to open doors and share your success with others. It is not about having good looks or spending money on new clothes, hair-do, manicure or make-up. This is about feeling truly happy with what you have accomplished and radiating it through a genuine smile no one else can resist. What you see in others, you have in yourself. Otherwise, you would not be able to see it. You must have it inside as you can only recognize what you are already intimately familiar with. Dig down as deep as you need to, but point out the beauty in yourself over the next few days and do not give up until you see more of it. Once you do, watch it grow and expand before your own bedazzled eyes!

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
If you need to lift up any of your working relationships this week, there is a quick way to do it. Pay a sincere compliment to those who exhibit beauty in their attitude and behavior. By reading between the lines and listening to the words they say, you should be able to catch the moments they reveal their true beauty. By giving them this chance, it will be a privilege for both of you to help bring it closer to the surface, even with the most invisible aspects of their personality. Not only will this make your business connections feel you truly care, but will help them bring it out and live it more often, especially when you are around. Helping them see the beauty within themselves will enrich your life beyond belief.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

The reason we attract people who are our close and distant social counterparts is because they are responding to the beauty we have within ourselves just as we do the same for theirs. This will always mutually move and inspire both of us. Out of the billions of people on this planet, the mere fact you have encountered someone creates a connection to grow closer and learn from each other. Is this a coincidence? Never! There are endless possibilities for you to be in different places at any given time. What are the odds that both of you chose to be in the same one in order to meet? The beauty of everyone’s energy counts and as different as each person is, it is there. We have all come from the same source and no matter how we believe we have originated, we have our own unique experiences which shapes each one of us unlike any other. By treating everyone as a unique gift and realizing you may never come across them again, make an effort to give them a hand and help point out all of the incredible qualities both of you have that has made you into who you really are. What you will learn will stay with you forever.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for October 15-21, 2012

The REALM of possibilities is about to expand in all areas of your life. Respond to this dynamic energy by stepping up your game this week. It has never been easier to believe in a new personal goal, take on a new exciting business project and brighten up a new or old relationship. This could be your week to remember!

Monday, October 15, 2012: Satisfy

Feast yourself on all of the endless ways you can get what you are needing and wanting done. Life has more in store for you today than you can possibly handle and you can use it to satisfy your innermost desires by finding all of the great solutions you are looking for.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012:
It is time to re-gauge your direction with a reality check on where is your life taking you at present so you can redirect it and head straight for what you truly want to create for yourself.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012: Saturate
Today is one of those times you will remember forever. It will saturate you with serene experiences you can play over and over again in your mind so you do not forget them. Take it all in by savoring the best feeling of all of them which will give you a boost for the rest of your life.

Thursday, October 18, 2012:
If you have ever been poised for an opportunity to communicate, this is it. Something on the inside will be pushing you to share. Tell the whole-wide-world what you are going through. Your story is worth our time. Let us hear about it.

Friday, October 19, 2012: Promote

Promote loud and clear everything you want to encourage and advance in the world. The universe is not going to back you if you do not ask for it. Make it more solid and internalize it by saying to yourself what you want and why. If you make yourself your greatest supporter, you would have yourself at hello!

Saturday, October 20, 2012: Rest

Take a well deserved rest like never before. By acknowledging your great work this week and making a solid plan for the future, this will help you relax and feel on track. Close your eyes and indulge in your dream so you can see everything playing out just the way you want it. Then, open them up and start making it all happen – charged and refreshed.

Sunday, October 21, 2012: Tune In

Tune in to yourself, hear your heartbeat, feel your blood rushing through your veins and realize you are here to make something significant happen. Decide to pursue it with every ounce of energy and fiber of your being until you make it your reality. This will enhance the realm of your possibilities even further than you have all week.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Satisfy your passion and redirect yourself to saturate your experiences with the best positive way to communicate with the world around you so you can promote your vision and not rest until you see it through by being able to tune in and use your deepest inspiration.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Tune in to the rest of your life and promote a free and open way to communicate with everyone to saturate your relationships with your sincerity and redirect all of your energy into a positive way to satisfy your wishes and make all your dreams come true.

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Energy of the Week for October 15-21, 2012: Realm

You will need to determine the realm of possibilities for yourself this whole week. It will cause you to think outside the box when people and events start pointing out all of the impossibilities in front of you. Do not buy into it, but instead see right through the whole thing to find a clear solution and make it happen.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Do not take no for an answer. If you feel it in your gut that what you want is out there, decide to go after it and claim it. If you know inside it is possible and it matters to you, do not listen to others telling you it will not happen. It may seem impossible to them since it is not theirs to have or enjoy. Even though they do not see it, this does not mean it cannot exist for you. Take a solid stand within yourself that what you want is going to happen no matter what because you are going to make it happen. No one else can tell you what your realm consists of. Define this for yourself. Your innermost desires clarify what inspires you the most. Set all limitations aside when you are focusing on what you want to pursue for yourself. Any blockages disappear once you clarify the target and the direction to follow. This in itself will change your energy and charge you with all the positive strength you need to succeed.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Open yourself up to new and unchartered territories and watch how the realm of business opportunities available to you skyrockets. Offer solutions and find creative approaches to bring what people need in a practical way. Growing interests and new demands appear globally every day and need to be satisfied in a modern and convenient fashion. Even the most basic of solutions to everyday life need improvement through innovation. Everywhere you look, things can be upgraded and done better. If you are doing the same thing in the same way you have done it in the last couple of years, there is a chance now to bring an extra touch in order to update and renovate your service. Seize this new energy flowing through planet Earth on an annual basis to fit the current trends arising from it. But if you resist change and are only interested in earning money without improving things for everyone in the process, something will always be missing for you. Everything will start to feel difficult down the line and will not bring you the real satisfaction you are seeking. Do not get too comfortable. You can never be too new for today’s fast growing market and dynamic developing technologies.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

As the times we live in change, so do our relationships. The equality of race and gender with women stepping up their business game in the workplace, countries throwing out oppressive regimes and more people finding social freedom, the whole world opening up to direct communication through the world-wide-web and all information readily available at a click of a button, it is time for the same to happen within the family and in the one-on-one relationships we all have. All of this progress allows for a new realm of close connections for all of us. Expressing yourself more with the people you have chosen to share your life with needs to be free, open and flowing, let alone complete and satisfying. With so many examples you can tap into for inspiration, there should be nothing keeping you from putting your own inner spark into it all. We are all unique citizens of this big blue planet. Respect and treat each other as such. It is time we help one another achieve the happiness we all deserve and empower others to do the same for themselves. Through social media, many of the things we do now appear on a global stage and are witnessed by everyone. Feel comfortable and smile because the whole world is watching you. Let us really unite and help each other live our dreams to the fullest.

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