Weekly Energy of the Day for August 13-19, 2012

Your self-PRESENTATION will improve and be in its naturally stunning beauty when you allow all of  your energy to flow freely and openly.

Monday, August 13, 2012: Reason
If you think you have a reason to be sad, think again. This is only an excuse to block yourself from living fully with an open heart and enjoying every minute. Life is full of adventures and everything is there for the lesson to be learned from it which is always a good reason.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012: Forgive
Today calls for you to be a bit softer so you can find it in you to not only forgive but also to forget the uneasiness you may think others have caused you. Even if they have encroached on your boundaries, it is usually because of their confusion – not yours. Remember, they may not be seeing things from your angle so gently communicate more. There is no need to be harsh. Use the opportunity to make a suggestion for improvement. After all, if you are the one noticing how things could be better, it is up to you to do something about it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012: Retreat
Have you ever thought of your home as the quiet and serene retreat you deserve to live in? Today, you can use your gentle touch to relax the energy in your environment so everything can settle down. Use your ability to influence the rest of the inhabitants of the household by making a good productive presentation of how great the vibe of your place will be if everyone stays harmonious.

Thursday, August 16, 2012: Design
This is the best time to use your ability to design your dream come true. Plan it (which means to organize it with the facts of what, when, where and why), communicate it (which means to share what you are going to do and rally any outside help you may need) and then act on it (which is to get it done). Yes, it is that simple.

Friday, August 17, 2012: Fast
It may feel like a balancing act, but you do not need to go too fast today. However, make sure you are not missing the timing of what is really important to you by getting scattered either. Clarify your agenda the first thing in the morning and follow it through.

Saturday, August 18, 2012: Checklist
It will take making a checklist and checking it twice so you do not forget any minor details of what you need to do today. You can even start the night before so when you fall asleep and go out in the universe, you can regroup with your guidance/helpers on the priorities and strategy to accomplish it.

Sunday, August 19, 2012: Love
A day for love and happiness is unfolding for you today. Start with yourself and focus on this warm fuzzy feeling inside, then bring it out and spread it all around you. There should be nothing in your sight you do not dearly adore.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Find a reason to forgive anything that bothers you and retreat to make a design in a fast way to accomplish your checklist with love and high spirits.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Love yourself and use a checklist to accomplish your goals in a fast way with a design inspired from within after you relax in the retreat of being able to forgive the whole world for the best reason ever – being free and enjoying life!

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Energy of the Week for August 13-19, 2012: Presentation

Whether you realize it or not, your whole life showcases who you are. Are you ready to make your presentation this week? All you need to do is keep your energy calm and in balance so your true essence can shine through. Is this easier said than done for you? Let’s see what can help you feel the most confident in your own skin.

Since you are energy, all you may ever need translates into more energy. For example, if you are tired – you need more rest energy. If you are hungry – you need more food energy. If you are short of financial means to get by – you need more resources energy. If you are depressed – you need more calm energy, etc. As long as you can wrap your head around how you can actually supply this energy to yourself – you will have it made. The secret is – guess what? You already have it coming to you from the universe. Energy flows into your physical body through (1) the pineal gland (back of the head) and flows through the rest of your energy centers (chakras) in a natural order: (2) coccyx (lower back), (3) reproductive organs, (4) solar plexus (stomach) (5) heart area and (6) thyroid (throat) and then flows out of (7) the pituitary gland (middle of the forehead or third eye). The key is to having each of these energy centers open 100% to allow for an uninterrupted flow. In reality, there are spiritual concepts pertaining to each of these areas and if you are unclear in any of them, this can cause a blockage. This slows down the flow through the affected centers and can result in a physical discomfort or dis-ease in these corresponding parts of your body. Once you realize what is happening to you, keeping clear and staying open can be easy and your self-presentation will show you are in full charge of your natural energy!

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

To keep your personal life together by giving it your best presentation, it is very important to allow for the flow in and out. This has to do with your (1) self-acceptance (inflow) and (7) your personal outflow. Being open to receive relies on accepting yourself for who you are as a soul. You need to love and appreciate yourself. You have lived lifetime after lifetime mastering your unique innate philosophy through countless experiences. Therefore, no one else has your answers but you. Any time you think you are not good enough or do not deserve something will create tension and shrink the energy flow into you. This cuts down your energy supply. This is one of the main reasons many older people scrunch and bend down. They have denied themselves throughout their life and the energy flow is so low, they press themselves down until they are visibly bent. If you try to explain to them how to free themselves and start feeling adequate, this could be a challenge and requires patience since it has been so ingrained and passed on from generation to generation. How easy it is to break this chain if you open your own eyes and change it within yourself so you can be an example for others. The outflow denotes giving freely and being totally involved in life. Unfortunately, for many people it turns instead into holding onto things and cutting off endless opportunities by just being closed. No wonder they end up with migraine headaches. The simple answer is not to be uptight, but learn to release. After you have worked out your inflow and outflow, the (4) solar plexus deserves serious attention. This is where discernment and detachment come into play. Otherwise, you can end up worrying yourself sick. Just realize the problems others are having are not yours. So quit suffering with them. Creating a natural boundary around you protects your energy from getting mixed up with negativity from your immediate environment.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
The presentation you do in your business begins with how you have chosen to be of service to others and starts with your (3) wants and goals. If you are unclear what you want for yourself, there is very little you can offer anyone else. You have come here to live a vibrant life – full, exciting and fun and have so much to offer. No one else has gone through the exact same experiences. Only you have seen things from your individual point-of-view. If you share what you have learned, your incredible wisdom will be invaluable to others. Once you feel a natural desire for something big or extraordinary – it is yours for the taking. In addition to recognizing what you can do, you also need to organize yourself to do it. Pin down your facts in a businesslike manner. After this is crystal clear, next comes (6) your incentive. Do you have a strong drive to pursue your goals? How much do you really want to see them happen? So many people have incredible ideas, but bury them alive with their ‘but’s. They all say – I wish this or that, BUT I am: not lucky enough, too short, too young, too poor, too inexperienced…or whatever else they use as a petty excuse. As long as your heart pumps blood, you have it in you to go full steam ahead with what drives you. Pursue your utmost desires and make these dreams come true. Do not turn your back on your own self. Be unstoppable – no one else can do this for you!

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

To have an impeccable social life, you need to start with (3) taking care of your own needs first. Taking care of others all of the time does not work. Attending to someone else before doing it for yourself first puts you at a great disadvantage as you will not be in shape to help yourself let alone do this for anybody else. What good are you if you do not provide for yourself with enough food, love, health, shelter and sex? The latter represents communication – opening yourself to someone else who is opening themselves back to you and could be either physical or spiritual. This is your ultimate self-expression and creativity which leads to pro-creation – creating someone just like yourself! Do not be shy spiritually. Bring out your creative juices and give them the expression they deserve by sharing what you have with others. Lastly, is your (7) relating gland or thyroid. Do you ever compare yourself and feel greater or lesser than others? Remember, you are not them and they are not you. We are just different. So who is better?  We all have our own way to be. There is no point in judging or holding grudges because everyone is just doing the best they know how. Relax – this is the only way to have a true soul-to-soul communication with everyone. By now, you should have it all covered so you can make a smashing presentation of yourself in no time. Don’t forget to send us a note to share how it is going.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for August 6-12, 2012

Can you be more DIRECT this week? Just show others who you really are and seek all your answers from within so you can get the best results.

Monday, August 6, 2012: Explain

You do not have to explain yourself to anyone else. As long as you are happy with yourself and feel good about where you are at and what you are doing, then everything else will fall in the right place around you.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012:
Stick to your purpose today. Everything you do has to have a direct link with what you are aiming for. This will make your efforts and time worthwhile while your actions will be inspired by this driving force.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012: Unify
In order to be as direct as possible this week, you need to unify your position on what matters the most to you, so you can use the full power of your compact spiritual message.

Thursday, August 9, 2012:
Just as in archery, focus on the target before you aim for it. Stay clear on only one thing at a time today to pierce through any confusion around you so you can achieve all of your goals.

Friday, August 10, 2012: Wonder

If you wonder how something can be done today, simply take action and find the facts of all the different options available so you can discern them and compare. Do not spend all your time trying to figure out intellectually what to do without making a decision. Just keep moving forward!

Saturday, August 11, 2012: Exemplify

There is something truly unique you need to share with the world. This is how you can exemplify what others will learn from you. Go the distance and you will make a real difference.

Sunday, August 12, 2012: Relinquish

If anything from your past is haunting you, relinquish it today. You are the most light on your feet when you do not carry excess baggage. Just use the wisdom from all of your experiences – good and not-so-good.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Explain your purpose gently and unify your focus so you do not have to wonder but exemplify what you are about and relinquish yourself from all the heavy burdens.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Relinquish your past to exemplify how you have a tight grip on your present and do not wonder how to focus on your future but unify your life purpose in everything you do and explain it with your every action.

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Energy of the Week for August 6-12, 2012: Direct

This whole week is about finding direct answers to life. Do not go to your neighbors, teachers or friends, but rather stay tuned into your own sensitivity as no one else knows you better than you know yourself.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

If you had the answers to what you are looking forward to do and the energy for it, you would be easily moving along by acting on it and getting it accomplished. What may bother you is feeling perplexed by not knowing what to do or how to go about it. When your doubting turns unending, you are not able to pursue these desires and this could definitely slow your energy down. Did you know you came to planet Earth fully equipped with a direct way to find your solutions? You brought a team of spiritual guidance (helpers or angels) who are around you and giving you suggestions and inspiration at all times. They have lived many lifetimes and learned everything they needed to learn in order to graduate so it was not necessary for them to come back anymore. You have chosen them because they have mastered a similar purpose to yours and are able to direct you in any way necessary. The question is: are you listening? They are likely to give you at least 80 to 90 hunches or more every single day to steer you in the pathway you originally planned for yourself. Since they are pure energy and the highest vibration, it takes being calm and peaceful in order to pick up the impressions coming from them. Watch yourself during the day. If you say something you did not know you knew or discover something that can be done from out of nowhere, this could be them giving you hints so you can discern what to do for yourself.

Hint: If you are ready to be close to your guidance all of the time so you do not miss out on what they are directing you to do, you can learn a direct two-way communication technique to obtain your answers straight from them with our Intermediate Package.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Business is about having a goal and clarifying the facts needed to organize yourself to achieve it. If you are not direct in your service, you can mix it up with too much social. This does not mean not to be patient or friendly with your customers. Just do not become so chummy and comfortable with them that you forget what your goal is in the first place. Here your sensitivity to pick up inspiration from your guidance/helpers is as needed as in anything else. You can be doing different things to be of service to others, but no matter what you are involved with you are always searching an avenue to live and express your life purpose. This personal message you are sharing with others is helping you grow by learning even more about yourself. Sometimes, you can reach all of the people you need to in a particular setting so you will start to feel an urge to change a job or position. Being successful earning money is only an expression of how valuable others consider what you are offering them. If you are not seizing the opportunity for doing what you have come here to do, your work will deplete you and you will be unfulfilled. The more you feel like yourself – free and creative – the better your results all around.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

If you try to be so tactful with your close family and friends that you never share what you really think, you are doing a double dis-service to both yourself and them. You need to be open and direct with them so you can share who you are inside and what you are about. Otherwise, how could anyone else ever get to know the real you? The best example you can be is by showing your true essence inside. Remember, all relationships are but a two-way street to exchange wisdom and connect on a deeper level. Most situations involving multiple parties are usually worked out by a mutual effort with everyone involved and from guidance/helpers behind the scenes. Ultimately, you have the opportunity to interact, express and respond while you learn more in the process. Forget about going the around-about-way in the next few days. Be both bold and loving at the same time. Let us know the results.

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The Energy of the Month for August is COMPLETION

Bringing things to completion is the goal to put your focus on this month. Watch out for the fear of success standing in your way. The key is to realize you do have enough energy to see things through. However, this does not mean it will not take effort to get you there. To see this is true, here is an overview to help you become aware of how the energy runs through your physical body.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
The energy you are running on flows through seven energy centers (also called chakras) in your physical body. Each one has a corresponding spiritual concept pertaining to it which works like a “valve” allowing the energy to flow through it depending more or less on how “open” your understanding in that area really is. The energy enters through your pineal gland on the back of your head which has to do with your inflow and self-acceptance. The more accepting you are of yourself, the more open you will be to receive all of the inspiration coming to you on a daily basis. There is virtually no limit to how much energy can flow into you – it is just a matter of how much energy you are capable of using for what you are ready to do with it. Being open and ready to do greater things allows you to receive a lot more. If you think you are unworthy or not deserving, this will shrink your inflow and cause you to run on low energy. To solve this, do not listen to put downs from your family and environment or make a big deal out of what you may think are mistakes you have done in the past. It is all a learning curve to grow which gets steeper when you are trying to learn faster by putting yourself through a lot at once. So the only thing that matters is what you do with it. Make it count and only the best will come from it.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
The next center is in your lower back or coccyx and defines your wants and goals. If you are not clear about what you want or are pursuing, you are not directing your energy toward anything specific so it will become scattered causing physical discomfort or pain in this area. Decide what it is you want for yourself and in your business. Set clear goals in place and you will have a stronger flow than ever. The third center is in your reproductive organs which has to do with self-expression and taking care of your needs. Have you ever tried to do anything when you were too tired? How has it worked for you? No one else can satisfy your needs for food, love, health, shelter and communication. Nor can you let yourself hold back from bringing out your own creativity. The quality of your work depends on all of the above being met. Not to mention, it can also lead to physical problems in this area if you undermine them. Next, your energy flows through your solar plexus in the middle of your stomach area and reflects on your discernment and detachment. Clarifying the facts about what, how (when and where) and why you are doing your service can be tantamount to staying detached from what is not yours and ultimately being successful. Otherwise, you are going to let worry overwhelm you and either give you unsettling nervous jitters in your gut or even cause ulcers and indigestion. To avoid all of this, do not take on pressure or negativity from your environment. This is easier said than done, but if you realize the price you are paying, you can stop it and not let it happen. By being clear and keeping things simple, you can do a lot more with your life.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Next, the energy moves up through your heart area which denotes your drive and incentive. Most of the time what gets you up and keeps you going in your life could be the bond with your loved ones and the commitment you have to them. It may take a balancing act not to move too fast or go too slow for your own pace, just to please others. This is how many of us get into trouble creating heart attacks or strokes – missing on our own timing, as the heart reflects the rhythm with which we push and go. If you have ever let yourself feel down, perhaps you thought there was nothing worth living for. Perk yourself up because you know this is obviously a bunch of baloney. There are too many things to do in life with endless possibilities and too many things to care for and people to love. So pull yourself together. The thyroid center in your neck area is next which reflects on your relating and communication. If you compare yourself as being greater or lesser than others, it will be impossible to communicate to anyone soul-to-soul. The truth is everyone is just doing the best they know how so there is really no point in getting angry with anyone. Let it go and you will not get stiff in this area or develop a thyroid problem. Last, but not least, is the pituitary gland in the middle of your forehead (also called the third eye) which is your personal outflow. This is where your energy leaves your physical body and defines being involved in life and giving freely without expecting to receive back. Holding on and not sharing your wisdom with others is like damming a river. You cannot let more come in unless you unleash your outflow first. Think about this if you feel you are lacking something. If you give all you have, you will make the most room available for more from the universe to come and fill you up so you can give more and so on. If you do not interrupt the flow of energy in any of these seven areas, you will be floating free and well replenished at all times.

Hint: If you want more personalized insight into the percentages your energy flows through your physical body in every energy center, there is an advanced consultation on The Law of Spiritual Energy that will heal what may be blocking you unnecessarily. The prerequisite for this is to know how to work with your spiritual guidance with the direct communication technique from our Intermediate Package. Are you ready to take yourself seriously and do what it takes to get you where you need to be? You know the answer and help is only a click away.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for July 30-August 5, 2012

It is important to have QUALITY time with yourself and others at home and at work this week. Enjoy it and embrace a better life when you know you are doing your best!


Monday, July 30, 2012: Examine
Do not overlook something that is not working for you today. Most people fear they cannot handle things when they go downhill and then try to escape from taking a good look into how they can solve it. However, if you examine what is not of good quality, you can find where the defect came from and fix it. This way, nothing has to spoil your standards ever again.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012:
Find the beauty at every stage of all the natural processes that take place in life. What happens every day is sacred as we cannot take it back. Look beyond the white hair and wrinkles on a face and observe the wisdom they must have accumulated over time. Look past the larger curved body of a new mother and see the womb that gives life to another being. Look between the scars and disabilities people carry with them and imagine all of the rich experiences that make them who they really are. We are all learning from everyone.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012: Rework
This is the week for achieving quality and if you plan to ride on the exhilarated energy it can generate, you may need to redo a thing or two to make them better. If you have to rework something you have not done well, today may be the best opportunity to make it work. Do not think of it as a waste of time and effort. See it as a way to show that just because it did not work as well the first time, you can still improve it no matter what.

Thursday, August 2, 2012:
Every time you wake up, you rise to the opportunity to live another day and have more experiences to grow from. If you cherish how much this means, you will never take any second for granted. Always be ready and thrilled to face what will happen to you. Make today a great start!

Friday, August 3, 2012: Exhaust

Every time you get down, tired or weak, it may feel as if you exhaust your energy after what you were doing. This is only temporary. In fact, you will replenish easily after some rest or a bite to eat or you can refresh yourself by washing your face or changing your clothes. If needed, you can even collect your thoughts and breathe in a more relaxed way by changing your environment. The key is – you are in charge to re-charge yourself.

Hint: A great “quick fix” is to do the Personal Energy Cleansing technique and restore your energy to 100% in less than a minute. Learn it for free and you can do it any time you like. Do not forget to share it with everyone you know. They can all use an energy uplift!

Saturday, August 4, 2012: Realign

Today is about recognizing you can always switch gears and realign yourself with your own direction to make sure you are heading where you want to go. You do not need to change horses in mid-stream, but as soon as you become aware you need an adjustment, do not delay to take the first opportunity to do it. This way, no matter where your journey takes you, you can still make everything work for you in the end.

Sunday, August 5, 2012: Task

Can you have more fun accomplishing a task? Even though this is Sunday and there is still something you need to do to close the energy for the week, you might as well enjoy it. What you need to do is there for a reason. You are better off seeing your commitments through to fruition and respecting your work enough to finish all of your projects at hand. Do not leave things hanging or drop the ball on anything you will regret later.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Open your eyes and examine the beauty in everything you do, even when you need to rework something in order to be able to live with it after you exhaust the energy of doing it the first time as it is never too late to realign and tackle the remaining task so you can finally finish everything to your best satisfaction.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Every task helps you realign after you exhaust your energy if you live too fast and, as a result, need to rework what you have already done to show the beauty you can achieve after you examine what can be improved and how.

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Energy of the Week for July 30-August 5, 2012: Quality

This week, remind yourself to do your best every single time. After all, what good is it if you do a not-so-good job? You can only have your mind, heart and hands on one thing at a time. How can you do more with them? Are you not curious to find out what you are truly capable of with all of your energy and how you can communicate better with yourself and others at every stage of your life? Take the time to strive to give your highest performance toward everything you touch and create. High quality is better and lasts longer. When you put your energy in this direction, it will go farther and make a huge difference. Here is how to do it.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

The formula to achieve the most quality within yourself is two-fold. First, always think about what the best solution would be to what you are working on the most in your life right now, all limitations aside. Then, discern the best way to make it happen and how you can stretch what you already have to make it go even further. Armed with this clarity, you will do great as long as you do not give up or get fragmented with anything else which may occur in the meantime. It is always worth doing one thing better than ten things not so well. Keep your focus on the prize and strengthen yourself with a lot of patience. The end result will justify your efforts.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Since many people just try to earn a quick buck, there is not as much attention to good quality these days when it comes to business. Do not fall into this trap. What really matters is the service you are offering and if this is where your energy and concern are directed at all times, you will earn more reward, fulfillment and yes, money, too. Remember, you are showing yourself through your work. So, if you do a sloppy job, what does this say about you? Always pay attention to the recipients of what you do. What would be the point of offering others something you would surely not want to receive yourself? Further, if you do a truly inspired job, you will see magic happen in the making. People will be touched in the process and respond in ways you do not expect. This allows you the great ability to reach and change people. The quality of what you are offering them will be tantamount if you do that.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

How you accomplish things matters just as much in your social environment as it does in your personal and business life. Depending on how much input and participation you put into your relationships, you can enjoy a greater quality of life for yourself and others around you. For example, you can surely use a so-called twelve-hour protection diaper and make it last longer or you can change the diaper every time your baby goes. It may take more effort, but do you really believe the result will be the same either way? Of course not. So, stick to what you feel is best and then do it even better. Make your own personal high standards the rule and watch your life as a whole reach new heights. Be an example and not only will others love it, but they will also strive to keep up.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for July 23-29, 2012


SURPASS your own personal communication this week, especially in the way you pick up your own inspiration and work with your sensitivity. Express yourself clearly and share it with others so both you and them can benefit from the extra strength and energy this will generate. Enjoy!

Monday, July 23, 2012: Breakthrough
If you have been bumping into a brick wall lately, today could be your time to have a breakthrough. You can bust through any previous confusion or concepts holding you back as long as you are open to change things around. Remember, you need to do things differently in order to get different results.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012:
Today promises to be phenomenal and full of many inspiring and memorable events, but you will need to go out and embrace the world so opportunities present themselves. Be spontaneous and do not be afraid to veer off of your schedule when the challenge calls for action. Let us know how it goes.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012: Structure
You already have everything you need to succeed in life and make it better than even you can imagine. The key is to put structure to what you are doing. As this takes effort, start from the big picture and then fill in the necessary details. Do not be afraid to go for it. This is the week to surpass.

Thursday, July 26, 2012:
You Name It!
Today will challenge you to do something you have never done before, do not know how to do or are not good at. If you ask why this is happening, it is because this is the best way to grow. As an example, the people we admire the most are those who seem to be able to do it all – you name it! They are good at whatever they do because they have been there and done that, which means they have experience. If you want to be unstoppable then do whatever it takes to make it happen. Don’t waste time – just go for it.

Friday, July 27, 2012: Precise

Be very precise in your communication today so you can convey clear ideas to your audience. Consider their perspective so you can understand how what you are sharing is coming across. Be grateful for any criticism. It helps you realize how another viewpoint can take what you say differently. Be flexible and let others have an opinion of your opinion – everyone is entitled to this.

Saturday, July 28, 2012: Multiply

If you think about how to make better use of your time and overall resources, you can literally multiply your results a few times over. Have a simple plan so you can be more efficient and not linger at anything that does not work. Rather switch gears and try something else. Everyone can do a tremendous amount with what is available, however, it does take craftiness to do more out of less. Be thrifty with what you have at your disposal and responsible with what you are using it for so you can make the best of yourself and what you can do for yourself and others.

Sunday, July 29, 2012: Forward

Look forward to find out what you have learned from your overall achievements this week and the difference these have made. When you realize how much what you do matters, you will be enthused to keep moving ahead and up no matter what it takes. The more you release the past, the faster you grow and the more you are learning from your life.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Make a breakthrough with your phenomenal ability to structure everything in your life – you name it! and it will all fall in place in a precise way and multiply all of your success moving forward.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Moving forward can be easy if you use your resources right and multiply everything in a precise way, then you name it! all will fall into a structure and bring you a phenomenal breakthrough.

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Energy of the Week for July 23-29, 2012: Surpass

This is the week to surpass everything you already know about your inner and outer communication. Your intuitive sensitivity gives you the best answers to everything you need to know. However, how much have you been listening to it? This is your opportunity to pick up even more from the 80 to 90 hunches you receive daily. The more inspiration you receive, the more radiant you become and the more willing you are to share it with the world around you. Here are some tips to help you understand how it all works so you can be even more tuned in than ever.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Out of the four main ways each one of us pick up our own intuition, when it comes to realizing who we are deep inside, we rely to a large degree on our prophetic gift. This is because it helps us tune in to the big picture of what we are all about. The impressions it gives us come as an inner knowing that sometimes could be almost impossible to explain. If you ever really sense that something is true, it is. The key is not to doubt it or turn away from it because it is golden. This gift is a combination of all of the other gifts and works profoundly through all of your creativity. Whatever the issue is at hand, you can always scan your environment to find the answer. To surpass in your prophetic gift, just pin down the possibilities and what you know that you know that you know and do not let yourself  get scattered by wondering what if this or what if that. Stay at peace within yourself so you can easily recognize the impressions coming to you to follow up and act on them. Remember: you know best.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Your sensitivity can also work through two other major avenues: getting pictures and visions or ideas and thoughts in your mind. These clairvoyant (clear seeing) and clairaudient (clear hearing) gifts are extremely useful in your business life because you need to envision what you are going to do first, then get all of the facts so you can discern how to make your plans work. Organize your imagination so each step can fall into place with all of the necessary details and create a short and concise bullet list of where it will all take place. Keep things simple and practical and your work flow will be more productive and efficient.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

You pick all of the people in your social circle. Even within your family, you are the one to decide what kind of relationship you want to have with each member, depending on their attitude toward you and how much affinity you feel toward them. When socializing, you are primarily working out of your feeling or healing gift by simply caring about others, feeling one with them and wanting to be of help as much as you can. Because the feeling gift has no boundaries, you need to be careful not to get mixed up with other people’s emotions or demand too much attention from them. Do not forget that no matter how close people are to you, they still have themselves to take care of first and their own lives so they can fulfill their own life purpose. To achieve a much desired balance with others and surpass it, make sure you are detached and responsible only for yourself so you always feel good. Inspire others with your bubbly enthusiasm so they can stand up on their own to do their part and feel great, too!

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Weekly Energy of the Day for July 16-22, 2012

Own your TIMING this week while being considerate, diligent and respectful of everyone else. Then, you will have a pleasant time taking care of yourself while having a peace of mind about your connection with others. As usual, straight communication saves the day.

Monday, July 16, 2012: Increase

You can do everything you want as long as you have the energy. So, why not do something to increase it? Be aware of where you are putting your energy so it is not going astray. Empty habits, small talk or fence sitting are amongst the top ways of wasting your time. If you need a break, make sure you rest. If you want to have some fun, do something to enjoy yourself. Take the time to learn more about the people around you. Appreciate it now so you do not regret not taking the opportunity. Do not do anything that may leave you bitter inside by nipping it in the bud right away. In the end, make everything count today by learning from your experiences and make a note of the wisdom they have given you so you can apply it next time around.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012:
Today is all about crafting a strategy to turn what you think is a negative formidable energy into its more positive meaning. Not much is gained by going through easy experiences. The more intimidating your situation may seem, the more impressive it will be once you get over the hump as long as you decide to make it through. Be resourceful, dig deep and bring out your creativity. There is more to any situation than meets the eye. Everything has its solution. It is just a matter of finding it. If you do not give up, you will meet a better self on the other side.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012: Concentrate
Today, focus on only one thing at a time so you can concentrate all of your energy to make it work. There is a story about an ancient khan who told his sons to each grab an arrow and break it with their hands. After they did, he asked them to take the whole stack of arrows and try breaking them all at once. No matter how hard they tried, the sons were unsuccessful. Their father inferred that if they stayed together and helped each other, they would be like a stack of arrows and no enemy could break them. However, if they were to divide and act separately, they would become weak as a single arrow and any enemy could easily break them one at a time. If you split your energy into doing too many things at a time, the amount you can give to each of them will be weaker and you may not get the results you want. Work in compact units, give all you have, do your best at one thing at a time and you will get further in everything you are doing.

Thursday, July 19, 2012:
Today is about understanding the scope of your own judicial authority. Because you only have control over yourself, you can judge what you are doing but you cannot judge what others do. You really do not know what is good or bad for them – only they do. This will save you from ever being unbalanced for trying to control something that is not any of your business.

Friday, July 20, 2012: Prominent

This is a day to make what you do best more prominent. Since you are one with it all, you are always contributing with everything you do despite the fact no one may witness it. Even if you are working behind the scenes, your example can be inspiring, enriching or uplifting for someone else. It is time to become noticeable by realizing you can make a bigger difference this way.

Saturday, July 21, 2012: Act Upon

You may witness something today that will move you deeply and cause you to act upon it so you can take your experience a whole step further. We all have a fire within ourselves but it takes a trigger to inflame it and urge us on. Harness this inspiration quickly so it does not die off and put your best foot forward to multiply it so many more people can benefit from the results.

Sunday, July 22, 2012: Regroup

It is the end of another week so take time to regroup and acknowledge what you are learning from all of your experiences. This will allow you to get reorganized and ready for the beginning of the new one with a fresh start.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Increase your formidable results and concentrate the special judicial power you hold of prominent authority within to act upon your inspirations and regroup all of your experiences to improve and get better as you go along.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Regroup your past so you can act upon your future with the great prominent wisdom you have gained throughout your life and apply your own judicial authority from everything you are learning so you can concentrate to achieve a formidable increase in your purpose and passion.

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