Your self-PRESENTATION will improve and be in its naturally stunning beauty when you allow all of your energy to flow freely and openly.
Monday, August 13, 2012: Reason
If you think you have a reason to be sad, think again. This is only an excuse to block yourself from living fully with an open heart and enjoying every minute. Life is full of adventures and everything is there for the lesson to be learned from it which is always a good reason.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012: Forgive
Today calls for you to be a bit softer so you can find it in you to not only forgive but also to forget the uneasiness you may think others have caused you. Even if they have encroached on your boundaries, it is usually because of their confusion – not yours. Remember, they may not be seeing things from your angle so gently communicate more. There is no need to be harsh. Use the opportunity to make a suggestion for improvement. After all, if you are the one noticing how things could be better, it is up to you to do something about it.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012: Retreat
Have you ever thought of your home as the quiet and serene retreat you deserve to live in? Today, you can use your gentle touch to relax the energy in your environment so everything can settle down. Use your ability to influence the rest of the inhabitants of the household by making a good productive presentation of how great the vibe of your place will be if everyone stays harmonious.
Thursday, August 16, 2012: Design
This is the best time to use your ability to design your dream come true. Plan it (which means to organize it with the facts of what, when, where and why), communicate it (which means to share what you are going to do and rally any outside help you may need) and then act on it (which is to get it done). Yes, it is that simple.
Friday, August 17, 2012: Fast
It may feel like a balancing act, but you do not need to go too fast today. However, make sure you are not missing the timing of what is really important to you by getting scattered either. Clarify your agenda the first thing in the morning and follow it through.
Saturday, August 18, 2012: Checklist
It will take making a checklist and checking it twice so you do not forget any minor details of what you need to do today. You can even start the night before so when you fall asleep and go out in the universe, you can regroup with your guidance/helpers on the priorities and strategy to accomplish it.
Sunday, August 19, 2012: Love
A day for love and happiness is unfolding for you today. Start with yourself and focus on this warm fuzzy feeling inside, then bring it out and spread it all around you. There should be nothing in your sight you do not dearly adore.
Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:
Find a reason to forgive anything that bothers you and retreat to make a design in a fast way to accomplish your checklist with love and high spirits.
Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:
Love yourself and use a checklist to accomplish your goals in a fast way with a design inspired from within after you relax in the retreat of being able to forgive the whole world for the best reason ever – being free and enjoying life!