Energy of the Week for September 10-16, 2012: Quality

You have heard the expression what you put into something is what you get out of it. This week will give you a special opportunity to find out even more about how you can use your own energy to achieve your best results and have an incredible time doing it. Top notch quality – here we come!

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

You may know a lot about what to do from your experiences or learned knowledge, however how you do it also matters a great deal and could even be critical at times. This is the difference between two people doing the same task with the same set of skills – where one achieves a lot and succeeds while the other does not manage to accomplish what he desires and fails. The key is only you can put the spark into what you are doing. In other words, sometimes just doing the right thing is not good enough. You also need to do it with the right energy. What defines that? Where can you get your optimism and inspiration so charged up that you make everyone turn their heads in awe? Incentive! This is the only thing that can give you the quality energy you need and there is no better one than doing what you love. No one deserves more than you a shot at what you want. You are already good enough because the idea came to you. Once you are open and determined, everything you need will flow your way. All you have to do is keep up.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
We all know a quality business service. This is the one where it is a pleasure to receive again and again and we cannot have enough of it – where our opinion is respected and what we like matters. In short, we are considered! Are you applying this to what you do? Have you made your customers a priority and their opinion an integral part of your equation? If you are not leaving satisfied recipients of what you are offering at the end of each day, no matter how much you have earned in the process – you have not done justice to what you have spent your time on. The only thing that can give you the most fulfillment is the appreciation from others for what you did with them in mind. This is because they are sending you powerful energy back for what you have earned in their hearts. Money alone cannot do this even though it is also energy. It cannot ever match up to the positive charge that interaction with real people can give you. Keep your customers happy and you will be thriving in the best energy you can have.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

Are you getting everything you want from all of your relationships both near and far? How can you reach the ultimate quality in your day to day experiences by enjoying them? Since you are only responsible for what you do, it boils down to two simple choices. You can either be positive and inspiring to others or negative and discouraging. No matter what they might have done, you are still in charge of your relationship with them and what and how you do what you do matters. Even if you manage to make them cooperate a little more, or be less mad or outraged – it all counts. Lightening up even in a tiny way is far better than turning something into a bigger disaster. This is why you can do only what you can do and once you know you have done it all, never let yourself get disappointed. The rest is up to the other side and is out of your control. You will discover putting forth your best energy always pays off.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for September 3-9, 2012

This is all about being driven and AGGRESSIVE by positively using a strong iron hand in a soft and gentle velvet glove. Making headway in your own life should not be done by stomping on anything that could be important to someone else. Keeping a delicate balance between ourselves and society is required in order for all of us to live mutually beneficial and satisfactory lives.

Monday, September 3, 2012: Purpose

Everything that everyone does is driven by their own purpose. The idea is to make each one fit with the others and not clash or step on each other. Today is about gauging yours responsibly and how it benefits others without encroaching on their boundaries.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012:
If you have an important matter pending, it could be difficult for you to relax. You may need to become more detached by zooming out to the big picture. If you put things into perspective, you will discover more ways of achieving much needed solutions. There is no need to be too uptight about it.  

Wednesday, September 5, 2012: Connotation
Today calls on you to be bigger than the words being said to you. Sometimes the correct connotation of an expression may be missed. This makes it easy to misunderstand or misinterpret the context of what is truly meant. Communication is the basis for all relationships – so there is no way around it. Listen carefully and read between the lines. Do not draw quick conclusions and stay open to finding out the true intent.

Thursday, September 6, 2012:
Every so often when things get out of whack, there is a real need to realign your thinking and your matters to bring them back in the right order. Today, you may need to be stricter with yourself to admit you could use some extra help. You an open the door to improving things instead of staying stuck in denial.

Friday, September 7, 2012: Resume

Things can get back to normal and resume their path as long as you have done what you had to do yesterday and are sticking to making it all work again with a positive outlook and determination.

Saturday, September 8, 2012: Highest

The highest accomplishment you can achieve is keeping your heart in the right place. This could be challenging today if you allow your environment to influence you negatively and stray you from your path. Remind yourself you are better than this so you can bypass the confusion and continue moving swiftly ahead.

Sunday, September 9, 2012: Epitome

You can become the epitome of all the great things you have done and stand for. Today will require you to avoid falling into an emotional drama so you can follow your own direction. Nothing can overpower you unless you allow it. Keep your heart warm, your head clear and love yourself and others. Then, everything you do will turn just right.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

To achieve your purpose you need to relax and use the right connotation of the best words to express and realign yourself with your own direction and resume living to the highest inner standards as the epitome of the greatest you can be for yourself and others.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Show you are the epitome of your highest achievements and resume being the best you can be to realign yourself with the right connotation of the inspiration you are and relax in the purpose of living your life.

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Energy of the Week for September 3-9, 2012: Aggressive

This week presents an opportunity to be aggressive in a positive way. Go full speed ahead with the challenges in front of you and conquer them without any hesitation. While the cultural standards from science and religion may try to tell you what is normally done in similar situations, there is but one voice you need to follow which is always right – the one from deep within you. Making things work requires you to not impose your way forcefully, but to utilize all of your inner power to follow your own direction and inspire many as you go. Once you clarify how to do this, the unfoldment of your step-by-step process will be rather easy.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Being aggressive with yourself involves sitting yourself down and telling yourself you can do anything your heart desires. Keep a tight control over your energy to ensure you do not veer off the chosen path. By being honest and straightforward, you will become more self-motivated and decide to be more tactful and fair with yourself. You can try to fool others on the outside, but you cannot do it without fooling yourself first. This way, your own inner standards will prevail and you will not waste any steam or resources by being negative. The norms we get from society only outline the boundaries that have been set by others and it is important to respect them. But this does not mean you have to take the solutions to life found in science or religion literally and as the only way to go. If you become dogmatic by narrowly adhering to what has worked for others, you may never be open enough to consider what the real unique factors are about you. If you take these rules and regulations as an end in themselves, you could take yourself out of the equation. Instead, see them as inspiring examples of what can be done while still using your own sensitivity to feel your way around life – what actually works for you.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Although in this area there is nothing personal – it is all business – it is still very easy for things to get out of hand and people to become overbearing and too aggressive. Rushing or pushing creates undue pressure and weighs on everyone. How can this be solved? It helps to understand that any team can only move as fast as its weakest link. What can speed things up is to move forward by actually helping others and encouraging them. Business is very factual and, like science, it stems from ideas and technology to create the answers to what is needed in life. The idea is not to become overly intellectual where you lose sight of the feeling part and turn too cut and dry and become totally mechanical in daily operations. The real reason for offering any service is the satisfaction of the recipients along with a solution created with them in mind. The overall balance is for everything to be 50% good for the company performing the work and 50% good for the clients being addressed by it. Then, both sides can be fulfilled and the process will be sustainable because it will work for everyone.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

We tend to be more in our feelings when we are around the people who matter the most to us. In the big picture, our desire to be a part of things turns into a feeling of belonging which is what has created the different religions and philosophies around the world. Unfortunately, when they become so organized that too many man-made rules end up dominating our feelings, they turn far too aggressive. Then, they lose sight of the big picture by making these guidelines more important than fellowshipping with each other and learning in the process. There have been too many religious wars waged over making such things an end in themselves and becoming intolerant of a different opinion. They are simply different interpretations of the same experiences humanity has had for thousands of years. Realizing this can help you respect others by being more open and flexible while not making anything else outside of you more important than yourself. At the end of the day, we are all simply searching for our own answers and there is not a single approach that can work for everyone. The real balance comes from everyone being true to themselves while allowing others to do the same.

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The Energy of the Month for September is RELEVANT

Wow! The new spiritual year has arrived fast and in its first month, the big lesson is how to keep your energy involved in only what is truly relevant. Wasting energy is not an option if you want to make every moment count and achieve your inner desires. Everything may start to move a bit faster and much more will be happening than you are used to. Get ready to put your best discernment to the test and learn how to say “no” to the trivia so you can save your best for what really matters.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Make sure you have a concrete plan in place at this time and update it with exactly what you desire to see happening for you within the first weeks of this powerful spiritual year. Everything taking place is directly related to the clear decisions you will be making. If you want to be more efficient and productive, stay focused and directed even when your environment becomes confusing. Keep your eyes on the target you are pursuing. Ask yourself what is relevant in your situation, where you are and what you want to accomplish. Then, make sure you keep your energy consistent and do not let it get scattered by being too curious, overly creative or too involved in things outside of what is of interest to you. It will be very helpful to bring out your self-discipline from within to help you stay organized and in balance at all times by knowing you are doing all of this for yourself. Everyone around you will benefit as well. There are no limits to what you can do if you just follow this simple system.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Making everything in your business life directly related and relevant to the goals you have set is essential. This may require you to reevaluate the approach you are using and even become more innovative than usual. Do not do anything just because it is usually done in a certain fashion unless it is truly needed and applicable in your situation. Link it with the solutions you desire so it brings you more success. Tighten up your resources only to justified expenses and you will notice they will take you a lot farther than you might expect creating more results. Associate with people who have a similar energy to what you are looking for to make happen. Others may steer you in a direction you do not want to go. Nip any confusion in the bud by being factual, fair and considerate. Do not put off today’s work for tomorrow. If you are not devoted to your service, you will fail. If you do not want something deep in your heart, pursuing it will not inspire others to join you. After all, if you do not truly want to do it, why should they? This is not the time to give up. If you do not make the first move yourself, your business will remain at a standstill. With every step forward you make, the energy will move you even further ahead.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
How relevant are your closest relationships to the real life you want to live? If they are not compatible with who you really are and what you are about, you are just keeping them going artificially. You have to let such things and people go. Do not be afraid to outgrow your environment. This shows your progress – do not hold yourself back from it. Your real equals will keep up and move along with you so you can never lose the real partners in life and the special energy you have with them. This month also offers you an opportunity to ensure you are not being used by being too nicey-nicey. Do not cater to those who are feeding off an opportunity you have created without appreciating it. Take the responsibility to see that the motives of your social piers are where they need to be for you to spend worthwhile time with them. Cut to the chase and avoid the complacency of those who do not deserve you. With so many chances to make your time more meaningful, do not cut yourself short from enjoying every moment. Do the right thing for yourself and drop us a note about the positive results this has created for you.

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Autumn is the Prophetic Season

What do you want to create?

Now is the time to do it. The soft prophetic energy just moved into planet Earth today and will cause you to plan ahead for the new spiritual year (see The Energy of the New Spiritual Year for September 1, 2012-August 31, 2013 is ULTIMATE).

Because this energy is all about having an inner knowing and following your hunches and impressions, once you have defined all of your goals for the next twelve months, you can move forward with confidence that nothing will stand in your way.

The key is to make what you want to accomplish practical. If it is just a theory or a whim, it will never happen. You need to formulate a picture in your mind then pin down the facts of HOW it will happen with all of the important details so your ideas do not just stay in your head. Many people have great dreams, but lack the follow-through. Do not let this happen to you.

If you allow your energy to get scattered over the next three months, this could undermine your drive and incentive. For example, if you are driving from Texas to New York and find yourself in Florida when it is time for you to cross the George Washington Bridge, you may have wasted valuable time doing for others what they need to be doing for themselves.

This is a metaphor for staying the course and keeping your standards high by making sure nothing stops you from accomplishing your personal life mission. Do not ever think you do not have the tools or talents to go for what you want. If you need help, ask for it. Never let false pride keep you from getting other people involved in your life. Everyone loves to be of service. They just do not want to be a servant.

Not putting off for tomorrow what can be done today is also a big key for success in the next quarter. Procrastination is the worst trait you can have. It promotes laziness and blows the timing of what you need to do first, second, third and fourth, etc. Those who develop this habit usually look at others and wonder why they are not as successful as them. This can create jealousy and envy – one of the enslavements of the soul. Do not indulge in this behavior. You can change it – instantly if you want. Do not hesitate!

Finally, the prophetic energy or gift is all about trust. When you trust yourself, you will never be alone. You always have yourself at your own side encouraging you to do what is right for you. If your ULTIMATE goal is to be the best at what you do, you will always do the best you can do.

Have fun and you will realize every single day is a holiday of (not from) doing what you came here to do.

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The Energy of the New Spiritual Year for September 1, 2012-August 31, 2013 is ULTIMATE

What is a new spiritual year?

A spiritual year is when the new energy of motivation and desire come into our consciousness and we plan what we want to accomplish over the next twelve months. This is not the “calendar year” which is more intellectual and follows another pattern.

This energy is more for the sensitivity or feeling side of life. It defines our “inner compass” of direction and wanting to do more for ourselves and others. Each spiritual year is divided into the four seasons. Every three months, the energy changes based on the personality types of the four spiritual gifts of prophecy, clairvoyance, clairaudience and healing.

We just finished the last quarter year of healing. This is when you usually wind up your goals and affairs for the year and regroup while relaxing for the summer or, if you are down-under, hibernating for the winter. The energy defines how you feel, think and act no matter where you are in the world.

We are now moving into autumn (Northern Hemisphere) and Spring (Southern Hemisphere) where the prophetic energy takes over and our creativity abounds while the big picture of what we want in our personal, business and social life is planned and executed (more about this in Autumn is the Prophetic Season blog post – September 1, 2012).

In order to move forward into the new spiritual year for 2012-13, it is important to regroup what the past year meant to you and what you specifically learned from it. The energy for 2011-2012 was MOBILIZE. Here are a few questions to ask before you are ready to challenge yourself over the next twelve months:

  1.  What did I accomplish for myself in the last spiritual year?
  2. How loyal was I to myself?
  3. What did I learn about myself?
  4. What could I have done differently?
  5. What were my highlights?
  6. How did what I learn prepare me for the new spiritual year?


The coming year will be a time of living to the ULTIMATE. You are now ready to make what you have been planning into something more solid and concrete. Your standards will need to be the highest they have ever been and it is important to clarify your own inner policies and processes, the rules and regulations you live your life by. By being loyal to yourself first (meaning making yourself happy before you try to make others happy), you will be an inspiration to many people in your immediate and worldly environment.

Before you can do anything for anyone else, decide what your ULTIMATE goals need to be this year in your (A) personal Life (B) business Life and (C) social Life. Do not compromise. Allow it to formulate and build it step-by-step in your mind so you do not take anything for granted. Do not make excuses for yourself (or others) because this will undermine everything you are setting your energy to do. Do not say to yourself: I do not have the money or the time. If you truly want it, it will happen – as long as you organize yourself with the facts of (1) what (2) when (3) where and (4) why. The fifth “w” (who) is what you and others will personally gain from what you have created.

Everyone comes to planet Earth with a mission in mind. We did not come here NOT to be successful. We especially did not come here to suffer or undermine our talents and abilities to live our potential. As long as you have the passion to do the ULTIMATE, nothing can stand in your way – not even yourself!

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Weekly Energy of the Day for August 27-September 2, 2012


PRAISE the highest potential you have within yourself and seize the best of what is available to you by being bold, outgoing and organized. Pursue your inner desires and see them through with a consistent boosted flow of energy.

Monday, August 27, 2012: Exuberant
Make an exuberant entrance into the new week by allowing your passion to sparkle before everyone around you. Show others what you have inside by revealing what you want to do. This will not only energize you but attract the support you need in the process of achieving your utmost goals.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012:
Today, announce your decisions and plans with fervor in such a way you exclaim positively and make everyone hear you. They will know you mean it when you show them why you are so excited.  

Wednesday, August 29, 2012: Pause
If your life starts to become a bit too hectic today, you can hit the pause button and get a quick breather to regroup, compose and get back on track energized and revived with a better clarity on your direction. This will allow you to speed up more after you have slowed down first.

Thursday, August 30, 2012:
You do not have to wait anymore to put things into motion. As long as you feel you are almost there, you can go for it and do your best acting on your plans and giving a fair stab at making them a reality.

Friday, August 31, 2012: Radiate

It is a day for giving and putting your ideas out there to emanate and radiate a high energy charge to the world. This is because you need those who will follow you to stand out in the crowd and claim their support. United with them, your energy will be multiplied and elevated inspiring everyone in sight.

Saturday, September 1, 2012: Function

Today may challenge your ability to function under high power circumstances. It is all because a lot of moving pieces in your present situation will likely come to a peak demanding your attention. You can do it, but will need to stay collected with your eye on the target.

Sunday, September 2, 2012: Interpret

This is your chance to interpret the work you are doing at its best. Do not hold back from pouring your heart and soul into it by being the best example of using clear motives in a purposeful and inspiring way.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

With an exuberant energy, exclaim and take pause from the constant motion in order to radiate in a peaceful way and function at your best so you can interpret your life through deep focus and reflection.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

You can interpret how you function when you radiate by being in constant motion without taking a pause so you can exclaim your exuberant praise for yourself.

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Energy of the Week for August 27-September 2, 2012: Praise

This is the week to compliment yourself for the huge difference you are making in everything you do. All of the energy you are receiving and working with is an expression of the incredible backing the universe is giving you to do what you came here to do. Praise yourself by appreciating this connection which allows you to co-create your life throughout all of your accomplishments.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Before you start thinking you are lacking in something, take a moment to remember how the greatest people of their time did incredible deeds that created history. Guess what? You share the same power source as them. What could cause you to work with less? You only receive as much energy as you can handle – as much as you are open to, able and willing to use. Guess who determines this – you! How can you do better? It starts with accepting yourself for who you really are. The pineal gland on the back of your head is where the energy comes in – your inflow. Do you feel worthy? How much do you want it? Are you ready to take it in and fly with it? Your answers determine how much energy you will allow to flow into you. Why would you get more than you can handle? There is no waste in the universe. Even though you have a finite number of experiences through lifetimes, your potential to tap into the unlimited resources available to you and everyone else is endless. Do more with every moment. You can get as much inspiration as you desire. However, if you do not accept yourself, this will preclude you from accepting more of the backing coming your way in the form of energy. Feel excited as you take in all that flows into you with a quiet inner praise for the unceasing opportunity to make so much more out of yourself. You can start any time with a simple decision within to do it.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
It is the business energy of the what, when, where and why that keeps you organized and factual so you can stay directed and focused. After the pineal gland, your energy flows through your coccyx (lower back) which has to do with how clear you are with your wants and goals. If you are not able to point your energy with determination toward a clearly set target, you will be scattered which will make you feel inadequate and incapable of following your own inner desires. This could even cause distinct discomfort or pain in this part of your physical body. The key is to boldly go all out and aim for the stars. There will be plenty of support for you to get it done. Once you make your best decisions, your blood will literally start pumping. You will feel it in your heart, which defines your drive and incentive. This will become contagious as you share with all of your business piers the reasons you are going after what you are planning. Everyone will want to help you with much praise for how you are handling the tasks at hand and seeing everything as a stepping stone to get you to the ultimate place you want to go.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

To be the best you can be for yourself and your environment, you need to take care of your own needs. This includes uninterrupted free self-expression of all your creativity and is projected physically by the energy flowing through your reproductive organs. Do not wait for anyone else to take care of your needs. If you do not do a good job of this yourself, you will start feeling frustrated or angry and will not be in the best state of mind. You will also feel pressure in this area of your physical body. Next, in order to fully enjoy your relationships, you need to have discernment and detachment, which is reflected on a physical level in the stomach area. If you worry, you may cause yourself to have nervous butterflies and even ulcers. Not getting involved in what does not belong to you will allow you to be the most help to your friends. Give them suggestions of what they can do for themselves without going to the extreme of doing it for them. This allows you to have a true soul-to-soul communication with everyone by realizing no one is greater or lesser than. We are all equals doing the best we know how. This is physically reflected in the thyroid gland (neck area) and is why you get a stiff neck when you are judgmental of yourself or others. Lastly, have a ball living your life by giving of yourself without expecting and opening your personal outflow by being involved to the fullest. This is represented physically in the middle of your forehead or third eye where the energy finally leaves your physical body. Just let it flow out freely so more can flow in and give yourself praise for completing the cycle of having exhilarated energy at all times.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for August 20-26, 2012

Listen closely to any FEEDBACK coming your way this week, but do not just wait for it – demand it! It will help you discover information you would not have otherwise learned and remained a secret. Appreciate all of it even if it is not favorable because you can still discern how to benefit from it.

Monday, August 20, 2012: Trip

Today begins with this fact: you are energy. One thing energy loves to do – move around. When you become too stagnant or sedentary doing mundane things, you will end up feeling bored or bothered. This could be good for you if it causes you to get up, move around or do something different. Use this great opportunity to go on a trip to a place you have never been before. It does not have to be too far away. The idea is to go, enjoy it and subject yourself to learning something brand new. This will make you feel very happy.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012:
Some of us are better at getting a bargain than others. But where is the balance? We all enjoy endless resources (made available to us with compliments from the universe) for anything we may ever need or want to do especially when we are pursuing our individual life purpose. Even when our motives are just right, there is usually only a certain amount within our reach at a time. The idea is not to use them from a feeling of scarcity. Doing more from less allows us to increase the potential of what is available and make it go farther. This expands the abundant feeling we have inside and our ability to multiply the endless amount of energy available to us.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012: Lucid
If your life ever feels a bit too complicated, let one thing be clear – it is actually meant to be simple and lucid. You are here to live fully in order to learn and grow. Do not take it personally if someone is encroaching on your boundaries. They are just trying to learn for themselves, too. Be courteous to others while they are growing and take things from the perspective of the big picture by being a great example with patience. The more you do it this way, the better life will be.

Thursday, August 23, 2012:
Whether you like it or not, you will not be able to make anything work today until you get factual. This does not mean to be stiff or cut and dry. Closely consider the what, when, where and why of everything you are doing. It will clarify the approach you are taking and save you a whole a lot of grief. This will smooth out your direction, focus your energy and you will be able to sail through the day like a pro.

Friday, August 24, 2012: Touch Up

If you are trying to complete a long time project today, you may need to do a quick touch up to make it just right. The last 2% may feel the hardest to finish sometimes. This is because the fear of success likes to show up just before the final completion and throw a wrench into it all.

Saturday, August 25, 2012: Redo

If you need to redo something today in order to ensure it is done to the highest standards, do not hesitate. It will not be a waste of time. Getting a much better end result will make the whole extra effort in the process worth it.

Sunday, August 26, 2012: Exact

The right time and place cannot do anything for you unless you take the exact action needed to make everything work. To determine what that is, prioritize the tasks at hand and tackle the most important one – giving it your all. Do not miss your timing. The solution will not present itself unless you pursue it fervently.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Take a trip to enjoy and bargain with your time so you can be more efficient and then your whole life will become lucid based on a solid factual foundation with just the right touch up to redo only what is necessary for the exact completion of your entire plan.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Take the exact steps you need to redo just what is necessary to touch up your project by being factual and lucid so you can bargain with your time and manage to take a trip to a new place as a reward for all of your great work.

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Energy of the Week for August 20-26, 2012: Feedback

As you are here to live your life on planet Earth, you are a part of the whole by being one with the cosmos. This is why, for your own unfoldment, it is crucial you take others into consideration and see how what you do for yourself affects everything. Feedback is of utmost importance this week. What you learn can open doors for you to do better in every way without even trying.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

The key for you to understand is everyone is here to accomplish their life purpose. This means you need to focus on how you are doing this for yourself and set your own boundaries so others will respect what you are here to accomplish. On the other hand, make sure you are providing a positive and supportive environment for others to do their thing. This way, you will make yourself happy and not have to put up with others who try to tell you what to do. Although, if you do not listen to their feedback at all, you may miss on some great insights from a different perspective you would never have had without their input. It is a good thing to care enough to get their opinion and be aware of how you are doing through their eyes. At the same time, they cannot possibly begin to know you one-hundred percent because they are not in your skin. Just take any constructive points you can use to help improve yourself. Respect others by understanding they are right for themselves only and realize you can always have an opinion of their opinion. This way, neither you nor them will become negatively affected. At the same, you will both be mutually enriched by benefiting from open and sincere communication.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Everything in business has a lot to do with others at every level by being of service to someone else. This could never be effective without feedback from your recipients. If you are only focused on doing what you enjoy, this is only half of the equation. You can only grow fully by accounting for the great impact what you do has on everyone else. In fact, you could never be successful without bringing a benefit to others because the underlying order of all things is based on a win-win harmony. When you become truly considerate of the role your actions play for the rest of society, you can expand yourself the most. You will not only get the best results you have ever had in your business life, but be genuinely fulfilled sharing your wisdom and applying your best talents and skills in the most incredible way.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

In order to have a great social life, you need to share yourself with others in an open and giving way. Others will not care about you until they find out how much you care. In reality, feedback from both sides of any relationship can solidify it and make it long lasting. Do not be afraid to make the first move and be an example of how much you appreciate others for their presence and consistent communication. Encourage your friends and partners to join you in creating more experiences together and build closer connections as you go while you are all learning in the process. They say Rome was not built in a day so do not expect everything to flourish all the time. If you want to have stability for the long term, any amount of attention you give to it will be worth it. In the meanwhile, ask for feedback and appreciate it. Also, take every opportunity you can to make things the best they can be.

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