Energy of the Day: Realize

Realize how great you are today and show your enthusiasm in everything you get involved with. Do not complain, as complaining reveals you are thinking about problems,not solutions.


Everything is energy. Your attitude is everything. Do not make the things you are involved with more important than the people who are working with you.


Acknowledge that everyone around you is important. As a matter of fact, the most important person in any group or organization is the person who puts the stamp on the envelope or sends out the email. This is the face of who you are or what you are doing.

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Energy of the Day: Purpose

What is your purpose? Is to please others or make them happy?


Have you ever tried to make someone else happy? Does it work? Of course not. Others have to make themselves happy. All you can do is create a pleasant or positive environment for them to be involved with.


Let others know around you what you are planning to do. You do not need to give away all of your secrets. Just give the people around you an idea of the overall direction you want to go so they can feel a part of it and help you along the way. This is worth a million dollars!

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Energy of the Day: Action

The energy of action shows up again! This usually means that it is time to do – not to think.


Getting too involved in things that bog you down today is the greatest pitfall. Discern the difference between what is  essential,  important, and trivial.


Being yourself will be the solution to most things. Do not worry about what is going to happen in the future. Just take charge of today and then regroup your experiences at the end of the day to see what you accomplished.

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The Energy of the Month for November 2010 is Repeat

How this energy affects you in your personal life: Now is the time to repeat the things that work for you and to not repeat the things that do not! Your personal feelings will always tell you what is right and how you can follow-through with what makes you successful in every aspect of your personal, business and social life.

Your personal life is the part of you that is sacred, and no one has a right to interfere with what you came here to do. As a result, this month, you can find a very safe haven inside of yourself — a place where you can determine the best avenues for you.

Warning: Once you allow others to tell you what to do, you will be off track. It is not that your friends or family does not have your best interests at heart; it is that they do not always know what is best for you. Listen to yourself and make sure that you make a plan that makes sense to you.

How this energy affects you in your business life: Consistency is the companion of being able to repeat what works in your business life. Start building more on what you have put together in the past. Get rid of the areas that have not been of service to you or the people with whom you work and you will find that your inspiration will abound!

Remember: This is the month for trying new things, but not at the expense of what has worked in the past. Your innermost feelings will give you the answers to all of your questions. Trust your sensitivity and tune into the needs of the people you are serving. Then, nothing will go wrong.

How this energy affects you in your social life: How long are you going to repeat communications and the method of communicating that does not get the best response from everyone around you? Take a look not only at what you are saying but how you are saying it. You may have the best intentions in the world, but if your communication is off, no one will want to hear it. By being a good clairvoyant (a person who can see what it is like to be in another person’s shoes), you will easily have the empathy needed to achieve   solid rapport with friends, loved ones and business associates. They will feel your concern when you show it in your energy and your smile. This is what will create lasting and meaningful relationships.

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Energy of the Week for November 1-7, 2010: Enthusiasm

This is not the time to be down or despondent about anything.

Once you realize that you are not responsible for anyone else – only yourself — any pressure you feel will start to lift.

Being loyal to yourself is easy if you have your priorities straight. Do not worry about what others think or feel. It is up to you to decide what you want. Once you decide what you want, organize yourself and it will be done!

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life: Inner enthusiasm is not to be taken for granted; it has to be earned. The way you earn enthusiasm is to first realize that no one can do what you can do. You are the sum total of every experience you have had since the beginning of time. No one is exactly like you. If you put yourself down, you are only discarding everything you have done to get where you are today – through many lifetimes. Why would you do that? If you use your common sense (especially when it comes to being happy), everything else makes sense. In other words, we did not come to planet Earth to suffer. Suffering is a religious concept, not a spiritual one.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life: If you do not have enthusiasm in your business life, what’s the point of pursuing your chosen line of business? You need to have a passion for what you are doing. Sit quietly this week and clarify your direction, especially when it comes to your service to people. No matter where you are spiritually, you need to take a few moments from time to time to set a new direction, as doing so will help you repeatedly clarify your direction.

Remember: Without enthusiasm, whatever goals and aspirations you may have will not work. Without enthusiasm, you are destined to be a follower.

Tip: To be a leader of yourself, you must decide where you are going and then enlist the help and support of others around you to help get you there.

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life: What is a smile? It is an inner glow projected outward. You cannot fake feeling good. People will pick it up in their sensitivity when you are not being sincere. Faking it usually comes from not being detached from other people and their troubles. In reality, there is no such thing as a problem. Once you have all of the facts (i.e., what, when, where and why), your solution will appear. When solutions do appear, your relationships with everyone in your present environment dramatically improve. When you are excited, others will be, too.

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Energy of the Day: Resign

Do not resign yourself to compromises, especially when it comes to your personal direction. Compromising often leads to dissatisfaction and achieving less of what you want to do for yourself. Keep a positive attitude and work with your inner guidance for solutions!


Resigning to compromises is not the best approach.


Reset your direction by checking with your own inner guidance and asking what the best solution is for anything that may come up today.

Recommended: Check out the Inner Guidance Consultation Program, where you receive your complete Personal Life Plan and a 60-minute private phone or Web-based consultation and learn the instant two-way communication technique with your own personal team of angels.

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Energy of the Day: In Tune

By now, you should be very much in tune with what you have wanted to accomplish for yourself this week. Being loyal to yourself means:

  1. Not competing with anyone else around you.
  2. Thanking yourself for what you do for yourself.
  3. Being open to inspiration and understanding from your spiritual guidance
  4. Implementing the ideas that come to you and not hesitating by doubting yourself.

These are just some of the keys that will help you now and in the future.


Not taking time for yourself and listening to others instead of your own true feelings may temporarily keep you from being where you want to go. Remember that these pitfalls could be applied to others around you. Just make sure that you are aware of this energy and do not let it affect you.


Do not hesitate. How many times and ways can we say this? This is what keeps your spiritual guidance from making sure that the timing is good with everything you are involved with. Even though you get 80 to 90 hunches, visions, ideas and feelings every single day, how many sink in and how many do you put into action? Keep track of this and you will have an exceptional day and life!

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Energy of the Day: Luck

You make your own luck. Do not discount the ideas that come to you. Action is the key to having all the opportunity you may want in your life.


Coming up with ideas is easy. Take a legal pad, a big deep breath and write down whatever comes to you. Some call this automatic writing, especially once you realize that the inspiration is coming from your own special team of spiritual helpers (angels).


Sometimes you just need to take a break. When you do take a break, there is no pressure and your guidance can come around and give you the inspiration and hunches that are necessary for you to make the best decisions. Remember that they may not give you the whole picture right away. But eventually, everything will start to come together.

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Energy of the Day: Forward

Moving forward is easy. If you need some help, consider these tips:

  1. Get yourself up in the morning with your priorities set.  Do this and you will always be in the right place for you.
  2. Learn the Personal Energy Cleansing technique by going to This technique is also outlined in Howard Wimer’s book, Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts. Consider placing an order for it on today.


Moving forward means having all the information you need to make the best decisions for you. If you allow others to make your decisions, then you are compromising on your true direction in life.


If someone has an opinion about what you should do, just remember that you can have an opinion of their opinion!

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Energy of the Day: Decide

Continue the decision-making process by realizing that you have to do what is right for you first. If you get confused and try pleasing everyone else around you, you will get slowed down yourself.


There is no such thing as a wrong decision — only good or better decisions. Remember, you can change your mind anytime you want. This way, you will never feel as if you made a mistake.


There are no mistakes in life… only steppingstones to get you where you want to go. So what if you make an occasional detour. This is sometimes even better because it helps you make better decisions the next time.

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