Energy of the Day: Increase

Increase your energy today and you will find that many more doors will open up for you.


Do not hesitate or hold back from looking at all the possibilities for accomplishing what you need to do. Only you can make that decision. Do not expect others to do it for you.


Once you make a decision, then the energy is set. This is the only way your spiritual guidance can give you the most backing.

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Energy of the Day: Separate

Separate the good from the bad or the healthy from the unhealthy today. In reality, there is nothing really bad in the world. Contrary to public opinion, you need to see everything as a learning experience. Obviously, if someone encroaches on your boundaries, you have a spiritual and physical right to keep them from doing so. Being ‘one-with-all-things’ means respecting everything and everyone for where they are. More about this later in the week.


Not only are you a complete soul within yourself, but so is everyone else (no matter how confused they may seem). Remember, the word sin actually means without in Spanish. In other words, when you are looking without instead of within, you will separate yourself from yourself and others.


By being who you really are, you will never feel separate from anyone else. Communicate is the great healer from this regard. Do not hold back your true feelings or you may feel as if you are out in left field.

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Energy of the Day: Loving

It is not what you do but how you do it that matters. If you treat yourself with a loving attitude, you will feel as if you can do anything. The key today is to not get impatient or think you are not able to achieve your goals or the project at hand.


Energy is everything. Whatever energy you put behind your projects will determine the outcome. Remember, people are more important than projects. If you make everything an end unto itself, you may find that others are being left out of the equation.


Find out what turns people on about the projects you are involved with, and play to that turn on with great communication. When people feel as if they have contributed to what the outcome will be, they feel a part of what you have put together.

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Energy of the Week for October 25-31, 2010: Prepare

This week is all about preparation for what you need to do for the rest of your life. As long as you are tuned in to your true self, this week you will see the complete picture.

Do not hesitate to take action this week. All the work you have done in the past will now start to pay off.

Just enjoy it!

This week’s Energy is Prepare!

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life: Whatever you have done in the past will now start paying off. It does not matter which cycle of life you are in. If you want to find out more about what you came to learn in every cycle of life, all you need to do is visit and look at Spiritual Gift Communication Program (Beginner’s Package) and download The Universal Laws of Life Practical eBook & Study Guide. Doing so will give you the whole picture of universal laws that govern the energy on planet Earth.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life: Preparing does not hold you back. Did you know that 90 percent of success is in the planning stage? The perspiration part is easy and it is what brings personal fulfillment. We are all in this together whether we like it or not. In other words, do not separate yourself from people this week — anyone could come up with an idea that will change your life. Putting these ideas into action will cause you to upgrade everything you are doing to be of service to yourself and other people.

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life: Prepare to have an incredible week. Now is the time to enhance all of your communication skills. Your social life is all about inner and outer communications with your friends, business associates and others. You may have a chance meeting with someone who will change your life in some way — even if it is for a fleeting moment. Do not to take anything or anyone for granted!

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Energy of the Day: Unbelievable

This will be an unbelievable day if you decide that you want it to be so. Enjoy the moment and your successes and remember that life is not just to work. You need to take time out to play as well!


Love life and do not put pressure on yourself to achieve everything right away. When you are relaxed and open to new possibilities, guess what? Nothing is impossible.


Enjoy what you have put together this week and remember that part of your purpose in life is to share with as many people as you can in order to communicate your spiritual message.

Tip: You can find out what your own unique spiritual message is and how to contact your angels in 60 seconds or less by ordering the Inner Guidance Consultation Program (Intermediate Package) from Inner Expansion.

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Energy of the Day: Resound

Trumpet your intentions today. Regroup what you have been learning all week and take the direction that you want as a result. It will work no matter what.


Holding back and not communicating with the people around you will keep you from being who you really are. Remember, people are there to back you. You never have to worry about being alone or not being helped. All you need to do is ask.


Let other people know what you want so they can help you achieve your goals and desires. Remember, there is an energy center in the coccyx area of your physical body that governs your wants and goals. If you feel uncomfortable in this area, it could be that you need to clarify even more what you want to achieve so that you can release any old concepts that are holding you back.

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Energy of the Day: Compact

Keeping your energy compact and organized is the best way to be of service to yourself.


What is your greatest strength? If you do not know what you have to offer, how can you offer it?


Do not get caught up in the trivia of life today. Focus on what is important and you will find that you will be on the right track.

Note: Remember, the energies of the week and day are what everyone is learning on planet Earth. By avoiding the pitfalls and following the solutions every single day, you are buffering yourself from the energy of what everyone else is going through as a learning experience. The key, as always, is to be detached.

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Energy of the Day: Junction

When you decide what you want, everything falls into place. There is a strategy to life. Look at the highway. When you gaze at the horizon, you will always go in a straight line. But when you stare at the stripes, you will waver to the left or right on the road. Which is better?


Wondering whether you are doing the right thing will be the biggest pitfall today. Have fun and everything else will fall into place in the right timing.


Looking at what works and what does not work will be the key for today. Just go down the road you want to go and continue to look at the horizon!

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Energy of the Day: Determined

Now that you know what you want to share with others, all you need to do is relax and let it flow.


Doubting yourself will cause you to not understand what to share or say to others who are hanging on to every word for your wisdom and experience.


Being happy and relaxed will inspire everyone around you. You do not have to try. Just do it.

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Energy of the Day: Accelerate

Okay. Here you are. Ready to move forward and accomplish your true purpose. But how do you do it? It is easy. All you need to do is have fun. Have you ever tried to make someone else happy? It does not work. You have to make yourself happy first.


Trying to figure out what others want to hear is not the best approach. Just decide what you want to share and how important it is to you, and others will feel your sincerity.


Find the key areas that make sense to you in your communications and let others know how much you care about them. This will work every time.

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