Energy of the Day: Purpose

Your purpose in life is how you see life. You have a very specific spiritual message you came here to share with others. This is your inner philosophy of life. You do not have to prove yourself in anything you do.


Trying to please others will not work for you today.


Once you decide what it is that you want, you will have everything you need to accomplish it. Sometimes it is important to be reminded of this.

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Energy of the Week for October 18-24, 2010: Release

This is the week to release old concepts and see a whole new way of living.

Why suffer when you can have everything you have ever wanted? All you need to do is organize yourself to get there – step-by-step!

Do not worry that you will not achieve everything you want right away. Remember, some of us are prophetic – which means that we can sense what will happen in the future. If you are clairvoyant, when you see a picture in your mind, you will want everything to come to fruition immediately.

If you are clairaudient, you need to put down the steps into a checklist so that you can accomplish them without stress or pressure and delegate where you need to. And finally, if you have healing as your first spiritual gift, you will need to get a strong feeling about what you want and use your other gifts to make sure that it becomes a reality.

Go for it!

This week’s Energy is Release

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life: Releasing is easy if you are not possessive. But what makes us possessive in the first place? We must have picked up a concept from our first seven-year cycle that makes us feel as if we will lose something if we pass it on. This is not healthy because it keeps us from acquiring any new ideas or material possessions, including money. Remember, if you want to be materially abundant, you need to know what you want to do with the funds before your spiritual helpers will make it available to you.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life: Releasing how you have done things in the past will help you be of even more service than you are now. Take a look at what has worked and what has not. Only keep what has been helping you and others the most and release the rest to the past. Only you can do it. No one can force you to upgrade yourself and your service to others. Have fun getting rid of the old concepts of what you think you should be doing!

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life: Releasing how you communicate with others is not always as easy as you may think. The key is to get rid of your false pride. False pride does not help anyone – especially not you. The clairvoyant gift does not want to look as if it has done something wrong or look bad. This is your self-image. Just change how you look at yourself and make the necessary adjustments. Remember, the way you see yourself is exactly how others will have a tendency to see you as well.

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Energy of the Day: Normal

What is normal? If you have a tendency to put yourself down or compare yourself with others, you are normal. Even so, all you need to do is realize that no one has the wisdom and experience that you do.


A person who is secure inside realizes that experience is the only gauge of who they are. You can have all of the intellectual knowledge in the world, but you cannot take that with you!


When you pass on, the only thing you take is your energy and the wisdom and experience from many lifetimes. Your university degrees and the knowledge you gained cannot plug into the universe. There is no place for it. When people say you have to reach enlightenment, what do they really mean? There is no it to get!

Remember: Some people are searching intellectually. What this means is they believe you have to be enlightened before you can graduate from planet Earth, or you have to attain a certain amount of spiritual knowledge before you can go to the next plane.

In reality, the opposite is true. Your energy and your attitude will determine where you go. If you are positive and directed and love life, you will gravitate around 15-plus miles outside of the planet where the energy is clear and clean. Anything below attracts souls who are confused and are only interested in power, glory, devotion or competition.

Where would you rather go? Remember, like attracts like.

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Energy of the Day: Likable

You never have to cater to anyone. Just realize that when you like yourself, then you are projecting what everyone will like!


Being enthusiastic means you are in your true feelings.

Note: You do not need to be serious to be successful. This is a dis-ease that people have created over the centuries to display they are sincere about what they are doing.


By relaxing and enjoying life, you are showing you are successful and you do not have to compromise how you feel with how you have been taught to think.

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Energy of the Day: Exuberance

If you have followed your true feelings this week, you will feel as if you are on top of the world. This gives you the extra push you have needed to get over the next hump.


Do not worry about anything. Worry is an indication you are making others more important than you are giving credit to yourself.


To have even more enthusiasm, think about what you have been able to accomplish this whole year and how much more you have in mind for the future. Then, sit down and plan out your objectives step-by-step. Not wishful thinking — just good planning.

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Energy of the Day: Extract

Sometimes, opportunities are buried in the sand and because there are so many things going on around you, they are easy to miss.


Sense what needs to be done and what can be put off until later. Allow yourself the time to tell the difference, otherwise you may find yourself in a place where you need to regroup and redirect your energy toward your main goals and aspirations.


What is it that you really want? If you cannot answer that question, you may need to consider whether you are being loyal to yourself.

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Energy of the Day: Focus

Focus on what is important today and you will feel as if you have everything under control. Do not get distracted from the priorities you have set.


Sometimes there are so many possibilities that we have trouble making decisions. By following your own sensitivity and discovering your first spiritual gift, you can start to realize that you do not have to doubt anything you do. Take a look at the Beginner’s Package on and find out whether your first spiritual gift is prophecy (inner knowing), clairvoyance (inner vision), clairaudience (inner thoughts or ideas) or healing (inner feeling).


By listening to yourself clearly, you cannot miss the opportunities that are presented!

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Energy of the Day: Reminder

Sometimes we need a reminder to let us know we are doing okay.


Be open to new inspiration today because your spiritual helpers are probably going to give you a lot of insight. They love to remind you about what you can do for yourself and how you can achieve everything you have already dreamed of.


Relax and enjoy the day so you can receive what is rightfully yours — your true inspiration. Then, plan ahead and put everything into motion.

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Energy of the Day: Peaceful

Being peaceful is not difficult when you realize you are the most important person in your own life. Take the time today to reflect on what you have accomplished this entire year and focus on what is coming up in the next few months.


October 2010’s Energy of the Month, Sincerity, begins with allowing you the opportunity to admire and respect yourself. Sometimes we need to sit down and write out our best qualities. Do not be shy doing this. For example, you may be concerned, caring and responsive to what others are saying. Do not think about it. Just do it.


By tuning into our good qualities and realizing that the things we do not like about ourselves are simply a reflection of the way our parents thought about themselves, we can be more patient and look at what we truly admire about ourselves.

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Energy of the Week for Oct. 11-17, 2010: Launch

This week, you will see yourself launching a lot of projects that have been on hold for a while. Things will start speeding up and you will start seeing a lot of possibilities that were not in your state-of-consciousness a few days ago.

This is good news because it allows you to free yourself to bring on and accept more challenges and get the fulfillment you may have been yearning for.

This Week’s Energy is: Launch

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life: Launching a new energy is always a lot of fun. You will start seeing possibilities that were not available to you even last week. Being in your true feelings is fun, especially when you do not doubt yourself or procrastinate about what you truly want to do. Everything works when you are in tune with your own spiritual helpers, who in turn give you inspiration at least 80 to 90 times per day. If you listen, you will always be in the right place to make the right decisions for you.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life: Whatever you have wanted to do for a while will fall into place this week. You may find that people are asking you what to do with them. If you really use your sensitivity, your inner guidance will direct you toward helping them to help themselves. There is a lot of enthusiasm in the air this week for ideas and projects that should play out to be very successful as long as you are consistent in your approach. Do not discount what you are feeling, because your angels are always opening new doors for you to walk through.

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life: By all means, launch new relationships or cultivate friendships you have had for a long time this week because the energy is just right to move forward with more avenues to find fulfillment with your communication skills.

Resource: You can learn more about how you personally communicate with yourself and your friends by joining us for an Inner Expansion Energy of the Week Webinar/Teleconference on Tuesdays at 8 a.m. Pacific Time (USA). Register Here.

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