Energy of the Day: Regroup

Now is the time to regroup…and decide what the next step is.


If you do not take the time to review the past, or decide where you are in the present and plan for the future, you will not get you to where you need to be.


Be there for yourself first. Learn how to check with your own guidance and have a two-way communication with them. That is the most valuable technique you can learn for yourself if you are searching for your own answers.

Tip: To find out more about checking with your own guidance, visit the Intermediate Package page on

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Energy of the Day: Interesting

Finding out what is interesting to you is part of what makes you satisfied. Do not compromise when it comes to doing what you want. Think outside the box and create things you never even thought of before.


Resting on past laurels does not accomplish anything. Our life is in compact units. You need to accomplish A before going to B and then B before going to C and so forth. If you are on G and go back to C before going to H, you will find you are digressing and need to relax and move forward.


See your life progressing and building on everything you do.

Tip: The best way to see that your life is progressing and that you are building on everything you do is by regrouping what you are learning at the end of the day and setting your agenda for the next day. This way, you will not keep going back and forth and will keep the momentum going forward no matter what.

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Energy of the Day: Repeat

If you truly want to be successful spiritually or materially, you have to repeat what works for you. Sometimes you can find an example of what works and copy it. Whatever it is that works for you, just do it.


Do not just keep doing the same thing over and over again if it does not work.


Make a resolution to try new things and see what works the best for you. Once you find it, repeat it again and again so that it builds on the successes you have created in the past.

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Energy of the Day: Moving Forward

Moving forward is what will give you the most satisfaction. Sitting around and thinking about what you want to do is not the breakfast of champions!


Some people think that the Law of Attraction means that you sit around thinking about what you want and it will somehow magically appear. Nothing could be further from the truth.


It is true your energy has to be right in order to attract what you want, but those who sit around just waiting for those first million dollars to appear in front of them are badly disillusioned. You have to take action toward making anything happen.

Remember: Energy at rest tends to stay at rest, while energy in action stays in motion and builds momentum.

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Energy of the Day: Brilliance

Being brilliant does not mean outshining other people. It really means to use your own potential. This is where true satisfaction comes from.


Choosing not to hold yourself back or put yourself down seems to be a consistent theme this week. Why would you discount what you can accomplish on a conscious level? If you want to pin it down further, ask yourself this: Who in my family criticized themselves most? If you do not want to repeat this old habit, make a decision to move away from that limiting concept.


Understand that you are the most important person in your entire life (if you do not do it for yourself, who will?). Taking responsibility for yourself and your own happiness is one of the keys to graduating from planet Earth. The other key is treating others the way you want to be treated yourself. Sound simple? It is.

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Energy of the Day: Action

Action means flowing in the right timing. You cannot move forward and feel satisfied about things if you are pushing or holding back.


Be kind to yourself today because if you do not, you will slow yourself down. You may think you are moving fast, but you really are not.


Moving at your own pace is the key (as we mentioned above). You do not have to compete or rebel against outside authority. Let yourself flow with the energy of the things you are working on today and you will be in the right place at the right time – for you!

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Energy of the Day: Announce

Announce to yourself today you are going to have a great day!


Setting your energy for the day is very important. If you wake up in the morning and cleanse yourself (note: you learn this technique in the Beginners Package with Inner Expansion), then get a key word from your guardian angels and understand what that word means. Follow that up by setting an agenda— then you are doing yourself a favor. You are ready for the day!


There is nothing you cannot accomplish today if you set your mind to it. How many times have you been told this? But that is not the whole story. When you are doing it in your own timing and not at the timing of others, it will not put pressure in the heart area (the heart area is the “spiritual energy center”). This is where a lot of stress and pressure comes from. Sometimes putting your nose to the grindstone only results in a flat nose!

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Energy of the Week for October 4-10, 2010: Satisfaction

There is no satisfaction unless you decide what is and is not right for you. In other words, this week the energy flowing through planet Earth is perfectly suited to allow you to sift through all of the areas of your life where you are not satisfied or (to put it another way… where you are not being loyal to yourself first).

There is only one true way to be loyal to yourself: Relax and realize that if you do not be loyal to yourself, neither will anyone else. If you want to be happy, just do what turns you on. If you want to be abundant, decide how you are going to do it — then put all of your energy behind it. It will work. Guaranteed.

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life: Being satisfied means looking within and not feeling as if you have to cater or pander to anyone else outside of you. You will be happier if you realize that you cannot please anyone. Everyone has to please themselves first.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life: Satisfaction in your business life begins with deciding that you want to be of service no matter what. You have to believe in what you are doing, otherwise what is the point of offering your services? Take a close look this week at the benefits you are sharing with others.

Tip: Put down on paper everything you do on a daily basis. This will show you where your energy is going. If you need to tighten things up and get rid of the trivia, then you will find that you can focus more on what you came here to do.

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life: Remember that you can only satisfy yourself when it comes to communicating with others. Your only responsibility is to give others the facts — and do it in a way that comes from true concern. Beyond that, all you can do is wait for others to respond.

Remember: There is give and take in every relationship, but if you do not hold back or do not give too much, you are well on your way to a balanced and fulfilling life.

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Energy of the Day: Shadow

You do not need to be in anyone else’s shadow. You are your own person and now is the best time to realize it.


You are not second best. You are first best. You are the only one who can make the best decisions for you and enjoy your life to the fullest.


By relaxing and writing down exactly where you want to go, you will be able to start making it happen. Just this simple task will make life a lot easier. You can break it down into short- and long-term goals, but just make sure they are practical. No pie in the sky ideas that you know will never happen. This does not mean compromise. It simply means you need to be realistic so your guidance can back you all of the way.

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Energy of the Day: Increase

It is time to increase the energy for the rest of your life. Do not doubt that you are heading in the right direction.


Keeping yourself from being happy through doubt or confusion does not make it a great day. The key pitfall today is not recognizing your true worth and how you can move forward to make everything happen the way you want it to.


What are you waiting for? Just relax and enjoy life.

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