The Energy of the Month for October 2010 is Sincerity

Being sincere will allow you to create and enhance the best relationships this month, no matter what.

How October’s energy affects you in your personal life: If you are not sincere with yourself, you are not listening to your true feelings. You may be listening to your emotional side, which is filled with concepts you learned in your first seven years of life, when you are like a sponge and pick up anger, guilt or frustration from your parents or whomever raised you. As a result of listening to your emotional side, you will not be listening to yourself (you will actually be listening to your mother or father, and if they know more about how to help you than you do, then go for it). But in reality, it is usually you and only you who knows what is right and best for you —as long as you follow it.

How this energy affects you in your business life: People use their sensitivity to pick up on whether you are being sincere with them or not. By following what works the best for you—it will probably work best for them as well. In other words, just follow what you believe can help people the most, and if you are right, they will thank you. Listen to what others are saying because this gives you the greatest clues on how to be of service to them. In Howard Wimer’s book Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts, he outlines how everyone communicates with themselves and others. If you understand what the needs are, you can fill them very easily. Don’t try, just do!

How this energy affects you in your social life: Everyone knows how important it is to be sincere with family members and loved ones. If you say something they know not to be true or does not match what you really feel, family and loved one will discern this very easily. By showing that you care by allowing yourself to be sincere with yourself before you communicate, you are being sincere with others as well. Just enjoy what you have—and do not discount anything or anyone around you.

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Energy of the Day: Certain

Being certain is what you need to focus on today. Do not doubt the decisions you made yesterday because that will just get you down.


Worrying is not being loyal to yourself first. It is making others more important than you. You need to realize you are the only one who can make final decision for you. Not even your spiritual helpers can do that for you!


By being certain in your decisions, you will always be true to yourself.

FYI: There is a difference between being stubborn and being committed to yourself first.

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Energy of the Day: Insist

Insist that you have a great day!


You do not have to compromise your standards simply because others do not see eye to eye with you.


Making sure you are doing the right thing for you is essential in order to accomplish your purpose. If you do not feel right about what is going on, do not get upset. Just relax and tune in to your own inner guidance for solutions.

Recommendation: For more information on tuning into your inner guidance, check out our Intermediate Package.

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Energy of the Day: Love

Love means respecting yourself and others. It does not mean doing things for others they can do for themselves, which is just an emotional response to what you think you should do.


Respect yourself by staying detached from what others are going through and who are only thinking of themselves—and not you!


Listen to your innermost feelings about what your true direction is. If it does not match your environment—change it.

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Energy of the Day: Re-create

It is time to re-create what works for you!


Now is the time for you to duplicate your best efforts to make them work for you and everyone else. If you are doing what does not work, then change what you are doing so it makes sense to you.


Take a look at what is and is not working for you. By breaking it down into compact units, you will automatically see what the solutions are.

Tip: Keep your personality out of the equation. This means that your likes and dislikes do not get involved, because if they do, you will discount ideas that could be beneficial in the long run.

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Energy of the Day: Persistence

Be focused today on what is truly important. Do not ever feel as if you are wasting your time when you are using your inner sensitivity to make things happen for the better. Taking little steps is better than stumbling on the big ones!


Doubting yourself or taking yourself for granted today will keep you from fulfilling what you want to do.


Noticing how much time you waste by not following your hunches or impressions gives you an idea of how much your timing is off. Once you acknowledge this, you will always be in the right place at the right time.

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Energy of the Week for Sept 27-Oct 3, 2010: Benevolence

How much do you care for yourself?

This is the key question for you to be asking yourself this week in order to expand how you feel about everything you are doing.

Being benevolent does not mean doing everything for everyone else that they can do for themselves. The key is to have fun and enjoy every moment. Then, you will have all the energy you need to share with others.

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life: Benevolence depends on how much we care for ourselves. As a matter of fact, the amount of concern you have for yourself and others is exactly how much your parents had for you. Otherwise, you need to learn how to love and respect yourself even more than you already do.

Tip #1: Do not ever put yourself down or criticize yourself without remorse because you are belittling your own energy. Others will pick this up and treat you the way you treat yourself.

Tip #2: Do not take advantage of yourself because you may find yourself being taken advantage of by other people. The love and benevolence you have within can be expanded and directed so that you reap the benefits of all the energy that is available to you from the universe.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life: The key to being successful in business is to show benevolence to the people you are being of service to. The more feeling you put into your product or service, the more people will respond to what you are offering them. This is true whether you own your own business or are an employee of a large company. If a customer or client feels you are holding back or do not have the time to give to them (this includes your boss as well!), they will want to go somewhere else to get what they need. By tuning into your sensitivity, you will always be right. Your inner guidance (angels) will direct you to what you need to say or do. Do not doubt the inspiration that comes to you because it comes directly from the cosmos.

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life: It goes without saying how important it is to be benevolent with your friends and loved ones. They will pick up your concern and mirror it back to you. When you choose to Continue reading

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Energy of the Day: Insistent

Be insistent on doing what you came here to do today. Remember that you have a spiritual message you came to share with others. Find out more about that message by ordering the Intermediate Package (Inner Guidance Consultation Program) with Inner Expansion.


Not realizing you have something very important to share with others.


Be yourself and know that you have all the backing you need from your spiritual helpers (angels or guides).

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Energy of the Day: Love

Loving yourself is the priority for today. Do not doubt yourself by telling yourself that you cannot do what you want to do.


Self-acceptance sometimes means allowing others to help you. Do not deny yourself the benefits of this point of view because it is an opportunity for those who are concerned about you to support you to the fullest degree.


Whenever someone says to you, “I would like to help,” willingly accept that help!

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Energy of the Day: Action

Whenever the Energy of the Day is Action, it means that you are being supported to accomplish more than what you may have originally planned. It will be easy to do if you do not allow your intellect to take over.


Keep yourself from thinking too much today. This is called Mental Gymnastics and it only takes up your valuable time when you could be accomplishing!


By being thoughtful and concerned, you will find that your niche in life is to be of service to yourself (first) and others (second). If you do it in this order, you will never have anything to regret or feel guilty about.

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