Energy of the Day: Behest

Do not take every suggestion you get from others as a command. This originates from the first seven years of life when we were taught to be very obedient. Some of us always obeyed and others rebelled.


Now is the time for you to give yourself permission to do whatever you want. Otherwise, you will always be waiting for someone to tell you what to do. That does not fit with the big picture of why you came to planet Earth to begin with.


Relax and enjoy life to the fullest!

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Energy of the Day: Saturate

Remember that the Energy of the Week and Day are what everyone is learning on planet Earth during this time.


Being unaware that you are affected by the people in your immediate environment will cause you to doubt yourself and hesitate.


Be yourself and ask yourself what you want to accomplish today and then set your priorities. This way, you will not be sidetracked and, at the end of the day, wish you would had followed your true feelings.

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Energy of the Day: Organize

Organize yourself to do what you want and you will be able to achieve anything you can imagine.


Letting others control your life and your own ambitions just means that you are not sure what it is that you really want.


Set a goal that you want this to be the best day you ever had. Hint: You can do this every single day for the rest of your life. By organizing your life into compact units of (1) personal (2) business and (3) social, you will soon realize that mixing these three energies only takes away from what you came here to do.

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Energy of the Day: Beautiful

Tell yourself that you want to share with people how beautiful life can be. If you allow yourself to be under pressure, it simply means that you are making others more important than yourself.


The main pitfall today is not seeing life for what it truly is.


By viewing planet Earth as a great school full of lessons and opportunities, you will soon realize that there is nothing wrong with what is going on in your environment. The key is to listen to yourself and not allow outside influences to take you to a place you do not want to go.

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Energy of the Week for Sept 20-29, 2010: Creative

Creativity is not a matter of arts and crafts. It is a state of mind.

Take the time this week to open up your creative juices and look outside of the box in order to see different possibilities. Isn’t that what life is all about?

Coming up with possible solutions for any problem that faces you is the key. By keeping it simple, you will find that you really do not have a problem. Since the facts prevent confusion from coming in, keep this as your main focus — and everything will fall into place.

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life: Creativity is how we live our life whether we realize it or not. You are always being creative whenever you feel, think and act! Do not discount any of your inspirations this week and do not indulge in any feelings that do not belong to you. If you start feeling bad about something you are doing, make sure that these are your feelings and not the feelings of others in your environment.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life: Look at how you can be of service this week. If you do something that does not work and you do it consistently, it will continue to not work. But if you try other ways of tuning into the needs of the people you are helping or sharing with, then you will be on the right track. Everyone wants to be acknowledged and share with others. If you incorporate your business strategy with these two key concepts, you will always succeed, no matter what.

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life: Every relationship you have is creative. Is it not true that communication is Continue reading

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Energy of the Day: Re-Live

Reliving the past may bring you down today unless you regroup what you learned from it and move forward.


Past experiences are great as long as you put them in perspective. Your intuition will tell you why are doing what you are doing. If you get bogged down today in thinking about what you should have done better, this could take away from the inspiration you are getting from your guidance.


Building on past experiences is what wisdom is all about. Never put yourself down because you do not have all the answers. When you participate the Intermediate Package from Inner Expansion, you learn a solid two-way communication technique with your spiritual helpers (angels) who will then suggest the best route for you to follow. Your free will takes over from there!

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Energy of the Day: Action

Actions speak louder than words – as you know. This is not just an old adage. It means that even though what you do is important, how you do it is even more crucial. Here is the reason why:

When you are involved in a project that has pressure, everyone around you will feel it. They will be repelled by not knowing what they need to do to be involved. But if you put the right energy behind what you want to accomplish, each person you attract will want to be around something very successful. Guaranteed.


Acting with the wrong motives — power, glory, devotion, or even competition — will delay or throw things off today. Look at how you are following through with what you want and things will clarify as you go.


Energy is based on how you feel. If you feel as if something is off in the energy, it probably is. When you regroup and find out where you are and what is motivating you, the solution will be presented in front of your eyes.

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Energy of the Day: Lift

Lift yourself up by the bootstraps today and realize that if you do not do it – it will not get done!


Do not let pride get in the way of doing what needs to be done. You do not have to prove yourself or fear that others have more information or experience than you. If it is something you desire, just go for it.


There is no one greater or lesser than you. It is just that everyone has different experiences. Since you are the total of every experience you have had since the beginning of time, you are unique. And you are the best person to follow through with all of the ideas that you have to improve yourself and the world and environment around you.

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Energy of the Day: Perpetuate

Keeping the momentum going is the key today. Do not allow yourself to procrastinate. Did you know that procrastinating is the worst thing you can do to yourself? Why? Because your spiritual guidance is giving you inspiration for a reason and a measured amount of energy to accomplish it. If you do not follow through, your spiritual guidance has to work twice as hard to get you back where you need to be based on your free will.


Nothing will help you more than to realize that you are not alone. You do have spiritual helpers (guardian angels) who back you in completing what you came here to do. You do not have to feel as if you are here all alone.


Everything should be interesting when you are doing what turns you on. Make everything a challenge in your life and you will always enjoy yourself – no matter what!

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Energy of the Day: Increase

Now that you have put more energy into your projects as of yesterday, today will go much smoother and you will reap the benefits of what you started.


By tuning to your inner sensitivity (even more than you have up to now), you will hear your guidance (angels) helping you with every aspect of your life. Remember to break down what you are doing into three key areas: personal, business and social. Otherwise, you may miss opportunities presented to you by your spiritual helpers.


Be kind to yourself by keeping everything simple and easy. Nothing was meant to be hard or difficult. We did not come to planet Earth to suffer. Suffering is a religious concept – not a spiritual one.

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