Energy of the Day: Forthright

Now that you have the energy of being relaxed inside, be earnest in what you need to do today. When you push too much, you put pressure on yourself and you do not do your best work.


What is life all about? If you use your intuition to make the best decisions, then you are on the right track. It is when you overthink or overlook what you are feeling that you get into trouble.


Focus. Focus. Focus.

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Energy of the Day: Relax

It is very interesting that the energy for yesterday was also to relax. Spirit must be telling us something. Take it easy. Do not put any pressure on yourself to perform or prove yourself today.


Telling yourself that you have to do something today could put you under more pressure than the actual project is worth. Otherwise, you may try to do more things than you have time for.


Keep yourself relaxed by organizing your checklist in a way so that you know exactly what the best timing is for each task. Tuning into your hunches and inspiration will allow you to decide whether a project needs to be done quickly or simply done well at a different time.

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Energy of the Week for Sept 13-19, 2010: Intuitive

Relax and enjoy life this week. The pressure is off. The spiritual energy flowing through planet Earth will support you in being who you really are. As long as you stay tuned to your inner guidance, you will definitely feel the rush of energy that is propelling you to be in the right place at the right time. Do not worry about anything. Worry is the only thing that will prevent you from enjoying every moment and being the person you really are.

This week’s energy is intuitive…

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life: Using your intuition is the greatest gift you can give to yourself. By tuning into your inner sensitivity this week, you will find that inspiration will simply flow in. Avoid overanalyzing the hunches that come your way so that you do not procrastinate or dismiss the ideas that are being given to you. Check the timing for each idea. Then, what will happen will happen.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life: The key for this week is to use your inspiration to expand on what you are already doing. The definition of business is to consistently do what works over and over again. This does not mean you cannot refine and upgrade your service to others. Organize yourself more in order to enhance everything you have been doing. As long as there is a need, there will be a way to present it in a manner that works for you and everyone else who resonates with your spiritual message.

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life: Using your intuition in all of your relationships will definitely be a plus for this week. When you think too much about what you need to do, others will Continue reading

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Energy of the Day: Relax

You deserve it. Just relax today and enjoy each moment.


Not taking the time to regroup your experience this week will cause you to gloss over what you are learning. What you are learning could apply later.


By meditating and checking with your inner guidance on what the solutions are for every situation you encounter, you are ahead of the game in your personal, business and social life. Your angels are there. Why not use them? (To learn more, check out the Intermediate Package on

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Energy of the Day: Excitement

Do not let yourself get down because others are going through their own challenges today. By keeping a big picture of what you need to do for yourself today, and not getting bogged down others energy, you will be on top of the world!


Asking others what you should do is not the best strategy in all cases. If they give you advice and you do not take it, then you may risk them getting angry or upset. But if they give you a suggestion and they are happy whether you follow through with it or not, then it means their motives are clear.


Just make sure that when you involve others in your decision-making, you check to see whether they have your best interest at heart. Sometimes it looks as if they do, but if they get angry when you do not follow their idea, then you are living their direction and not yours. Be careful about sharing your innermost thoughts and ideas.

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Energy of the Day: Understand

What is there to understand? When you have an experience, isn’t it important that you have an understanding for what you are learning from that experience? Also, if you have a theory about life, would it not be beneficial to have an experience to back it up?


By going by what others say instead of your own experience will only result in doubt and frustration on your part, and that equals insecurity.


There is a simple formula: Experience + Understanding = Inner Security.

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Energy of the Day: Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm does not come from without; it comes from within. Your inner drive to accomplish is what creates the enthusiasm for life you are looking for. When you set a goal toward what you want that comes from being loyal to yourself first, you will create the drive and incentive necessary to accomplish it.


Just because things are not manifesting as quickly as you want in the material world does not mean you are not successful. Sometimes, once you have set the energy in motion, it takes a little while for everything to fall into place.


Be patient.

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Webinar Announcement: 7 Keys to Living a Free and Abundant Life

“7 Keys to Living a Free and Abundant Life,” is our latest webinar and teleconference topic, covering what it is that keeps us from accomplishing what we came here to do and how it affects seven key areas of our physical body.

Essential questions explored in this free online event include:

  • When you feel lonely, what can you do about it?
  • When you feel as if you cannot achieve what you want, what is the solution?
  • When you feel left out, why do you do this to yourself?

Learn how to overcome any obstacle in your personal, business and social life   by gaining an appreciation for the seven spiritual energy centers that revolve around all physical locations. Here, in the 7 Keys to Living a Free and Abundant Life webinar, we introduce you to a spiritual concept you can use to heal yourself (why suffer when you can live a free and abundant life).

Join us every other Tuesday – starting September 14 – at 8:00 a.m. Pacific / 11:00 a.m. Eastern. Register now online at: Continue reading

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Energy of the Day: Realize

Realize that only you can do what you came here to do.


Most people think reaching “enlightenment” is the key to “graduating” from planet Earth. Actually, the way to realization is to experience life and learn from it. In other words, you cannot become enlightened until you regroup what you are experiencing and raise your state-of-consciousness by sharing what you are learning with others.


Some people also think that the more spiritual knowledge they have, the better chance they will have at reaching nirvana or go to heaven. Actually, they left out one letter: the s. It is really “the heavens.” When you pass on, you will gravitate to a level outside of planet Earth depending on your personal energy or attitude about life. If you are confused, you will attract confusion. If you are complacent, you will attract other souls just like you. But if you are directed and decisive, you will go about 15 miles and beyond the Earth plane where there are souls who are just as dynamic as you are. This is where your spiritual helpers come from.

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Energy of the Day: Exact

You do not need to be exact in everything you do today, but if you choose to use your own inner sensitivity, you will be right most of the time. Allow yourself a little space today to make a stepping-stone rather than a mistake, as you will forgive yourself if you miss the boat every once in a while.


Happiness is not in the destination but in the journey. In other words, enjoy what you are doing no matter what. If you start getting down on yourself, change your thoughts and direct your energy in the right way.


Relax and cleanse yourself (you can find out more about how do this in the Spiritual Gift Communication Program offered by Inner Expansion Workshops), and realize that if you do not do it, it will not get done!

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