Energy of the Day: Key

Find the key to your own solutions today. By realizing you are the most important person to yourself, you discover that this is the way to opening up new vistas and expanding what you are already accomplishing.


Do not take no for an answer today. In other words, make it happen. You will realize that you have all the answers and that all you need to do is tune into your own personal sensitivity without questioning whether you are doing it right or wrong.


By not doubting yourself and focusing 100 percent on what needs to be done, you will be on top of the world!

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Energy of the Week for September 6-12, 2010: Expand

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life: Are you ready to expand what you are doing? Now is the time! Take a look at your innermost feelings this week and decide what you want to do from now on. Your spiritual helpers are always around you giving you inspiration, so all you need to do is listen. The only trouble we have is not listening to our guidance. By listening to your inner sensitivity more than your intellect, you come to realize that you have all the answers for yourself. You do not have to go to anyone else.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life: Expanding yourself in your service to others is what this week is all about. Start looking at new ways to promote and expand what you have been doing already. You will always be at the right place at the right time when you have the best interests of other people at heart. Tune into their needs and see how you can fulfill them by helping them to help themselves. You cannot take care of anyone. They have to take care of themselves, but you can help them see a bigger picture of what they can do.

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life: Continue reading

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Energy of the Day: Beautiful

Life is beautiful (do not doubt that, ever). If you look at everything around you as an opportunity to grow and expand yourself, you will be happy.


Looking at life as  drudgery or difficult is the main pitfall for today. Do not have a pity-party with yourself. Pity-parties are among the worst things you can do to yourself and your personal direction.


Laugh at adversity;  love challenges and opportunity. If life was perfect and everything always fell into place, things would be boring. But guess what? There is hope. Those of you who have ordered Inner Expansion’s Intermediate Package can tune into their spiritual helpers and ask questions that receive immediate answers. Nothing could be more priceless.

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Energy of the Day: Decide

Let’s face it, there are always decisions that have to be made. But which ones are right for you. When it comes to deciding, the idea is to listen to your innermost feelings and make a decision no matter what. If it does not work out the way you thought it would, you can always change your mind.


Not knowing what you want is a deal-breaker. This means you will always be going by others goals or objectives rather than your own. Even though you know that innately, do you practice it?


Most people make rash decisions or, in an effort to avoid confrontation, decisions designed to please others. Clairvoyants are like this because they do not want to break up the peace and harmony they desire the most. This is why you need to be thoughtful and introspective when it comes to making a final decision. Only you can do that.

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Energy of the Day: Action

Taking action on your dreams is the next step. If you look at the smallest step you have to take, you will not be overwhelmed. This is just one benefit of September’s Energy of the Month –Resume – so just keep moving and make sure that you are moving forward, not backwards.


Focus on your plans and do not deviate from them. If you get too distracted today by the routines or trivia life has to offer, you will not accomplish what you need to do to make your life exactly how you want it.


Organize yourself with the manpower and materials to do what is necessary to move toward your ultimate goals. Your inner guidance (angels) will always back you if they know what you want. Everyone wants direction and if you can give it to yourself – and not listen to what others want you to do – you are halfway there.

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Sign Up Now for the Next Inner Guidance Online Book Club

If you would like to learn more about yourself and how your true inner sensitivity works, consider joining us every other Tuesday (starting September 7, 2010) for a series of free webinars and teleconferences where we explore Howard Wimer’s book, Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts.

As you’ll learn by reading Howard’s book and participating in the free online book club, each of us is born with four spiritual gifts – clairvoyance (inner vision), clairaudience (inner thoughts or ideas), prophecy (inner knowing), and healing (inner feelings). Some of these gifts are more developed in us than others, and are the foundation for how we individually communicate and use our intuition in daily life.

By participating in our free online book club, you learn about the balanced and unbalanced traits of each of the four spiritual gifts and how you can apply this knowledge and understanding in your everyday life.  And while it would be helpful if you have a copy of Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts or — better yet — if you have participated in our Beginners Package, these two items are not necessarily required to  participate in the online book club.  For some, attending next Tuesday’s event might just be the encouragement they need to read the book or enroll in the Beginners Package (FYI: the Beginners Package – which costs just $37.50 – and includes a copy of the book).

Don’t miss this great event, which again is scheduled to take place online  via a webinar & teleconference every other Tuesday starting September 7, from 8am – 9am Pacific Time.

For more information or to register for this free event, please visit:

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Energy of the Day: Purpose

We have talked a lot about purpose on this blog, but what does it really mean? You did not come here – to planet Earth – to work with kids or animals or even with people for that matter. You came to share something that is unique within you that no one else has…your experience!


Not realizing how unique you are is the biggest pitfall you can have. Take time today to clarify what makes you special. Yes, really. Take the time.


Take the time to write down 10 exciting experiences you have throughout your life… experiences that makes you different from others. These could be qualities that you have, insights you have, or dreams that you want to accomplish. If you wanted the perfect life, what would it be? If you want it, you can create it. Just put it down on paper. Today, not tomorrow.

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The Energy of the Month for September 2010 is Resume

As difficult as it may be to believe, here in the Northern Hemisphere, summer is almost over. Before we know it, the Autumnal Equinox will arrive (Sept. 23 at 11:09 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time), and so too will the Winter Solstice (Dec. 21 at 6:38 p.m. Eastern Standard Time). One thing’s for sure… life here on Earth isn’t slowing down, and neither is the energy flowing through the planet this month.

September’s Energy of the Month is Resume

How this month’s energy affects you in your personal life: It is time to get back on track with your feelings and direction. You may have been sidetracked with emotions over the last few months and doubted yourself. This should not be the case in September. Everything needs to be clear and defined, and your personal life is where to start. You may have tried different options of success, but the one that feels good to you will be best option of all. Do not try to prove yourself this month; there is no room for that energy anymore. Now is the time to simply make it happen!

How this month’s energy affects you in your business life: Now is the time to implement plans you have been thinking about for a long time. Do not hesitate this month; too much thinking will cause delays. For the first time, you may feel as if everything is effortless – that your business plans are falling into place without any barriers. Now is the time to rejoice and realize that everything is really okay with the world. Your spiritual helpers are backing you now to be of service to yourself and others who are searching for what you have. Be kind to yourself and you will have a tremendous amount of fun this month.

How this month’s energy affects you in your social life: Your relationships should make a turn for the better this month and clarify the reason for their existence. Many of the people you have known in the past may show up and want to be involved in your life again. This is a good thing because some of them may be your spiritual protégés. Spiritual protégés are people you came to share your own personal spiritual message with and who are learning from you every step of the way. This month, you may find the rapport you have with others is more profound and that now definitely time to cultivate those friendships. Enjoy giving and receiving this month and simply realize that everything happens for a reason.

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Energy of the Day: Understanding

Understanding yourself is the key to everything. You can go to a thousand seminars and workshops that get you to try to get it, but with programs like those offered by Inner Expansion, there is no it to get, because when you are learning about yourself, there is no end to what you can discover; there is no it.


Trying to fit old concepts into a new you is not the best idea because it is like trying to fit a round peg into a square hole (it just does not fit).


By clarifying what you want to do, when you want to do it, where you want it to happen and why you are doing it, you will be on the right track. Do this at least every three months and your energy will be exactly where it needs to be.

Note: Do not doubt yourself. If your sensitivity says to go a certain way, follow it. You may be surprised where it takes you!

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Energy of the Day: Flavor

The flavor from which you do things is what you need to concentrate on today. In other words, the energy you put behind everything you do is more important than the procedure you follow.


Doing things out of anger or guilt will always land you in the wrong place at the right time. Do what only you can do… put your energy behind what you feel is most important, and do it with a lot of enthusiasm and passion (you are the only person who can do that).


By putting yourself in the shoes of other people, you will be able to discern what energy will work the best in every situation. Do unto others… (well, you know the rest)!

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