Energy of the Day: Entice

Enticing yourself to be of service to yourself and others today will be exciting, especially when you realize you are doing exactly what is right for yourself and the world.


Do not discount anything that you want to do with your life today. Just tune into your true feelings and realize that everything is in place for you to have fun and accomplish what you need to do.


Inspire yourself. Do not expect others to prompt you to do what is right for you. Your own inspiration will be very refined today if you choose to relax (for more about relaxing, read our blog post about August 2010’s Energy of the Month) and follow what you need to do for you first.

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Energy of the Week for Aug 30-Sept 5, 2010: Brilliant

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life:

How brilliant do you see yourself? Do you put yourself down or see yourself as a bright light in the universe? What would happen if you were not around? In reality, there would be a big gap in what people are learning from you here on planet Earth. What you experience yourself and what others gain from being around you is what life if all about. This is essential for you to understand when it comes to the importance of your purpose here.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life:

You have brilliant ideas; just implement them. Now that the Energy of the Month is Resume (click here starting Sept. 1 to read all about September’s Energy of the Month), you are able to put all of those plans you have had in your mind into action. This is the time to just do it. Do not hesitate or you may feel as if you have to catch up with your own desires and goals. Realize that your forward motion will inspire everything around and you will help others to achieve success with your enthusiasm.

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life:

Loving yourself is key this week, especially as you allow your brilliance to shine and give yourself permission to motivate those around you (this is also true in your social life where you will finally realize you are the most important person in your own life as well as a ‘way-shower’ for the ones closest to you in your environment).

Note: You do not have to try to be successful; you already are successful! By coming to planet Earth and deciding to have a physical body, you are here for a reason. Make the most of it and everything will fall into place.

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Energy of the Day: Recurrence

Have you ever had a recurring dream? This simply means that your guardian angels (spiritual helpers) are trying to help you regroup a concept or experience and you have not learned quite yet. This does not mean that you will not get it.


Going through the same motions over and over without taking a second look at what works and what does not could keep you from enjoying what you put together in the past.


Do not worry about anything. Worry only means you are making others more important than yourself.

Note: By taking part in Inner Expansion’s Advanced eCourses, you learn how to peel away the onion of concepts that do not belong to you!

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Energy of the Day: Piecemeal

Remember the old saying By the inch it is a cinch and by the yard it is hard. If something feels overwhelming today, relax (again) and put everything back into perspective. Nothing is hard if you break it down and look at one piece at a time.


Glossing over all of the energy that is hitting you today will cause you frustration.


Take a look at what you really want to do. Then break it down into smaller pieces so that you are taking it one step at a time. This will alleviate any stress you may have put on yourself.

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Energy of the Day: Incarnate

We incarnate into many different physical bodies during our journey here in this school we call planet Earth. It is like waking up fresh in the morning – only we do this in every new lifetime.


Seeing ourselves as finite creatures will cause us to become discouraged. Everything is a means to an end – not the other way around.


Because we are a soul with a physical body – and not the other way around, we will live forever. So what is the big deal? When you run up against a barrier to your state-of-consciousness, just relax (see the August Energy of the Month for more about relaxing), and realize what you are learning could pay tremendous dividends later in life.

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Energy of the Day: Repeat

If something works for you, repeat it!


Falling into the same old trap of indulging in the past or worrying about the future is what keeps all of us from accomplishing what we need to do because it drains your personal energy if you are not careful.


By clarifying which concepts belong to you and which ones do not, you are ahead in the game of life. By accomplishing your purpose, you are helping others do the same. One word or phrase from you could change the life of another. This is why it is so important not to hold back in sharing with those who are similar to you and what you have gone through to get where you are today.

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Energy of the Day: Glory

The days of the glory trips are over. Said differently, there is no need to brag and gloat about what we have done in the past. We cannot rest on our laurels and expect people to respond to us in a positive way.


Acting as if you are the guru – the one person who knows everything about everything – does not fit anymore. Gurus and know-it-alls are ignorant of what their own potential is – so how can they advise you in the process?


Build on your own experiences and not on the experiences of others. You need to realize that no one can throw you off your own inner pivot point when you share what you personally have done for yourself. This is what ultimate confidence is all about.

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Energy of the Day: Understanding

What are you understanding about where you are now? Are you where you want to be or are more horizons possible for you? These are the key questions to ask yourself today as you progress through your life making everything work in your own environment.


Not feeling as if you are good enough could be one of the biggest pitfalls today. Even though you may be confident in what you do for a living, are you pleasing yourself most of the time or are your efforts focused on pleasing others?


Feeling confident means being in your niche in life. We came into this world with special energy earned through lifetimes. In other words, are you a better administrator, promoter, coordinator, or something else? We gravitate toward professions or opportunities that revolve around our personal strength in life. If you have participated in our Intermediate Package, you already know what your niche is. If not, visit the Intermediate Package page on today.

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Energy of the Day: Purpose

A sense of purpose is what we all want. Do not discount yourself today. Make no compromises. You are the most important person in your own life. This is what will make your life fulfilling and relaxed (for more info about relaxing, please see this month’s Energy of the Month blog entry).


Not realizing you have a purpose is your biggest pitfall today. You did not just happen to be here. You chose to come to planet Earth and share your unique spiritual message with others.


Realize that there is nobody like you anywhere in the world. You are unique. When you smile, the whole world smiles. Positive energy is contagious and deserves every moment we can invest in it.

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Energy of the Week for August 23-29, 2010: Build

Welcome to another week and another very insightful blog entry about the energy of the week. If you need to read up on our Energy of the Week posts, please check out the first three paragraphs of this blog entry.

This week’s Energy of the Week is: Build

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life: What are you building for yourself? Are you stagnant in your thinking or forging ahead with new ideas and desires? These are the questions you need to ask yourself this week, especially as you build on your past experiences and create new ones. Once you realize that your whole purpose for being here is not just to collect a paycheck, you will search more intensely for what you really came here to do.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life: Once you decide what you want, you can focus on what can make you even more successful than you already are! Being of service is easy. There is a huge difference between being loyal to yourself first and thinking about me first, me second and me third. What brings the most fulfillment is concentrating on being of service to others. What makes you secure doing this is coming from your true experience and not from what others tell you are true. Truth is subjective – not objective.

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life: Build on the relationships you have already. Even if you meet new people this week, think about Continue reading

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