Energy of the Day: Arrow

Keep your energy as straight as an arrow today. Do not deviate from your plan. What you need to realize is that energy in motion tends to stay in motion. Energy at rest will — guess what? You know the answer.


Being distracted from your priorities today will cause you to feel as if you are doing the wrong thing at the right time or vice versa.


Decide what your priorities are and stick to them!

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Energy of the Day: Afterthought

Sometimes, you may have afterthoughts about whether you did something right. Do not indulge in the past. Learn from the experience and do not worry about anything else.


Everyone has free will and will decide what is best for them. You cannot force anyone to follow a certain path if they do not want to go there. Do not even try!


All you can do is give people the available options. If they want to follow them, it is up to them. If they don’t, then all you need to do is direct your own energy accordingly. If you get frustrated, that means they are in control…not you.

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Energy of the Day: Direction

Everyone needs direction. This is what we are all looking for. Direction has to come from within. All that others can do is offer you the opportunity to do what you love.


Thinking you cannot do what you really want is the greatest pitfall for today or any other day. You can always organize yourself to do what you truly want. No one can keep you from it. If you disagree, try thinking about solutions, not excuses.


Check with your inner guidance today to determine what is truly in your best interest (check out the Inner Expansion Intermediate Package for more information on working with inner guidance). Then, ask yourself (and your guidance) how to get there. It never fails. At that point, it is just a matter of putting your ideas into action. (Note: For more information about putting your ideas into action, read this week’s Energy of the Week blog post).

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Energy of the Day: Uplifting

You have to lift yourself up in order to create the standards you want to have. If your environment brings you down, change it. Make it into what you want to have. Do not wait for someone else to give you permission.


The biggest pitfall for today is not identifying what makes you happy or realizing that you are the only person who can create your own environment. Take a look at what is bringing you down – and do something about it.


Discernment is the key to being detached. In other words, start looking at what is uplifting around you and what is not. Start isolating what keeps you from feeling comfortable and then lift it up to your best standards.

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Meet the Team: Inner Expansion Founder & President Howard Wimer

In an effort to get to know the people who make Inner Expansion Workshops the organization it is today, we’re launching a new feature here on the blog called Meet The Team. To get us started, meet our Founder and President, Howard Wimer.

Howard has been a leader in the personal growth and development field for more than three decades. His first decision to find his own way in life came at the age of 12 when he determined that following in his father’s business-related footsteps wasn’t the path he wanted to take. Instead, he traveled extensively around the world, sharing his spiritual energy techniques with others to help them find their own answers. Along the way, Howard became an award-winning musician and filmmaker and has appeared on hundreds of radio and television programs, teaching listeners how to tap into their own inner guidance.

Inner Expansion: Why did you start Inner Expansion Workshops?

Howard Wimer: After working with my spiritual helpers for almost 30 years and having traveled around the world showing others, like myself, how to communicate directly with them – I had an inspiration to start my own program. I launched this program at the beginning of the new century — 2000 — and it changed my life forever.

IE: Which of your IEW programs do you consider to be your favorite?

HW: I really believe that once a person understands how to ask questions from their own spiritual guidance and get direct and instant answers, the next step is to go through the Spiritual Guidance and Life Purpose Weekend Retreat. This is a program of more than 20 spiritual energy techniques to help people enhance their sensitivity and discern their innermost feelings about what they are doing in life. This gives them much more personal direction and is very fulfilling for me to instruct.

IE: What do you tell people you do for a living? Continue reading

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Energy of the Day: Attitude

Attitude is everything. If you are cynical or paranoid that something or someone is controlling you, guess what? They are. Once you realize that no one can control anything you do, you will be in a better place. All you can do is rent your time. Even if you are an employee and not an employer, the company does not own you. You are only trading your time for material abundance.


If you are frustrated with your job, look for another one! Many people say they do not like what they do for a living. But if you organize yourself to do what really turns you on, then you can make it work.


If you like to knit, start a knitting school. If you like to paint, work at an art store. What is the big deal? It does not matter how long it takes to get to where you want to go, but if you identify the environment you really want to work in, then simply make it happen!

Note: Some people claim they earn too much money to quit their present job. If that is the case, all you need to do is use your creativity to earn much more doing what you love.

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Energy of the Day: Encompass

In order to make the right decision about anything in your personal, business or social life, you need to encompass all of the facts (i.e., what, when, where and why). The who of the equation comes at the end (most people put the who at the top). Once you get all of the facts and have taken the steps to accomplish what it is you want, then you will gain the fulfillment from it – and not before (who).


Trying to get something before you put your energy into it is not the way to accomplish anything. An opportunist always wants to know what is in it for them before they do anything to create it. What they do not realize is that whatever you put into something that is exactly what you get!


Once you decide what you need or want, focus 100 percent of your energy into what you want to create or do. Then, you will see it unfold before your eyes. If you only put in 50 percent or 80 percent, that is exactly what you will realize.

Please take a moment to share what you think about today’s Energy of the Day by leaving a thought or two in the Comment section of this post.

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Use Facebook to Connect with Inner Expansion

It’s probably safe to say that when half a billion people worldwide all choose to gather in one location online, the location is no longer a fad. Since it first launched in February of 2004, Facebook has grown by leaps and bounds to become the leading social networking site online. And in addition to the millions upon millions of personal profiles featured on the site, organizations like Inner Expansion are now using Facebook to connect with people just like you.

On Inner Expansion’s Facebook page (, other Facebook members who “Like” us are able to stay up to date on the latest Inner Expansion news and information updates. You can also use our official Facebook page to post questions and thoughts on our wall — and we promise someone from Inner Expansion will respond. And best of all, using Facebook, you can share your Inner Expansion experiences with comments, photos and videos, which add the richness of your understanding of practical spirituality to our global voice. Continue reading

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Energy of the Day: Bring About

You can bring about anything that you want in your life as long as you take action on your thoughts and feelings. (Read this week’s Energy of the Week for more information on taking action.) Your spiritual gift of clairvoyance (clear seeing) is what makes it all happen. Once you envision it in your mind, then you can break it down into smaller steps to reach the short- or long-term goal you have in mind.


Getting involved in the day-to-day trivia or routines in life will keep you from reaching your long-term goals. Sometimes we get so caught up in what everyone else wants from us that we leave ourselves out.


Take time for yourself today and listen to your heart (your true feelings). Only you can decide what will truly make you happy. Others can back you, but you really have to do it yourself. If others want to be involved, they can. But do not force them to do anything. This is the key avoiding frustration and anger.

If you have a thought or question about today’s Energy of the Day, please leave comment by clicking on the Comment link below.

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Energy of the Week for August 16-22, 2010: Action

Welcome to the new week and another informative post about the energy following through planet Earth. If you would to learn more about our Energy of the Week updates, please feel free to read the first three paragraphs of this blog entry. If you’re ready to get started, read on!

This week’s Energy of the Week is Action

How this week’s energy — Action — affects you in your personal life: We associate action with doing things. But how do we take action in our thoughts and feelings? If you do not like what is happening in your life, what are you doing to change it? Does that not require action as well? But it has to start in your own personal life. (Remember: Your personal life is sacred to you – no one has a right to interfere with how you feel!) You need to make a decision before anything will happen in the physical. Our environment is a reflection of how we feel and our concepts.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life: You can have the greatest plans in the world, but if you do not put them into action, what’s the point? Action means you can create anything you want. You do not have to get permission to envision something that will make you happy. And, by the way, happiness is a byproduct of what you do, not the other way around. How can you be happy all the time if the only time you felt happy is when you reached your goal? That would not make sense!

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life: Your relationships cannot improve unless you take action on your feelings. If you feel lonely, guess what? You are holding back from communicating with your loved ones or the world. No one has to be lonely or feel lesser or greater than others. You have to take action to create the environment you truly want. If things are not going your way, change them. You are in total control of everything you do. Others will appreciate it when you tell them what you are really feeling and what kind of relationship you want to have with them.

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