Energy of the Day: Realize

Today you need to realize you are the most important person to yourself. No one can take that away from you. When you focus on what is important and bypass the trivia, you put everything into perspective in regard to what it was you came here to do.


Suffering no longer belongs in our state-of-consciousness. If you are indulging in sacrifice or indulgence by worrying about who you are, where you have been, and where you are going in your life, you are missing the whole point!


Take a moment to relax (see this month’s Energy of the Month blog post) and focus on reality. This will keep everything real and practical. It is religious to suffer and spiritual to be excited and fulfilled with every experience you allow yourself to have. Your quality of life is completely up to you. Heaven is a state of mind. Whatever you think here on planet Earth – you will think out there in the universe after you pass on. There is no separation. In fact, the only separation is the one we think we have.

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Energy of the Day: Continue

If something is working for you, continue doing it. But if it is not, discontinue it!


Habits are great as long as they work for you. But if there is something that is creating a block in your path along the way, you may need to take a second look at where you got it from and how to release it back to the universe.


Think in solutions – do not think in problems. Did you know problems really do not exist? Once you understand the basis of what is putting pressure on you from your environment, you can pin down the solution and bypass it. This is the key to releasing any pressure you are putting on yourself or others.

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Energy of the Day: Leap

Avoid today’s pitfalls and focus instead on its solutions, and this will be your luckiest day ever! Whatever you think – that is what you are. If you take a leap forward toward what you want the most in your life, everything will fall into place. Guaranteed.


Sometimes we take two steps forward and one step back or vice-versa. Take a look today at how you may be sabotaging your success by thinking too much. The only way to move forward is to let your desires and goals take over. Whatever you want, you can get.


Organize yourself by realizing only you can do what is right for you. No one can do it for you. A leap of faith simply means not getting bogged down in worrying about what other people want before you decide what is right for you. Coordination is great, but just make sure you are not compromising on your own principles.

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Energy of the Day: Purpose

What is your purpose? When you feel good about what you are doing, you are most likely on the right track. By keeping yourself cleansed and relaxed from outside pressures, you will be able to stay in your true feelings and avoid any emotional experiences.


Trying to figure out what others want you to do could be a big pitfall today. By being more loyal to yourself and your own purpose, you make the right decisions that will lead you in the right direction.


When you order the Intermediate or Advancement Package from Inner Expansion, you learn that you can tap into inspiration anytime you want. When you learn the two-way communication technique that allows you to interact with your own spiritual guidance or helpers, you quickly see that your spiritual guides always have your best interest at heart (it is like getting a second opinion, but you will always be able to make the final decision)., you. Think of it as having your own spiritual board of directors that you can tune in to at a moment’s notice.

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Energy of the Day: Understanding

Fear is basically a lack of understanding. Did you know all fears are based on the fear of death or separation? This separation is the emotional side of ourselves, and includes feeling guilty, sad — or even yearning for someone else.


Do not kick yourself or tell yourself you are not good at what you do today. Keep a big picture on hand as to why you came to planet Earth. Earth is a great school and it gives us the opportunity to learn and grow at our own pace. Everyone has free will. We can decide what challenges we want to take on and which ones we choose to ignore.


The key is to avoid being overwhelmed by the decision we must make. Have you ever noticed that when you finally decide exactly what it is you want, everything falls into place? This does not happen by accident. When you finally decide exactly what it is that you want, you’re intentionally giving your personal team of spiritual helpers (angels) a chance to support you in what you came here to do.

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Energy of the Day: Control

You are always in control when you have a grasp of the overall situation. When you separate your personal, business, and social life into compact units and do not mix them together, you are on the right track.


When your personal feelings overwhelm your business side, you can lose your detachment. Just realize that everyone is doing the best they know how, including you. By not judging yourself or others, your relationships will take a turn for the better – no matter what the situation may be.


Understanding your true feelings and what is right for you today is the key to being in complete control of every situation. When you cater to the whims and desires of other people, you may be putting yourself in a position of having to compromise your own standards. Ask yourself this question: Do I live by other people’s standards or by my own?

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Energy of the Week for August 9-15, 2010: Grasp

If our The Energy of the Week blog post is new to you or if you you would like a quick overview of what this is all of this about, please click here for short refresher.

This week’s Energy of the Week is Grasp

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life: How much do you grasp about what you are doing and where you are going in your life? This week, the energy that everyone is learning on planet Earth speaks to how to get a handle on everything you are involved with. This week is not the time to shove everything under the rug. Leave everything open and aboveboard when it comes to how you feel about your personal direction and how fulfilled you are. Keeping yourself directed is the key. Do not leave yourself out. Remember, it is your life and it is time to live it!

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life: Getting a grasp on your finances can be boring and uninteresting, but the more you clarify where your physical energy is going, the better. When everything is working, there is inflow and outflow. If your outflow exceeds your inflow, take a hard look at how you are communicating in your business life. It could be that you are doing more for others than they can do for themselves. If your inflow exceeds your outflow, make sure you are using it effectively. Having balance in every aspect of your life is important. But to be secure within yourself and in your service to others, you must realize that by focusing on helping others do what they came here to do, you realize further fulfillment.

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life: Continue reading

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Energy of the Day: Action

Take action in everything you do today. Do not think about it to the point where you are analyzing and dissecting what needs to be done. If you truly come from your feelings today, you will have a firm grasp of what exactly needs to take place and when.


Your emotions will take over when you think too much. By making a decision about where you want to go, you will bypass the analytics that waste time and keep you tied up in knots.


Take a moment and weigh all of the options. Without getting bogged down on your intellectual side, use your sensitivity to know, see, understand and feel what makes sense to do. This is truly using your inner guidance to make everything happen the way you want it to happen.

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Energy of the Day: Happening

What is happening to you is happening for a reason. What you are is what you attract. Based on your concepts and ideas, you will attract to yourself what it is that you are focused on. If you direct your energy to create everything that is positive and good, then you are on the right track.


Sometimes we need to be reminded when we are working against ourselves. Do not be surprised if you hit your head against a brick wall today when you least expect it.


The ultimate solution is to take a step back and clarify why you created the wall to begin with. It is probably something that has been there for a long time but you just did not see it. When you realize that this obstacle may not be as big as it originally seemed, you will be able to break it down – brick by brick (or step-by-step).

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Energy of the Day: Criticize

When you are critical of yourself, you are separating yourself from yourself – and from others. Everyone is doing the best they know how, including you!


Keep a big picture of who you really are. As a soul, you are perfect. The only problem is that we pick up concepts and habits that belong to our parents or whoever raised us in our first cycle of life (the first seven years). If you continue those old traditional ways of thinking, you are working against yourself and that will affect how others treat you.


By staying relaxed (Relax” is the Energy of the Month for August), you will open up and start realizing that you can change anything you want. Just look at which one of your parents passed on this way of thinking and then visualize doing it differently. This will be easy once you have it in your consciousness to do it consistently. There are seven key areas upon which you can focus:

    1. Self-acceptance
    2. Wants and Goals
    3. Needs and Self-Expression
    4. Discernment and Detachment
    5. Drive and Incentive
    6. Relating and Communication
    7. Total Involvement and Giving of Self

Once you master these areas in yourself, your energy will flow freely through your physical body and you will feel great all of the time!

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