Energy of the Day: Beyond

In order to rise up above old habits and concepts that keep you from becoming who you really are, you need to see beyond where you are now. This is the key to creating the lifestyle you want for yourself.


Take a look at what you have been doing in the past and decide specifically what it is you want to change. You have a choice. You can either stay with what is not working for you or you can continue on with what does. It is really up to you.


The key to changing old habits is to take a look at your parents and see which one of them may have passed on to you the patterns you are indulging in today. If they had a tendency to feel rejected or judged, you may have picked up the same concept! Realize that you do not own this. You simply picked it up during your first seven years of life and you’re imitating what they did. Inner Expansion has advanced charts and consultations that can help you release these old concepts and go beyond your present state-of-consciousness (see:

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Energy of the Day: Rehearse

One way to rise above past concepts is to rehearse new ones. Many people teach courses in visualization where you learn to see in your own mind what it is that you want to create. The same goes with changing old habits into new ones (which is your clairvoyant gift – See Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts by Howard Wimer).


When you see yourself failing, you will fail. When you see yourself succeeding, you will find a way to make it happen. Wherever you focus your energy, this is where you will be.


If you can, find someone who you see as being successful. Take a look at what they are doing that enables them to achieve what it is you want in your own life. Picture yourself doing what they do. In other words, use your clairvoyant gift to create in your mind a new habit that will take hold, once you start putting it into the physical side of life.

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Energy of the Day: Bring About

You can bring about anything you set your mind to. If you continue to get bogged down in the past, the future will not unfold in the proper timing. Be diligent so that you do not repeat the same habit over and over again.


You need to set your energy at the beginning of the day – not while you are involved in it. It is easier to focus on what you want before you start than to attempt to change your energy in midstream.


Be happy today and do not let others get you down. They may have a different agenda than you, but that’s okay. Do not worry that things will not work out because eventually, they always do. One door closes and another opens up. This is the law of the universe.

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Energy of the Day: Alter

Altering your thinking is not always easy, but it is sometimes necessary to rise above old concepts that are no longer serving you.


Indulging in past experiences that were not pleasant could throw you off today if you are not careful. It is important to alter your state-of-consciousness when it comes to eliminating negative thoughts and ideas that do not fit the energy plan for today.


Regroup what you have been learning from the past so that you don’t dwell on experiences that may bring your energy down. Put everything into perspective and add what you have learned to your tremendous treasure trove of wisdom. That way, you do not repeat old patterns and habits that no longer belong to you.

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Energy of the Day: Sincere

Being sincere is not a state of mind, it is a state of action. Everything that you say or do reflects how you feel inside. When you feel lousy, take a look at whether these feelings belong to you or someone else in your environment. If you feel great, keep doing what you are doing and enjoy the day!


Getting involved in the energy of other people today will cause you to feel like you are not yourself or you cannot seem to get your energy going. Do not fall into this trap.


Being able to discern whether a feeling (actually, it is an emotion!) belongs to you or not is the key to being detached in every situation in life. Be sincere with yourself today and do not indulge in energy that does not lift you to a higher level. This way, you are an inspiration to others in your environment and you can prompt them to take a second look at where they are putting their energy today.

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Energy of the Week for August 2-8, 2010: Rise Above

If The Energy of the Week is new to you or if you need a refresher on what all of this about, please click here for short overview.

This week the Energy of the Week is Rise Above.

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life: It is important to rise above any concepts that do not belong to you this week. Do not get bogged down in details that do not concern you or that get in the way of accomplishing your true purpose in life. Sometimes we get so involved in other people’s problems or experiences that we end up leaving ourselves out of our own picture. By being loyal to ourselves first — which means taking care of our own needs and wants before we try to take care of others — we will always be where we want to be. The key is this: Do not feel sorry for others or ourselves.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life: Rise to new heights in your business endeavors this week by staying detached, tuning into the needs of others and refusing to get bogged down by what they do not want. Just as it is important to us to focus on what we want, it is just as important to sense what other people want or need before they sense it. This is using your sensitivity to its maximum effect. This way, you will be ahead of the curve in deciding what to share with others so that they can successfully reach their goals and objectives. This is the key to being successful in any business.

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life: Now is the time to rise above any trivia that may be affecting your relationships. Anytime you or another person get involved in likes or dislikes, you miss the big picture of what you came here to do. When you say to yourself: I do not want to do this or I do not have time to do that, take a look at why you are thinking this way. If the motivation behind your negativity is personal convenience, then it could be that you are indulging rather than opening up and giving yourself an opportunity to have more experiences. This could affect efforts to enhance your present relationships or develop new ones.

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Energy of the Day: Relax

Relaxing does not mean sitting around and doing nothing. When you are in action, you can stay relaxed by focusing your energy on what you need to accomplish without any distractions. Many racecar drivers will tell you that they do not look to see where the other drivers are on the racetrack. They are in a race against time. Set a goal with the what, when, where and why so that you know exactly how – and when it will happen.


Take a big, deep breath and relax so you do not overwhelm yourself. Take things one-step-at-a-time and do not think that you have to accomplish everything on your checklist in the next five minutes!


Usually, the only reason we are not relaxed is because we feel as if others are expecting, assuming and demanding of our time. Your time is your own. Do not feel as if you have to perform or prove yourself. By staying relaxed and in tune with your true feelings and not your emotions, you will always feel as if you are in the right place at the right time. Guaranteed!

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Energy of the Month for August 2010: Relax

When was the last time you heard someone say, Just relax, will ya? And be honest, chances are that when it happened, you were inclined, were you not, to tell the person who said it just where to go themselves! This is what happens when we get uptight or disorganized and we are just trying to get our bearings on what to do or which way to go.

The problem is that with that approach is that as a result of our own reaction, we unintentionally place more pressure upon ourselves. Rather than rely on our own inner guidance or sensitivity when someone else is telling us what to do, we choose instead to have a negative reaction.

This month, the energy flowing through planet Earth is all about knowing and taking advantage of what is right for us. Being relaxed means not accepting pressure whenever it is applied in any way, shape or form. In other words, to stay detached from outside sources applying the pressure in the first place.

One way to do this is to discern exactly where the pressure is coming from. We may think that we are frustrated or angry when in reality, we are simply picking it up in our environment. It may not even be us who is feeling this way. This happens to people who are especially high in the Healing or Feeling gift.

When you ordered the Beginners Package (also known as the Spiritual Gift Communication Program) from Inner Expansion Workshops, you learned the Personal Energy Cleansing technique that helps you stay buffered from pressure and negativity. (Note: If you haven’t learned this technique, check out the Beginners Package today.) How would you like to stay relaxed and focused – 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year? You can.

One other thing… Continue reading

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Energy of the Day: Love

Loving yourself is the biggest challenge most people face. We always want to look at the not-so-good things in our life rather than looking at what is right and good.


By concentrating on what is not working, you will feel discouraged and not be able to clearly see what the solutions are. Do not fall into this trap because it always leads to frustration and disharmony.


You are the solution. You do not have to look outside of yourself to find what works and what does not. Your experience is the best teacher. It is very important to follow your own inner guidance to figure out the best approach to every situation.

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Energy of the Day: Achieve

As we mentioned in the last post, wherever you put your energy, that is what you will create. Achievement is a process, not a goal. You achieve something in your personal, business and social life every single day. It is non-stop. You could not stop it even if you tried. So never think that you are not accomplishing. You truly are.


By inspiring yourself, you will achieve great things. Know yourself and what makes you tick. In Howard Wimer’s book Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts, you will find out what stops you from achieving all of your life dreams based on your own personality type, as well as what makes you successful. You can even find out the order of your own spiritual gifts by visiting and signing up for the Beginners Package. This will be the key to finding more solutions.


By the inch it is a cinch…and by the yard it is hard. This is an old adage that still holds true today. Break down your goals into easy and achievable steps and you’ll be much more fulfilled when you accomplish each one. Do not be discouraged if you have to revise your plan. This is normal. There has never been a plan that worked. You just have to work your plan.

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