Energy of the Day: Focus

Focus on what you want and not what you do not want. This is so simple that most people miss it. How many times do you say to yourself: I do not want this or that? This is the opposite way of finding solutions. By doing this, you will only find more problems.


By focusing on what you do not want, you will surely get it! This is where worry starts. Actually, worry is making others more important than you. This does not make sense because why would you want to take on what others want and not take care of you?


Wherever you put your focus, that is where you will be. So why not focus on what you truly want and desire? Worrying about what your friends or family want will only get you in the wrong place at the wrong time. If it inspires you, then it is right. If it does not, then you will lose a lot of time getting back to where you need to be.

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Energy of the Day: Likable

When you smile, you light up the world. How many people can you inspire when you help others in your environment feel good? When you have a lousy attitude or complain about things that you could easily come up with a solution for, you are already predestined to fail – or at least have a bad day!


Not keeping a totally positive attitude today and realizing there may be a bigger picture related to why things are happening the way they are, could be a big pitfall to understanding where you need to be and go.


Start the day by doing something nice for yourself. Take a few minutes and tune into your own inner guidance and you will feel great for the rest of the day. Tell yourself (and your spiritual helpers) that you want to have the best day you have ever had. Just think what you can do if you say this for the next 365 days.

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Energy of the Day: Barrier

What is the barrier you put up for yourself the most? If you can discern this, you will have a great day.


When you feel like there is a brick wall in front of you, do you bust through it or go around it? It is easier just to go around it so that there is no confrontation. It depends on the situation. If you create conflict where there does not need to be any, then you are on the right track. But do not cater when there is no need as well. Evaluate the situation and see which is the best tactic.


There is no barrier to anything. We only think there is. Communication is always the solution to achieving anything in life. If you need help to do something you really want to do, then ask for help. The only thing keeping you from it is your own false pride.

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Energy of the Day: Freedom

Having the freedom to do what you want with your life is the key to being successful in your spiritual and material life. But where do you find this freedom? By being loyal to yourself, you will realize you do not have to cater to what everyone else wants. You can make your own decisions. As a matter of fact, this is the key for today.


Not taking the time to make a decision about where you want to go today could delay everything. Once you realize you are the only one who can make the final decision for yourself, you will know exactly what to do.


Take a moment and write down your priorities. Then, use your inner guidance to decide what is best for you and what will enhance your own environment. Do you want to continue staying in the same old habits, or move on and upgrade everything in your life? It is up to you. Make that decision today!

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Energy of the Week for July 26-Aug 1, 2010: Achievement

For the past two weeks, we’ve been telling you that at the beginning of each new week, the spiritual energy flowing through planet Earth modifies itself into something anew. Knowing what this means – for your personal, business, and social lives – puts you in a position to be prepared for what’s to come and to use that information to your advantage throughout the weekend ahead.

This week’s energy is Achievement

How this week’s energy affects you in your personal life: What do you want to achieve with your life? This is the fundamental question everyone raises – even as a child. You see many examples around you. But which one do you pick to emulate?

When there is someone you admire, there is usually a quality or direction they have that inspires you. Do not take this for granted. Then, all you need to do is choose the most appropriate avenue to express your dreams and desires. This comes from being open to all opportunities presented to you. When it feels right, follow it. There may be something there for you to learn or experience.

How this week’s energy affects you in your business life: Being of service to others is easy when you realize that all you are doing is helping them to achieve their dreams. When you only think of yourself and how much you are going to earn or elevate your status in the community, you are missing the point. All of these benefits are actually byproducts of what you can help others to do for themselves. When you have this motive, then you are helping them fish rather than giving them the fish to eat (from an old Chinese proverb).

  • Take a look this week and how much more of service you can be. The key is to communicate what you can do for others and not just what you have to offer them. The benefit is more important than the actual solution.
  • Once you attract the people who want what you have, then you can share with them all of the ways you can help them.

How this week’s energy affects you in your social life: Helping others in your environment achieve their dreams is what having friends is all about. Take the time this week to see how you can inspire all of your friends and family to do what they want to do with their life. This is important because when you have others around you who are accomplishing what they desire most, you are inspired as well.

  • This goes both ways. Do not just talk about yourself. Ask your friends and family questions. Find out what they want to do with their life – and then give them experiences from what you have done to help them see solutions they may not have already seen for themselves.

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Energy of the Day: Message

What message do you have to yourself? Take a look today to see if you are taking care of your own personal needs (i.e., food, health, love shelter and self-expression). When you are expressing how you truly feel, you will be fulfilled – no matter what.


Not taking the time to express yourself creatively is the biggest pitfall today. Similarly, if you take time to look at how others may be holding themselves back, you can do what you can to bring them out and help them to express themselves creatively, as well.


Do not just assume people do not want to communicate today (they may be holding back for a reason). Help them understand what that reason is so that you can have a 50-50 relationship with everyone in your environment. Try it. It will work!

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Energy of the Day: Purpose

Everyone wants to find out what his or her purpose is in life. Some people think that they came to work with people, children, or even animals. Believe it or not, this is not your purpose.

In reality, you have a special spiritual message you came to live for yourself first and then share with others. At Inner Expansion, we help you understand what that personal spiritual message or purpose is.


Thinking that your purpose has to do with always helping others and not taking care of your own needs can lead you down the wrong path. When you realize you came here to be an example for your own spiritual protégés, you will find yourself on the right track.


Your purpose is that inner core and philosophy that you have about life. It can be very specific, and when you find out what it is, you will say to yourself: That is what I have been doing my entire life. To find out more, go to

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Energy of the Day: Enhancement

Today, do everything you can to enhance your life. Take a break if you need to in order to refresh your perspective on life and where you are going. Take a big, deep breath and focus on your own priorities.


Not taking the time to gain a bigger perspective and outlook on who you are and where you are going could be the biggest pitfall today. Do not get bogged down in details that do not really matter to you or anyone else around you. It is time to move forward.


Take a look at what is (1) Essential (2) Important or (3) Trivial in your life. If you want, you can sit down and make a solid list of what you want to accomplish with your life. If you are always doing for others and leaving yourself out of the equation, then it is time to look at a new formula.

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Energy of the Day: Realize

With every new experience you have the opportunity to realize more about yourself. This is why it’s so important not to blame anyone else for anything that happens to you or in your environment.


Making everything outside of yourself will bring you down faster than anything. The idea is to relax and be open to everything around you so you can bring it into perspective.


Realize that everything happens for a reason. There are no accidents. When you are relaxed and open to the wants and needs of everyone around you, you can respond to them. Just remember to take care of your own needs first. You will then sense what others need, as well.

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Energy of the Day: Behave

How do you behave? Do please others or do what is right for you? When you behave in a way where everything in life is fun and enjoyable, you will always achieve what you want.


Not listening to what others are saying may lead to discomfort today. When your ears are wide open, you can respond to what they are saying. Otherwise, you may end up reacting to something that is not factual in nature.


Find common ground with everyone in your environment today. Find out what their needs and wants are so you can respond effectively and see how it fits in your own life. This is especially true with relationships. Remember, at the end of the day, everyone is here for himself or herself. If we can share our experiences and our love with others, we enhance our own personal experience!

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