The Energy of the Month for July is ENHANCE

This is a great month to enhance what you are already doing for yourself for the year by bringing it up a notch and sharing about it a bit louder and with a lot more passion. Before you know it, your world may explode and expand to a bigger and brighter level and, much to your surprise, bring you more and better experiences than you could have ever hoped for.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Unexpectedly, this month is destined to bring you an increased level of action and put things in place more than you ever thought possible. This is all because the universe silently honors your diligence and your efforts will start to pay off sooner than you may have planned. It may feel as if your life is on fast forward with every day flying by with fulfilling meetings and fun-filled events. The whole idea is to activate all of your inner senses and use everything your intuition has to offer, so you can benefit the most from the many interactions and experiences you find yourself in. Do not try to escape from them, but instead enhance how you are living in the now for yourself by finding a deeper meaning to everything you are going through. Be in the present and always play a starring role in the moment by contributing your inspiration into every endeavor you find yourself in. Be sure to clarify what you are taking away from what you have already done so you can make it count and enrich you a few times over.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Whatever you are thinking about wanting to enhance in your service to others, this is definitely the best time to do it. Naturally, everyone feels more relaxed during the summer months and open to interesting and inviting adventures. Maybe you can create a  special event to celebrate something we all have in common that everyone appreciates and relates to your business. A little extra touch can bring a lot back to you, especially if it inspires and moves those it is addressing. It will reach out to their true feelings and win over their hearts. Inspiration always works instantly and there is no telling how strongly it can affect others when it concerns similar human needs and values we all share. Take your initiative and this time, it will unite you with more patrons than you can imagine.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
Many times, your more permanent relationships with others reach a plateau and remain at a standstill, because it almost does not seem there is any other place for them to go. This month, the contrary is true. Not only can you enhance them by helping all of you grow deeper and deeper into caring and supporting each other in a whole new way, but you can do much, much more. For example, you can all learn together how your inspiration works in the particular way each of you communicates, both inside and outside with others. We will be happy to check your spiritual gift order with our simple Beginner’s Package ($37.50 USD) to clarify how this works for everyone who matters to you. Let yourselves share even better quality time together when you unite more along similar values and important topics. Write a comment on your most interesting stories and we will spread the word to others to inspire them on your behalf.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for June 30-July 6, 2014

Your inner uniqueness and SAVVY will well come out this week to show the world just how you do it. Enjoy feeling powerful and witnessing how much what you possess matters and what it brings to the table with any task at hand. This will leave you feeling better than ever. 

Monday, June 30, 2014: Projection
No prior projection could fit the explosive enthusiasm you will experience once you start the week beautifully by pulling from your inner resources right from the start. You can over-achieve by yourself in a spectacular way if you realize the source of being savvy is infinite.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014: Link
yourself with very important causes on a larger scale by aligning your values and standards with the ones applied in those fields of influence and you will thrive as a strong part of the whole giving life and bringing inspiration to it.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014: Strategic  
Even if you are being strategic today, you would not be able to make a significant advancement unless you first find out you cannot bypass making yourself feel good and be super-charged with great energy before, during and after tackling your most desired projects for the day.

Thursday, July 3, 2014: Communicate
Let yourself communicate genuinely and  wholeheartedly about what moves you the most so you can get re-inspired and reminded of the incredible reasons you have to get out of bed and conquer the day with unwavering determination.

Friday, July 4, 2014: Design
After you have poured out your soul yesterday and become rejuvenated and strengthened, there will be nothing left but to design the outcome you wish to achieve as you see it fit. Then, pursue its fulfillment tirelessly and relentlessly.

Saturday, July 5, 2014: Loving  
A new self-appreciation is in store for you after a week chock full of newly created memories and fresh self-discoveries. Spread your loving energy both to yourself and to those around you in order to give you a cozy cushion of understanding and acceptance.

Sunday, July 6, 2014: Behest

You can have the energy adhere to your own behest as you remain strong-headed and focused to bring to realization your top goals and precepts.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Use your own projection as a starting point to link in a strategic way to communicate and design your own loving behest for well-being and prosperity.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Beseech an earnest behest for a loving design to be able to communicate your strategic link in a boldly organized projection for the best future to come your way.

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Energy of the Week for June 30-July 6, 2014: Savvy

This will be a lucky week for you – and no matter who you are and whatever your unique special quality is, you will not only be able to be powerful and savvy, but you can bring it out into the open and make it work for you like never before.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Even if you lack confidence now, you can still gain it back pretty quickly. For starters, you know for a fact you are really good at something no one else can do – being you. This matters even more than ever this week since you will be called to show others what you and only you are about. Everything you are made of, whether you are shy or closed off or not, will become much too important to overlook or hide. Developing circumstances will pull from you like a magnet what you hold within and you cannot help but share it. This in itself can naturally unleash a waterfall of self-expression, especially if you have been suppressing it for awhile. Remember, you cannot hold your own creative spirit a prisoner. It is shaped by everything you have lived and experienced through lifetimes and cannot be extinguished. It always looks for ways to show up and get engaged in something. If you can only realize how important this is for your entire life performance, you will keep feeding it inspiration and become its keeper and agent so it becomes an integral part of everything you do. Just tune into it and when you hear it banging on the door you have locked inside you – open and release it. This is what makes you savvy at its strongest and best – incomparable to anything else.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
You can have all of the skill, discipline, ability or talent to be successful in your business life you have acquired by following your inspiration or even surpassing your own limitations. But the savvy it takes to have concern for others is something you can only get through the clarity you have gained by being of service and putting your best foot forward while offering it in a first-class package. The great connection to others your business position has put you in is exactly what you need in order to grow yourself. It is your chance to give what you have and hold inside. This is a direct cause and effect situation with what you are gaining at all times, because once you release and outflow your wisdom, you make room for so much more to come in – filling you with energy, resources and much more unceasing inspiration. If you open up and keep the wheel turning, you will enjoy a constant flow and the endless precious opportunities it brings your way.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
You cannot be savvy without the invaluable practice of being in social relationships with those around you. This is the only way for you to learn to care and be fair. Always look for the overall best interest when considering any circumstances involving you and those who matter to you the most. Bringing your kind and gentle warmth into it helps, but is not enough. Only by learning to give and take in real life can you realize nothing else works unless you keep this sincere exchange in a 50-50 balance. Even learning the hard way is worth it, because at least you open up your eyes once and for all.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for June 23-29, 2014

Find the PEACE within yourself and the whole world will yield to your inspiration and desires.

Monday, June 23, 2014: Happy
Oh, happy day to start off the week on the right foot and in a crazily good mood about everything! You will find yourself giving hugs, even if you are usually the most distant type of person. Greet strangers and start conversations just because you feel so good and you cannot help it. Someone may just get the spark they needed from your smile and pass it on. You know how fast wild fire spreads, so the next thing you will witness is everyone uplifted and jolly all around you. What a great thing!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014: Direction

Sticking to your direction can feel tricky to do at times, but when you manage it, it will pay off big time. This is where you belong. Finding yourself somewhere else does not fit for you and would not give you the outcome meant for you to have.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014: Sign
Whenever you notice a closed sign when you are approaching a desired opportunity, it does not mean it is closed forever. The key is to not get disappointed, but to turn around and come back soon to recheck on it. Everything always works in the divine timing of our universe – as it coordinates with everything else and has to coincide for everyone else involved in the experience.

Thursday, June 26, 2014: Proliferate
Since everything in nature is prone to proliferate, both good and bad, they grow and expand in their own right. So you need to keep encouraging the good and constantly take care of clearing out the bad. This way, you only end up having what you prefer on your plate.

Friday, June 27, 2014: Wonder
Today will cause you to wonder if there is a better way to approach what you are trying to accomplish for yourself. Don’t fall into fence-sitting where you just play mental gymnastics, such as what if this or what if that. Go straight ahead to pinning down the facts of what, when, where and why of all of the options so it becomes clear which is the best way for you to go and swiftly move on.

Saturday, June 28, 2014: Decide
After what you have gone through this week, you might want to decide to have an exceptional time and keep the peace with others no matter what it takes – even if they may be falling off of their good energy. This way, you can inspire them even more while you benefit yourself from going through the process.

Sunday, June 29, 2014: Understand

By now, it may not matter anymore how well others understand what you are trying to do for yourself or not. After you realize they can go their own way and you can follow yours, the pressure will fly away and everyone can feel as free as a bird to do whatever they see fit for themselves.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

I am happy with the direction I have chosen for myself and follow the sign to proliferate my optimism as well as wonder how I can decide for myself to understand what is happening around me in every moment.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

I allow myself the opportunity to understand we can all decide to wonder or proliferate as we are looking for a sign to clarify our direction so the means to keep us happy are always there.

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Energy of the Week for June 23-29, 2014: Peace

Make peace with yourself to smooth out your own energy flow and heal any disruptions in your environment affecting you in a deeper way. This week is about giving others a hand and embracing the people around you for better or worse. It is all about learning to respect others for where they are and not expecting them to come up to your level of understanding or enthusiasm. The more you can simply let everyone just be, you will have an easier time with what you personally are creating.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

Peace on the outside begins with the peace you have within yourself. Anything that has ever angered you or left a residue of a lingering resentment could be clogging your energy from flowing freely and powerfully. You cannot shake it off until you come to terms with it first. Let it go. Those who have affected you the most likely did not click with your vibration at the time – which left a gap between you and them. If they have known any better, they would have done it differently. There is no sense in holding this against them or torturing yourself. This is like punishing yourself for something someone else did to you. Once you clarify it from this point-of-view, it will be easy to let it go and clear yourself from anything you are allowing to get to you based on the actions of someone else. With a clean energy slate, you can do anything. By keeping yourself clear and honest, you will enjoy an inner purity and wholeness which magnifies itself with who you are and what you need to accomplish for yourself and others.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Do you have people who are challenging to work with in your business environment? It’s time to change this over the next few days. You do not have to be nicey-nicey or overly social with those who you are having trouble communicating with. As a matter of fact, the key is to be clear and factual so you do not get involved in any emotional drama. Allow them to do their thing and you can do yours. There is no need to suffer from anything they may or may not do. If you stay detached, you can keep peace in the office and just let everyone vouch for themselves. No one can take away or outshine you when you are open and share sincerely by showing your true nature and talents. Remember, no one is better or lesser than anyone else. We are all just different in how we do things. Even though there are shared opportunities in most business dealings together with others in a team effort, you can still keep your portion of the work yours and separate from others – even if they are involved in the same project. If they do not hold up their end, this will show up. You still need to keep on doing the best you can. The mutual results will not disappear, especially in relation to how much input you have contributed, even if their performance was not as good as it should have been. You made the whole better by just being in it. Everything you do counts, no matter what and nothing can get lost. Use the extra confidence you have gained to be your best at all times.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Does it hurt inside when people closest to you do not understand you well enough? So, what do you do about it? You cannot afford to let others bring you down as there will not be enough energy left for you to go on in a solid way. From another person’s perspective or point-of-view, they may not have even noticed what you are going through or have a good idea of what is happening with you – even if you have shared extensively. It is just the mere nature of our different personalities* and how we give and receive communication that makes all the difference. Do not take it too seriously when others do not agree or try to discourage you from doing something they might not even have a clue about. You can still move on and take all of the responsibility for doing so. Therefore, relax and do not worry about what anyone else thinks and stay focused on what you are doing instead. Peace.

*Hint: There are four different avenues we communicate within ourselves and others and is how our intuition works. Give yourself the gift of discovering your own spiritual gift order through our Beginner’s Package and Howard Wimer’s comprehensive book Inner Guidance and The Four Spiritual Gifts comes included along with in-depth audio guides, which will help you be the best at expressing and following your own hunches. Order it now.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for June 16-22, 2014

Do not question, but EXAMINE the real reasons for the inspiration you are getting so you can follow it one hundred percent for yourself and not let anyone else stop you from moving forward with it.

Monday, June 16, 2014: Fresh
Today you can feel like fresh bread coming out of the oven – warm, inspired, sizzled and delicious with flavors and spices. Prepare your own recipe for your own life’s happiness and the dish you become will be served just the way you want it. Since nothing else can stop you, just take care of you not stopping yourself. Then, you can do anything.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014: Dynamo

You will start feeling the inspiring wave of energy through your bloodstream today from the moment you open your eyes in the morning. If you focus on it and keep away from anything that may not be aligned with it, you will enjoy a super dynamo day filled with thrills and chills all over. Since you may not want it to be over, you might even stay up late at night trying to keep it going longer. Savor this momentum to keep you moving ahead with high vibrations.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014: Research
Take what you do more seriously. If you get excited about something today, make sure you go down to the nitty-gritty and check on all of the facts (what, when, where and why) of the situation you find yourself in so you can indeed gauge it properly – even if this means you need to do a little more research. Nothing will remain hidden if you start looking for it with determination. With a full and clear picture by being well informed, you are sure to make the right decision.

Thursday, June 19, 2014: Compact
Today may try to dump on you a lot of things all at once in order to test whether you can keep your main goal a priority. Your best bet is to work in compact units on one thing at a time, advance as far as you can until you need to switch to something else and work on this for awhile. Take notes and keep tabs on everything so you do not lose your train of thought or where you left off when you need to come back to some other task at hand. By day’s end, you will feel like an experienced juggler who managed to stay on top of it all while keeping every one of their balls in the air. Yeah!

Friday, June 20, 2014: Surround   
You may need more encouragement than usual today, so surround yourself with nature, pets or sincere friends who are ready to back you no matter what and will continue to remain loyal to you – even if it may seem as if something about your life is getting out of hand. More often than not, all of this is short-lived, but it will allow you to stave off those around you who cannot put up with any of your superficial short-comings, simply because they lack a deeper understanding of who you really are. Let them go and let them be. You only need true friends with you. You are better off alone than with people who are flighty and run away from you with the first cold breeze.

Saturday, June 21, 2014: Levitate
No matter where the week has taken you up to now, you are simply going to have the best day ever! You might as well plan a well deserved celebration, because as you levitate through the day and all things fall into their right places, it will make you want to cherish the moment. Give your inspiration the credit it is due with a big giant thank you as it saves your day – once again!

Sunday, June 22, 2014: Action

Do not wait to put into action all of the great ideas flowing though your mind, which you have already had a chance to examine well and confirm as a great strategy to pursue for yourself. Just like a magic carpet, it will take you flying above all of the trivia and any small challenges along the way to the dream place you really want to be – the peace and quiet of your inner serenity.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

With a fresh dynamo optimism, research your best options in compact units to surround yourself with top notch energy and levitate high with an inspired action.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Always keep yourself in action to levitate and surround yourself with great energy so you can move steadily in compact units when you research the best opportunities there are to be a dynamo and make progress with fresh inspiration.

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Energy of the Week for June 16-22, 2014: Examine

You get inspiration all of the time and if you feel really inspired, you can do absolutely anything – all with a lot of great energy. If you feel uninspired or allow someone else to squelch your enthusiasm, your energy can fall flat and it will become pretty hard to follow up or accomplish your goals. There is only one thing to do: examine how some things get you going inside and how others turn you off and make sure you do not let anything keep you from what you want to do deep inside.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

As you know, when you feel inspired, you are powerful, fly on the wings of your high energy and can do just about anything. And you can easily tell when this is not the case. Therefore, examine what causes the difference. Could it be the positive perspective or exciting expectation you have for how things can really go and the fact you are in full control to make them happen your way? Whatever it is, inspiration always comes from within and makes everything you have to do feel light and easy, even if it takes a lot of work or effort. Many say, it is not work if you enjoy it. Using your inspiration makes you as happy as you can be as it elevates you to be able to bring your best self forward. If something stops you, stalls you or it feels as if you do not want to do it, but you have to anyway, this may take away from you the super charge inspiration brings your way. Without it, it is like pushing and pulling upward on a steep incline. Since the key is to stay inspired, use more often what helps you be that way so you can bring yourself to a higher and better energy state. This week, watch more closely and catch yourself when your energy starts dropping. Stop and cleanse* yourself to uplift and pull your energy back together again. It helps to decide that you are not going to settle for doing anything unless you are inspired to do it. Then, seek the sizzle inside to bring it out and make it a part of everything you do.

*Personal Energy Cleansing and World Cleansing techniques

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
Anytime you need to examine your options as to what to do, choose the most inspiring one to you before any others, no matter how practical or lucrative they may be. This will ensure your motives are the purest and you are tapping into the truest of energy coming your way. It is also the most inspiring to your customers, because it will uplift their energy and they will respond, especially if it is something more meaningful to you and you manage to share it effectively. It is time to stop hiding the things that excite your world and start exposing them for all to see. The inner reasons you have clarified for what interests and uplifts you the most can be the most appealing thing about you so you can have the greatest influence. As long as you include it in what you do to be of service, it will make it more noticeable, unique and unforgettable. Then, you can win everyone over once and for all.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
Your immediate environment is usually first to find out about your initial inspirations. Sometimes, others may not be tuned in to who you really are. As a result, they may miss on what means so much to you. In this case, it may cause you a setback, because they are not you and might not understand how your intuition has worked overtime to give you such a great inspiration. Remember, everyone goes by what they have experienced, so if what you are getting is not what they can relate to, they may point out it is impossible to accomplish. If this happens, all it shows is that it is indeed impossible for them, but not to you. You are the one who has picked it up through your own sensitivity so do not give it up on anyone else’s account. They may not feel exhilarated by it because it did not come to them. If they are indeed sincere friends, they will realize this and still support you in whatever you want to do for yourself. However, if they are more shallow, it would appear to them that you are wasting your time. Since it is not up to them, you must stay detached and recognize it is important for you to follow your heart. If you don’t, perhaps no one else will. In any event, examine and trace the source of your inspiration. If it came from within, do not doubt it. Just flow with it. Let others know you do not need their permission to be yourself and rely on your own intuition. Case closed.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for June 9-15, 2014

An AMAZING time will be had by all this week, but you need to feel the same way every week in order to make it a habit. Be in great spirits and out of nowhere all good things will pour your way – left and right.

Monday, June 9, 2014: Circle
Coming full circle, you may go back to the exact place you were in if you detoured from being an amazing example for others to follow. You can personally fix a thing or two from your past before you move on. If you find yourself in a situation you previously attempted to escape from, it will not be possible to avoid it again. You will need to finally face up to it. Today will show you how important it is to be responsible so you can see for yourself what it takes away from you, especially when you turn your back on something you did not want to deal with originally. If you can just be honest with yourself, it will all work out for the better. Now is your chance to do it right.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014: Forthright

Since most likely yesterday set you back on the straight and narrow, it will almost be impossible not to be forthright and sincere in everything you encounter today. If your stomach turns over at something you did not expect, take a big deep breath before you open your mouth to speak up about it. Measure your language as well. Unless what you express is absolutely amazing, you might be better off not voicing it or it will work against you more than you can afford right now. As long as you take this precaution, you will end up a sure winner.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014: Expand
You are bound to expand what you want to do naturally, however, how you do it matters in terms of how much it will go in your favor. Even though you might be able to fool someone around you who is not paying attention, you can never blind the universe when you are using the resources sent to you inappropriately. If you want more opportunities, develop a balanced approach and become the people in your environment’s best friend. Build your relationships on real consideration and those who connect with you will help you grow a few times over your own perceived limit.

Thursday, June 12, 2014: Love
You cannot spend a single hour today without that fluffy feeling you may not experience when you are bitter or cranky – love. Nothing really works without it and only you can save yourself the grief from finding this out the hard way. Take more seriously caring unconditionally – not only for yourself, but for others, too. You can virtually watch yourself go up or down emotionally as the day progresses if you refuse to look at this straight on. Making a small change in your life is simple when you finally see what needs corrected and adjust it accordingly.

Friday, June 13, 2014: Action
The people you run into today may be the messenger of a bigger idea sent your way. This cannot be accomplished without action. It will bring you much success as long as you undertake it diligently with pizzazz. Do not ignore what anyone has to say and read between the lines to recognize opportunities presented to you so you do not miss on what is possible to do – but only if you are willing.

Saturday, June 14, 2014: In Tune  
Finding the right harmony to be a part of today will be essential for your being in tune with it. You need to know where you belong so you can be in the right place with what is meant for you to achieve. Think about it so you can decide whether it is worthwhile to look into it more closely and avoid the hurtles you do not need to bump into. If you are really clear, you will definitely be in the position you are meant to be in. As a result, you should have more time to relax and enjoy the entire journey.

Sunday, June 15, 2014: Unbelievable

What could be more unbelievable than if everything you planned happened – and all you have hoped for manifested during this short dynamic week? Be in for a great surprise when it feels so natural when life surprises you even more. By wrapping up a great experience, you will be putting yourself far ahead and charge you with even more energy than you had a few days before. Now you can be prepared to move quickly and surely toward your desired goals without any doubts or uncertainties.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Come to a full circle by being forthright with the experience you want to expand and bring out a keen love for action so you can stay in tune with yourself to have an unbelievable and unexpected result.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

It will be unbelievable if you manage to keep your life in tune with your environment by taking a positive action toward love so you can expand yourself in a forthright way to come to full circle with everything you have hoped to achieve and culminate for yourself.

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Energy of the Week for June 9-15, 2014: Amazing

Put a colorful zing into this amazing week as the energy is inviting you to have a veritable ball and remember it for a long time to come. The opportunities will be lining up just right for things to work out for you and this means you are in for enjoying yourself with everything that is going to happen – with your help.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

You will be in charge in order to steer things your way – all the way. Knowing there is an opening for you to go all out by taking the lead on your own should encourage and empower you – all at the same time. The energy is giving you a huge hand and if you play your cards right, many of the outstanding things on your list may just get resolved in the best possible way. However, you cannot just limp your way around this one. You need to stay very confident so the rest of the pieces you need to have fall into place will rally around you. Should you drop the ball by becoming doubtful or insecure, you will most likely not be able to hold on to the reins as firm as it might take to guide and unfold everything your way. The key is to believe you do have it in you and you just need to bring it out. You can do it. Dig inside for more firmness and tenacity so you can really trust you deserve the best of what you can envision for yourself. It will simply be amazing!

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:  
An amazing business is one that serves its patrons with dignity, respecting their need for the demand by treating them fairly. It is important to always satisfy what they sought out from it in the first place. What does your service have and what is it lacking? This week, you can help make up what has been missing so far. Take a look at the big picture and all of the pieces of the pie making the whole. Swiftly choose the top two areas of your business that could improve. Find a quick and easy approach to make them better in some way. Even your attempt to upgrade things can be appreciated by those it concerns the most. This will bring back a positive and grateful energy showing you everything you do counts even more than you might expect. With a little nudge, the energy will give you a big hand in advancing your work for the overall good even more.    

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:
First of all, if you have an amazing feeling to make things happen with those you care about in your environment, you will discover it is quite infectious and will get spread around like wild fire. All it takes is a little spark from you showing others how life can be fun and entertaining, even if there may be some pending serious decisions to be made by you or those around you. The better mood everyone is in, the easier it will be to use inspiration and true sensitivity to render any important agreements and rally the forces. This is because, deep inside, we are all looking for more or less the same meaningful things – happiness, health and prosperity. A little cheer added to all of this goes a long way by bringing hearts and minds closer to each other and acting on common goals.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for June 2-8, 2014

EXALT yourself by feeling more inspired and being more organized and your entire life will take off like a missile. The more clear, focused and determined you are, nothing can stop your flow from staying on track toward your desired direction.

Monday, June 2, 2014: Return
Return back to your roots and the true reason for the most important endeavors you are pursuing for yourself. Remind yourself of the great meaning all of this has for you and let it uplift and excite you with new energy and inspiration to keep moving in the right direction.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014: Exact

Having an exact plan of action will help you go smoothly through today without too much confusion or delay. Do not start doing anything until you know how your day will flow so you can tackle the most important of tasks first. Regroup during your mid-day break to recheck you are staying on track and also at the end of the day to summarize everything that worked well or not to gain the wisdom from everything you went through directly.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014: Wonderful
It will prove to be a most wonderful day by being able to stay in high spirits throughout the week and be on top of your game while making everything work well for you. The occasional hick-ups won’t bother you as much as you will be able to figure out simple ways to fix them in no time. Give yourself a big reward, relax and rest to keep your energy high after a job well done.

Thursday, June 5, 2014: Understand
No matter what you do, it includes others and today is all about being able to understand their position so you can be fair and considerate in your dealings with them. Stop, listen and respond with care in the name of the overall best interest which will allow you to keep your ship afloat as well.

Friday, June 6, 2014: Sizzle
Being connected to others may have its ups and downs, but today it will sizzle you more than you can remember ever having done it before. This is because you will witness a great example of someone with your bare eyes – right in your own environment – doing something terrific. This is bound to exalt the way you feel overall and spark your ambition to go for the gusto yourself.

Saturday, June 7, 2014: Love
Your heart may get filled with love and kindness compliments of the soft and beautiful energy in the air today which will make everything look even more heart-warming and heart-felt for you than usual. Appreciate these moments of connecting on a deeper level with the true affection of the entire universe that creates and sustains everything there is.

Sunday, June 8, 2014: Uncanny

Astonishing and extraordinary, today will bring you uncanny feelings that will transcend you into another level of self-understanding and grateful recognition for the magical nature of this plane we exist in. This will make you want to have your entire life go this way – fantastic and with ease, as it was meant to begin with. Just stay connected within to your pure essence and everything will go incredibly in every moment.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

If you return to yourself with an exact precision for a wonderful way to understand both you and others, your life will sizzle with love and uncanny experiences throughout.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Your deep uncanny love can bring sizzle to how you understand the wonderful way to create great deeds in an exact fashion in order to return to your very nature.

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