Weekly Energy of the Day for October 8-14, 2012

OUTSTANDING experiences for you to grow and expand your state-of-consciousness will be knocking on your door this whole week. To open it, bring out the best of who you really are by giving your talents freely to the world. Do not overlook what you have to offer no matter what. You are the most important person to yourself and by living your personal spiritual message, you can also be the best you can be for your environment.

Monday, October 8, 2012: Wing

Can you fly on the wing of your own imagination? Do not reduce your dreams to daydreaming. Use the right perspective of your unlimited potential to make anything your heart desires a reality. Take yourself and what you truly want seriously. Go for it, plan it, communicate it, execute it. Nothing in the universe can withstand your creative power to make it come true.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012:
Today, you can learn a key lesson – there are unlimited resources to do what you came here to do. At the same time, do not be superfluous and waste anything. How you put to good use what you have within your reach matters. Why would more come to you if you waste it irresponsibly? Utilize everything you have wisely and you will find you have whatever you need and want.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012: Act
How can you make one act you do today count so much it will make history? Use the most special quality you own – your uniqueness. Put it to great use and do something spectacular with it. Whether you say something wise, do something incredible, come up with an unbelievable approach to handling things easily, there is so much you can improve in your own life as well as others. If you put on your thinking cap with this in mind, you can easily wow the world with your ideas.

Thursday, October 11, 2012:
What would it be like if you could truly live in a wonderland? You can experience it on a practical level if you simply manage to make everything about today wonderful! Begin by bringing out your enchanting attitude, positive outlook and magic touch. Then add the something else only you know you can do best – and this is your recipe for success. Let us know what happens!

Friday, October 12, 2012: Unique

You are unique. How have you lived it? And, more importantly, how have you expressed  it in everything you do? This is your time to be even better. Remember, you are your biggest strength. Your own unique creative edge is what makes you different from everyone else. It is the one thing that others will notice because it brings out your inner power and who you really are.

Saturday, October 13, 2012: Levitate

Having a sense of floating in the sky and feeling light is what today is all about. How would you like to be on cloud nine from now on? Do what is right for you first. We call this being loyal to yourself. This way, you will levitate through the day like a free bird while soaring high above the Earth and loving it. Do not look outside of yourself for acceptance or success because no one else can do it for you. This is for you to do by uplifting and motivating yourself to create the best experiences you have ever had so far. Promise yourself you will follow-through to make this the best time of your entire life.

Sunday, October 14, 2012: Win

Today is about a conquest you have with yourself. In other words, win yourself over and be on your own side from now on in everything you do. If you do not do it, there is no one else who can do it for you and you will be filled with bitterness, anger and resentment if you end up ignoring yourself. Since you can only do for others what you do for yourself, even if you want to be selfless you cannot help them without helping yourself first. Make a commitment for this to be the first day of the rest of your life. Start it right from now on by always being loyal to yourself first – and never looking back.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Fly on the wing of great opportunities without wasting resources by being superfluous and act with a wonderful attitude in your own unique way so you can levitate in the moment, enjoy life and always win in your heart.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

You can win others over only if you levitate your energy in a positive unique way by being wonderful and act with an uplifting attitude while not being superfluous so you can soar on the wing of real happiness.

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Energy of the Week for October 8-14, 2012: Outstanding

The more outstanding you are in your work, the longer you will be remembered. Nobody stands in awe of an alright or average performance. What makes you stand out in a crowd where everyone else can see you? There is only one job you can do better than anyone else and this is to be yourself! What is this unique something about you? You have become who you are through lifetimes of experiences. Everything you have done and learned from is a part of your own energy and goes on with you.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

The most important thing about you is what you have come to live and refine every day of your life as a purpose that guides everything else you are involved with. If you accomplish everything else, but fail to be yourself, you will have wasted your life. There is a certain magic that happens to you when you are just the way only you can be. Be true to yourself and what you stand for despite of all of the weathering storms you may have gone through. In any given situation, there are endless ways to respond and act on them differently. There is but one balanced, positive and dignified way to be the real you and that is to do the right thing with integrity and passion! When you do what is right for yourself, this is always more powerful than anything else. This week, is it your choice whether to hide from your true self or to be truly outstanding. Allow yourself be a striking example and you can move mountains and inspire thousands. Otherwise, you will never know how magnificent your life can actually be until you do it.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
With all of modern technology, life has become so advanced it requires quite a lot of means to go through it adequately. These inescapable demands have shifted our focus into a constant quest to earn money instead of applying our talents to be of service to each other with the sincere desire to grow spiritually in the process. While money is nothing but energy and is needed to secure our needs, when it becomes primary, let alone the only reason for being in business, the natural reason business energy exists gets lost. When the convenience of gaining money becomes the sole driving factor behind what you do, it will foreclose the opportunity of sharing yourself with the world and giving it your best. Money for its own sake is not yours to keep and if you do, everyone will lose, including you. The right approach is to view it as a byproduct from unleashing your unique skills and gifting them freely to the world. This is not only the only way of achieving real fulfillment and true growth, it is the path to be outstanding in everything you do. In short, if you sell yourself just for the money, you will always sell yourself short. Recognize and embrace any opportunity to employ what you are all about in a business project so you can personally advance yourself with it. Just be yourself and give it your all so you can be as rich you can be. Now is the time to decide exactly why you are you doing what you do.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

Many times, the people in your immediate environment are blind to acknowledge how truly outstanding you really are. This is like being a prophet in your own country and is due to their limitations, not yours. If you undermine yourself by buying into this view, it may prevent you from going as far as you know you are capable of. No matter how much you love and respect others, do not cater to them. As long as you know you are worthy, do not look for the approval or permission from anyone to be yourself and do what your heart desires. Expecting others to understand this about yourself is a unique challenge, since they are not you. Do not compromise your inner drive and ambition for anyone. This will not do anything for them while it will sacrifice your entire future. You have come here to live a full life for yourself and others are not qualified to make your decisions. Besides, if you really love others, you will do what is right for yourself first. If they truly love you back, their only concern will be to see you happy and only you can make this happen. By living for yourself and inspiring others to do so for themselves, this will create the greatest balance any relationship can have while achieving the most solid and happy environment for both of you.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for October 1-7, 2012

Be firm and RESOLVE to make all of your plans revolve around your life purpose and what you came to accomplish for yourself. Sharpen your communication skills by being totally tuned in so you can receive all your inspiration from your spiritual guidance. Share and connect with others even more by respecting their way of doing the same for themselves. 

Monday, October 1, 2012: Purpose
Set aside this special time to acknowledge what living your life purpose means to you and recognize more how this is the way the most energy flows through you. Get a notion of what this means for the people you love. Become more familiar with what each member of your family is passionate about by either asking them or regrouping on what you feel makes them tick. You will be amazed at the different and meaningful reasons why everyone around you has come to planet Earth in this lifetime and the reason you are all together.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012:
Your life will be everything but stagnant today. Are you going to let the dynamics of the day feel complicated and overwhelming or will you stay on top of it by guiding everything with a clear direction? Simplify your agenda with a factual approach and resolve to stay on track no matter what. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012: Incredible
Today, it is up to you to decide to have an incredible day and by doing so turn it into one! Plan a special way to treat yourself and surprise your peers with a much more radiant you. Then, watch them get inspired and how all of this will soon manifest into the greatest time all of you have ever had.

Thursday, October 4, 2012:
Raise up
What can you do to raise up the spirits of everyone around you? Take a short break to talk about what gets each one of you excited. This will re-inspire all of you again so you can recharge with a top notch energy and be bubbling with it throughout the entire day.

Friday, October 5, 2012: Instigate

Your opportunity to be proactive this week continues on. Persuade those in your environment who may try to instigate something negative by redirecting their energy and converting it into positive. You can motivate others around you by communicating clearly and making your appeal inspirational.

Saturday, October 6, 2012: Sincere

The spotlight is on you here again, so be forthright and outspoken in your genuine interest to be sincere in all of your communications today. This will help you initiate an atmosphere of open sharing and true concern which will take you and everyone around you to a higher level.

Sunday, October 7, 2012: Loving

You cannot help but become loving and warm today because of the nice feelings you have inside after a great week full of endearing experiences. Use this occasion to remember what you got out of what worked the best from everything you did.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Use your purpose to direct the dynamics of the day in an incredible way and raise up your environment even if someone may instigate a negative action by turning it around for the better with your sincere and loving concern.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

The more loving and sincere you are, no one can bring you down if they instigate something negative because you can always raise up your spirits with the incredible dynamics of your life purpose.

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Energy of the Week for October 1-7, 2012: Resolve

Determine your best plan of action for this week and make an earnest decision to follow it to the “tee”.  Resolve to move full speed ahead and give it your all as we enter the last part of the calendar year. You will need to use your inner and outer communication skills to discern exactly how you need to do it.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

When you are effectively communicating within yourself, you will receive all of your inspiration through your sensitivity – not your intellect. If you pick up an impression or a knowing of what to do, do not question yourself or doubt any notion of the way things are going to work out. If you are picturing in your mind a vision of possible solutions to situations that may come up, do not expect or try to get everything done perfectly all at once. Great things take time so do not get disappointed as long as you are using the opportunity to learn about yourself while putting one-hundred percent of your energy into making it happen. If you are constantly getting ideas and thoughts going through your mind, listen to this inner voice so you can make swift decisions and move on. But have patience with others who may not have it as simple and clear as you do so you do not become overbearing. Finally, if you feel you have an important reason for doing everything you are involved with, be strong by putting all of your bubbly energy into helping yourself and others while remaining detached. Whichever of these four major ways you are receiving your primary dominant intuition through, you still have all of them in a certain order. The idea is to put them to work and resolve any inner conflicts within yourself from not following what is coming to you. This will ensure you do not cut yourself off from receiving your own answers since they are the only natural and true ones for you.

Hint: If you are curious and want to find out more about your own order of the different ways you pick up inspiration, you can easily do it with our Beginner’s Package and receive Howard Wimer’s book Inner Guidance and the Four Spiritual Gifts which goes more in-depth into each one.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
There are four basic facts to consider in any business objective: what, when, where and why. Without clarifying all of these four w’s well, you cannot render a practical decision and be efficient in what you do. In other words, you cannot skip making a solid plan before you undertake any important business endeavor. Resolve to set your goals, state your vision and communicate your intentions clearly to those who are concerned with the services you offer. Employ the best strengths of your inner and outer communication skills – what you know, see, think and feel to achieve what needs to be done. When you are well prepared and ready, everything becomes easier. This is where the fifth “w” comes into play – who is really going to gain from what you do so everyone benefits the most – both you and everyone else?

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

Resolve to make the best out of all the interactions with others you have in your life today. If you make an inner commitment to be the best you can be, then you will inspire everyone else around you to be the best they can be. Show them how to be more balanced by being an example of how to change every obligation into an opportunity to appreciate and learn from all you do. This will uplift them and make everything you and they do more meaningful. This way, everyone feels enriched. Since communication makes or break it most of the time, you will definitely want to take what you do and say more seriously this week. Take it upon yourself to be more flexible and diplomatic in order to accept others just the way they are and seek diligently to find middle ground to share and bond with them despite any differences you may possibly have.

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The Energy of the Month for October is RALLY

This month, rally your resources and inspiration so you can move forward with renewed strength and enthusiasm. Since no one else knows you better than you do, only you can set your personal direction by tuning into your own sensitivity. Here are a few facts to clarify and consider to help you do this easier and better.

How this energy affects you in your personal life:
Everyone has come to fulfill a life purpose, which does not mean to get rich, be in a skilled profession or come up with a new discovery, etc. It is rather a personal spiritual philosophy, deeply seeded through lifetimes. Each one of us lives every day to share and pass it on to others. Our lifestyle, achievements and occupations are simply avenues we choose to enable us to live it. So, if it is our life purpose that keeps us together, are we true to it or not? When people pass on with “their song still inside them”, they either waited for permission to live their own purpose or for someone else to tell them what to do. Because it is impossible for anyone else to know you as you really are, it is up to you to bring it out. Also, this is not something you do occasionally, in your free time or in one day. You live and breathe it all the time. Open yourself to it totally and become as happy, accomplished and fulfilled as you can be by simply living it to the fullest! If you really want to make it happen, recognize what truly matters to you more than anything and what makes you the most inspired. This way, you will rally your inner strength to be who you really are and utilize and benefit completely from it.

Hint:  If you can use some help defining your innate individual life purpose, participate in our Intermediate Package (Inner Guidance Consultation Program) and learn how to find all of your own answers with a direct two-way communication technique with your spiritual helpers.

How this energy affects you in your business life:
Who do you rely on the most in your line of work? The people who have organized the opportunity you have become involved with and those it is serving can only help set up the format for you to step in and make it all come to life using your own unique abilities. The more self-reliant you are, the better your results will be. You can count with yourself the most when you are utilizing all of your inspirations. Listen to the little voice within telling you how to apply them in your business activities. Bring out that something special only you can offer everyone else. In other words, because you are your own best original, exhibit it through what you are doing at all times and seal it with your unique signature. By taking pride in everything you touch, you will reach others in an unforgettable way. This will enable you to rally support from your environment more than you ever thought possible and take you much further in life.

How this energy affects you in your social life:
This is a great time to rally not only your friends, but also your opponents or competitors. Since the best you can ever do in any given situation is to just be yourself, whether it involves close or distant relationships, all you can do is offer them your own unique outlook on life – your life purpose. Whether others like you and are inspired by you or not does not matter. They can still learn a lot from you they cannot learn anywhere else. So do not take this opportunity away from them. The same goes the other way around. You can learn from them as well. If you look at it from this perspective, these invaluable learning experiences will only cause you to be closer to  everyone. Do not keep anyone away. If someone does something you would not do yourself, thank them for inspiring you to be vigilant to not fall into the same trap. Realize you are learning a great lesson from them. In a way, they have suffered through it so you can be a witness and decide not to do the same. This may also inspire them to appreciate you in return. These mutual experiences could only bring you closer together and you may even discover giving people another chance benefits both sides.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for September 24-30, 2012

You can ACHIEVE everything you want as long as you are loyal to yourself first while still having proper consideration for your environment and the society you live in. Be mindful of not only what you are doing, but how you are doing things. Take all of the wisdom from the norms of the scientific knowledge and religious traditions around you as a means to an end, but not as an end in themselves.

Monday, September 24, 2012: Sense

Today is all about making things make more sense. If you run across something that has lost touch with reality and why it is there in the first place, you can use this opportunity to revise it by revisiting the reason it was there to begin with. It may be worth your while once you realize doing this puts you in a better position to achieve what you truly desire.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012:
Are you honestly ready to do anything it takes to achieve what you really want? Just empty desires will not accomplish anything if you are not willing to put your best efforts into what is truly necessary. Even if it takes a lot of blood, sweat and tears, it will all be temporary, while the results you achieve will be there for good!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012: Secular
Whatever your outer beliefs, today the energy will inspire you to bring out your own inner way of living your life and how you make major decisions. Anything else in the outside world you choose to go by is there only to give you general guidance. But when it comes down to the real truth about who you are as a soul, this stems from your own individual uniqueness which is your secular expression of you belonging to your inner world no matter what else you follow on the outside – and is sacred. This is the reality of you being in the world, but not of the world. If you overlook this, you will miss the basis of where you begin and end. This way, you will gain the most out of everything you are learning on your inner and outer journey through life.

Thursday, September 27, 2012:
Make a move to make your day sensational. Let’s face it – if you really want to make a huge difference, impress people by influencing them with what you are putting in place for yourself. Not only will this will affect them in a big way, but your life will improve by leaps and bounds by just going out of your way and saying it like it is.

Friday, September 28, 2012: Redesign

We all live by patterns in our everyday lives, but today is the time to redesign them to fit better with the new and developing interests and aspirations that are driving and inspiring you now. Clarify what this means for you so you can re-craft the model you go by at the present time, be in a new frame of mind and happier than ever before.

Saturday, September 29, 2012: Action

Taking action has never been easier. The energy will pretty much start off with what really needs to be done. All you have to do is follow the right path so the doors open for you. Do not ignore any opportunities today and see them from every angle so you are not missing out from having a too narrow point-of-view.

Sunday, September 30, 2012: Write

Write down the most significant accomplishments you were able to achieve this entire week, not only to make them memorable, but to see how much they have changed you for the better. This will definitely increase your incentive to move forward once you realize your efforts are really paying off even more than you could have expected.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Use your inner sense to be ready to consider how your secular basis for being in this world can help you make a sensational decision to redesign your direction with an inspired action so you can write your own future history using your unique signature.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Write an action plan to redesign you life with a sensational understanding of how your individual secular experiences can get you ready to live fully for yourself in the best possible sense.

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Energy of the Week for September 24-30, 2012: Achieve

This is your week to achieve the results you have been pursuing from your heart. It is not about what others may be expecting from you or what you think you need to accomplish. You can always get what you want as long as your energy is balanced and what you are gaining from it is for your own greatest benefit.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

If you are doing what you have been told and getting all of your projects done, but still feel empty inside, you may be serving the wrong boss. When taking direction from others in a situation where you are expected to deliver per their organized way, this may not bring out your own creativity and inspiration in the unique way only you can achieve your most incredible results. There is something else you may need to do for yourself. Society has been following the scientific and religious ways of accomplishing forever and these rules have shaped the culture of how everyone is expected to do things and pursue their goals. How well has this worked altogether and especially for you? This usually depends on how you have allowed this system to micromanage you. There is much to be learned from these authorities and their approach in guiding our lives, however all of these norms are just a model of behavior. You still need to shape your own individual pattern and what precisely you need to follow for yourself. The key is to take all of these approaches as means to an end and not as an end in themselves. Make a decision once and for all what your individual approach needs to be and be true to yourself in the ways you will use to achieve your most important personal accomplishments!

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
Every business goes by a set of rules established by leading forces in every societal system where both science and religion dictate how to serve others in the best possible way. These standards have been affecting major decisions of business leaders since the very first time someone offered a service for someone else and the first business transaction took place. Have you ever wondered why some businesses do well while others fail in the same society which obeys the same set of established norms? Of course, they all mean well and want to contribute by serving their culture. So what causes a different outcome? It is not about what you do, but how you do it. When decisions are made so strictly and narrowly by following the letter of what is assumed you should do to achieve your results, sometimes the spirit of how it needs to be done gets lost. Through your inner freedom, you can take things in stride and put your own signature on how you want to conduct business in your own way. This allows you to express higher inner standards and make every process you are involved with get better results. This is called putting your own two cents into it and really making it work better for yourself while, at the same time, accomplishing more for everyone else.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

What do you really want to achieve in your social life? Many people take their families or relationships for granted once they are established. They do not continue to employ their best efforts in being there one-hundred percent and sharing their utmost with them. How can you benefit the people in your closest environment even more with your innate talents and abilities? This is the best arena for you to be able to express yourself and grow personally and spiritually. If you cannot do it here, you cannot do it anywhere. Do not wait for others to do something special for you. Take the first step and come up with something that will really blow their minds. Get them inspired and they will surely follow your example. You cannot put a price on the extra-special experiences this will create for all of you together.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for September 17-23, 2012

This week is a CHALLENGE to change all of your obligations and make them into opportunities. It is time for a complete make-over of how you view your life. This means to face what life offers you and turn it around for the better by embracing it and doing your ultimate best no matter what happens. In other words, no running and hiding! If your circumstances are too demanding, boldly step up to them, grab them and work through them. You are able to handle anything you set your energy for.

Monday, September 17, 2012: Done!

You can be motivated today to get inspired and ready to accomplish anything you need to do by envisioning the sweet joy the result will bring you. Charge up your enthusiasm by just thinking how great it will be once you are done!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012:
Pick a couple of uplifting examples of what inspiring people from history have done to overcome the demanding situations they were faced with. Because today you will need to live up to their standard of using all of your passion to bust through the surprising twist and turns that may come your way.   

Wednesday, September 19, 2012: Seeing
While you are getting dressed and ready to start your day in the morning, do not forget to put on a pair of rose-colored glasses to see the world even better than you have been in the past. You cannot resolve any situation without seeing what is really going on in-depth underneath the surface and finding the underlying reason for it happening to you. By discerning the cause rather than the affect, the whole situation will relax and you will feel like moving forward again.

Thursday, September 20, 2012:
Use your own inner knowing that everything is going to be alright no matter what to positively influence your environment and send away all of the stress and worry from the unforeseen. If you search long and far enough, you will always find the solution necessary to satisfy any demands on yourself. Get yourself a cup of warm tea and enjoy the process.

Friday, September 21, 2012: Hearing

Choose a quiet place where you can open up your sensitivity to hearing the inspiration coming to you, especially on how to simplify your life by discerning the facts of what, when, where and why so you can reach a practical decision and follow the right direction for yourself.

Saturday, September 22, 2012: Feeling

Today, feeling really good will help yourself and others bring out your warmth and deep concern from within so you can share the possibilities of how everyone can get involved and participate in any special events together.

Sunday, September 23, 2012: Regroup

Take this wonderful time to regroup your past experiences and acknowledge everything you have learned, everyone you have touched and the way they have touched you. Nothing can be more inspiring than getting a sense of the fulfillment from what all of this has given you and the energy and growth it has brought you. By doing this, you will not be able to keep yourself from smiling and being really happy.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

It is done! as you overcome all the challenges in your way by seeing, knowing, hearing and feeling how you need to regroup your life and move on to follow your right inner direction.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Regroup yourself by feeling, hearing, knowing and seeing in your own inspired way to overcome the challenges you face on a daily basis and get it all done!

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Energy of the Week for September 17-23, 2012: Challenge

Are you up for a challenge? This week the energy will stimulate you to engage in an extra special effort with everything you are doing – all for a good reason – to learn even more from all of your personal experiences.

How the energy of this week affects you in your personal life:

It is a common perception that a challenge is difficult and takes a lot of extra energy to go through. But the truth is you have learned much from the trying times you have lived so far and have become a much better person as a result. In short, this really helps you grow. It is as if you are getting specially trained by having to figure out the best way to handle every situation that may at first seem uneasy. Unless you are anti-improving and just want to have it easy, your life will be bringing you all kinds of challenges one after the other. In fact, the more the better. As soon as you become proficient in responding to one, do not waste your time. Start with another! If you are accomplishing significant tasks and are willing to go faster and determined to succeed, you are in for a track full of hurdles. The more and the higher they are, as you develop the ability to leap over them, you become the most skilled possible. Once you embrace this as a necessary way to grow, the key is to set your energy right from the beginning. Accept any challenge openly by feeling good and ready for it and knowing you can fully well handle it. Last but not least, appreciate it and see it as the opportunity to apply all of your abilities and greatly improve who you are inside and out.

How the energy of this week affects you in your business life:
We all live in a time when if you want to be of service, you have to jump through some pretty high hoops to be good enough to succeed and make it last. This challenge of offering your best with everything you do, especially to benefit others, is a great thing. Not only does this keep you on your toes all of the time, but it also demands you to stay on top of the fast-paced developing technology and overall advancement in leading societies. This way, you can be adequate and up-to-date. How can you stay ahead of the curve? You need to open yourself up to be more connected with your community, country and the whole world. What is the customer in your field of expertise looking for on a global level? Today, any fact about anything on the entire planet is just a click away. There is no more excuse for ignorance. Why would you not offer the best you can do? Take the time to consider how you can really help others and make their experience working with you a pure pleasure. Not making this extra effort is denying them a better experience and is cutting you off from the opportunity to bring your A game. Besides, a challenge only seems hard if you run away from it. When you run toward it, pick it up and go with it, your energy will excel in every possible way. Do not let a challenge pass you by – especially this week.

How the energy of this week affects you in your social life:

Do your family or friends feel like a challenge sometimes? Well, you cannot give up on them! Remember the reasons you chose them. With all of the special interactions you share with them on a daily basis, this allows you to grow beyond belief and you will not miss the tremendous opportunities these experiences bring you. If any situations seem impossible to handle, it only means there is something even better you could be doing than you already are. Make it a privilege for them to have you by their side! Being the best example and an inspiring supporter for them will do it. Empower yourself with the wisdom of great patience and the warmth of genuine care. The true energy of your pure concern and desire will surpass anything negative and touch the heart of everyone around you. Then, any challenge will just melt away and become a graceful opportunity for you to be yourself and, of course, love others.

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Weekly Energy of the Day for September 10-16, 2012

You are capable of turning things around this week to having the best QUALITY in every area of your life. As you may guess, the spotlight is once again on you and your every move will count for the type of results you will be getting.

Monday, September 10, 2012: Personal

When you sharpen your personal direction and make decisions necessary in your life, you are creating your own energy. Since you do this inside of yourself, no one else has a say in it. Then, you are ready to interact with the world around you based on your energy and if anyone disagrees with you – it is their thing not yours – as long as you are not encroaching on anyone else’s boundaries. You will not mind what others think when you are confident inside and do not take anything personally. After all, no one else has your unique insider point-of-view except you.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012:
If you are attempting to communicate with others today, but your energy is not up to par, you will definitely need to regroup and reset it so you can readdress your audience with the right attitude. Again, remember it is not only what you say, but it is also how you say it that matters.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012: Underline
You may stress on something very important to you today. You could see this coming up again and again until you are able to understand the reason behind it. Underline in your mind what you are learning from it with a magic marker so it does not get erased with time, but is there to remind you of the great lesson you already took time and effort to learn.

Thursday, September 13, 2012:
If the immediate world around you happens to be in an uproar, you may need to quietly step aside and remove yourself from the situation that has erupted. You are better off to relinquish what has been said, let go and retrieve back into your own space and energy so you can remain clear and positive.

Friday, September 14, 2012: Exact

In order to make things work better for you today, you will need to pin down the exact facts of what is unfolding in your life and make an executive decision as to how to approach it. Remember, your energy determines the outcome of everything you are involved in.

Saturday, September 15, 2012: Redesign

When life is handing you a chance to redesign your own path, like today, you can really improve on where you have been. Bring out your strongest motivation to help you realize what you are really pursuing. What you set in place now will draw more energy to it in the future and will inspire you to do the best you are capable of.

Sunday, September 16, 2012: Success

Quality takes real sweat and fortitude to achieve, but if you realize how much it is enriching you in the process, you will enjoy the journey and it will take you to great success. Let us know what quality works of yours are bringing you success today.

Key Word Sentence for your Direction This Week:

Put your best personal efforts to readdress anything outstanding and underline what you need to relinquish so the exact plan of action becomes clear after you redesign your direction to success.

Key Word Sentence for your Sensitivity This Week:

Be empowered with your success and redesign the exact steps you need to take to relinquish the inefficient and underline your future only with the best when you readdress the personal issues slowing you down.

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